The Fixer-in-Chief in the Attorney’s Wig…
“Tony Blair was warned … that an invasion of Iraq would be illegal the day before he privately assured President George Bush he would support US-led military action, documents released by the Chilcot inquiry reveal… Lord Goldsmith, then the attorney general, repeatedly warned the prime minister of the potential consequences of invading Iraq without fresh UN authority – much to Blair’s irritation.
Goldsmith changed his view shortly before the invasion on 20 March 2003″ (Guardian) (June 30th 2010)
When I was a lad I made it big
As fixer-in-chief in an Attorney’s wig
I cleaned up scandals and I swept up sleaze
And I pandered to the wishes of the Big Big Cheese
(He pandered to the wishes of the Big Big Cheese)
I pandered to the wishes of the Power in the Land
And now I’m sitting here with his balls in my hand
As Attorney General I made such a mark
That he asked me to change my advice on Iraq
I quickly saw the error of my ways
And gave him what he wanted without delay
(He changed his advice without delay)
I told him he could do whatever he planned
So now I’m sitting here with his balls in my hand
Now lackeys all, whoever you may be,
If you want to rise to the top of the tree,
If your conscience isn’t fettered by scruple or qualm,
Be guided by this rule and you’ll meet no harm.
(He is guided by this rule and he’s met no harm)
Keep your own head down during Custer’s Last Stand
And you may come away with his balls in your hand
Nick Drew
July 1, 2010 at 22:31
Very funny.
A bloody disgrace though.
July 1, 2010 at 15:16
Good one Nick. WSG would be pleased with you. Come to think of it, he might
have written a whole opera about our recent shower.
The late Robin Cook went on about the Gilbertian antics of the Other Place
but missed the fact the great man summed up some of his colleagues very well.
“I always voted at my party’s call/I never thought of thinking for myself at
all” and of course Derry Irving “The law is the true embodiment/ of everything
that’s excellent/It has no kind of fault nor flaw/ and I My Lords embody the
July 1, 2010 at 15:01
Wonderful stuff, Nick Drew!
July 1, 2010 at 14:34
So when is Phoney Tony going to be recalled to have his evidence to
Chilcott reviewed in light of this?
July 1, 2010 at 13:24
Simply outstanding !