In-Out; In-Out; In-Out; Nu-Labour; Old Ahmed.

This is where I came in, or rather where I originally fell down the rabbit hole… seems a lifetime ago.
Nazir Ahmed and Phillipa Curtis. Nazir on the M.1; Phillipa on the A.40. Both driving at 70 miles an hour. Both had been texting on their mobile prior to hitting a stationary car. Both crashes resulted in the death of the driver of that stationary car.
Phillipa received a 21 month sentence for causing death by dangerous driving. Vera Baird, then Solicitor-General for Nu-Labour thought that this was unduly lenient, and had asked the Court of Appeal to look again at the sentence.
Nazir received a 12 week sentence for dangerous driving… Vera Baird, then Solicitor-General for Nu-Labour, and friend of Nazir Ahmed, didn’t think that this was unduly lenient, indeed was so offended by my drawing a parallel between these two cases that she descended on my humble and very new blog to spout out in his defence. It caused a minor stir in blogland at the time…
In the event, Nazir was out of prison in a record 16 days – because being in prison ‘would hinder Lord Ahmed’s work building bridges between the Muslim world and others’. We will never know what Phillipa’s time in prison would hinder, no one was interested…
He was suspended by the Labour party for every one of those 16 days – but reinstated on his release.
We do know, however, much of Nazir’s work building bridges ‘between the Muslim world and others’. That same year that he demanded to be freed to continue ‘building bridges’, he was claiming that Jewish student groups were actively recruiting young British volunteers to fight in Gaza with the Israeli army and called for them to be prosecuted for war crimes on their return to the UK. There has been no call by Nazir for young British Muslims fighting abroad to be prosecuted for war crimes on their return to the UK.
He does have a bit of a ‘thing’ about war crimes. He was suspended by the Labour party again in 2012 for allegedly calling for a ‘bounty’ on the head of George Bush and Barack Obama as war criminals. He was reinstated after it was found that ‘all’ he had said was:
“Even if I have to beg I am willing to raise and offer £10m so that George W Bush and Tony Blair can be brought to the International Court of Justice on war crimes charges”.
Please note that I am therefore positively NOT calling for a bounty on Nazir Ahmed’s head when I say that I am willing to raise money so that he can be bought to trial for his latest attempts to build bridges between the Muslim world and others…..
He has been suspended by the Labour party yet again today for remarks he made in Urdu in Pakistan (his birthplace) last year. He had apparently overlooked the fact that Ed Miliband may be a dyed in the wool Marxist, but he is also Jewish…
He claimed in that speech that his derisory 16 days in prison was as a result of a Jewish conspiracy. The original District Judge had actually referred his case to the Crown Court because he felt that his maximum available sentencing powers of six months were insufficient under the circumstances and the Crown Court was able to pass sentence of up to two years for the same offence. Please note that Nazir had pleaded guilty to the charge of dangerous driving.
Inside Nazir’s conspiratorial mind, the fact that the Crown Court Judge, Mr Justice Wilkie, only gave him one sixth of the available sentence, was not evidence of leniency beyond belief, and precisely half of the sentence that the magistrate thought insufficient, but of ‘pressure brought to bear by Jewish owners of newspapers and television channels placed pressure on the courts to punish him more severely than was warranted by his offence’.
The proof of this Jewish conspiracy appears to be that Mr Justice Wilkie ‘was sent from London’ to carry out this sentence, since ‘no Crown Court judge, circuit judge or Recorder would agree to deliver his punishment’. That’s odd in itself, since Mr Justice Wilkie was the Presiding Judge of the north-eastern circuit (which includes Sheffield Crown Court) at the time and absolutely the right person to have heard his case…
He also claimed that his conviction ‘was overturned’ – no it wasn’t. The appeal court made a point of saying that the prison sentence was justified and that there should not be “one law for the rich and powerful and one law for the rest”. They did agree to suspend the sentence so he could carry out his essential work of ‘building bridges between the Muslim world and others’. ‘Others’ obviously doesn’t include the Jewish community.
Nazir Ahmed was a humble shopkeeper in Rotherham, who had stood for parliament as an MP – and failed. Tony Blair made him a Life Peer to save him the trouble of getting elected…had he made his inflammatory anti-Semitic remarks in the UK, he might have been prosecuted under the Public Order Act 1986.
As it is, he is now a Life Peer of the noble House of Lords, and we mugs have to work to support his habit of traveling back to Pakistan to rail against ‘Jewish conspiracies’ which resulted in him spending all of 16 days in prison.
The Public Order Act 1986 doesn’t extend to offences occurring outside of the UK. Nor do we seem to have any way of ridding ourselves of this loathsome Peer. Piece of luck eh Ahmed?
Since I am also out of the UK – the Public Order Act 1986 doesn’t apply to me either. Ahmed is a rancid little racist, a member of the worst conspiracy to ever visit itself on the UK.
March 15, 2013 at 15:28
@ Poor? Except for their top of the range BMWs and Mercedes, and more gold
around their necks @
Are the gold-laden the ones in prison though, or the successful ones who
are running their own businesses etc.
@ Stuff the bastards. Pack them all on planes, and drop them off back home.
In our case that would be Battersea, Balham and Brixton……….
Here’s the stats on religion from the UK.
you can see the Muslim rate is climbing.
In terms of political correctness
it is annoying that they seem to have inserted an “All Christian” line, just
to make sure it’s not so clear that the biggest single grouping seems to now
be those with no religious affiliation at all….
March 16, 2013 at 01:54
XX Are the gold-laden the ones in prison though, or the successful ones
who are running their own businesses etc. XX
It is them ALL… under, na, say 30 years old. Which in themselves, are the
greatest number of prisoners, so….
As to “Unemployed”. Not ONE of them does not have SOME kind of “job” with
the family. Whether it be a Kabab flinger, or Daddys drugs runner, they are
ALL working in one way or another.
March 16, 2013 at 01:55
XX In our case that would be Battersea, Balham and Brixton……….
THEIR home, I mean. And “being born here” does NOT qualify!
March 15, 2013 at 13:34
Didn’t you know? EVERYTHING is a Jewish conspiracy! Typical response from
certain ‘communities’.
March 14, 2013 at 20:56
No doubt this odious little slug will declare himself Imam and call down a
Fatwa upon his critics. Is there not a case for impeachment? The list is
March 14, 2013 at 19:40
I kept thinking I was reading Nazi and not Nazir. He sounds like an odious
worm either way.
March 14, 2013 at 19:35
Doesn’t it seem we were better off with the hereditories? they cost a lot
less and didn’t owe allegience to current politicians. Many of the newly
sppointed ones are dire.
March 14, 2013 at 20:53
In a word, yes.
March 14, 2013 at 23:18
and didn’t owe allegience to current politicians
And that is
the reason they were thrown out, and also why the limp-dims are trying to
push for an elected upper house.
To answer your question, yes we would be because they would slow down the
stupidity of the HoC by actually reading the garbage that the ministers
produce as legislation.
March 14, 2013 at 19:06
In case Vera’s google antennae are still twitching…
… sorry it’s the D Tel, but there’s not much choice amongst those with more
readers than you can shake a stick at.
March 14, 2013 at 17:23
Superb Anna! *Applause* I would like to add a rant, but might get in some
hot water.
March 14, 2013 at 17:13
I never knew anything about this, so now I am appalled. What a fat slug.
And Nazir Ahmed ain’t looking good either, running off to Pakistan to stir up
the hatred, as though there isn’t enough of that already.
What a sad state
of affairs that you have to leave the once Great Britain before you dare to
express an opinion about a couple of scum bags.
March 14, 2013 at 17:00
I am willing to suspend judgement about the latest story on this man until
what he really said on the radio broadcast is made clear. Some pertinent
details about the crash Nazir was involved appear to have been left out of
your account, which may explain why he received a lower sentence than the
woman in the other crash.
March 14, 2013 at 17:00
XX being in prison ‘would hinder Lord Ahmed’s work building bridges between
the Muslim world and others’XX
I can see their point.
After all, in prison, how would he meet any NON muslims??
March 14, 2013 at 17:16
That is funny. Although it really shouldn’t be.
March 14, 2013 at 17:25
Why “Shouldn’t be”?
80 to 90% of the prison population of Berlin, and many other large
citys, are muslim.
True. They said it them selves when demanding their own chaplain, due
to the “high numbers of muslims in the system.”
(THAT is how one drops a bollock in STYLE. I would have said.)
14, 2013 at 19:09
It may be but that isn’t true of Britain. A bit over 12% of British
prisoners are Muslims.
Their numbers in young offenders institutes have risen to 21%,
though, so that number could rise.
March 15, 2013 at
The average for the whole of North Western Europe is 80%. So how
come Britain is so different?
Scared of locking them up in case you get accused of waicism or
March 15, 2013 at 13:06
Not so many years ago Muslim families were being complimented in
the Daily Mail for being the last “traditionally British” sorts of
families. Couples who stayed together and looked after their kids and
told the way to behave and live their lives. Very “fifties”, if you
I think in Germany you have a high population of Turkish people
(Muslim). Your comments in Britain could be reinterpreted as “black”
here I would imagine, and the social reasons would be the same – poor
and living in ghettoes and slipping into crime because……….. much like
the Italians and the Irish in America a few generations ago I
March 15, 2013 at
XX poor and living in ghettoes and slipping into crime
1/ NO one FORCED them to live in ghettos. It is not bloody Warsaw
in 1942!
2/ Poor? Except for their top of the range BMWs and Mercedes, and
more gold around their necks than the whole Southern American land
mass, before Columbus., you mean? (And THATs only the “men”!)
3/ What the HEL has “poor” to do with crime??
Crime is crime. NO excuse, and NO mitgation! The dictatorship are
giving enough of MY money to these bastards to ensure they actualy
get more than I do from my bloody JOB!
Stuff the bastards. Pack them all on planes, and drop them off
back home.
March 14,
2013 at 16:50
I think all these conspiracies can be traced back to the global tinfoil
makers wanting to increase sales of their product. It has got to be true
because I can’t find any evidence for it on the interweb – they are so
powerful and clever that every web page is checked all the time and any
containing the secret are edited. This post wo …
March 14, 2013 at 16:24
At least people who rant about zionist conspiracy to impose world
government credit Jewish people with ambition and competence. To assert that
there is a malicious Jewish conspiracy and imply that all it is capable of is
giving one a fortnight in the slammer is downright insulting.