Shocked, I tell you, shocked!
I see the police in New Zealand are shocked at the behaviour of young people again. Apparently, a bunch of youths who like something slightly unusual and a bit risky have filmed themselves doing something entirely legal.
Shown the video, amazed police officers in Auckland described their actions as “incredibly stupid” and “idiotic”.
Superintendent John Kelly said: “What concerns me is the speed they get up to and the lack of control they have got.
“They’ve got no brakes. If something goes wrong in front of them, they’re terribly exposed to risk.”
Another experienced traffic officer, Sergeant Stu Kearns, said: “Anyone using a skateboard on a road like that has a death wish.”
At the top of the Bombay Hills heading south from Auckland, State Highway 1 ceases to be classified as a motorway and becomes an expressway, meaning pedestrians and cyclists are permitted to use it.
Although skateboarders are defined as pedestrians, police say they could be charged with careless driving or failing to keep left.
Kids? Having fun? Taking risks? How dare they! We’ll find some reason to penalise them, don’t worry! And if there isn’t, well, we’ll make something up.
24, 2010 at 16:38
Personally I don’t care if these tossers kill themselves, the world needs
less arseholes. What about when one of them loses control however and somebody
in a car or van, a vehicle with brakes and a steering wheel or other means onf
controlling it, swerves to avoid them (a normal reflex) and causes a multiple
pile up resulting in deaths and serious injuries to people who were not doing
anything stupid.
And think of the outcry there would be if one of them was mown down by a
car. The chavs who made Raoul Moat a “legend” would look restrained by
So if you want to argue thay “hey, the guys are just having fun and it
isn’t illegal,” (though it would actually break several laws in Britain and
several dozen in the USA, stateboarders are regarded as pedestrians in law)
then you must also argue that any drivers who kill them will not be charged
with any crime more serious than littering.
Libertarianism imposes a burden of responsibility on people. That idiots
like these skateboarders exist shows why we have a long way to go if we want
to win back our personal liberties.
I’d love to heard what cyclist – hater Jeremy Clarkson had to say on this.
At least bikes have brakes and handlebars.
July 24, 2010 at 19:12
You are correct, Sir.
July 24, 2010 at 12:32
Pre-May 6th
Ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban
it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it,
ban it
Post-May 6th
Ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban
it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it, ban it,
ban it
Do you really think Dem Tories “Big Society” centralised gummint will react
any differently to the way Bully McNutter’s regime of the shaved chimps would
have done?
July 24, 2010 at 11:31
Brilliant. People taking control over their own lives and associated risks.
We need more of it.
July 23, 2010 at 20:27
People do that round here all the time, though admittedly not on major dual
carriageways. Mainly because we don’t have any.
July 23, 2010 at 18:47
Perhaps we should bewail the abrupt departure of the previous ‘guvmint’ as
they would undoubtedly have made ‘rapid descents on stairs and elevators’ a
punishable crime with suitably severe fines.
July 23, 2010 at 15:18
Tsk! Where’s a
speedsafety camera when you want to know
what speed you can get up to?
July 23, 2010 at 15:14
Couldn’t happen here in UK, the appalling road surfaces would have you off
the skateboard within twenty feet (about 6 metres if you want it in
July 23, 2010 at 12:00
I tend to agree with Lenko, it’s a bloody stupid thing to do on so many
levels, although I normally agree with the argument that it’s their skin* so
they can do what they like with it, they are forcing other people into their
More significantly for me it points to the futility of all the
safety and control regulations in society. Some people want risk and exitement
but if society takes all the opportunities away by banning them and making
life bland and boring then some people will be pushed into more extreme ways
to have their fun.
* I suspect it won’t be theirs indefinitely, some will be donating it to
the landscape before long!
July 23, 2010 at 10:40
Not with you on this one, Thaddeus… although it DOES look like a lot of
fun. And who cares if you kill yourself? Just one less mouth to feed on a
hungry planet.
Yep — terrific fun — right up to the minute something goes wrong and you
kill some poor innocent bastard who was having a nice day until you happened
along. Maybe you can kill the whole family, who knows?
Or until you DON’T kill yourself — just end up a veggie whose Mum has to
spend her last few years being a full time carer and wiping your bottom every
Great fun.
July 23, 2010 at 12:34
Well said Sir. And what of the psychological effects on a totally
innocent driver who mows over one of these guys who has fallen?
BTW Thaddeus, undertaking is not legal, nor is failing to indicate before
changing lanes or exiting the carriageway.
July 23, 2010 at 13:15
July 23, 2010 at 13:39
Hey, shit happens and there is nothing you can do about it so chill
July 24, 2010 at 03:41
wrong..wromg, wrong, wrong – shit doesn’t “happen”. People put
themselves in harms way and are often ignorant of the potential
I am with the earlier poster – you want to race down a hill – fine –
just don’t expose ME to the risks YOU are taking…………
July 23,
2010 at 10:20
Reminds me of the fuss that TfL made after someone had the audacity to ski
down the escalator at Angel.
Can’t have people enjoying themselves or trying something new can we? The
horrors! Don’t they know they could have been injured?
Bloody killjoys.
July 23, 2010
at 10:01
How can you charge a pedestrian with dangerous driving? Muppets
July 23, 2010 at 09:40
As soon as you have an organisation charged with keeping people safe, that
organisation will inevitably decide just how safe you need to be- after all
there would be no point in there existence if they recognised that some people
are happy to take risks that others won’t. Thus the HSE and the police take
our money telling us to do things we don’t see the point of, or abstain from
things we do want to do.
July 23, 2010 at 09:34
On the plus side, good to see the guy filming was at least wearing biker’s
leathers; on the minus side, the idiot doing it barefoot and wearing
hacked-off pants and a shirt is probably looking for early entry to the Darwin
Awards. But there always was something admirably bonkers about NZ youth.
July 23, 2010 at 08:35
Excellent! That looks like a LOT of fun! However the road the boarders are
using looks very smooth and even – I once managed to break the local limit on
an urban motorway on a bike & (keeping it upright on) the patched, worn
road was even more memorable than the speed…