Sister Dominica is a 73 year old Nun from the Anglican order of ‘All Saints Sisters of the Poor‘. She eventually became Mother Superior of the order.
Her younger brother, David, was born with only one
Continue reading →Sister Dominica is a 73 year old Nun from the Anglican order of ‘All Saints Sisters of the Poor‘. She eventually became Mother Superior of the order.
Her younger brother, David, was born with only one
Continue reading →Sir Richard Henriques has produced an exhaustive report describing the minutiae of every decision made in respect of Granville Janner.
The main stream Media has reduced those 47 pages to:
“Lord Janner: CPS
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George Washington and the ‘I can’t tell a lie’ Cherry Tree fable is probably the most enduring myth about an American leader that any English schoolchild will remember. Even the myth has myths around it – the original
Continue reading →For all the richly deserved ‘scrambled egg‘ that decorates Lord Bramall’s formal dress, none can mean as much to him as the discreet star depicted here – which signifies that he was the 973rd person personally chosen
Continue reading →‘Taharrush gamea’ – it sounds like a sexually transmitted disease; a cross between Thrush and Gonorrhea. It is a word you will become only too familiar with in the coming weeks. Taharrush gamea is spreading like the plague across Europe.
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Would you give Louis Richardson a job?
Reading History, head of the Debating Society, member of the Conservative Party, a confident, presentable, appearance; he should score well as you sift through the initial pile of
Continue reading →A little light relief in a week of doom ‘n’ gloom – a couple of videos as a break between the news, albeit ones that address issues far from funny. The first is a new ‘un, whereas the
Continue reading →On Wednesday, the Commons will debate and vote on whether the fearsome might of the RAF – all half-dozen available planes – will join the US and the French in dropping bombs on Syria in the optimistic
Continue reading →Politics, it is true, attracts certain ‘types’, often in stereo. On the left, there is the social crusader whose guilt at his comfortable middle-class upbringing is manifested as doing the right thing by those who didn’t share
Continue reading →Bring out your grievances! Bring out your grievances! Let the charges ring out!
It’s that time of year; the normally scattered family is gathered round the festive table, the Sherry bottle’s empty, Grandad’s fallen asleep, Mum has
Continue reading →I was all for packing my bags and hitching out of town when the final missive from the previous premises was delivered. I anticipated a few fond farewells, but I always imagined my predecessor had a monopoly
Continue reading →As the media gird their loins for days and weeks worth of satisfying bleeding, crying, heart-rending front pages, one question stands out ‘How could young men become so radicalised that they turn into suicide bombers’.
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As the media gird their loins for days and weeks worth of satisfying bleeding, crying, heart-rending front pages, one question stands out ‘How could young men become so radicalised that they turn into
Continue reading →Ms Raccoon has had her nose in this book all week-end. As with the bible, one can play pick n’ mix’ to one’s heart content. I hadn’t quite appreciated why it was
Continue reading →by Anna Raccoon on November 1, 2015 Wow! Just wow! Ms Raccoon has just returned from the hospital. Ten months ago they thought I had ‘two months at best’ – at that point you are formally designated ‘terminally ill’; that … Continue reading →
In case you haven’t seen it – what follows is the written evidence of a Kid’s Company employee that was submitted to the House of Commons Public Administration Committee. It is quite devastating
Continue reading →One of the most chilling images in Orwell’s dystopian Oceania was the army of young ‘Spies’; the children who struck terror into adult hearts by threatening to expose any deviation from approved behaviour.
‘You’re a traitor!’
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Or are you still ‘transitioning’ Officer? – As Ms West might have been forced to inquire these days.
An armed MoD police officer making the delicate transition from male to female,
Continue reading →However – he did grandly announce that he did not exist, from his position of principled non-existence. Jean-Paul Sartre would have been proud of him.
If nobody is around to hear
Continue reading →Tell me, do you hesitate to pick up a beautiful feather, discarded by an escaping pheasant? Do you hear your Mother’s voice as you bend down to touch it? I can tell your age by your answer.
Continue reading →I said we’d organise something, so here’s a very important date to put in your diaries – 19th November 2015. Previous get togethers have been in London, generally organised round Old Holborn’s annual Guy Fawkes
Continue reading →There’s many a man of the Cameron clan That has followed his chief to the field
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He has sworn to support him or die by his side For a Cameron never can
Tell me, do you hesitate to pick up a beautiful feather, discarded by an escaping pheasant? Do you hear your Mother’s voice as you bend down to touch it? I can tell your
Continue reading →Out-of-touch, privileged, cosseted from the real world, little or no interest in what goes on beyond their bubble, imbued with an arrogant born-to-rule sense of their own importance; sons, daughters, nephews and nieces of former occupants, inheriting
Continue reading →The last Duke of Rutland’s Mother in law fell down a lift shaft, suffering a head injury which left her ‘sexually voracious’. Her divorce featured a photograph of the naked Duchess, bar a
Continue reading →Just how do you rehabilitate a society where two thirds of the adult males have been jailed for sexual offences? Where more than half the population are dependant pensioners, and where, within the
Continue reading →…when she has a vagina, apparently. Germaine Greer is a woman, but not one at the top of Cardiff University’s Student Union Christmas card list. Why? Because she dares to mention the unmentionable, that transsexuals aren’t actually
Continue reading →DCI Paul Settle’s evidence to the Home Affairs Committee yesterday has been fascinating. A solid, old fashioned Police Officer, standing his ground in the face of his senior officers and an array of
Continue reading →Paul Revoir is a journalist. At least, he’s portrayed as such on Journalisted. He grubbed around in the bowels of the Daily Mail for years, delivering earth shattering opera to his Editor:
Continue reading →I woke last Sunday morning with a particular image in my mind, that could be aptly described as ‘collateral damage’ to the continuing #CSA saga. Within an hour, I had dismissed the thought
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