£20 million down, £80 million to get through, Alexis Jay’s ‘loyal staff’ audition for the role of legal advisor…
You put your left boot in
You take your left boot out
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The Inquiry Hokey-Cokey.
MacKenzie Frenzy.
They are multiplying like rabbits; private companies – ‘The Society of Professional McKenzie Friends Ltd‘ offer a directory of ‘self regulated’
Continue reading →Post-modern deconstructive macro-impregnation and other dilemmas.
Those manicured young things sinking outsize glasses of Chardonnay in their Marie-Claire recommended Jason Wu dresses and improbable heels may look as though they are just updating their Facebook page to ‘available’ after Brad lost his
Saturday Evening Posts Worth Reading.
A sobering investigation on the effects of a variation of ‘joint enterprise’ for Mothers of children abused by their Fathers.
A male Tory minister for Domestic Abuse accused of beating his wife
Continue reading →Perchance to dream?
Put up with it folks – Ms Raccoon is in whimsical mood, having just enjoyed a romantic trip down a moonlit river to a tiny village with a handily placed Chinese take-away, and the world’s best
Eternal Punishment.
The waiting room was empty except for G and I. He came in and sat down quietly, and never took his eyes off his shoes. A young man, perhaps 35 or so, of African descent I
Ms Raccoon would like apologies for her absence to be noted in the minutes.
I wasn’t in any fit state to deal with the bickering, carping, mud hurling, whinging e-mails, or bad tempered tweeting,
Continue reading →Exclusive – Lynne Owens, Surrey Police, and the ‘Arrest First Policy’ – Pt 294.
I was keen to know how Lynne Owens’ policy in respect of alleged sex offenders was actually reflected in the crime figures for Surrey.
This is a follow-up post to my various posts on
Continue reading →Compensating Issues.
The judicial behemoth steaming through the shallows of historic sexual allegations – currently with a social worker at the helm, but it is only Monday – is in uncharted waters.
The treacherous rocks of
Continue reading →Does my Baton look big in this?
The Fascism of Political Correctness strikes again!
Dave Thompson, chief constable of West Midlands police, has decided that there are ‘no barriers’ to a woman police officer deciding to wear the niqab – the
Continue reading →Wrongful Allegations…
I can happily read books until my eyes bleed. I love to learn. I particularly love books that can teach me something new, cause me to stop reading, stare into the middle distance – and perhaps
The Percy Principle.
The Percy Principle.
“In the NHS, every failing CEO tends to move sideways to a non-existent role of no consequence but with a similar pay grade.”
Katrina Percy is a huge fan of fresh faced young men
Continue reading →Exclusive – ‘Lol’ Goddard and the ‘Back Door’ fans…
Dame Lowell Goddard now claims that far from ‘running away to her bach’ her resignation was an honourable protest against a child abuse inquiry that was, in Kiwi slang, well and truly munted.
She has
Continue reading →Homo Affairs Select Committee
I really don’t like Keith Vaz.
I don’t like his posturing, his jumping on every available bandwagon, his readiness to ruin the reputation of others and the glee with which he does it.
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Trollie and I…
Ms Raccoon hasn’t had much of an appetite, the past few weeks, for trawling round her usual rubbish dumps. As you probably realised, I’ve been none too well. Hence I had an appointment for an extra