Long ago, there was a country club with a golf course called ‘Quindell’. A man called Rob Terry ran it, despite his previous company, Innovation Group, apparently vanishing up its own backside – leaving him some £12 million to
Continue reading →Slater & Gordon’s annus horribilis.
Chugger chokes Mugger.
‘Give a Smile UK’ describes itself as a ‘social enterprise’. In practice that means they take local people who have been ‘affected by the recession’ and unable to find full or even part-time employment
Operation Notarise.
October 2014 – and as ‘many as 20,000 to 30,000‘ potential sex offenders, or vile perverts in tabloidese, had been identified. There was outrage that all those on the list provided by the National Crime Agency hadn’t been
Continue reading →The Taming of the Screw?
Once upon a time, children, in this septic isle, we used to slope off to Sunday School in order to learn the rules of moral transgression. Moral authority was exclusively the preserve of the Church, who denounced sinners
Continue reading →CPS accused of suppressing police corruption evidence.
It would seem self-evident that London and the UK is the world centre for laundering ill-gotten gains – house prices in London didn’t reach their current stratospheric heights as a result of decent honest businessmen competing to house
Continue reading →Sister Frances Dominica Ritchie
Sister Dominica is a 73 year old Nun from the Anglican order of ‘All Saints Sisters of the Poor‘. She eventually became Mother Superior of the order.
Her younger brother, David, was born with only one
Continue reading →Janner and the Henriques Report.
Sir Richard Henriques has produced an exhaustive report describing the minutiae of every decision made in respect of Granville Janner.
The main stream Media has reduced those 47 pages to:
“Lord Janner: CPS
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George Washington and ‘I can’t tell a lie’.
George Washington and the ‘I can’t tell a lie’ Cherry Tree fable is probably the most enduring myth about an American leader that any English schoolchild will remember. Even the myth has myths around it – the original
Continue reading →Lord Bramall: IPCC identify ‘victim’.
For all the richly deserved ‘scrambled egg‘ that decorates Lord Bramall’s formal dress, none can mean as much to him as the discreet star depicted here – which signifies that he was the 973rd person personally chosen
Continue reading →Odour Cologne.
‘Taharrush gamea’ – it sounds like a sexually transmitted disease; a cross between Thrush and Gonorrhea. It is a word you will become only too familiar with in the coming weeks. Taharrush gamea is spreading like the plague across Europe.
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Release the ‘Booze Hound’ from Anonymity!
Would you give Louis Richardson a job?
Reading History, head of the Debating Society, member of the Conservative Party, a confident, presentable, appearance; he should score well as you sift through the initial pile of
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