There is nothing so likely to induce a murderous rage in the most mild mannered of people as sibling rage over a last will and testament. Many a family can cite feuds
Continue reading →Testementary Testosterone.
The Money Tree
The ‘Poor Laws’ movement.
The Pink Tafia is still rustling its skirts, spitting and snarling in spirited defence of David Laws. There is a gaping hole at the rear of their argument. One that is being completely ignored by
Happy Birthday!
Quote of the Day.
In its purest form, a newspaper consists of a collection of facts which, in controlled circumstances, can actively improve knowledge. Unfortunately, facts are expensive, so to save costs and
Continue reading →Robert Green – Hollie Greig
I apologise for the length of this piece. There are a lot of facts to be laid out.
I would also ask before you tell me that I have left this or that fact out that you refer
Continue reading →Wishing Your Lundie’s in Public.
I am profoundly shocked this morning. Yet again a thoroughly decent man has been hounded from office by the paranoia and narrow minded venality of
Continue reading →Bureaucratic Pecking Order
peck. Those who can’t peck,
teach pecking. Those who can’t teach pecking,
administer the teaching of pecking. Those who can’t administer the teaching of pecking,
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One Last Question – Columbo on the Case.
Some of you may remember the saga of the Libertarian candidate for Sutton and Cheam who found himself lampooned in his local paper as a ‘basque and fishnet stockings’
Continue reading →Chaytor, Devine, Morley and Hanningfield.
I managed to find a picture of the portly middle aged Lord Hanningfield with his hand in his own pocket for a change. I wouldn’t want to be accused of interfering with the
Balls for Leader Campaign Logo.
Guido has asked for suggestions for a logo for Ed Balls’ campaign to be elected as leader of the Labour party.
There is only one possible logo that would adequately
Continue reading →Victims and Villains.
The language of persuasion is subtle. With so many journalists chasing a by-line in the media’s favourite subject – serial killers! – the message is becoming muddled.
The Daily
Continue reading →Knit-a-Tit.
Baroness Scotland Sings (apologies to Ray Davies)
I got her from a bar down in old Soho
Where you don’t stay long
Or you catch a dose of Ebola
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The Ribena Option.
Magna Carta, Ch 39: ‘No free man shall be seized or imprisoned, or stripped of his rights or possessions, or outlawed or exiled, or deprived of his standing in any other way, nor will we
More Global Hot Air!
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Mount Everest is becoming increasingly dangerous to climb because global warming is melting glacier ice along its slopes, according to a Nepalese Sherpa
Keep your chin up – it’s not that bad….
The suicide rate in China accounts for a quarter of the world’s entire population of people who take their own life. Some 300,000 a year. It is the main cause of death amongst young men
Abuse of Process.
I was so enraged by this case yesterday that my mind shut down. It literally would not countenance covering the subject and retreated instead into
Continue reading →A very Libertarian vacance.
The idea of being coerced into volunteering has never sat easily with the French. Memories of ‘pour encourager les autres’ a little too close for
Continue reading →Is Labour fit to Oppose?
Around 10 years ago, I was visiting a patient in Wood Green, North London. As we finished talking I glanced at my watch – running late for next appointment! I fled to
Continue reading →Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
Coalition Repeal Bill.
On May 19th, Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg announced what has been dubbed ‘The Great Repeal Bill’ with this promise:
“And as we tear through the statute book, we’ll do something
Continue reading →Trigger Happy.
With all the excitement of finding myself surrounded by cross-dressers on Election Day, as the serious business of counting the votes in Cambridge collided with the theatre showing the eternally popular Rocky
Continue reading →Strident on Trident.
One of the first tasks that the civil service will have ensured that David Cameron carries out – within minutes of his return from Buckingham Palace – is re-writing the
Continue reading →Objective or Subjective Charging?
None will cheer as loudly as our beleaguered police forces at the news that the decision to charge on a wide number of offences is to be removed from the slippery hands of the CPS
Court of Protection: That Straw Man’s Confidence Trick Dissected.
With what aplomb did Jack Straw throw back the cloak of secrecy over proceedings in the family court last year? How we did cheer. None louder than myself.
Straw, the
Continue reading →Organised Chaos.
A funny thing happened on the way to the blog this morning.
There I was, pondering the media reports of our shambles of an election, wondering where to start investigating how it should
Continue reading →Nursing the news along.
A masterpiece of prose from the BBC this morning. 525 words designed to make you think that your health may be affected by your stupidity in electing a Con-Dem government – and they don’t use
Pass the sick bag Alice!
A cash crop.
Mr G picked up a curiosity at our local vide-grenier this morning. It had a handle beautifully turning in hedgerow Holly. Mounted on top was a gourd, painted with a scene of
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