Censored in the UK – the documentary made by the policeman in charge of the McCann investigation.
You-Tube if you want to, the Laddie’s up for Gurning……
Ms Raccoon is unwell…….
The management regret that Ms Raccoon is unwell.
Her next performance will be at ?
Comments are off.
E-mail is off.
Continue reading →Child abuse for the iPod generation…….
Do these people not have any brains at all? By these people I mean specifically the management team at Apple. How could anyone, no Continue reading →
The Government doesn’t know what ‘broke’ means.
In the wake of the Chancellor’s Budget, Directgov has today launched Moneyspeak, a new, free simple tool.
Moneyspeak is an interactive tool that puts those confusing and alarming economic terms we hear every day into context.
Continue reading →Government Balls.
Cardsharps and Mudslingers…..
The Right Honourable Prime Minister is ‘pickun an kewins’* again.
Gordon Brown’s curiously animated appearance on YouTube yesterday can only have been as a result of the Susan Boyle phenomena; someone had Continue reading →
Quick – Blears at it too……..
What every young McBride should know before marriage……
There is a case for full disclosure by any public body of any document … which would shed light on the disaster and its aftermath.
Another blogger threatened…..
Short on time to write this morning, and missed this one during the week whilst I was travelling……… Blogger Continue reading →
McMysogeny and Gynophobic Politics.
Four webmasters jailed
McBride, McCann, McSpin and McSmear
Nought out of Ten for One of the Ten Best Sex Toys
Glancing, as you do, at the Independent web site, I caught sight of a list promising to disclose which frisky fun-purchases might qualify for inclusion in the site’s list of the Ten Best Sex Toys. So, I read on…..
I clicked through
Continue reading →Gonçalo Amaral’s Documentary
Responsible Reportage, Myths and Mythology.
Do not ask for whom the bell tolls…….
The ‘Filth’ v the Filthy……..
There was an expectant air in the main stream media yesterday, waiting for ‘it’ to kick off. Waiting for ‘it’ to fill their column inches for them, for ‘it’ to