As some of you have gathered by now, the Leiomyosarcoma cancer, or Leo as I call it, has returned. Bugger, Damn, Shit and Blast, from the woman who swore she would never swear on her blog, is all I
Continue reading →Probably NOT the Last Post – Who knows?
What a Difference a CFA Makes! – Part Four.
Restorative v. Retributive Justice is a debate as old as civilisation. Restorative Justice is possibly the most fashionable at the moment, in that it focuses on the needs of the victim – and offender. It is a
Continue reading →What a Difference a CFA Makes! Part Three.
Another day, another CFA. Good Lord, another Russell, Jones and Walker client. How strange that they should all choose the same brief?
It is 1974, yet again, and yet again the claimant is 14(question mark). How
Continue reading →What a Difference a CFA Makes! Part Two.
For those of us interested in actual truth, until today, we were still where we started; the only allegations which have seen the light of day – Continue reading →
What a Difference a CFA Makes! Part Two
What a Difference a CFA Makes! Part One.
A ‘CFA’ is a Conditional Fee Agreement – in plain English it is a type of insurance that will ensure you do not receive a bill for the time and effort expended by your legal team –
Continue reading →What a Starr! – Freddie Starr.
Wow! The confabulations that showed up in the original Duncroft allegations continue to unravel.
Freddie Starr is to sue Karin Ward for slander and malicious falsehood.
Karin Ward, or Kat Ward as she likes to
Continue reading →Gathering Winter Fuel Statistics….
This is Guadeloupe. Pretty little place isn’t it? A Caribbean island located in the balmy Leeward Islands, in the Lesser Antilles. As December descends on those of us in the northern hemisphere, so the balmy