Barack Obama has been sworn in as US president for the second time in two days, because one word was given out of order during Tuesday’s ceremony.
“Out of the abundance of caution, because there was one word out
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Barack Obama has been sworn in as US president for the second time in two days, because one word was given out of order during Tuesday’s ceremony.
“Out of the abundance of caution, because there was one word out
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The afternoon reverie is shattered by the grinding of metal, the squeal of tyres and the smell of rubber and aviation fuel.
It is the sound of the Gordon Brown’s ‘Hindenburg’ government apparatus simultaneously crash landing whilst performing a full
Continue reading →Some of you will have woken up to newspaper headlines extolling the wonders of the ‘Big O’ and its promises to make the earth move for you too – the world watches as Obama achieves the ‘Big O’. Sex used to
Continue reading →The American constitution states that by 12.00pm on the 20th January Barack Obama must state the following……
“I [Barack Hussein Obama] do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the
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Good morning Happy Taxpayers! This is your leader speaking, I’ve finished saving the world and I’m turning my attention to you!
Yes, today I have set up a new business for you, today you are going to be book-makers, I
Continue reading →Metodo3 is working harder than ever to upgrade their image. Marita Fernández Lado the founder, tells us that Método 3 is a socially responsible company which has been
“maintaining its company compromise of transparency all these years, getting to
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Our Coco is sitting comfortably in her VIP seat at Obama’s inauguration.
First one to see her and correctly describe her (diabolical choice, Coco!) hat wins a rechargeable nasal hair trimmer.
Continue reading →The BBC have not completely abandoned in depth investigative journalism. They have just unearthed this gem to add balance to an emotive report of the devastation in Gaza.
The price of Donkeys is subject to an inflationary rise – there is no petrol.
Continue reading →A powerful inauguration speech, deeply reminiscent of a southern Baptist declaration from the pulpit, but I take no issue with that.
The commentators were keen that we should get the message that this election represented an end to racial divisions in the US – unfortunately, if that
Continue reading → Kenneth Clarke, the former Chancellor of the Exchequer, will return to the Conservative front bench in today’s major reshuffle. He will become shadow business secretary and take on the equally shadowy figure of Lord Mendacious of Fey, the former Peter
There have been several theories floating around cyber space as to exactly why Gerry McCann arrived in Portugal in his best suit last Tuesday accompanied by his lawyer – one of the more interesting suggestions was that he was making a
Continue reading →The image of who you will be when only photographs are left to remind you of your un-lined self is writ large in all our imaginations.
Those of us with a clear view of the chequered flag
Continue reading →Jay Rosen, a man who had a brief career as a journalist that he wisely curtailed with a decision to study in depth the far more interesting rise of citizen journalism and blogging, has penned an interesting academic article HERE on
Coronation Street, the TV soap opera, is something of an institution for the Northern diaspora. We relive our childhood and rekindle memories of a way of life and a gentle humour unknown on ‘suicide watch’ as the rival ‘Eastenders’ programme
“Tie sales are booming as men smarten themselves up to improve their image in the workplace and avoid the sack”, according to Moss Bros, the clothing retailer.
Certainly one man was paying attention to this piece
Continue reading →It sometimes feels as though the pyjamhideen are the only radical activists left. Sitting in their anonymous lofts, fingers flying across their keyboards.
I am heartened today to learn of a truly old fashioned student activist. 27 year old Tim DeChristopher. Respect
Continue reading →It seems that we have our own home grown Tim DeChristopher…see previous posting….
A coalition of MPs, celebrities, scientists and green campaigners has bought land earmarked for a third runway at Heathrow airport from under the
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Gerry MCann finally flew back to Portugal to assist the search for his ‘missing’ daughter – why would be be greeted by British officials? Is he officially a VIP now? Surely it would be more sensible for him to meet Portuguese
Continue reading →Back in December, Times on-line ran a story concerning Norwich council official Kristine Reeves, earning £52,000-a-year as head of neighbourhood and strategic housing, who played a key role in evicting old and frail tenants from their bungalows. She then moved into one of
Continue reading →A true knee jerk reaction from the dead tree press today.
A 20 year old student goes to a ‘Poor taste’ fancy dress party – dressed in? – poor taste naturally! He happens to be a junior activist member of
Continue reading →Alastair Darling has dismissed speculation that the Government would “print money” to ease the pain of recession.
“Nobody is talking about printing money,” he said. “There is a debate to be had about what you do
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“It is worthy of remark, that the first borrowers must have been for the most part men driven to this necessity by the pressure of want, and contracting debt as a desperate resource without any
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Marcus Brigstocke rants about religion
Transcript… with thanks to Mental Excretement
“I’d like to start this week with a request, and this one goes out to the followers of the three Abrahamic religions: the Muslims, Christians, and Jews. It’s just a little thing,
Continue reading →A statement published on the DCSF website says: “The Pre-release Access to Official Statistics Order 2008 that came into force on 1 December 2008 and the Code of Practice for Official Statistics published on 6 January 2009 means the Department must
It’s a sad day when our tiny group of islands called the UK decide that we have to go along with the EU ….. again!
It has been decided that the 100 watt
Continue reading →Historians will no doubt record that moment in time when the huddled masses should have been checking their pension statements but were glued to the TV screen watching the unfolding of that manufactured saga which is ‘Big Brother’.
Lucy Pinder is revealed to
Continue reading →Police are using helicopters at a cost of around £1m a year to move cash around Manchester in an effort to protect security drivers from attack and witnesses from ‘trauma’.
The tax payers Alliance called it a ‘ridiculous’ allocation of resources – football clubs have to
Continue reading →We can go back nigh on 3000 years to debate the rights and wrongs of the current middle east crisis. Those who quote alleged wrongs from biblical times would not be impressed to find their patch of, say, coastal Sussex, handed
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