Cui bono? One of the fundamental questions to ask when faced with the more curious and excessive displays of human intransigence
Continue reading →Caring for the planet
Latest Update ==Tobacco, Alcohol,and other Drugs….
Note the order of words in the title!
My, but the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs have been busy little bees today.
Continue reading →Mephedrone Ban – latest news….
The resignation of Dr Polly Taylor – the veterinary medicine expert whose post is required by law to be filled on the committee – from the Advisory Council on
Continue reading →The Tarts With No Heart.
You’ve thought about it before… dumping her. Maybe this time… the Party’s really over. After all — it’s been thirteen years, and
Spot the Con.
Householders are being warned to look out for roving gangs of con-men, members of extremist cults, who are targeting people
Saul on Sunday
It was decided this week that Greenwich Park would be the venue for the Equestrian events at the 2012 London Olympics, despite a
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
AngryTeen for a thorough and intelligent fisking of BNP Policy.
Obnoxio for the ultimate car sales advertisement.
Continue reading →Quis custodiet ipsos custodes?
Steven ‘I lied about lying, about lying, about telling the truth’ Byers has referred himself to the Parliamentary Commissioner for Standards. It almost sounds honourable doesn’t it?
Byers was one of the queue
Continue reading →One in Ten
Some int’rest on a debt
I am the one in ten
Settling such a monstrous bet
Nobody knows me
Even though I`m always there
A Continue reading →
There’ll be another one along in a minute…
Last December a double-decker bus full of school children, all around nine years old ,tried to drive under a low railway bridge. It didn’t make it. The top floor
Continue reading →Physician Heal Thyself…
And breathe …
I certainly had to indulge in some heavy breathing after reading this farrago of nonsense:
Civil servants have been given counselling manuals advising
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A Few Clowns Short of a Circus…..
“Palpitating pageant of pachyderms, pulchritude and pantomime! Extraordinary wild animal exploits! Desperately dangerous displays of unrivalled aerialism! Colossally comic comedians! Dainty and dexterous displays of principal bareback equitation!”
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Tears on my Pilau
Dread news from the AP today, reporting from Gauhati in India, where the arms race has taken on a terrifying new twist.
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Dr Dolittle’s Prescription.
Finally we got an appointment to see the government appointed consultant to find out how to remove the cancerous debt tumour that is growing exponentially on the backside of our proud nation.
Continue reading →Straight out of the blocks
The first little “Brownie” from the budget has just been highlighted:
“VAT and postal A.96 – From 31 January 2011 VAT will be
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Quote of the week
“We have not raised these taxes out of dogma or ideology.”
Alastair Darling budget speech 2010……
Nonsense on stilts!
“Tax relief on pensions will be restricted from next
Continue reading →Ko Ko Brown
I’ve got a little list — I’ve got a little list
Of snivelling back-benchers who should be voted out,
And who never would be Continue reading →
Achtung Baby!
One of the most amusing ironies to ever emerge from the burgeoning European superstate is that it may well be the Germans who
Continue reading →The Trouser Snake
Screaming Lord Mandelson
Crawls through the undergrowth –
Snake in the grass.
Prince of the Underworld,
Vicious and venomous
Pain Continue reading →
+++Latest News +++
Another day, another career change. Nothing unusual in the life of Ms Raccoon, who never was a woman to say No.
Old Holborn has agreed to stand for election as
Continue reading →Corrugated corrigenda
A hat tip to Tractor Stats for setting me on the trail of this one….
Shortly after the
Continue reading →Chairman Brown’s Little Green Book..
Chairman Brown’s campaign to divide and conquer the population through fear and intimidation has a new target this morning.
Now that smokers are safely corralled in windswept doorways puffing on their soggy dog
Continue reading →The Celtic pussycat
Begorrah! It seems that the Irish public sector has made an enormous leap that our bloated, thuggish “civil” “service” seems to be reluctant to:
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Willie Haughey – Glasgow belongs to Me….
From today’s Sunday Times:
Strathclyde police is to seek guidance from the Crown Office on whether to investigate Labour’s biggest donor in Scotland and the
Continue reading →The Liar Byers.
When an MP’s lying is lauded and reeled out as a rebuttal of corruption, you know we are in deep doo-doo.
We have fallen
Continue reading →Mend it Like Beckham.
Earlier this week Sky News was dominated by the story of the Achilles injury that will keep David Beckham out of
Continue reading →The Shitbox Rally.
The never-say-die veterans are on the move again.
In a glorious explosion of non-political correctness and surrounded by a cloud of ignorance of health and safety laws, a group of ancient ‘shitboxes’ filled
Continue reading →Suffer the children
I’m straying somewhat outside my area of expertise here, but bear with me. Apparently, the genii responsible for all critical thought in this
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