And this little Piggy grew up…..
Remember the too, too chic ‘tea-cup piglets’? The must have accessory for the terminally fashionable? The £700, stuff it in your Gucci bag, take it to a film premiere, let it sleep on your bed side table, perfect pet? The one that even seduced Victoria Beckham, her of the fastidious taste?
It seems that the advert which accompanied the above picture was slightly misleading, and today the Advertising Standards Authority has banned the ‘Little Pig Farm’ from running that ad any longer because it inferred that the little cutie pies would never get too big for your Gucci bag any bigger than 12-16 inches high – and that just isn’t true.
The British Kune Pig Society challenged the ad on the grounds that although Kune piglets are especially small and cute – Victoria’s bed table accessory was quite likely to look like this at two years old……
She must be thrilled!
August 19,
2010 at 04:30
Never heard of Mrs Beckham’s latest tax avoidance scheme Anna, but you
ensure I live and learn.
August 19, 2010 at 02:12
ok – I confess to a fondness for pigs. And also I have NO idea how to embed
URLs into these posts.
so please take a look at this – a major ad cazmpaign here in the USA is
having a lot of fun with “rhetorical questions” – this is one of my
August 19, 2010 at 03:01
ooh – cool – the URL thing happens all by itself !!! You learn a new
thing every day!
18, 2010 at 17:48
Eurk! I don’t see the fascination with pigs as ‘cute’ animals at all. They
are dirty, smelly things. There’s only one good thing about pigs, and that’s a
bacon roll with a cup of strong black coffee.
I’d love to see Mrs Beckham taking one of those on a lead to a film
premiere, though. That would be worth the licence fee all by itself.
August 18, 2010 at 18:56
All farm animals are dirty smelly things compared to domestic cats and
dogs. In fact pigs are quite clean. One of the reasons they have mud on them
is to stop them getting sunburn. The other being the fields they’re kept in.
Pigs are also highly intelligent. But the best place for them is in a bun
with an egg and some brown sauce.
August 18,
2010 at 17:48
Mmmm, bacon…