They Who Live by the Race Card Die by the Race Card

The following is a guest post by Lloyd Marcus.
Lloyd began his childhood in a Baltimore ghetto. He grew to manhood in the 1960s. He is an artist, singer, production designer and musical producer, all professions frequently inhabited by leftists. Even his hairstyle – his hair is long and usually woven into a tight ponytail – bespeaks avant-garde.
Due to Obama’s declining poll numbers, Democrat tongues loosened by cocktails at parties are quietly suggesting, ”Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we could primary Obama out with Hillary? Darn it, we can’t because Obama is black!”
I say, ”Hallelujah — a perfect example of divine justice.“ They who live by the race card die by the race card.
Almost three years ago, the Democrats offered their equivalent of a Trojan Horse to America in the form of a shiny, new, extremely well-crafted, beautiful black man. Its mega-internal speakers broadcast a hypnotic message, heavily reverbed to create a godlike effect and looped 24/7, promising “Hope and Change.”
A “perfect storm” of circumstances led to America’s enthusiastic embrace of the Democrats’ ebony idol Trojan Horse: white guilt, black racism, and perhaps even the popularity of the American Idol TV show. Obama was the first “rock star” American Ebony Idol presidential candidate.
Democrats were elated by their good fortune.
Obama would be the key to implementing all of their liberal-academia, utopia-producing theories, his black skin insulating him from any and all opposition. Oppose Obama? You’re racist!
The Democrats keep their R-for-racist branding iron red-hot and ready to apply swift retribution to any feisty, uppity conservative or Republican who dares challenge Obama.
Basking in their tactical genius, Democrats thought, “We did it! We pulled off the perfect exploitation of race to implement our socialistic agenda; a liberal black man in the White House.“ Someone at the DNC even broke out their old Commodores record as they partied: ”Ce-le-brate good times, C’MON!“
As America slept, one night under the cover of darkness, a hidden door in the ebony idol opened; out rushed an army of vicious liberal minions, freedom-killing mandates, and socialistic policies. Their mission: destroy our capitalist system and massacre America as we know it.
Totally unexpected and to the horror of the Democrats, We The People rose up. Patriots, via divine inspiration, formed the Tea Party. Patriot freedom-fighters began winning skirmishes around the country — governorships in New Jersey, Virginia, and Florida — and defeating the tyrannous teachers’ union in Wisconsin, to name a few. We took the House. We will take the Senate and are predicted to take the White House in 2012.
The Democrats’ ebony idol, their so-called gift to America, has been exposed for the fraud it truly is — a hollow, soulless shell of empty liberal ideology, its internal recorded message malfunctioning and distorted, stuck repeating the phrase, ”I blame…I blame…I blame…“
Seeing the handwriting on the wall via polling, the Dems wish they could abandon their disastrous ebony race card for Hillary, their gender card.
But alas, they cannot. After spending the last three years, assisted by their media minions, convincing Americans that any and all criticism of or opposition to Obama is racist, Democrats find themselves victims of their own trap. Fearing the repercussions, Dems do not dare display the slightest abandonment of Obama. I love it! They who live by the race card die by the race card.
Despite the media’s relentless attempts to brand us otherwise, the Tea Party has never been about race. Our focus and sole desire have been to uphold the Constitution and restore our freedom, liberty, and culture. The Tea Party’s goals are much higher than the Democrats’ bottom-feeding agenda of exploiting race for political gain. This is why it is so sweet that they are stuck with their loser black candidate.
You leftists, do not try to spin my comment as being racist. I, along with millions of my white Tea Party brothers and sisters, would gladly cast a presidential vote for blacks such as Herman Cain and Col. Allen West in a heartbeat. So don’t even go there.
Ironically, the Democrats who claim ownership of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. shamefully dishonor his dream. The Tea Party, vilified by the Democrats, fully embraces MLK’s dream by judging and selecting their candidates by the content of their character rather than the color of their skin. Thus, the Tea Party, much-hated by Democrats, is the realization of MLK’s dream. And for the record, MLK was a Republican.
The Democrats played the ultimate race card — an incompetent affirmative-action president, and now they are stuck with him. The faux finish on their once-shiny ebony idol is rapidly deteriorating, peeling off daily. Come 2012, Obama is a sure loser. ”Ce-le-brate good times, C’MON!“
August 27, 2011 at 09:26
I don’t really understand economics. America’s economic woes might be
Obama’s fault, they might not be. Pretty much everything to do with economics
is a giant Schroedinger’s cat for me.
Mind you, I draw some comfort from the fact that all economists are in much
the same boat. Much like psychologists, they all seem to have a Big Idea That
Explains Everything and their forecasts are determined by it. Last week on
Radio 4, they had three economists having a debate about Keynesianism. Very
confidently and giving every impression of knowing what they were talking
about, they all proceeded to give different definitions of Keynesiansim. Then
they gave different explanations as to whether it worked or not. Then they
managed to disagree on what it was that Keynes had actually said or written,
and at that point I went back to listening to Godspeed You, Black Emperor
because it was clear I wasn’t actually going to gain any knowledge from the
programme after all.
Actually, that’s not entirely true. I did learn one thing (well, became
more convinced of a thing I had previously suspected). Economics is bunkum.
It’s basically a device which allows people to use long words and money to
support their existing prejudices. Thus certain people thing Bush’s tax cuts
for the rich were good/bad on a moral basis. By a remarkable coincidence, the
division between those schools of thought correlates pretty much exactly with
whether the same people think the tax cuts were effective/ineffective
But let’s say that the original poster is right. Let’s say we know that the
economical mess that America’s in is entirely Obama’s fault. Let’s say he only
got elected because he’s black. Let’s even say that the only reason he’s not
getting de-selected as a candidate is because he’s black, and not because such
a challenge has only happened three times in US history and has never
succeeded, ever. Yes. Let’s say that that we’re being spared another Obama /
Clinton face-off, not because the entire weight of history is against Clinton
succeeding, nor because it would cause a massively divisive rift in the
Democrats in the build-up to a tough election battle. No, let’s say they’re
not doing it because Obama’s black. That’s the obvious answer. Yes.
So here we are. Let’s say all of this is true. Who should Americans turn to
in this time of crisis? Well, according to the divinely inspired Tea Party,
the answer would seem to be Michelle Bachmann. A woman who claims she learned
all she ever needed to learn by the age of 12. A woman who believes that
Creationism should be taught alongside evolution in US schools, as an
alternative and equally valid explanation for the origin of life. A woman who
believes that victims of rape and child abuse should be forced to carry to
term and then look after their abusers’ children. A woman who believes that
abolishing the minimum wage will also abolish unemployment. A nutjob, in other
I wonder, should America collectively depart from it’s senses and elect
Bachmann next year, will critics of her face similar attacks from her
supporters to those which the original poster attributes to Democrats
defending Obama? Only instead of “You’re only against him because you’re
racist,” it’ll be “You’re only against her because you don’t like the mentally
August 27, 2011 at 14:33
Psychonaut99, was there ever a group who invented jargon and pretended
that they knew something about nothing who did not do it for their own glory
and enrichment, from lawyers, politicians and bankers all the way through to
broadcasters, especially those of the left who always seem to think that
they know better than everyone else what is good for the others.
I feel your attack on Michelle Bachmann is somewhat over-egged. Despite
the claims of the believers, evolution has not been proven beyond all doubt.
It remains a theory, and intelligent design has as much going for it, except
the enthusiastic chorus of the athiests, as evolution. I have never seen
anywhere a comment from Michelle Bachmann that a child conceived as a result
of rape or incest should not be made available for adoption if that is what
the mother wants. Perhaps, too, you would care to tell us all what is wrong
with believing that all human life is sacred and worth preserving. On a
purely logical viewpoint, because I do not suggest that I am intending to
kill you, if you could have been aborted, why, now that you have been born
should you have any more protection than the unborn child.
August 28, 2011 at 00:48
A theory is an explanation which meets all the observable and testable
facts. Evolution does this. Intelligent design does not.
People who say “evolution is just a theory” are, in effect, saying
“Hello. I am scientifically illiterate. Please feel free to disregard
anything I say from here on in because I really don’t have the slightest
idea what I’m talking about.”
August 27, 2011 at 18:05
Godspeed You Black Emperor! Yay!. Never thought I’d see them here… wasn’t
“Slow Riot For New Zero Kanada” of “F A Xxx” was it? I love ‘em!
August 17, 2011 at 08:54
“… the Dems wish they could abandon their disastrous ebony race card for
Hillary, their gender card.”
Nice one, deliciously ironic.
Perhaps the poor old Dems could pursuade our beloved Diane Abbott (the
private school patron and MP for Hackney) to take up US citizenship and be
“primaried in” as their presidential candidate. They would get double top
trumps in the grievance card playing games.
August 16, 2011 at 19:17
“for the record, MLK was a Republican”
And what else was MLK?
Poor choice of role model Lloyd, although I’ll admit the choices available
are extremely limited
August 16, 2011 at 18:26
TEA stands for “Taxed Enough Already”. The similarity to the Boston tea
event is wholly serendipitous.
August 16, 2011 at 16:40
“Tiffin” is an Indian word, “High Tea” is exclusive to Yorkshire* (unless
you’re brewing up with weed – tastes sh*t BTW) and I never say chin chin as it
cuts into valuable drinking time.
* For those unaware of the habit’s of God’s Own County, High Tea is a meal
eaten between the end of Sunday dinner** and the start of the Antiques
Roadshow. It contains at least 3000 calories per person, involves half a pig’s
worth of ham and a gallon of tea, and if not finished attracts a Look from
Auntie that can set fire to your eyebrows.
**Not lunch. Lunch is for Southerners and people who’ve never worked a day
in their lives.
August 16, 2011 at 16:31
The name calling has stifled intelligent debate in the U.S. Even if Black
conservatives criticise Obama, they are shouted down as “Uncle Toms”. Women
and minorities other than Blacks criticising Obama are ridiculed as
“turncoats”. Name calling is all the Left has to run on. Obama can’t run on
his record. He also can’t find it within himself to take responsibility. That
he blames all failures on others speaks to the victim class that remains his
base. You see, they get it. They’ve been held down all their lives so they
empathize with a Victim In Chief.
August 16, 2011 at 18:13
Aha, my good and wise friend has posted here for the first time. Welcome
aboard, Bill! I look forward to reading more of your comments from the far
side of the pond.
August 16, 2011 at 16:07
I’m reluctant to give too much credibility to someone who can confuse The
Commodores with Kool and the Gang.
August 16, 2011 at 15:31
Bugger! UK!
August 16, 2011 at 17:34
I would have let the error stand, it is pretty obvious that the country
is being run for the benefit of yoof kingdom, yardie-wannabe-kingdom or my
favourite yUK (the blairite cool brittania yoo-kay, pronounced yUcK).
The author makes a point that should chill england, a weak, inexperienced
but young and presentable candidate was packaged and sold to yoof and women
via social media, the very same media that the riotting class used so
effectively. Hmmm.
The candidate was extraordinarily successful gaining full control of all
three executive branches of government, effectively at that point he was a
dictator. The rest is history, a series of catastrophic blunders and policy
debacles that have resulted in a nationwide unemployment number close to
20%(disputed), youth unemployment in the capital at 50%, several banks
effectively bankrupt and industry grinding to a halt.
For those that sneer at sky faeries, think awhile on the trajectory of
yUK since major portions of the population have decided they can live
without the “burden” of moral guidance. Has it not coincided with the rise
of tattooed and pierced gibbering baboons bespoiling the land and creating
havoc everywhere they attend? Though given the woeful fare provided by the
church of england and the roman catholic church, I can appreciate your
Sneer at religion and Tea party good sense if you will, but at one time
it built an empire that spanned the world and was mostly beneficial to those
lands it encompassed. It also gave rise to the most generous country the
world has ever seen- the USA.
August 16, 2011 at 15:30
I think that might either be the Tiffin Party or High Tea Party in the YK,
doncha know. Chin chin!
August 16, 2011 at 14:44
Oh dear. Divine inspiration formed the Tea Party? Divine inspiration also
dropped the Twin Towers, sprayed blood and body parts up the wall at Tavistock
Square, caused the slaughter of (insert very large number over very long
You’ll forgive me if I have a quick raising of the eyebrow at your
imaginary friend in the sky who tells you to do things. It’s also odd that
patriots should deliberately interfere with the strength of their currency and
creditworthiness, but it’s yours to break I suppose.
August 16, 2011 at 13:57
Obama is the epitome of a Communitarian – the “Third Way” mix of Fabianism
and Capitalism-lite that’s ruining Europe and now America.
We desperately need a TEA party in the UK, although here it should perhaps
be called the TFTMA (taxed far too much already) party