The Perfect Politician

With its Trougher shaped features, tentacles reaching out into many different pies, transparently full of sh*t, it dwells beneath the surface of our understanding, and is always smiling to itself….
I give you, courtesy of the Daily Telegraph, a new discovery, the perfect politician…
The ‘Piglet Squid’.
October 11, 2011 at 12:17
Not quite the perfect politician, it’s not bent enough.
October 11, 2011 at 10:30
Well Well, Miss Raccoon it seems Johann Hari is not the only one who has
been plagiarising. I note the similarities of your opening paragraph with a
document I read recently.
See below for Proof. Shame on you!!
Job Vacancy:
Pretendy Leader of Labour Party North British Branch
Job Description:
The North British Branch of the Labour Party require a
new Yes-Man to lead our party in ever decreasing circles of objecting to
everything the other parties suggest.
The ideal candidate will have fat “Trougher shaped features” the ability to
create networks of public sector socialist muppets thus giving our party
“tentacles reaching out into many different pies”,Must be so “transparently
full of sh*t” that you gain the respect of the Leftist media movement at the
BBC & Guardian.
Ideally you will have vast experience of accepting bribes and involvement
in corrupt contract tendering ensuring that blatant nepotism “dwells beneath
the surface of understanding” of the public at large.
The ideal candidate should a good multitasker and incompetent enough to
achieve the complete utter economic collapse, moral decline and social
destruction of the UK but be so convinced of his socialist credentials that
even when the country faces bankruptcy they will remain a smug fucker who is
“always smiling to itself”
Only candidates with no morals, no economic experience, no life experience
outside of the tax spending public sector/union sector need apply.
Candidates should enclose their CV in £50 notes and arrange to have it
collected at the nearest Supermarket car park.
October 11, 2011 at 10:14
Well, it’s not often you see the words ‘perfect’ and ‘politician’
Mind you, it’s close – but it’s missing the constant stream of hot air from
it’s – er – mouth.
October 11,
2011 at 08:50