Circumlocuting Mandelson’s Foreshite.
Profound illumination has a habit of arriving in mundane circumstances.
Archimedes was sitting in the bath when he discovered the relationship of weight to volume.
Newton was out scrumping apples.
Me, I was trying to sleep through the commotion occasioned by my new English neighbour attempting to squeeze his brand new ‘look what I can afford’ 4 x 4 through our tiny medieval streets to his front door in order to ensure that his grossly overweight wife didn’t lose an ounce of blubber walking further than necessary. It is a known fact that you can only do this with the radio on full blast and said wife shouting instructions through the open window.
Padding half awake past the computer, I noticed a new arrival – an embargoed Government report. Instantly wide awake and alert to the possibilities of an informative post for you all, I settled down to read.
It was from one of Lord Mandelson’s ever increasing portfolio of Ministerial Offices. The Department for Business, Innovation and Skills.
“The Government Office for Science today begins its latest Foresight project.”
Given that foresight is possibly the last word you would expect to see in connection with this Government, I started researching. I soon came upon
Foresight’s role is to help government think systematically about the future. We use the latest scientific and other evidence combined with futures analysis to tackle complex issues and help policymakers make decisions affecting our future.
Scientific ‘and other evidence’ – as in non-scientific evidence eh? Like reading the crop circles, casting the runes, dealing the tarot cards, digging up 12 year old PhD theses, consulting Madam Gypsy Rose Lee, or just making it up to suit your agenda?
Noting with a heavy heart that this project was overseen by Professor John Beddington, of ‘Swine Flu Alarmist Projections’ fame, I ploughed on.
Fresh from their summer holidays observing the migrating habits of Northern European nudist sunbathers as they moved from the roasting racks northwards into cool of a beach-side bar when the suns rays were at their peek, it seems they are now ready to pontificate on the possible effects on world population migration of that non-scientifically evidenced ‘fact’ – the infamous Global warming. Several million pounds worth of tax payers money is to be doled out to their chosen coterie of academic colleagues to churn out indigestible tracts peppered with ‘global warming’ buzzwords.
Surely if the Government has a department that specialises in helping the Government ‘think systematically about the future’ – they must have written something about the banking sector at some time? Foreseeing the effects of spending more than you are earning? No? But what is this? Cyber Trust and Crime Prevention? Another multi million pound research project. Could be interesting. I clicked.
Error 404 – this page will redirect you to the home page in a few seconds.
Lo! it did! My Cyber Trust suitably restored by this accurate prediction, I tried to find out what this bank of experts thought my ‘Mental Capital and Wellbeing’ would be in 20 years time. The answer is they won’t tell me unless I cross their palm with silver, and give them my e-mail address and password on an unsecured site, in fact they won’t even tell me how much silver I need to put in their sweaty little palm unless I agree to add my data to the notorious USB dongle lurking in a pub car park.
They will tell me – for free – that a ‘growing population’ will ‘require more food’ – no shit Sherlock!
They have also divined that many cities are built near water courses or with access to the sea! I wonder if that’s something to do with man’s historical need for water? They fret that ‘if‘ water levels rise, those cities might flood! They have a soundbite ready for the press, do not fear.
‘This threatens to create a ‘perfect storm’ of global events’.
They conclude with their own CV:
“Foresight has a critical contribution to make in helping to meet the challenges of the 21st century. It helps ensure that government decision making is informed by longer term evidence-based thinking. By taking a multidisciplinary approach combined with rigorous evaluation, Foresight assists policymakers to think strategically about future uncertainties and opportunities. ”
There is no need to cut ‘front line services’ in order to repay the debt the government have saddled our children with – we can prune every one of these worthless, pontificating, stating the bleedin’ obvious, departments and consultants right through Government.
40% of everything I have ever worked for, for every working day of 45 years – minus my contribution to young Wayne of 16 Corporation Avenue – I call him young, he was when I started feeding him, from the moment that a Somalian agency nurse hauled him out with a pair of forceps, bawling for his rights; he’s a grandfather now, and I have stood by him steadfastly; I’ve paid his fines for shoplifting, I’ve stumped up for his ‘disability’ car, I’ve clothed him, schooled him, even paid for his Sky Sports package – but apart from him, 24 minutes out of every hour that I have grafted, has gone to these parasites.
When I think of the good I could have done with that money, I could weep.
I move that we tie this weighty tome round Lord Mandelson’s neck and chuck him in the watercourse that flows past the Houses of Parliament. If he sinks, well and good. If he doesn’t, tie a few more copies round his neck – and chuck him back in.
I confidently predict the future will improve. Unscientifically. For Free.
October 8, 2009 at 10:48 am -
Seeing as Labour’s future now consists of seven months of calling the Tories ‘posh’, any projections beyond May 2010 are going to be shortlived.
October 8, 2009 at 11:23 am -
Fantastic, their own puff admits that these parasites exist “to help policy-makers”! As the definition of a “policy-maker” includes having an iota, soupcon, inkling, etc., etc. of an idea as to what they should be doing & why they are employed, why do they need such help? I could accept one lot or the other, but not both. What a shower!
October 8, 2009 at 11:37 am -
I forsee a terrible plague
I forsee an overcoming of the terrible plague
I forsee an uneasy co-existence between the redeemers of the terrible plague and the remnants of a population beset with the consequences of a terrible plague
October 8, 2009 at 11:43 am -
Account: AnnaRacoon
“Circumlocuting Mandelson’s Foreshite”
1.for extensive research and administrative costs toward the assessment of the aforementioned academic dissertation
2.for the reproduction of the above summary and suggested conclusions, nay, ways forward
3. for the enobling of the author in a manner suitably accustomed to in pursuit of such a response
4.for all travel and ancillary costs towards the production of such an appealing responsethe sum of £1.5 million
I await your speedy response
October 8, 2009 at 11:52 am -
The Blink Foudation
Providing it’s customers with relevant, up-to-date information and analysis. Having spent several years working on the new mode of communication – NeuroJargonListicalProgramming – in Europe, the Americas, Turkey and Ipswich, the Foundation has found that there is always something new to learn. From how high Scafell Pike really is to whether Politicians are easily led astray. All human life is here and there. And, in the twinkling of an eye, this could all be yours….makes you want to weep doesn’t it? How come I can get it right, so often, when so many are wrong? That’s all down to NJLP. And it’s available to you to, at a price, but one that’s worth it. Look what happened to Michael Jackson.
Thank you
October 8, 2009 at 12:37 pm -
Anna,my dear,I’m so terribly sorry as I mis-read your headline.
I read it as “Circumsizing Madelson’s foreskin” and I got somewhat aroused.
I do apologise
October 8, 2009 at 1:51 pm -
I just had a look at their “Review of 2007″. They were very proud of their “Tackling Obesities – Future Choices” report. It apparently set out to determine “how can we deliver a sustainable response to obesity in the UK over the next 40 years”.
It “commissioned over 30 science reviews” and then “the evidence informed the futures work, including systems mapping and scenario development, to visualise the external drivers of change to lifestyle and societal factors.”
“For the first time, the study articulated the phenomenon of ‘passive obesity’, a process by which people are becoming heavier simply by living in the Britain of today” and this “means that weight gain has become inevitable for most people.”
But don’t worry, the report’s findings were “were highly influential in shaping the government’s new strategy on obesity.”Now I need to go and lie down because I have been living in Britain today and have therefore become heavier. It was nothing to do with the Mars bar.
October 8, 2009 at 2:36 pm -
Thinking systematically about labours future, must surely involve a very, very deep hole and about three tons of earth to cover them with, so they can never inflict themselves on the long suffering British Taxpayer again.
Passive obesity! how bloody ridiculous, I sometimes feel the urge to eat an entire packet of chocolate digestives. But I take just a teeny, tiny bit of reponsibilty for my own actions and limit my intake to a couple. Governments need to stop making excuses for people! -
October 8, 2009 at 3:12 pm -
What do think of my big speech so far.
OK OK I’ll get my coat and go back to The Bullingdon Club
“Yes, there is a steep climb ahead
But I tell you this, the view from the summit will be worth it.
In a Conservative Britain:
If you put in the effort to bring in a wage, you will be better off.
If you save money your whole life, you’ll be rewarded.
If you start your own business, we’ll be right behind you.
If you want to raise a family, we’ll support you.
If you’re frightened, we’ll protect you.
If you risk your safety to stop a crime, we’ll stand by you.
If you risk your life to fight for your country, we will honour you.
Ask me what a Conservative government stands for and the answer is this:
We will reward those who take responsibility, and care for those who don’t
October 8, 2009 at 3:34 pm -
Its at this point you feel like running amok with green slime !
I was told yesterday not to get so emotional over Mandelson…… it ruins your aim !
Laughed like a drain !
It is just a collective psychosis, that comes over formerly powerful people, cringing in a bunker knowing that the options are a Nuremburg trial/a stray shell/150 litres of gasoline in a hole in the ground.
October 8, 2009 at 3:56 pm -
The “Global Warming” hoax / scam is metamorphosing, as we speak and in front of our very eyes, into “Global Climate Change.”
The” Warming” bit has been well debunked, although somehow this information never gets anywhere near The Guardian, or any of the dead tree press or especially the BBC. It is as if they are all banging away at the chosen mantra until reality comes up and slaps them in the face. A bit like the IRA tactics; decide a line, stick to it, deny anything that could undermine the chosen line and then, when it is no longer tenable, retreat to a second prepared line of defence, equally as implausible , but similarly “defendable” and ad infinitum.
The World has never been in stasis, nor have its climates and the CO2 pumped out by cars and aeroplanes is nowhere significant to what is already there even before cars were invented. Volcanic eruptions and water vapour (FFSake) have a greater effect ,as have cows’ farts, but why let real science intrude on the wealth creation apparatus of a few. Incidentally, algae take in CO2 and turn it into biomass and sometimes useful stuff like oil and special nutrients. There will always be woolie clad protesters looking for a reason to be worried, needing a protest and march or two.
Now we are beginning to know that some the fundamental bases for the Climate Change hypothesis could be based on inadequate data and poorly organised measurement of tree rings in Siberia. Boing!
Hey, does anyone remember the founding father of controllecd panic vested upon The Great Unwashed; no not the Millenium Bug but the hole in the Ozone Layer. Where has that bloody hole gone?
So what is next, what is next to keep us preoccupied with fictitious worry whilst The Masters loot all our savings and impoverish us?
Water shortage and Global conflict, that’s what!
Yes there are water shortages and no, it is not a made up problem, this one. But, it is not the apocalypse now scenario, Tony Blair as E U President is more likely that one, but serious local problems of imbalance of water supply and population; people living in larger number numbers that are wise in aresa of the World where they really should not.
Fear not, it will be the next apocalyptic story and it the treasury will be looted, unless.
October 8, 2009 at 4:03 pm -
I must say that I was a bit worried about Madelson’s foreskin there for a minute.
But come on now, what would Governments do if they didn’t have the feckless, the workshy and the obese to worry about? We all have to care about something. Even if it’s only the dog.
Personally, I only care about my Pension. Nobody else will. Except the dog.
October 8, 2009 at 4:04 pm -
Sorry. I am getting close to the edge of sanity now.
October 8, 2009 at 5:45 pm -
Get out of the way – me first!
October 8, 2009 at 6:07 pm -
Well at least you’ll all have a cushioned landing; I’ve been down here for ages…
October 8, 2009 at 6:30 pm -
Was it something I said?
October 8, 2009 at 6:32 pm -
“If he sinks, well and good. If he doesn’t…”
…then we can burn the oleaginous bastard at the stake. Precedent exists after all.
October 8, 2009 at 6:43 pm -
Do I detect a touch of disenchantment here? For those of us who enjoy real apocalyses it seem that the tectonic plate on which Australia sits has become a little twitchy, and is kicking off big earthquakes. As in the vicinity there are several volcanic megachambers, seismologists and vulcanologists are twitching as well. If Vanuatu goes up we will all have a few lovely years of “nuclear” winter, and can forget global warming.
October 8, 2009 at 7:52 pm -
anna i wish i could hold your hand but im a shortarse
October 8, 2009 at 8:26 pm -
What Cameron forgot to mention is that when you are climbing out of a hole the “summit” is actually a worm’s eye view of ground level.
October 8, 2009 at 8:36 pm -
DC can afford all the fancy climbing gear, I’ve only got a pair of shorts and some flip flops.
October 8, 2009 at 9:21 pm -
David Cameron promises to put Britain ‘back on her feet’
Tories announce shock Public Transport cuts!
October 8, 2009 at 10:15 pm -
“Like Cameron said – the view is great when you get to the summit!”
But not as good as from the top of Great Gable – you can see the Isle of Man on a clear day.
October 8, 2009 at 10:32 pm -
David Cameron and Sherpa Cody Jarrett.
October 8, 2009 at 11:23 pm -
When I first caught sight of this thread
I thought I’d gone clean off my head;
A thread about gristle
On somebody’s pizzle?
But it’s all about think-tanks instead.(note to self: read things more carefully)
October 8, 2009 at 11:50 pm -
After the micro surgeons conference in New York, the leading surgeons were in the bar reminiscing over their great feats.
An Australian surgeon explained that his team had rebuilt a guy that had been caught in a printing press and all that had been left that could be used had been his little finger. Our team he told his audience had constructed a new hand and then built a new arm and then had engineered a new body. Ultimately, when he returned to work he was so efficient that the put five men out of work.
“That’s nothing” exclaimed the American surgeon. “We had a worker that had been involved in a terrible industrial accident and all that was left was his hair, we constructed a skull, a new torso and new limbs. When he returned to the workforce he was so efficient he put fifty men out of work.
The English surgeon was not to be outdone. He said, “I was walking down the street when I walked into a [low-doon eructation]“. So I took it back to the hospital in a plastic bag and set to work. Firstly we wrapped an [pair of buttocks] round it. We then attached a body to one end and legs to the other. Gradually it turned out into a man called David Cameron who will put the whole bloody country out of work.
October 9, 2009 at 1:03 am -
Is Chris Grayling a dead fish over the Militory General “political gimmick” gaffe?
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