
I’ve delayed this post till the weekend for obvious reasons. For many it probably wouldn’t get past your workplace’s firewall so I’ll leave it for you to explain to your other half why you are reading about porn.
Actually this is more about how you use porn. Everyone thinks they know how everyone else uses porn, with Jacqui Smith’s husband’s case being thought as typical. But do you really know. Do you use it for own pleasure or to increase the pleasure with your partner? Do you read, watch or look? Why do you use porn? There are loads of questions that everyone thinks they know the answer to but there isn’t actually much in the way of actual research to clarify them.
When you have politicians creating laws such as the Extreme Porn law based purely on their subjective opinions and not based on any real facts then the country is heading in a dangerous direction where a minority’s opinions affects the majority in a negative way. It might not always be direct, but it creates a climate where those who think they know how others should live their lives get their way and have it set in stone by politicans.
These do gooders might think they are in the right because anyone who uses porn will become a rapist or pedophile or some other sexual deviant. Well that’s the general consesus because no one can prove otherwise.
So to counter this derth of facts a new research project has been setup to look into the use of porn. Please feel free to visit their site and answer a small number of questions. It should take a maximum of 20 minutes. Most of the questions are multiple choice but you are encouraged to explain your answers in more detail. No personally identifiable information other than age, sex and country are asked for.
February 25, 2011 at 22:20 -
Will I be able to complete their survey anonymously, in the local library?
February 25, 2011 at 22:34 -
Wear the usual mac, no-one will know.
February 25, 2011 at 22:39 -
Dear me, we sent the Census Office off with a flea in it’s ear and now the liberationists are probing our dark side. Name, rank and serial number only, although the threat of that Vera Baird pic reappearing will get you a signed confession to anything.
February 26, 2011 at 01:30 -
Have a read here, the download is free should you think it’s useful.
February 26, 2011 at 07:13 -
Tks for that. I think I’d already downloaded it. Data mining is a bit of a red rag here.
I’ll leave the bar staff in peace before my next whisky gets yellow froth on it…
February 26, 2011 at 01:47 -
You think I’d read Anna Racoon at work? Far too salacious and subversive
As for the other stuff… “There ain’t nothing but trouble there boy.”
February 27, 2011 at 17:57 -
“I’ve delayed this post till the weekend for obvious reasons.”
Why did that sentence evoke the image of a barber ?
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