All In The Best Possible Taste.

The title ‘Speaker’s Wife’ is well on its way to becoming a synonym for ‘Vacuous Slapper’. Perhaps it is there already.
Such a coincidence though; no sooner is Max Clifford hired to control her public image in the media whilst she is in the Big Brother House, than a story appears in the Mail on Sunday from ‘unnamed sources’ and ‘close friends’ that the Speaker is ‘considering a divorce’ – we can expect a response from Sally soon – the ‘Speaker ate my Beaver’.
I don’t believe a word of it.
I think the pair of them are conducting a celebrity media version of dogging. Conducting their sex life in public.
I do hope I’m wrong. I just have a feeling that he must enjoy being publicly humiliated, it has occurred so frequently. I equally have a feeling that she must enjoy the role – reminiscent of the days of Cynthia Payne leading a judge round the floor in a collar and lead – of dominatrix.
From writing a book called ‘Westminster Wives’, to that infamous interview with the Evening Standard where she revealed the secrets of the Speaker’s marital chamber – helpfully posing in front of the priapic and iconic figure of Big Ben, just in case you had missed the sexual connotations; she hasn’t just humiliated her husband, she has sexually humiliated him – baited him, lured him, forced him to admit to the world that theirs is a highly charged sex life. Leaving no one in any doubt that where ‘charged’ is concerned, the towering Sally Bercow is definitely the one in charge.
Our image of the Speaker is no longer that of the dignified authoritarian parliamentary figure of Betty Boothroyd, but of a little man whose feet do not touch the ground, who spends his nights performing demeaning sexual tasks at the behest of his manipulative wife.
Bercow himself is said to have diminished the role of speaker – not half as effectively as Sally Bercow has.
Brian Dowling, the current Big Brother presenter, has predicted that ‘breasts will be flying about’ in the new series and that he will be ‘quite annoyed’ if two Housemates actually had sex in the house.
Anyone care to dispute that Sally Bercow will be in the thick of the action?
Or that any stories about Sally in the next month, even those from ‘unnamed sources’ who claim that John Bercow isn’t enjoying the spectacle and wants a divorce, actually emanate from her celebrity publicist?
That woman’s antics are starting to eclipse the role of the MPs expenses scandal in reducing parliament to a laughing stock.
August 22, 2011 at 18:40
Speaking as a bi-guy I think she is really quite sweet and I hope she
doesn’t get evicted from the house until I have seen her being really raunchy.
Her husband John is really quite sweet also…………Oooh matron!
August 23, 2011 at 21:39
So that’s probably not the EDL troll ‘Ciaran’ then
August 22, 2011 at 12:45
She doesn’t drink any more. Can you imagine what she’d be like with a few
glasses on board? Christ on a bike.
August 23, 2011 at 00:46
She’d be like Christ on a bike?
Goes without saying that he was a bit of a publicity seeker, but clearly
there’s a whole other side of JC the Church never mentions.
August 21, 2011 at 22:41
She brings disgrace upon herself, her husband (as if he cannot bring enough
upon himself!), the position her husband holds (now like a toytown Fat
Controller…but in his case Teeny pip-squeak) and the whole poliitical arena is
the worse for having them around.
FFS it was a bloody pantomime before they
arrived, now the whole show is an international laughing stock!
Even in
America, can ANYONE in their right mind imagine the spouse of the Speaker of
either house prostituting themselves as our Speaker’s spouse does?
what’s more, we’ve let it happen in front of our own eyes!
August 21, 2011 at 22:00
Visually scary stuff, indeed.
But then I almost get the feeling someone is trying to tell us
Speaker of the House of Commons?
The guy who says “order,
order” and tells our bosses to shut up and restores discipline in the highest
chamber in the land?
What’s all this about?
August 21, 2011 at 20:00
I have no issue with hot wives seeking attention, but if Michelle Bachmann
or Sarah Palin scupper Ron Paul’s 2012 run to the Whitehouse I will be
August 21, 2011 at 20:28
Inebriated? Whatever for?
August 21, 2011 at 18:21
I think the old saw goes: “A wo/man is judged by the company s/he
The Bercows, both Berk & Cow, are a questionable turn in the
third rate pier-end fol-de-rols that calls itself Parliament.
I am in total
August 21, 2011 at 18:27
Don’t you mean Burke & Hare? They were more tasteful.
August 21, 2011 at 19:05
Don’t be. They are all fools right? Well more or less, and fools are
They will do more QE and drive asset prices higher still as money
devalues. So profit from it and laugh. SAoT does not give financial advice
but leverage yourself and watch inflation erode your debt, stick your cash
into inelastic commodities and laugh all the more as inflation drives the
price of ‘em. As for the Euro, at some point the ECB will do QE dressed up
as “get Europe back to work stimulus/Euro Tarp” as Greece will again run out
of cash along with the other PIIGS and they won’t do the inevitable (go
sovereign again) until it is absolutely inevitable.
They are all fools more or less, so profit from it and laugh.
August 21, 2011 at 16:48
D’oh…even I missed “Brother” off the end of that quote!
August 21, 2011 at 16:44
Anyone followed the link? The headline is “Speaker’s wife Sally Bercow
shames her wife with sex talk on Celebrity Big”
My bold emphasis
Now if that’s true we are SURE to have more news
stories…I await the video.
August 21, 2011 at 15:16
This seems to be another in the long line of “time bombs” left by an
outgoing government – like the millennium dome.
I would hope that in the
appointment processof a speaker, the character of the spouse of a candidate
would be looked at to ensure that they did not prove to be an embarrassment.
If it was, then her flaws were obviously ignored.
August 21, 2011 at 22:37
You have it right Mark.
Just another liebour legacy of neglect and wanton disregard for
traditional government in favour of systems designed to attract the votes of
their client state ladettes, yoof , tattooed and pierced single muvvers and
incapacitated workers who can amazingly manage several rounds of golf a
The squeekers job is much diminished but he is one amongst many of the
assembled scoundrels, liars, thieves and plain morons in the house of
comedies. No real work gets done there any more, as the incumbents are
incapable of thought.
To complain that the squeekers wife is bringing the house into disrepute
is true but inconsequential.
August 21, 2011 at 13:34
Does this really matter to anyone who matters? I understand there is a
sub-culture in the UK, with prurient interest in the antics of people in the
public eye (which sells ghastly magazines), but it hardly impinges on the
lives of the great & the good. For we discuss ideas, not people, so such
mundane considerations rarely affect us.
August 22, 2011 at 20:02
This comment was tongue-in-cheek, you know. Much as I loathe the
personality cult of today, I’m quite happy for it to exist as long as I
don’t have to watch it or read about it.
August 21, 2011 at 13:26
If she does have sex, that will be grounds for divorce… but I don’t see her
adding to the woes of Parliament, as she is not an MP. Had she won a seat at
the last election, I would have agreed. She is hungry for attention and I
don’t doubt that if elected, she would have caused further image problems for
the Commons.
As to whether Mr Bercow is damaged by her activities, would you be damaged
by those of your spouse, (IF he acted in a way you did not like)? Do the
activities of one person necessarily reflect on their partner?
August 21, 2011 at 18:25
Yes, when the only reason for that person’s “celebrity” is that they are
attached to the other person.
August 22, 2011 at 00:30
I somehow don’t see that happening.
August 22, 2011 at 21:26
Glad, she wasn’t contesting any seat at the last election. At least, not
for the HoC. She was merely trying to get selected (as opposed to elected)
for a seat on Westminster Council. As ever, she allowed the press to
continue allowing the mistaken story that she was on the way to being an
Round my neck of the woods, she’d be labelled a ‘scutter’.
August 23, 2011 at 09:02
Thanks for correction.
August 21, 2011 at 13:19
She has become the new Christine Hamilton. With Hamilton, the desire for
publicity was driven by a practical need for money after her husband’s fall
from grace. There is no such driver with Sally Bercow – her husband is
relatively secure in his job – and so I can only put it down to vanity. I’m
not buying the £100k-to -charity angle, she was making a public spectacle of
herself for free before “Celebrity” Big Brother.
But should anyone really care. This is not about politics (although some
will use it for political means), it’s about the celebrity-obsessed culture
that pervades large segments of the population. At the end of this, Sally
Bercow will be more “famous” than her husband. Yet she is a non-person and he
has a very important constitutional and political role to play.
There will always be vain people. The real scandal and the real worry for
our society here is that too many of the public know more about the
contestants on reality TV shows than they do about those who wield power over
us. This emboldens the power-wielders to greater corruption since they know
that the antic of Jordan will always receive more prominence in the media than
the slow creep of state powers and control.
August 21,
2011 at 14:49
Christine Hamilton has some dignity, and I don’t think (open to
correction) that she traded off hubby’s position, not that hubby had much of
a position.
Still doing bits of messing around with the site.
August 21, 2011 at 16:20
It has been suggested that the country is suffering from a bout of moral
decline. The riots indicated the moral deficit at the lower end of society,
such things as the MPs’ expenses scandal and the refusal of various
Ministers to resign even when caught bang to rights demonstrates it at the
If Mrs Bercow wishes to conduct herself in a less than moral fashion, she
could at least have the good sense to do so out of the public eye.
August 21, 2011 at 18:14
“If Mrs Bercow wishes to conduct herself in a less than moral fashion,
she could at least have the good sense to do so out of the public
But isn’t that the whole point of why she’s doing it…
August 22, 2011 at 09:39
And is it not another small symbol of moral decline? Why is it that
some sections of the media seem to be actively encouraging her? The BBC
had to desist from inviting her onto programmes to offer her opinions,
but only after a lot of complaints from viewers and listeners.
It would seem that the moral bedrock of the nation lies not with our
political ‘leaders’, nor with the ‘opinion-formers’ of the media, but
with the silent majority of the middle and respectable working classes.
Quite why the media and the Westminster village has become so divorced
from the mainstream of public opinion I’m not sure, but it most
definitely has; the fact that the silent majority still seem to hold to
somewhat higher moral standards (in the main) does give me some optimism
for the future.
August 22, 2011 at 11:10
the bbc would invite anything that breathes onto its programmes, as
long as they are prepared to spout the usual pro labour party