Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Parish Notice.
The events of the past few weeks have been pretty exhausting. On a personal level, on a health level, and finally on the level of this blog.
The news from the
Continue reading →Here’s my Trump-ence worth.
Tell you what. I’ll tell you how I see it, and you can spend the rest of the day arguing about who’s right.
See, in the beginning there was only ‘todger’ based rights. The
Continue reading →Revenge is a dish best served whenever it suits you…
When my daughter made contact with me, she had done her homework. She is a very, very, sharp and smart lady. She had also been though Somerset House
Continue reading →Confession Time…and Last Writes. (sic)
This is going to be painful and humiliating, but it is all pertinent to the big picture.
The Internet is full of characters. Some delightful, some several points past barking mad. Because I started my internet
Continue reading →Dying to be Heard.
This is not just any pink sponge on a stick – this is a M & S pink sponge on a stick.
Well now my beauties; have I got a tale to tell you!
Continue reading →Why Ms Raccoon is howling at the biggest moon since the year she was born and taking no prisoners.
Other than a couple of days last week, I have been in hospital for the past three weeks. First Sepsis, then the effects of the attempts to cure me of that. I am now the original Christmas Turkey –
Continue reading →IICSA in Wonderland.
Truly, the Home Affairs Select Committee meeting on the 18th October was a wondrous affair.
There sat the latest incumbent of the poisoned chalice chair of IICSA, Alexis Jay, blinking wildly in the unaccustomed
Continue reading →Parish Newsletter of St Raccoon’s with Bleeding Heart.
A warm welcome to the newest members of our congregation, Ali Mustapha-anuvver and his husband Ali Mustapha-anuvver-relative-somewhere. May they live in peace amongst us, and instil us with the wisdom of their ancient ways.
Continue reading →
Between Iraq and a hard place.
They did. That day. 50 years ago.
Those who were born or reached maturity after 1966 will not understand the world of that time; no mobile phones, no
Continue reading →On Yer Ched, Evans!
The partisan reporting from all aspects of the media this morning, has resulted in headlines such as ‘Fury of women’s groups as footballer is cleared in retrial’. Football forums have disappeared under a deluge of derogatory comments
Marmgate is over. The threat to the British nation posed by one web site, belonging to one supermarket, no longer offering to deliver a jar of Marmite that very day, has been lifted. Never in the
Mad Dogs and Englishmen.
I bring you an utterly bizarre case from across the pond to exercise your brain today.
Just outside Windham, south west of Bangor in the state of Maine lived a man called ‘Skip’
Continue reading →The Clown Prosecution Service.
This is 18 year old Connor Jones wearing his Halloween outfit.
It is unlikely to be a custom made outfit, which means that somewhere a manufacturer has made several such outfits
Continue reading →National Treasure – a national pleasure.
‘National Treasure’ was a triumph.
Superb acting, though one would expect nothing less from Julie Walters and Robbie Coltrane; an impeccable script from Jack Thorne, if there is such a thing as thespian justice
Continue reading →Watch the Coppers, and the Pounds will roll in…
Ms Raccoon was distracted this morning by a fascinating portal called ‘Bluelight.eu-supply.com‘. Doesn’t sound that riveting? For a Raccoon who loves scavenging through official documents it was manna from heaven! A Raccoon could, and did,
Governed by Consent.
In 1931, there were just 168,000 Britons living in India (including 60,000 in the army and police and 4,000 in civil government) – to run a country approaching 300 million people. In earlier times,
Vernon’s last wishes.
Vernon was probably about 70 when I first met him. A taciturn, socially awkward creature who found it difficult to meet your eyes. He would stumble into the tea room – he never seemed
Continue reading →Penurial appropriation.
synonyms: | poor, as poor as a church mouse, poverty-stricken, destitute, necessitous, in penury, impecunious, impoverished, indigent, needy, in need/want, badly off, in reduced circumstances,in straitened circumstances, hard up, Continue reading →
When Louis laid down his friend for his career…
When Irish eyes should be sleeping…
The Inquiry Hokey-Cokey.
MacKenzie Frenzy.They are multiplying like rabbits; private companies – ‘The Society of Professional McKenzie Friends Ltd‘ offer a directory of ‘self regulated’ Continue reading →Post-modern deconstructive macro-impregnation and other dilemmas.
Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.A sobering investigation on the effects of a variation of ‘joint enterprise’ for Mothers of children abused by their Fathers. A male Tory minister for Domestic Abuse accused of beating his wife Continue reading →Perchance to dream?
Eternal Punishment.
I wasn’t in any fit state to deal with the bickering, carping, mud hurling, whinging e-mails, or bad tempered tweeting, Continue reading →Exclusive – Lynne Owens, Surrey Police, and the ‘Arrest First Policy’ – Pt 294.
This is a follow-up post to my various posts on Continue reading →Compensating Issues.
The treacherous rocks of Continue reading → |