The prohibitive cost of a Glasgow based web site?
Hot on the heels of the news that the Madeleine MCann fund paid £37,071 for web site costs comes word of more expensive Glasgow based web sites.
The ‘Madeleine’ web site was set up by 19 year old Callum McCrae, a pupil of Gerry McCann’s sister Philomena. Based in his Glasgow garage, we were told, this somewhat amateurish web site appeared within a few days of Madeleine’s disappearance and managed to sell an astonishing 2 million ‘wristbands’ from its on-line shop.
Yesterday I learned that Duncan Stephens, a 20 year old lad from Kirkcaldy, has, with commendable web sleuthing ability, dissected another unnaturally expensive Glasgow based web site. This time belonging to the Glasgow member of the Scottish Parliament, Charlie Gordon – he’s the man who resigned as Labour’s transport spokesman over a dodgy overseas donation for Wendy Alexander’s Scottish Labour leadership campaign. Charlie Gordon has claimed £12,822.62 for the financial year 2007-2008 for a web site operated by his son Gavin.
This web site cost the princely sum of £150 to set up and run for three years (I am not attributing any costs to the blood, sweat and tears I shed in the process!) but then I am not based in a Glasgow garage.
The toxic assets of the Royal Bank of Scotland have been a major contributor to the present banking crisis, we have a Scottish Prime Minister who seems intent on financially ruining the UK, Scottish web sites drain public money and donations like a thirsty camel, and we are told that the ‘Union’ is a good thing.
Independence for Scotland – as soon as possible please! Set the Scots adrift on their own little raft, we can’t afford them.
February 7, 2009 at 01:49
Heather 02.04.09 at 12:35 pm
Anna, be aware that discussing your own web
site development costs for the purposes of comparison is not a wise thing to
do. In legal terms it can be considered encitement to cartel behavior,
especially if your audience is confined to a certain geographic area. (Not to
mention the trouble that it causes for professional designers like me when
people read figures like yours and then phone me up demanding an all-singing
all-dancing corporate web site for
February 4, 2009 at 21:47
I think we should give Mr. Amaral a big tickling stick to tackle the
Tapastwats with!
That would make them answer the questions with a straight answer instead of
all the long convoluted retracted ones they have been giving out!
February 4, 2009 at 21:43
Saul 02.04.09 at 7:49 pm
Without Scotland there would have been no
Chirpy Chippy rear turret tail gunners for Lancaster
could have drafted some in from Wales ……….
February 4, 2009 at 21:41
They would have to work overtime in the Jam Butty Mines to pay the
February 4, 2009 at 21:36
Jo and Chatelaine ……………… Darlings …………….. There is a whiff of something
like dead prawns left in a plastic bag for a few days in high Summer if you
ask me …………….
And as for the rest of those accounts! Goodness me …….. I know there is a
Liverpudlian connection in all this but bloody Hell! I never thought Ken Dodd
was their book-keeper!
February 4, 2009 at 21:30
Chateleine!!!!! dont be like “that”!!! how comes you doubt the figures we
are given? hey?
Its just the website is made out of solid gold,ni plus ni
Having murder impulses? jajajaja
February 4, 2009 at 21:23
Unlimited bandwidth, of course, to allow the early millions of hits
February 4, 2009 at 21:21
Let’s get back to website costs…Apologies for interrupting an otherwise
highly entertaining thread
The McCanns claim GBP 37,000+ for their website costs. I checked today with
one of my IT, asking what the expense for a website like theirs would be for a
period of 10 months
February 4, 2009 at 20:09
I must say ……….. in the past ………. I have considered making Hadrian’s Wall
just a few feet higher and getting all the trash and tossers in the World ………
and planting them up there so that all murderers, thieves, rapists etc. can be
amongst their own. I would neuter them all to stop them from breeding
Is any of this a bad idea? Of course it isn’t!
And of course I would repatriate all the lovely people and rescue all the
fine art ………… After rescuing all the animals first ……….
Anyway ……… I think it would make a beautiful rural prison ……….. And maybe
we could watch them all on live web-cams.
February 4, 2009 at 19:54
I must say in reponse to this Gavin lad and his daddy ……… Get yourself one
of those revolving email addresses that shows you in Germany one minute,
Panama the next and within an hour you could be webbing from Spain …….. Saves
anybody tracing stuff back to you!
February 4, 2009 at 19:49
Without Scotland there would have been no Chirpy Chippy rear turret tail
gunners for Lancaster Bombers.
February 4, 2009 at 19:47
May we have India back though? Please ……….
………..And all the other pink bits that I loved looking at in my Atlas ………
February 4, 2009 at 19:45
Kittens! I have a fondness for Scotland due to some of the lovely friends I
have and a doctor who once saved my life ……….
But ……….. I believe that official figures show that there are more people
claiming benefits up there than in any other civilised country apart from
somewhere like ……… I think it was Lithuania? ………..
So maybe ………. and I say this with not just a few tears ………… Let Scotland
have its independence …………….. Coz let’s face it ……….. when the IRA were at
screaming pitch a while back wanting to control all of Ireland ……… if we had
let them have it ……… they would have been bankrupt within a fortnight!
February 4, 2009 at 19:03
Just checked out the link to Duncan Stephens .. very interesting reading
indeed! Well done, that man!
February 4, 2009 at 18:48
”(I am not attributing any costs to the blood, sweat and tears I shed in
the process!) but then I am not based in a Glasgow garage.”
This has been giving me flash-backs! A back-street garage in Glasgow …….. –
Blood ……… sweat ………. tears! Fucking Hell – it doesn’t just remind me of a
haunting episode of Taggart ……….
It reminds me of frozen prawns ………. and people left to rot ……….. after
having been beaten up ………..
February 4, 2009 at 18:44
That’s a brilliant idea! If the PM isn’t (yet) for the high-jump, how about
the ski-jump?!
February 4, 2009 at 18:42
February 4, 2009 at 18:33
We could always ask Eddie Blizzard for his take on Global snow , sledge
funds, slush funds, careering down slippery slopes, freezing assets and
skating on thin ice … etc., etc., etc.
February 4, 2009 at 18:36
February 4, 2009 at 18:27
February 4, 2009 at 17:37
I blame all those Sledge funds.
February 4, 2009 at 17:24
And all those people who read us the Weather …
February 4, 2009 at 17:28
February 4, 2009 at 17:18
the oil has run out now, they can have scotland back.
February 4, 2009 at 17:18
About big bucks…almost 3 millions pounds went in the mccDosh
account/Madeleine”s fund out of which a pathetic 13% has been used in
Madeleine”s search… comment
Follow the cash…or its absence
Sorry not much t do with the actual thread or is it?all those well fed
panses jeje
February 4, 2009 at 15:23
2 Anna Raccoon 02.04.09 at 11:05 am
February 4, 2009 at 14:41
Where does the 33Bn pounds for the Scottish budget come from?
February 4, 2009 at 12:35
Anna, be aware that discussing your own web site development costs for the
purposes of comparison is not a wise thing to do. In legal terms it can be
considered encitement to cartel behavior, especially if your audience is
confined to a certain geographic area. (Not to mention the trouble that it
causes for professional designers like me when people read figures like yours
and then phone me up demanding an all-singing all-dancing corporate web site
February 4, 2009 at 12:47
February 4, 2009 at 10:57
Good morning …before I dash off
Can I apply for the scot
Do they give you a kilt when we apply?
Are you obliged to
eat “panse de brebis farcie” when you take the scottish nationality as a prove
of your sincerity?
Let me scracth my scabs…
you later
February 4, 2009 at 11:05