The Serial Farce Office…….
Jessica de Grazia’s official report last summer on the Serious Fraud Office was mortifying, painting a picture of gross incompetence in an organisation designed to pierce the most sophisticated corporate frauds. 300 lawyers, accountants and investigators, presumed to be the finest available, and funded to the tune of £42 million last year, were revealed to be “paralysed by perceived cronyism, paranoia and a lack of firm leadership and direction”.
A financial investigator remarked: “The SFO has a system where the mediocre flourish.”
Just four days ago it was reported that the SFO was delaying the transmission of information to the United States about Bernard Madoff‘s London-based operation, to officials involved in wrapping up the defunct empire of the disgraced investment adviser, court records yesterday.
Two days ago they were involved in an unseemly exchange with the Portuguese authorities, from whom they had demanded sight of the Bank Accounts of José Sócrates, the Portuguese Prime MInister, in connection with the ‘Freeport’ case – a request which was met with hollow laughter in Portugal, since the English Home Office had blocked requests for access to the credit card statements of Gerry McCann!
The ‘track record’ of the SFO has been embarrassing.
2003 – Andrew Regan acquitted of theft and bribery involving the Coop after six years and three trials. Estimated cost: £6.3m
1996 – The SFO’s pursuit of Kevin and Ian Maxwell on fraud charges ends in failure. Estimated cost: £20m-£30m
1994 – George Walker, the boxer turned businessman, cleared of all charges after 18-week trial. Estimated cost: £40m
1992 – Court of Appeal overturns SFO convictions of four directors of Blue Arrow describing the 12-month trial as a “costly disaster”. Estimated cost: £40m
This is reminiscent of the Quinquennial Review of The Public Trust Office, an organisation charged with controlling the finances of the most vulnerable people in the country – a similar catalogue of incompetence, inefficiency and demoralisation was uncovered there.
The two departments have one outstanding factor in common – a culture of excessive secrecy concerning their actual work output.
However there is a significant difference in the outcome of their reviews – staff in the old Public Trust Office would be astounded to learn of the redundancy pay offs on offer at the SFO – up to £240,000 lump sum on top of a £22,000 pension. Some of the Public Trust Office staff counted themselves lucky to ‘hitch a lift downwards’ to a lowly clerks position in the Immigration Office.
How fortunate those SFO staff are to be made redundant in the midst of a recession presided over by a Labour government that is determined to reward the feckless, support the inadequate, and bleed the hard working to pay for it….
February 4, 2009 at 03:57
We simply must get to the bottom of all this Liechtenstein business at some
Mmmmmmm! Wonder who has accounts there? Which Fraud Offices from which
countries are being given over-time on this lot then?
None! That’s how many. None!!! Serious fraud my arse.
They don’t know what serious fraud is yet! – Until they unravel Madoff’s
knitting. Goodness me! ………. He’s gonna look like small-fry when they get into
In fact they are shredding and giving their computers deep-sea burials as
we type! Oh yes Siree ……….
February 4, 2009 at 03:51
‘Fraid so Chatelaine! I am afraid so ………… The end is nigh …………….
There is no such thing as freedom …………. in anything …………. anymore ………… We
are doomed to become the living dead …………… Or imprisoned and drugged to keep
us quiet and away from our computers ………………..
Should we all order cells next door to one another in the same prison?
Like the Clan did with their holiday apartments …………..
No. I bet they won’t allow us to do that ……………………….
February 4, 2009 at 00:20
February 3, 2009 at 23:00
”Two days ago they were involved in an unseemly exchange with the
Portuguese authorities, from whom they had demanded sight of the Bank Accounts
of Jos
February 1, 2009 at 23:30
As a foreigner I have no right to ridicule the UK government, SFO or Home
Office and the likes. However … I may wholeheartedly agree to the ridicule of
“Two days ago they were involved in an unseemly exchange with the Portuguese
authorities, from whom they had demanded sight of the Bank Accounts of Jos