Liverpool on the Lam…
In some sectors of Liverpool – OK, Scotland Road – the tradition of ordering a ‘chinky’ and then legging it without paying, is so deeply engrained that one restaurant which sought to curb this, for them, unprofitable activity, instigated payment in advance.
They still had to keep the doors of their restaurant locked – the habit of ‘legging it’ was so automatic to their customers that some of them were paying and then taking off without eating…….
How appropriate then, that the sculptor Faith Bebbington has chosen to immortalise seven fleeing figures for the ‘Liverpool Discovers’ exhibition of public art which opened yesterday.
Nice sense of humour Faith……
16, 2011 at 18:08
I am happy to say that none of mine ever legged it from a Chinese
Restaurant. OK they never went to one, but that’s a question of lifestyle. But
Lyons teashop, well that was another matter entirely.
February 15, 2011 at 19:06
At the risk of ‘doing a Boris Johnson’ :-
A F1 team needed a new pit crew. There was a lot of candidates for the job
– a German team, an Italian team and even a Scouse team.
Each team had to change the tyres on a racing car, and the fastest would
get the job.
After a short debate, the jury reached the verdict:
“The German team wins. Congratulations!”
The Scouse team members start to complain “What? The Germans? We finished
before them! How can they be faster?”
The head of the jury steps in and says “It’s true that you Scousers
finished changing the tyres 2 seconds before the German team, but we did not
like the fact that you also resprayed the car, and ,changed the license
February 15, 2011 at 15:31
Was he of Irish blood? That would explain a lot.
Friend of
mine was telling me, at a wedding as it happens, that there’s been a gene
identified as the cause of alcoholism in the Celts/Irish. Dunno if he’s right
or not. Certainly our Classics tutor in Adult Ed, says , I quote, “The Celts
have a Thirst.” i.e. for alcohol. Summat inherited, aparrently.
Sorry, I
can’t stay, being comandeered by the cat and the wife, the cat’s on the
keyboard making me type ever so slowly and the wife’s calli
February 15, 2011 at 14:35
Oh. I see. Sorry!
Okay, I made a blunder, not knowing you well enough is my mistake!
is forgiven. Sorry for the angry post, but you can’t deny, we were indeed
slated and trashed by Thatcher’s soldiers, and it’s done certain damage that
even Blair’s pro-Liverpool ideas haven’t really cured.
arguments, well, would a bottle of Southern Comfort suffice?
February 15, 2011 at 14:10
I’m sorry, but despite the great respect and admiration I have for this
blog etc, I’m not happy about this post. It is just not true that
Liverpudlians are all theives and scrouyngers etc. I’m afraid I find it
grossly offensive, a copy has been printed out and I’m posting my first
complaint here. I politely request it is taken down.
February 15, 2011 at
February 15, 2011 at 20:27
How to challenge a view, Scousemouse. Produce verifiable facts,
preferably with a link to a respected and unbiased site, and keep it
relevant to what’s been said. You’d then be respected and we’d be
To immediately issue a threat without proving your argument
causes the opposite of my third sentence.
February 15, 2011 at 13:55
Hmmm, well maybe that post should be spoken a bit gentler, but it seems the
poster is not happy about some things. You really have to be careful, if you
write off a whole city as, in so many words, all scumbags, etc.
February 15, 2011 at 13:14
Hmmm. Concerning that word, I will let the arrogant PC brigade decide on
My old mate, Tommy Ling, thinks it’s funny!
It seems that London and Nottingham and Newcastle and Glasgow are more
violent than Liverpool. Thatcher hated Liverpool, and the cabinet of the day
was biased against it. The ‘Pool produced revolutionaries, it seems, like John
Lennon and his generation. They had to be smacked down hard, so the press
launched a long term vendetta against the place.
Succeeded, it seems too,
not just with right-wing, hate-filled, bigoted old cunts, either, but the
whole spectrum of Cowans.
February 15, 2011 at 12:54
Oh, ……you said ‘chinky’!!
February 15, 2011 at 12:25
In the spirit of Ken Clarke I’d let it be known that the food contains
snake venom. The antidote is given when payment is made.
COBRA could be
convened to discuss it.
February 15, 2011 at 11:14
Erm, I weally must pwotest, thatss, ummm,some of these assumptions are,
umm, weally notss covvect.
I doo wonnderr, umm, iff theeeese may pvovoke
some, umm, more weasonable ideas off wiverpool life.
February 15, 2011 at 09:45
I hope those statues are well bolted down…
February 15, 2011 at 08:58
Running away and not paying for the meal. Silly question, but are you
talking from personal experience?
Best not answer. Together we might start a new deviant trend that could
extend beyond the boundaries of Liverpool
15, 2011 at 08:34
Nicely done!
15, 2011 at 08:33
It’s not made of recycled hubcaps, is it?