Bonkers-watch: the lunchtime edition
In the presence of so much other lunacy over the last eighteen months, attempts by everyone from management consultants to social workers and bankers to hide their innate lack of talent behind strangulated English has been sorely neglected. So here’s an educationalist classic:
‘Seamless learning practices through integrated, thematic approaches to personalised learning, which ensures the development of overarching concepts’
The simple translation of this passage is (I’m told) ‘Children being taught about important issues through different subjects’.
Because the EU has set targets for 20% of its energy to come from renewables by 2020 (how chosen – finger in air?) electricity customers are paying more than £1 billion a year extra on their bills to subsidise windfarms. This is part of a Government scheme to force energy companies to fund green energy.
What’s actually happening here is that the Government is offloading the cost of its Green policies…..and the Electros are in turn passing it on to us. It’s a hidden (and highly inflationary) tax to help a financially incontinent shower make ends meet. At the same time, however, it’s yet another example of how the Belgian leviathan intends to dictate to us how we shall enact its bad science into law. (Oxymoron of the decade to date, by the way, has to be ‘settled science’ in relation to renewable energy).
January 26, 2010 at 13:01 -
The only reliable way to get solar energy is to put satellites in orbit and beam the power down. Wind energy will never be cost effective because you have to have a standby quick response generation system there for when the wind isn’t obliging – which can be up to 50% of the time.
The sooner the AGW climate ‘change’ green brigade are shown to be the con artists they are and this stupidity is dropped the better.
January 26, 2010 at 14:24 -
….and similarly who do you think will pay the “Obama Bank Tax” that the left are crowing about? Yup, we will. All of us in our banking charges. This shower of socialist tosspots from the White House to Continental Europe and the UK have found a great way of getting Private institutions to gather taxes indirectly.
January 26, 2010 at 14:30 -
What’s happening to education? No wonder there’s no time for reading and maths. My seven year old came home to tell me PCSO’s were visiting the school to get the kids to design posters showing illegal parking so they could discuss it with their parents. When the hell did that become part of the national curriculum?
January 26, 2010 at 14:36 -
’settled science’ is an oxymoron in and of itself. Science is never settled.
January 26, 2010 at 14:44 -
Actually, I’m an expert in renewable energy and make a very good living at it.
Wind farms. Very expensive alternators with fibre glass blades on tall poles. the average price of say a Vestas 2MW turbine will be around £2M. Quite why I have no idea. You get your money back in under ten years and they have a 20 year life span.
Anyway, a quick look at Vestas share price over the last 5 years shows you would have seen a 1000% return by October 2009
If the government is going to throw billions at these things, the very least I can do is help myself to my money back. Big Stylee.
January 26, 2010 at 15:31 -
A bonkersness-stenographer writes:
Take yourselves to the Town Hall in Amsterdam (lovely city) and ask politely for the Council Report on wind-power trials to the north of the City, 2000-2005 – when Brown thought wind-power was what emerged from his bum after one of those 3 am binges.
It says absolutely and conclusively that they are noisy, overpriced, need much servicing and have a limited life….but above all,outside of the Mongolian 70 mph wind desert bits of China, they don’t work.
End of, as I believe they say in Essex.
Much livelier here than at Chilcot.
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