Funny Sunny
Ed Milliband has just made a video ‘loop tape’ to make sure that, no matter what, he is only shown saying one message to the media about the recent strikes.
Quite rightly, everyone is having a good chuckle about it.
Unfortunately, over at Liberal Conspiracy Sunny is taking a slightly different approach to Ed’s tape than he did to George Osborne when he did exactly the same thing nine months ago.
One of the perils of partisan political blogging is that you end up looking .. er .. partisan.
Exhibit A: That Ed Milliband loop tape.
Exhibit B: The George Osborne version, from last October.
Exhibit C: Sunny Hundal over at Liberal Conspiracy on the George Osborn version, pouring scorn last year:
This video is hilarious. George Osborne is asked four different questions and each time he just repeats himself.
Either Osborne has nothing else to say or that is some serious attempt at message discipline.
Exhibit D: Sunny over at Liberal Conspiracy yesterday, explaining why it won’t damage Ed, attacking the naughty ‘sanctimonious’ broadcast journalists, and sitting us all down to be carefully told why it won’t affect clever Ed’s meeja masterplan.
‘Tis truly a tiring thing appointing yourself as the responsible party for the nation’s political media narratives. There’s oodles of it – nearly 500 words – so, if you’re looking for a diversion from the sport or from Hari’s Dickery in the Dock, you know where to go.
Of all the things to complain about on recent events, I’m rather puzzled so much has been made about that interview by Ed Miliband where he responds to four questions with the same answer.
The rationale is simple, and I have little doubt his team mind the interview getting out there.
What does bother me however is the sanctimonious attitude of some broadcast journalists.
Exhibit E: My comments.
Politicians have to do it to make sure their soundbite gets through, and it keeps us all amused at the political chimps’ tea party.
Be nice in the comments, now; we don’t want anyone to think that Anna’s readers are a rampaging horde of pontillaloons.
Matt Wardman blogs at The Wardman Wire, on media, politics and technology, in addition to writing at the Raccoon’s burrow.
July 2, 2011 at 16:12 -
They both looked like a couple of badly manipulated glove puppets!
July 2, 2011 at 17:58 -
The politicians are so keen on being seen in a good light, but they haven’t got a clue how to do it – so they believe anything their PR minders say; even if their minders are dead wrong and haven’t got a clue what they are doing. In fact actions like the above examples just show the politicians as stupid numpties.
The impression that PR minders haven’t got a clue about what they are doing comes from the twitter report by the Damon Green of his interview of Ed Millipeed – “But it isn’t until our shot has been checked by all three press officers – all peering into our viewfinder and offering helpful advice about framing and depth of field (a term they turned out not to understand, as my cameraman Peter Lloyd-Williams triumphantly established)”
July 2, 2011 at 18:54 -
Any senior politician saying something candid and honest would probably be slaughtered by the media hacks. I know that sounds cynical, but let’s face it, the media has so much broadcasting time and column inches to fill that they mes have to make very little go a very long way. In consequence, politicians have to be very careful what they say.
Pontillaloons, hey? I shall have to add that one to my collection of insults. It’s even better than ‘lilly-livered poltroon’.