For Huhne, the Pryce of Justice.

When you’re caught in speeding car
Makes no difference who you are
If she takes your points, she gains
A hold on you.
Later when you dash her dreams
You’ll regret your foolish schemes
When you cheat you’ll come unstuck
As schemers do.
Fate’s unkind
She brings to those who cheat
The just fulfillment of their secret wronging.
Like a bolt out of the blue
Fate steps in and runs you through
When you wish your points on her
The joke’s on you.
March 20, 2013 at 22:12
“”Before you embark on a journey of revenge, dig two graves”
March 20, 2013 at 21:29
Huhnatic – The Green Windbag by Frankie
Chris Huhne was a Liberal mug
Who caught the ‘Green Wind Power’
The Plod caught him speeding
His wife did some bleating
Now he’ll
‘Play the Pink Oboe’ in ‘Jug’…
Chris Huhne was a Liberal dope
Green Power… Big Windmills… No
As his wife’s legal tricks
He was unable to fix
Huhne’s been
forced to buy soap on a rope!
Chris Huhne will do ‘bird’ in ‘The Clink’
Still looks like his shit
doesn’t stink…
An arrogant oaf
If he’d just used his loaf…
career’s gone right over the brink
Chris Huhne’s been convicted at court
His glittering career set at
No more ministerial Jags
He’ll take tea with ‘old lags’
bend over in’t shower, ‘old sport’!
Chris Huhne’s sat in prison in tears
Fought off some ‘attacks of the
His ex wife’s a jailbird
His ex girl (now we’ve heard)
be lonely for long – bye bye dears!
March 19, 2013 at 12:54
I would have sent him down for years, not for lying – he’s a politician
after all and that’s what they do – but for the damage wrought to the
countryside (and our wallets) by all those ridiculous bird slicers. What a
March 19, 2013 at 12:23
Huhne. Just another lying politician.
March 19, 2013 at 12:11
Fate. It is an interesting philosphical conundrum. In his “Warrior” series
whuch feature the character Uhtred of Brunanburgh, auther Bernard Cornwell
often invokes what i undesrtand to be the Norse motif of the “Old Sisters” (or
“Norns”) who weave the skein of our lives, cackling away as what seems to be
progress towards a happy ending is cruelly and ironically derailed by
inexorability of Fate. I have often thought there might be some element of
truth in that. Do we have free will? Or are we all pieces on a chess board,
being moved inexorably by some Divine and possibly mischevious God or Gods? Or
could both be true at the same time?
I shall have a coffee and a bourbon
biscuit, and think further on this.
March 19, 2013 at 12:10
I did hear that after being sentenced, he turned to Vicky and asked her to
do his time for him…
March 19, 2013 at 11:08
As they used to say, life becomes a complete a bitch when you discover
you’re married to one………………..
March 19,
2013 at 10:45
best way to get rid of a possible leader for the liberal’s to rally behind
and to terrify the motorist to keep on shelling out….
March 19,
2013 at 10:42
never mind speeding here is what you do lawfully
March 19, 2013 at 10:00
Oh, very good. Have some pork scratchings on me.
March 19, 2013 at 09:56
A long wooden nose to compliment the lyrics, please.