Bringing the Marxist commandments to the masses – continued…
It seems that my favourite left-wing blogger is feeling a little peeved that some of us have taken
Continue reading →Bringing the Marxist commandments to the masses – continued…
It seems that my favourite left-wing blogger is feeling a little peeved that some of us have taken
Continue reading →An early and highly prized polemic example of social engineering by Jesse Eaglin in 1931. You will recognise the technique, indoctrination of the children.
Tomorrow, Our
Continue reading →The Middle East Peace Envoy was in town to rouse the faithful and chide the doubters.
The congregation seemed more interested in jailing him than hailing him as the great Messiah, he in
Continue reading →The aims of punishment are said to be fivefold.
It is difficult to see how the decision of the Confederation of African Football to fine the Togo national football team $50,000 and ban
Continue reading →The Mail on Sunday has a track record of making up stories. See HERE and HERE .
However, the law of averages says they must be telling
Continue reading →A strange car pulled into the yard of our small farm, and out stepped a perfect specimen of the tweed-skirt-and-sensible-shoes that is usually encountered behind the cash register of a High Street Charity
Continue reading →The wonders of capitalism in these recessionary days.
Simply Direct, a beverage distributor in Ireland, will shortly start distributing a new product to around 4,000 retail outlets in Ireland and England.
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When at some time in the post-apocalyptic future you want to hire an utterly feckless jerk, then look no further than
Continue reading →I have been following the turgid, monotoned, dialectic of modernity, as the left seek to replace their champion, the oppressed working class – who have now vanished up the exhaust pipe of their new Ford
As the national press went into overdrive on a poor young woman (who will henceforth and forever be ‘ME Girl’) and the moral issues raised by her
Continue reading →You shall not make for yourself an idol, whether in the form of anything that is from Nokia, or
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The words ‘Nanny State’, perhaps augmented by an ‘overweening’ must be the most overworked in the lexicon of ‘Nu-Labour’ descriptions. Today I bring you surprising news of how ‘entirely relaxed’ they can
Continue reading →A Dallas man, mired in the recession that has caught so many multi-property owners during the collapse of the sub-prime market in the US, has developed an interesting and profitable side line.
Continue reading →Britain’s intelligence services raised the threat level of a terrorist attack from ’substantial’ to ’severe’ last week, meaning an attack was considered to be ‘highly likely’ – despite the Home Secretary saying
Continue reading →We used to be neighbours of Ken Clarke. His reputation in the locale was not altogether positive, he was known as a man who never let anyone get a word in edge-ways. Bombastic was the word most often
Continue reading →The Iraq Inquiry was intended to ‘find the bodies’ in the murky world of the military build-up to the Iraq invasion. Yesterday it appeared that this included the only-just-cold body of David Kelly, the British
The self-appointed luminaries of the former ’street of shame’ like to complain that the trouble with bloggers is that we take their ‘free source of news’ and enlarge on it, without thought for
Continue reading →In the presence of so much other lunacy over the last eighteen months, attempts by everyone from management consultants to social workers and bankers to hide their
Continue reading →The Indy (other newspapers are available) has a rather depressing exposé on the police farce here. As many heretofore law-abiding
Continue reading →The tectonic plates of Europe are definitely shifting. Further to my earlier piece, where Tunisia had mysteriously slid north to become part of Europe, the Normans have rekindled their old belief that
Hang on to your hats or – if you go bare-headed while using PCs and Blackberries – prepare to
Continue reading →The combined forces of Doncaster Social Services and Ed Balls are conspiring to keep the truth from us, but for once the BBC has acted as whistleblower. You didn’t notice? Ah! It was
Continue reading →I'm sorry, Mr Prescott, but there simply are no jobs involving pies, croquet and blonde secretaries…
Everyone keeps telling me that after the General Election, we will see more changes
Continue reading →Me? The 13th Duke of Meeja-Blackarts? At the Chilcot enquiry? With my reputation? Has no one thought of the consequences?
So, Alastair Campbell (not the reggae musician!) has appeared
Continue reading →There are dozens of aphorisms of this nature, most of the entirely unsuitable for this gentle blog, which indicate that once something has happened, it’s pretty
Continue reading →Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Captain Tony Woodley and Flight Officer Derek Simpson, we’d like to welcome you aboard this special UNITE
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