Saturday Nostalgia
Life has a habit of not being fair. I find myself, in the depths of an economic recession, without a full-time job, not being able to find a full-time job, and trying to figure out if freelancing as a Mac artwork/designer is worth the aggravation any more.
So, while I ponder the mysteries of life, I find relaxation in making models. I am particularly partial to model road vehicles. Over the past few days I have been repairing, rebuilding and retouching part of the growing fleet of vehicles that find a home displayed on our model railway club exhibition layout Wouldham Town.
I found myself tweeting about a particular vehicle, while waiting for paint to dry. Anyway, here are some admittedly not technically very good photos, but they will do to illustrate what I was up to.
First up is a 1950s Vauxhall Wyvern, the subject of my tweets. The original model, as most of those that follow, hails from the growing Oxford Diecast range — and superb that range is, I may add. Most of the models cost less than a fiver, so I generally find a few more have been added to my fleet after an exhibition. The Wyvern, however, suffered from some overzealous painting in the factory. It was horrid, which was a shame as it was topped off with some very fine screen printed badges and and so on. Thankfully, Oxford Diecast see fit to construct their models with screws, so it’s a matter of moments to break things down to constituent parts. In this case, the paint was stripped back to bare metal, revealing the patternmaker’s artistry once more.Wouldham Town is set in the early 1960s. Vauxhalls developed a notoriety for bodywork corrosion — which explains why there are so few preserved examples from the 1950s and 1960s — so my aim was to reproduce a somewhat careworn ten-year-old example.
Another careworn vehicle is this Morris 8. I’ve selectively repainted some wings, doors and boot lid to show a car that’s had replacement parts from a scrapper. A respray hasn’t been done, and rust is beginning to reassert itself.
The 1950 Morris Six, looking like a stretched Morris Minor. The original model was a somewhat unusual aquamarine colour, so I decided on a respray (well, brush repaint) to a more typical early 1950s colour.
Ah, the Austin A40 Mk II. My mother learned to drive in one of these. This model finds itself parked outside a house on the layout, where the occupants have obviously been doing rather well for themselves. There’s a new television being installed, and Father has obviously just taken delivery of a brand new Austin. In this case, I limited myself to picking out some interior details, and a coat of satin varnish to tone down the very glossy original paintwork. Gloss paint simply doesn’t scale very well.
Finally in this batch, something I originally kit-bashed and scratchbuilt some 15 years ago. I have a thing for fleet vehicles, GPO and British Road Services in particular. This AEC and trailer is based on a photograph I found in a book on Post Office Telephones vehicles. The tractor unit was bashed from an Airfix kit, with wheels and fifth wheel coupling from Langley Miniature Models castings. The trailer was mostly scratchbuilt in plastic sheet and strip. Unfortunately, at some point in the past couple of exhibitions, the trailer got rather squashed, so I spent some time stripping down and rebuilding the side raves. With a bit more sensible packing, it might last another 15 years!So, that’s some of the creative stuff I get up to when I’m not pushing pixels about on a screen.
March 12, 2011 at 15:06
Although the Airfix kits of my youth provided enjoyment, they weren’t half
as much fun as the Chemistry Set.
Thinking back to the ‘How to make your own Explosives’ experiments (way
before the Anarchist’s Cook Book was even thought up), Special Branch would
now have apoplexy.
March 12, 2011 at 14:30
Saul! Where have you been, my knight in shining armor …?
March 12, 2011 at 13:53
March 12, 2011 at 14:33
Double swoon! Be still my beating heart!!!! It’s my Saul-mate!
March 12, 2011 at 13:36
Two weeks after Christmas, last day of the school hols, for want of
something to do I open the not-very-interesting looking aircraft kit – a
present from an Auntie – and half heartedly start gluing bits together. As the
construction goes ahead, I find myself becoming more and more fascinated by
this task, and become positively euphoric.
Ah, the aroma of plastic cement
– they’d never heard of glue sniffing back in 1961.
The last stage in
constructing a balsa-framed aircraft – before sending it on its doomed maiden
flight – was to soak the paper skin on the wings with an aromatic heady
substance known, curiously, as’dope’.
I wonder why it was so called?
12, 2011 at 10:59
I have happy memories of making airfix kits. My best was an 1/16th scale
red Morgan plus 8 with all moving parts. But I made loads of airfix model
airplanes and hung them from the ceiling.
Though I made things I was more adept at taking things apart!
March 12, 2011 at 10:43
Sadly my exquisitely constructed collection of airfix aircraft – including
the 1:24 ones when they were first moulded, custom built, sprayed, custom
decals and all – lasted just a few weeks after I was given my first .410
If you want to replicate a Bf109 being hit by a 4″ naval shell, I can
recommend this.
12, 2011 at 09:30
I know the feeling, having seen my consultancy work disappearing to nothing
this past year.
On the model-making front, I opt for the 54mm military models these days –
specialising in the Napoleonic period.
March 12, 2011 at 09:15
Someone knows what buttons to push to open the floodgates on the
Dream purchase (never achieved it) was the Short Sunderland kit,
complete with all the accessories (armament and tools for use as a flying
Also spent many a happy hour cutting balsa sheet to make various
aircraft using a scalpel (I doubt if even adults are allowed those these days
without a 6 month safety course).
Sadly a lot of the things got blown up
when you go from constructive to destructive, a phase that lasts until
that can be even more dangerous start!
March 12, 2011 at 08:03
Nostalgia. Just so. I too learned to drive in an Austin A40. What a
Gildas, the big-print monster has visited me too.
March 12, 2011 at 07:29
Ah yes! I used to be an avid model maker. I remember the the thrill of
saving up my pocket money and buying an Airfix kit on a Saturday morning,
completed in the afternoon. A Spitfire or a Panzer! The smell of glue and
Humbrol paint. later I became more proficient, even using a special spray gun
for perfect paint. My pride and joy was a large scale German E Boat,
immaculate in sinister gray. Ah, nostalgia indeed.
Good luck with the other
March 12, 2011 at 07:51
PS this is showing in big print on my screen. Don’t know why!
March 12, 2011 at 10:16
One of my best Christmases was when I was given loads of Airfix models.
Many years later Mr Smudd gave me two ‘Zoids’ kits – a wonderful walking and
roaring ‘Krark’ and a fully-armed ‘Shield Liger’.