Very Short Parish Notice
For the next couple of weeks SadButMadLad and me will be handling some of the site admin, working with the other contributors.
Roughly, SadButMadLad is handling site admin issues, and I’m dealing with planning content, Guest Posts and background email queries.
There may also be a couple of small changes happening in the site design.
There are more general details on the About/Contact page.
Matt Wardman blogs at The Wardman Wire, on media, politics and technology, in addition to writing at the Raccoon’s burrow.
[Update: Just had an email from SBML pointing out that he did the emails last time, and I have got the short straw. Hmmm.]
June 23, 2011 at 21:36
Where is Mme Raccoon? This isn’t a coup, is it?
June 23, 2011 at 22:26
June 22, 2011 at 09:32
Matt, you need a serious comment from moi. There is a current difficulty
with giving feedback on the choice of topics, in all blogs. Although
challenging a blog’s view on a topic is welcomed, criticising the choice of
topic gets a variation on “collect a refund on the way out”; it’s rightly seen
as insulting a bloghost, particularly when they have high ratings in things
like Wikio.
You’d probably have to invite people to break the taboo, at
least for a week or so, and
it could be a bit painful to read.
less serious, the more wounding comments could be shrugged off with collective
responsibility, government style (Matt briefing to press “that wasn’t me, SBML
did it”, SBML briefing “that wasn’t me, Matt did it”).
June 22, 2011 at 14:04
June 21, 2011 at 16:10
Well, looking at the first post after said notice, it seems that while the
Raccoon’s away, the mice will play! Trying to ‘find the level’, are we,
June 21, 2011 at 22:31
June 21, 2011 at 14:51
R.I.P. Brian Haw.
June 21, 2011 at 11:20
Well, here’s a disgruntled customer to start you off !
Its particularly
poor form to be showing that irritating ad supporting spending £30 billion ,
thats right , before the inevitable cost overuns, the estimated cost is 30
billion, of tax payers money on a pointless section of high speed rail line
Don’t take my word for it, log onto the Taxpayers Alliance website and
see what the sensible and clever people there think of it !