The future in the Coffee Grounds.
Hissing Brown and the ‘S’ word.
Jamie Janes of the 1st Battalion The Grenadier Guards
Jacqui Janes is the woman we need in Parliament.
Whichever party has the wit to sign her up as Parliamentary
Continue reading →Let them Eat Whine and Erections for the Whining Clergy.
Fresh from whining during ‘Alcohol Awareness Week’ about the estimated 91,000 deaths that will occur in the next decade due to the over consumption of evil booze, which is apparently an ‘unacceptably high death toll’ amongst
Continue reading →The Difference a Word Makes…
Yesterday we honoured that breed of person known as Soldiers. We can add the word ‘old’ in front, as in ‘Old Soldiers’ and we become particularly deferential. Somehow existing for 50 years in peacetime after
What to do with a Shrink on the Brink?
Amidst the politically correct carnage which is the American corporate media trying to write something, anything, on the meltdown of politics and religion triggered, quite literally, by Major Hasan Nidal at Fort Hood, without offending
The Women in Parliament.
Back when Noah was still drawing up the blueprint for his Ark, long before I was born, my Aunt stood against a certain Bessie Braddock as Conservative candidate
Grate Expectation of Smouldering Members…
On Bonfire Night, On Bonfire Night
It’s time to set the land alight:
So load the faggots, pile the wood,
Stack the logs and stack them good!
Pile on
God! I will pack, and take a train…
And get me to England once again!
When Rupert Brooke wrote those lines, his England was a rural idyll that represented welcome relief from the turmoil and
Continue reading →What is a Backbencher?
Branding consultancy Celestial Fred has been invited (in the light of the expenses scandal and Labour leadership rebellion farce) to submit proposals for repackaging the role of backbenchers. Below is the keynote speech by CF’s
Twenty million quid!
‘Cos we’re borassic thanks to bankers, Patricia Hewitt, an’ being crap!
By destroying the UK holiday sector!
Twenty million
Continue reading →Nellie the Elephant…
Historians delight in calling this or that epoch ‘The age of enlightenment’ or ‘The industrial revolution’. But for those in charge, every age is one where inherent contradictions have to be denied.
Continue reading →Orwell Prize 2010
The previous winners of the Orwell Prize have been illustrious political writers.
The prize was founded in 1993 by Sir Bernard Crick who, through his long-standing connection with The Political Quarterly, had negotiated with them
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading
Gone Fishing!
I leave you all in the capable hands of Ms Smudd and Master Ward, who will continue to amuse and exasperate in equal quantities.
I shan’t
Continue reading →Lordy, Lordy, look who’s 40!
Yesterday marked the 40th anniversary of the creation of the ARPANET, the precursor to the Internet. On that day in 1969 a small laboratory on the UCLA campus unleashed a force which has
Continue reading →Flash Gordon now has 40 days to save the world.
10 days ago, Flash Gordon announced that he had less than 50 days in which to save the world. The main stream press have responded to his dilemma in magnificent fashion, and the suggestions
Continue reading →What is the measure of a society ? Court of Protection
I ask this question because there is a maxim that says “a nation is judged by how it treats its most vulnerable citizens”. This is from US President Hubert H. Humphrey and the full quote is:
Continue reading →
Official No 10 Website………..
Court of Protection
I am so coldly, rigidly, white knuckled angry, that at 3am I still can’t sleep.
The cause of my anger is an article, so poorly researched, so sensationalist, so, so utterly, incompetently wrong, written by a ‘Whitehall Editor’
Continue reading →Hain Claims Vindication.
Ex-Minister Peter Hain leaving the scene of yet another little misunderstanding in 1969.
Continue reading →So, it was Rape!
There are powerful biological reasons why women fear rape. There are equally powerful biological reasons why men protect their womenfolk from rape. We have an inbuilt instinct to ensure that the food supply will support
Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading…
When you have the time…..
Almost two hours long, (and there are already rumours that Continue reading →
In Pursuit of Partisan Pantomimes.
The BBC’s Mark Thompson claims that he had ‘no choice’ other than to invite Nick Griffin on to Question Time because of the Corporation’s ‘central principle of political impartiality’ – nicely distancing himself
Continue reading →The Griffin has Landed.
As ‘G’ Day approaches, the BBC Chief’s of Staff are out strutting their stuff to assure us plebs that the battle will be won, there will be no loss of life amongst the
Continue reading →I’m Piglet, Fly Me!
Good Morning, this is your captain speaking. I would like to welcome you aboard my maiden flight.
I’ve never flown a plane before, I’ve never worked on a
Continue reading →Lest we forget…..
The Algarve summer is over, and rather abruptly so.
On Sunday, I was at the beach, enjoying the final days of warm and dry bliss of this long summer of ’09.
Continue reading →Swiss Roll Ball into Own Goal.
When you don’t have many claims to fame, you need to work hard at protecting the ones you do have.
The history of
Continue reading →++ Exclusive ++ Matthew Parris on ‘Thinking before Bedding’.
‘Journalists think before they write – bloggers write before they think’, runs the popular mantra of those who extol the virtues of professional journalists over bloggers.
The uproar over Jan Moir’s
Continue reading →‘Stalking horse’ threat to Gordon Brown
On your expenses you can put the fat fee,
For I want McCavity out full and fair,
Wi’ Harriet Harman, Jack Straw, and Mandy,
Jacqui Continue reading →