Back when Noah was still drawing up the blueprint for his Ark, long before I was born, my Aunt stood against a certain Bessie Braddock as Conservative candidate
The Women in Parliament.
Grate Expectation of Smouldering Members…
On Bonfire Night, On Bonfire Night
It’s time to set the land alight:
So load the faggots, pile the wood,
Stack the logs and stack them good!
Pile on
God! I will pack, and take a train…
And get me to England once again!
When Rupert Brooke wrote those lines, his England was a rural idyll that represented welcome relief from the turmoil and
Continue reading →What is a Backbencher?
Branding consultancy Celestial Fred has been invited (in the light of the expenses scandal and Labour leadership rebellion farce) to submit proposals for repackaging the role of backbenchers. Below is the keynote speech by CF’s
Twenty million quid!
‘Cos we’re borassic thanks to bankers, Patricia Hewitt, an’ being crap!
By destroying the UK holiday sector!
Twenty million
Continue reading →Nellie the Elephant…
Historians delight in calling this or that epoch ‘The age of enlightenment’ or ‘The industrial revolution’. But for those in charge, every age is one where inherent contradictions have to be denied.
Continue reading →Orwell Prize 2010
The previous winners of the Orwell Prize have been illustrious political writers.
The prize was founded in 1993 by Sir Bernard Crick who, through his long-standing connection with The Political Quarterly, had negotiated with them
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