Questionable Habits

France has passed a Law about the habit of wearing Burkas (there’s a good background discussion here at Open Democracy), but not apparently about berks wearing habits.
This is alleged to be Gildas the Monk as he was dressed on arrival at the airport before travelling to Chez Raccoon.
Here’s the photo in all its glory, complete with sandales sans chaussettes.
In the best Jesuitical Tradition, there’s also a subliminal test in this picture.
What was your reaction in the first half-second?
Mine was Who’s that blonde, rather than Look, there’s Gildas, so I failed.
August 28, 2011 at 17:14
Gildas is a pussy cat if you look beyond his bad habits
OK try again
Gildas is a pussy cat if you look beyond his bad habits…
Obnoxio far from obnoxious…
French keyboard OK if you don’t try to touch type…
Are you lot planning to flog Raccoon tails or Raccoon tales?
Back tommorrow nurse is texting me to return to base!!!!!
[ED: reduced to editing comments for too many ‘q’s, and those haven’t even
got letter ‘u’s. Bah.]
August 28, 2011 at 16:48
I was planning on having a meet-up with Gildas soon, now I’m not so sure.
August 28, 2011 at 12:46
I’ll be honest and admit that on seeing that photo of Gildas, in the first
few microseconds I thought “ouch” as memories of cane wielding monks from my
early days at a monastery run school came to the fore.
Then for a longer period I was reminded of Darth Sidious, the evil Sith Lord, a character from a popular
childrens’ space opera series called Star Wars.
Is Gildas one of the evil Sith Lords? If so, I suspect he has fallen on
hard times because there is no dark side of the force left. It has all been
used up in Westminster, Brussels and the Big Brother household.
Perhaps Gildas could help fill the monastery coffers by getting a part-rime
job doing Star Wars impersonations at childrens parties and bar mitzvahs.
August 27, 2011 at 20:59
And you told me you had gone to audition for the XFactor with
your Gregorian Chant and juggling act! Sob! I suspect Gloria Smudd has had a
hand in this…
August 27, 2011 at 20:57
Think I’ve failed, too. The first thought was, “Is that Sister Eva Longoria
in the shorts and skimpy top?”
Erm, sorry Gildas….and Sister E…