The state will decide how much money you get!
It’s been a while since there has been a story in the press that left me with my jaw so far down that it hurt. But today, I believe, we are firmly back in the deranged world of government gone completely insane:
HM Revenue and Customs could take direct control of every worker’s monthly pay cheque under plans to overhaul the error-prone income tax system.
Instead of employers deducting income tax then paying gross salaries to employees, the gross monthly payment would go to an HMRC-run tax “calculator”, which would then pass the net salary to the worker.
The reform would mean the end of traditional monthly payslips, because employers would no longer be able to tell workers how much tax they had paid each month.
The immediate thought that comes to mind is: what do we do when (and not if!) this all goes wrong? What happens when, as will inevitably happen, HMRC makes a balls up and takes your whole month’s salary? Who will you fight with? Without a payslip, how do you budget for the forthcoming month, especially if you are on highly variable wages? What about people with all sorts of different sources of income? How will this “help” them? What about people who have valid reasons for submitting an annual return to claw money back?
Inevitably, this kind of glorious “lateral thinking” is a result of the many failings of the people in HMRC. Why is the long-suffering taxpayer being exposed to this extraordinary risk? It’s not like the government exactly has a fantastic track record when it comes to grandiose computer systems.
I’m going to do something that I don’t generally do, because I’m not as erudite at campaigning as Anna: I’m going to ask you to spread the word about this as far as you can; I’m going to ask you to write to your useless MP and complain in the strongest possible terms about this insane idea; write to your local newspaper, tell all your friends and do everything you can think of to stop this insane idea from becoming reality.
Because although Anna is a wonderful campaigner, I don’t think there’s enough of her to go around to save each and every one of us!
UPDATE: I am generally loathe to update articles, especially if they have only just been published, but I feel that this information may be of great value to 1.4 million taxpayers:
The first batch of 45,000 letters demanding cash to be repaid will start to arrive on Tuesday – with the rest sent out over the next four months.
But accountants said recipients should act swiftly to use a little-known loophole which forces HM Revenue and Customs to abandon ‘out of the blue’ demands and effectively write off the money.
They also insisted many of those affected are entitled to argue that they or their employer have done nothing wrong and should not be penalised for someone else’s blunder.
Enough is enough. It is time to starve these incompetent thieves of our hard-earned money!
September 8, 2010 at 16:35
This idea sounds all too possible to me.
September 8, 2010 at 10:02
All this is going to do is boost the cash-in-hand economy. As things stand,
HMRC makes mistakes because the rules are stupendously complex, nobody
understands them and it is well-nigh impossible to supply enough information
to calculate things correctly (the trick lies in giving just enough info to
make HMRC arrive at an acceptable figure and let matters lie). If this gets
enacted, two things won’t change: the rules will still be hugely over-complex
and HMRC will still make mistakes, lots of them; you just won’t be able to
tell them to get lost because they’ll already have your money.
Gypsies and the underclass already know the answer to that one: do
everything cash in hand. Don’t let on that you earn anything to the
authorities, and settle for earning a good deal less and being hunted
continually. Greece shows what happens when tax evasion becomes rampant; the
Government revenue plummets and civilisation falls apart.
September 8, 2010 at 09:04
Looks like I am young again.
In pre-1990 Poland I did small jobs as a
student and never seen NI and tax contributions on my payslips. In many cases
I just signed taking some money on a list where my name was among other
The next stage, if you are wondering about future develepment, dear
British comarades, is this:
…Pics of meat, fuel
coupons you may get for your hard work.
Repeat: Feells like I am young
again – well ,this time it is a bit scary….
September 7, 2010 at 21:27
”Instead of employers deducting income tax then paying gross salaries to
employees, the gross monthly payment would go to an HMRC-run tax
September 7, 2010 at 17:36
So because HMRC have been proved to be totally inept they should gain far
more power and control over our lives? Interesting logic there.
September 7, 2010 at 17:00
This was mooted some time ago in the latter years of the previous
Government and appears to have resurfaced but for the life of me I cannot find
the web pages about it.
It is largely ‘justified’ by the spods that the Revenue makes so many
mistakes because of *us*. This really isn’t so. The problems lie in the
complexity of the tax and welfare systems plus the constant revisions of said
systems and of the Revenue’s internal workings. Their solution is to suck even
more of the real world into their own fantasy land and relieve the public of
even more responsibility and money. No thanks.
The only way forward is for them to retreat. Simpler taxes. Simpler
benefits. Less spending. Less constant upheaval.
September 7, 2010 at 16:49
Loath Loathe Tricky
September 7, 2010 at 14:04
I’ve just sent this to my local MP:
The following has been published in
the Daily Telegraph – and it’s bouncing round the blogosphere:
HM Revenue and Customs could take direct control of every worker
September 8, 2010 at 08:37
As a postscript to my comment, my MP replied to the above message – she
hadn’t heard anything about it. She took the matter up with a treasury
minister – but she hopes this is a hoax.. so do I. But I wouldn’t put it
past them.
September 7,
2010 at 13:40
I wouldn’t count on those riots. The “enemy” has an effective weapon. A
weapon that’s been built over many decades, a weapon that has brought this
country to it’s knees, a weapon I fear we will never get the better of.
September 7,
2010 at 13:18
It’s not going to happen. They would have riots on their hands…..
September 7, 2010 at 12:17
This smacks of someone running interference it’s so ludicrous. I would
suspect something else just as nasty and odious is oozing out from Whitehall
or Brussels that they will attempt to implement but needs to be kept in the
dark as daylight may kill it.
September 7, 2010 at 12:06
Why don’t they just ‘go the whole hog’ and keep all of the earnings, we
could all live in tented camps or shanty towns and just queue for a bowl or
rice now and again!
Or, I suppose, an alternative could be, not to employ idiots to do anything
that requires a modicum of intelligence and/or planning.
September 7, 2010 at 11:34
‘Tax doesn’t have to be…’
a) Fair.
b) Coherent
c)…. feel free to add!
September 7, 2010 at 13:04
d) Small
September 8, 2010 at 18:31
paid by polticians…
September 7, 2010 at
Agreed on the astonishment factor, Thaddeus. As Tim W says, even the
Soviets didn’t go that far.
And this from a government who sprinkle the words ‘liberty’ and ‘freedom’
around. Hell’s teeth!
September 7, 2010 at 11:13
Christ On A Bicycle !
Why is everybody so in love with the State and Libertarians are seen as
September 7, 2010 at 13:19
Because we are very poor at making the argument that chimes with the
non-political. The masses have been brain-washed for decades by the
educational establishment and the BBC to process their thinking through left
wing lens. The assumptions are inherently progressive.
I do maintain that their reasoning is inherently libertarian in many
cases. But until libertarians get serious about winning the people, not the
argument we will be regarded as nutters.
7, 2010 at 10:25
Excellent post. This is a monstrous overreach by the ConDems and should be
resisted as strongly as possible…
7, 2010 at 10:15
OK Thaddeus, I’ll do a post later to include your desperate plea. Does that
mean they’ll take my wee pensions too? Suppose so. Thieves and charlatans
right enough.
September 7, 2010 at 09:43
Well done Anna. I couldn’t believe it when I heard the BBC telling people
not to pay the money back on this morning’s news …