Hollandaise Sauce for the Ganders.

Since the early hours of this morning there has been mass hysteria in the comments section of one Telegraph article.
It appears that the government is cracking down on foreigners earning money and not paying every ounce of tax that they possibly could. Despicable, morally repugnant, etc., etc. Henceforth, measures will be taken to ensure that they contribute to the national debt the same as anyone else.
Telegraph readers are frothing at the mouth, spluttering incoherently, but generally all are agreed that foreigners should be able to earn anything they can, pay no taxes, and that this is abhorrent behaviour on the part of the government. Despicable, morally repugnant, etc. etc.
Confused? All will become clear when I explain that this time it is the British who are the foreigners, not an army of Polish plumbers…
British owners of holiday homes in France are to be hit with punitive tax rises under plans announced by the new Socialist government.
The French government is to charge them tax on the rental income of their holiday home. ‘How dare they single out the British’ scream the Telegraph readers, ‘isn’t that illegal under those EU regulations that we don’t want? (These are Telegraph readers mind!) – Who said they were singling out the British? They are targeting 360,000 second home owners in France, of whom only 60,000 are estimated to be British. More to the point, they will be charging them exactly the same as the tax paid by French residents on renting out a second home (tell me about it!) I wouldn’t care to accurately estimate how few second home owners in France presently declare any income to be taxed at any rate – a straw poll amongst some known to me this morning is that they ‘only let their home be used by friends and family and absolutely do not take any income in cash or kind whatsoever ahem *cough* ahem, they accept the wear and tear on their properties as part of their charitable duty to those dear to them’….’course you do Malcolm, ‘course you do.
From the comments: I have a friend who lets me stay in his French cottage every year.
Obviously as we are friends he lets me stay for free.
It has been a source of great amusement to us over the years that I also happen to employ him as a “management consultant” for a few days each year, the fee for which just happens to be about the same rate as a the rental on a French cottage for a week.
With every new Tax there is a loop-hole. The key is not to whinge and complain but to get creative….
The other cause for mass outrage is that in future the French government intend to charge those Britons with second holiday homes here the full rate of capital gains tax when they sell. Now lookee here, there is a very, very, simple way of avoiding paying CGT, you don’t need expensive accountants, fancy schemes, or anything else to tax your brains. You simply sell your house for the same sum that you bought it for, simples, eh?
‘But it is the inalienable right of every true blooded Englishman to make a profit if he has owned a house for longer than five and a half minutes. We shouldn’t be taxed on that profit’.
Er, why not? We are not talking about ‘your home’ here, we are talking about a second home. You surely wouldn’t support the idea that a Bangladeshi can come to England and buy and sell cars and not pay any tax on the profit, what is the difference?
”Yes, but I’ve done lots of work on the house, and besides, I’m supporting the local economy’.
Ah, so you have lots of invoices from registered French artisans for work done on the house? Well, you can deduct them from the tax due.
‘Er, no, I did the work myself’.
So, supporting the local economy meant buying lots of local wine, whilst you and the Polish plumber that you flew down here, installed the boiler that you bought in B & Q back in England?
‘But I put in hours of work myself, I stripped all the render off the house myself’.
So the ‘profit’ that you shouldn’t be taxed on is actually payment for your labour?
‘Well, yes, I guess it is, when you put it like that’.
Perhaps you would care to pay income tax, instead of the reduced rate of 31.5% CGT that is proposed?
‘No, I’m British, I ought to be able to come to France, put all my ‘black money’ into materials for my house, materials that I will buy in England, drive down here, sit round my swimming pool whilst my Polish labour works away, and scarper back to England without paying any tax on the profit, its my Yuman Rite innit?
Nobody likes paying tax. I certainly don’t. It may have suited the French government for some time to offer reduced rates of taxation to foreign nationals, but now it doesn’t. I don’t have a lot of sympathy for the Les hirondelles, as the hordes of second home owners who arrive every summer are known. You don’t get reduced rates of income tax or CGT in Britain for owning or renting a second home, why they thought they would do in France for ever and a day, beats me. Still, it gives the Little Englanders on the Telegraph something else to get upset about, and this should make it cheaper to buy property for those who want to come and live permanently in France.
July 6, 2012 at 21:47
As a Brit refugee living in France, I read Anna’s words and laughed till
tears ran down my legs; all of it so true
July 5, 2012 at 18:51
OT, but I wanted to take the time to compliment you on your ‘Melting Point’
, Racoon pic – it really shows off your fluffy femine side and is a wonderful
counterpoint to the one of you in full cammo gear ‘on manouvers’ !
July 5, 2012 at 18:43
Many of these Telegraph complainants no doubt whinge about people on
benefits: sauce for the gander indeed.
5, 2012 at 18:33
A silly non issue but a harbinger of things to come perhaps. I’m sure
Hollandaise Financial Sauce will end up as unpalatable to the French as
(Gordon) Brown Sauce became to the British.
July 5, 2012 at 18:30
If they’re getting screwed for UK tax on the income as well, then I could
understand them getting a bit irate. I know we have tax treaties with various
other countries to limit or reduce the effects of double taxation, but I have
no idea if we have one with France and if so, its terms.
July 5, 2012 at 15:53
Why do people need two “homes”?
July 5, 2012 at 16:27
‘flippin’ heck, I’ll ask my MP…
July 5, 2012 at 16:39
July 6, 2012 at 04:54
If they want SIX homes, it is fuck all to do with any one but them.
Or are you some sort of commy scumbag?
July 6, 2012 at 08:26
No. Anna puts her case perfectly and I understand her reasoning. By the
look of it, someone gets a year-round home from her property, while the
rent they pay keeps her going. Fair enough. Private landlords are ok by
But there are those who buy 2nd (3rd, 4th…) “homes” when they’re
nothing of the sort. They are properties that are used a few weeks a year
and then left empty, when they could be rented out to locals and be more
useful to the local economy. They are status symbols and “investments”
that do nothing for the economy of those who are expected to service the
whims of the owners when they deign to fly in to chill out with the
July 7, 2012 at 10:11
Yeeah, kind of, but you’ve gotta put your money somewhere and
property is still one of the best investments there is. Stocks and
shares are a bit of a gamble, banks rip you off, central banks print
money and establish dodgy currencies and most other stuff depreciates.
My aunty buys antiques. I guess you’d have to be a bit daft to have a
few houses that were hardly used but in a few years time we’ll all be
dead and the Society for the Protection of Albino Hamsters that
inherited one’s estate can flog it to further the noble cause of the
valiant blonde rodent.
July 5, 2012 at 15:25
I pay my French taxes and enjoy a very comfortable life in return. Why
should second home owners who also enjoy the lifestyle for part of the year
complain about having to contribute to the running costs of the country ?
July 5, 2012 at 13:18
XX With every new Tax there is a loop-hole. The key is not to whinge and
complain but to get creative….XX
And the same arseholes shit their nickers in a tizzy fit, when banks do the