e-Coli, the computer age plague.

Have we seen such fear and loathing since the Black Death hit London?
The Daily Mail says we should avoid eating ‘European food’, conveniently forgetting that the UK is part and parcel of Europe, no matter how much we complain – the food we grow is European too, schmucks! Should we stick to water and give up food altogether? Best not touch the water; the Daily telegraph says this could be a terrorist attack – ‘Mustapha-crap in the water-tank’, al-Quaeda’s new motto?
The German’s said it was the Spanish cucumbers; the Spanish are threatening to sue for defamation of cucumber.
Reuters said the outbreak started in the Kartoffel-Keller in Lübeck. A Kartoffel? You are more likely to find the Pope in a Hamburg strip joint or a bowl of fresh fruit in a Kentucky Fried Chicken joint than a salad product in one of those shrines to overcooked potatoes and stewed meat.
Wasn’t Lübeck where Europeans got together to stop the advance of the deadly e-Russian advance? I’m sure that was the town the Para’s captured that saved Denmark from the Russians? We managed that without defaming each other. A few limp cucumbers must be easier to track down than a Russian tank.
You have to feel sorry for the restaurant owner; it was a party of German Vat inspectors that initially fell ill and blamed his restaurant….that is bad luck!
Now the latest news flash is that bean sprouts, that ‘plant-and-couldn’t-wait’ product beloved of the sandal and tofu ‘holier than thou’ brigade has been traced as the source. They definitely weren’t found in a Kartoffel.
For informative and non-scaremongering updates on e-Coli, our latest terrorist alert, may I suggest you read Leg-iron rather than the main stream media?
I know it’s unfashionable in these days of qualified journalists bringing you informative pieces, but you see – he actually knows what he is talking about.
He specialises in those gut bugs that reduce the non-smoking, non-drinking, non-nuclear power, non-capitalist, non-meat eating, non-fish eating, non-sense of humour, ultra green, ‘we’ll live for ever’ bean sprout eating morons to a life quaking in terror on the loo.
God surely has a sense of humour, hasn’t she?
June 6, 2011 at 19:15
Perhaps it was caused by an e-cauli flower?
June 6, 2011 at 18:18
Please disregard my previous – It hadn’t realised Leg Iron had done a new
post since the one I read yesterday. Pierre Gosselin (a French/Canadian)
living in Germany, is usually pretty good, but clearly LI is the more
knowledgeable here.
I must spend a bit more time reading before hitting the keyboard…
June 6, 2011 at 15:56
Leg Iron did inded give a highly informative and well argued report. All
eminently sensible and micrbiologically correct. E.coli is a fragile organism
ouitside of the gut, unless protected by organic debris. I doubt the
beansprouts are anything other than the vecor and doubt that too. Somewhere
there is a focus of contagion. Once this source is found which should be soon,
the infection will be over.
Anyone who thinks E.coli could be used as a bioweapon is a blithering
6, 2011 at 15:45
Lübeck was where the Prussians under Blücher had their butts kicked by
Napoleon in the early eighteen hundreds.
June 6, 2011 at 14:59
Pierre Gosselin (No Tricks Zone) thinks it can be blamed on
“Environmentally friendly” power sources such as Biogas.
And 2 more recent posts on the subject:
Why is it that virtually every “Green” product is less effective, and
frequently more damaging than the one it replaces?
June 6, 2011 at
When considering this story, and so many others, I was reminded of H L
Mencken’s famous quote “The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the
populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with
an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary”
June 6,
2011 at 13:25
A long while back, I recall doing the necessary a few times in the woods
around Uelzen when we were out not enjoying ourselves. More the point I had
about 15,000 of my mates with me as well. Perhaps someone disturbed the
June 6, 2011 at 13:24
I doubt it’ll be anything to do with bean sprouts either. What it will be
linked to somehow, even if never proven, is all that pig-shit that the Danish
and Dutch pork industry need to get rid of as cheaply as possible, complete
with the remnants of growth-promoting illness-suppressing antibiotics. Back in
1983 Lawrence D. Hills, founder of the HDRA, was complaining in his book
“Organic Gardening” that there were then only TWO sources in the UK of dried
sewage sludge because of the costs of fuel to treat it. I don’t suppose things
improved in that sense, so all the slurry etc. that farmers spray over their
fields is likely to be untreated, whether human or animal based. Leg Iron’s
articles are spot on.
June 6,
2011 at 13:00
Seems that with all the coverage of the latest European problem, the media
has forgotten that June 6th is the anniversary of D-Day ….. or is that
Politically Incorrect these days?
June 6, 2011 at 12:59
God’s a he surely? If she’s a she then I just hope they don’t need
lightbulbs in heaven.
Why do I get the impression I’m going to hell for
June 6, 2011 at 12:14
How did you get that monday morning pic of me? *checks webcam is off*
We junkers grow fat on our food
Und to call us all schwein would be
Uber alles we stride
As we conquer with pride
We use Euros now
guns are deemed crude
June 6, 2011
at 11:36
Growing a new species of E coli is hard. Harder still to make it effective.
And to make one that can kill 22 people is beyond anybody’s dreams. Well done
the Krauts, well done the sprouts. Hope the relatives of the deceased are
praising them too.
June 6,
2011 at 10:54
I really shouldn’t laugh but….
Mind you, according to this post at ‘Counting Cats’ the joke may be on
June 6, 2011 at 10:49
Whatever you do, DON’T EAT THE GREENS. This is a Feline Health
June 6, 2011 at 10:38
Sausage Sandwich or Bacon Sandwich…..decisions,decisions…
June 6, 2011 at 10:27
I am extremely concerned about the plight of the Spanish Cucumber. What
have these poor creatures done to deserve this gross calumny from these
Tutonic bullies who rushed to judgement, when it seems it was their very own
own bean sprouts which were the cause of infection! Woe to these unhappy
cucumbers now lying silent and neglected on the shelves when their whole
purpose is to lighten up the world by, say, adding crispy refreshment to to a
salmon sandwich, or floating happily in a sea of Pimms!
Is it not bad
enough that many people call them “vegetables” when Cucumis Sativus is in fact
a fruit of grown on the vine?
That’s not Jeremy Vine of course.
I shall
away to Waitrose, there to purchase a cucumber!
June 6, 2011 at 11:40
Does it not concern you that cucumbers are somewhat
June 6, 2011 at 12:07
Oh my GOOD LORD! I had never anticipated this bendy diversion! And i
have just consumed a CUCUMBER of which we have spoken! I am now resolved
to attend IN HASTE upon my local Fire Brigade (which is always nice) just
in case I should combust!
June 6, 2011 at 10:18
Yes IT (not he or she, surely) does!
Leg-iron’s post is brilliant and
completely destroys the made-up utter nonsense of the MSM.