Would you like a diamond-encrusted Rolex with that, sir?
(Editor’s note: This is our first post from Di Gestive and we would like to thank her
Continue reading →Would you like a diamond-encrusted Rolex with that, sir?
(Editor’s note: This is our first post from Di Gestive and we would like to thank her
Continue reading →The Tory Party have had a brilliant idea that will be tightening the sphincter of every IT specialist in the land. Perhaps we should call them the SupposiTory Party. Enraged by the sheer waste that
The Killer Fish of Caerbannog. Looks harmless, doesn't it?
Watching this wonderful documentary is a salutary lesson to us all: the natural world is filled with beauty and wonder, astonishing ingenuity
Continue reading →A time for family and joy
Ah yes, as the nights draw in and a chill fastens itself to the world, as the first stumbles and slips on icy pavements
Continue reading →Under the circumstances, I suppose it’s nearly mandatory that I start off by saying, “Evening, possums!” I was as disappointed as
Continue reading →Well, new management folks! There will be an ‘alternative Ms Raccoon’ for the next couple of months – someone has very kindly volunteered to fill my shoes whilst I concentrate on getting better.
Continue reading →Those of you who know me well, will be aware that I have not been well in recent months.
Thanks to the excellent French medical service, which is second to none, I have undergone a battery
Continue reading →Somewhere between my greasy gang land garagiste era and before sliding into the ice age of the Lord Chancellor’s Office, I ran a small hotel in Suffolk on the outskirts of a vast
Continue reading →That shrill group of legal harpies, Harriet Harman, Maria Eagle and Vera Baird, otherwise known as the Government ‘Equalities’ Office, have chosen today to launch
Continue reading →Undeterred by the egg splattered faces of scientists struggling to extricate themselves from a rising crescendo of claims that the whole notion of global warming and climate change is fraudulent, and oblivious to
Continue reading →Down on the Googlemail funny-forum, one patient won’t be taking any more medication
Earlier this year I had a long and at times irritable email correspondence with Oliver
Continue reading →The Anger of a Quiet Man on the farce that is Catherine Ashton’s new appointment.
Raedwald on the need for a European Army.
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The weather is still 20 degrees plus every day, the skies are clear and blue, but we know that Autumn is with us for the woodlands in these parts bristle with signs warning that the age old
Young Mohsin Khan was driving along with this collection of 10″ blades held together with chain under his car seat. He was stopped by Police on his way to a West End nightclub.
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Right, lets take this very, very, slowly.
The gentleman sandwiched in the middle of these two ladies, as he has been for some time, is David Curry MP.
Continue reading →Are you sitting comfortably boys and girls? Then I’ll begin.
Once upon a time, my husband and I hoped that this year’s speech might contain something about cleaning up this den
Continue reading →The blogging world is essentially diamagnetic to the iron fist of controlling legislation. We scattered like whirling dervishes to our keyboards to denounce Baroness Buscombe’s suggestion that the PCC might encompass the
Conservative Central just don’t get it. They pay lip service to the idea that the electorate are up in arms about MPs expenses, they mutter that the electorate are ‘our Masters’, then
Continue reading →Ed Balls, Secretary of State for Children.
Salary: £142,000 pa
Claimed expenses: £21,429 last year
Outlined above is the official nature of Ed Balls’ job
Continue reading →Two days ago we had the farce of searching South London for a 25 stone Afro-Caribbean woman based on the sole information being that she had a mole under her
Continue reading →The Mail on Sunday holds out the delicious prospect that we may yet see some ‘naked’ civil servants. Whilst I have lambasted them previously for their inaccurate reporting, they have taken another bite
Continue reading →I heard on the radio that a ‘dangerous murderess’ had been taken for a stroll round the local ‘Toys ‘R’ Us’ and decided not to return to the secure mental hospital whence we had thought she was safely
Continue reading →One of the ‘events’ I missed during my three day sleep in, was the defeat in parliament of the removal of the ‘freedom of expression’ amendment to the Coroners and Justice Bill.
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