The Ring Cycle

Back in the 1980s, I was an avid reader of the music press, and my favourite weekly was ‘Melody Maker’. Within a few months of purchasing my first issue, I became familiar with the different writers on the paper and began to differentiate between them even before seeing their names at the end of a review; I had a mental image of those who composed the most barbed, bitchy and entertaining pieces, visualising them as rock ‘n’ roll desperadoes with great hair, far cooler than the bands they were writing about. My fanciful imaginings were cruelly crushed one year when the Christmas edition appeared and the top ten lists of the writers were published, along with their photographs. It was like going on a blind date expecting to meet someone resembling Kate Moss, and finding they were closer to Sterling Moss. Not necessarily a gallery of grotesques, but not quite the young Keith Richards figures I had seen in my head.
I was reminded of this when watching Tuesday evening’s eagerly-anticipated ‘Panorama’ on the legendary VIP Paedophile Ring. Not that I had imagined any of the wannabe witchfinders would be dead ringers for Johnny Depp or anything, but the sight of serial rumourmonger Chris Fay looking like an extra from Tod Browning’s notorious 1930s horror flick, ‘Freaks’ was nevertheless a welcome surprise. Presumably interviewed at home, the dark hovel he inhabited seemed perfectly apt if one’s nest is a reflection of one’s head. Hunched over his PC, the miniature Cape Canaveral from which he launches his bullshit-seeking missiles, he offered viewers a glimpse of the alleged clientele at Elm House, which looked more like a shopping list scrawled on a piece of that hard toilet paper school loos were stocked with in the 70s to dissuade children from spending too much time on the throne. In many respects, he confirmed every suspicion held by those who have been exposed to his rancid fantasies.
I felt I had to watch the programme, despite being somewhat worn down by ‘Paedo Fatigue’ over the past couple of years, and also sharing our landlady’s desire for this blog not to be viewed as a one-trick pony. However, as her excellent post yesterday concentrated on Exaro’s dubious role as ringmaster, I thought I may as well review the actual programme from a viewer’s perspective, albeit one already well-versed in the Whitehall Farce this saga has become.
After about twenty minutes, with the various allegations aired anew, my eyes rolled as I quickly feared I was sitting through yet another shockumentary in the ‘Exposure’ mould. The presenting style of the reporter, Daniel Foggo (who had the look of a long-lost Mitchell brother poised to return to the fammerlee bosom), was beginning to remind me of ITV’s once-favoured Private DICK, Mark Williams-Thomas, and the route the programme was taking gave a lift to all the tired sub-‘Brass Eye’ clichés hitch-hiking along the way – blurry, out-of-focus shots of the named locations, interviewees as silhouettes, archive film of Savile and Smith etc. When the talking heads not shot from behind as an actor recited the words included ex-Met Commander Peter Spindler justifying his #Ibelieveher tactics, the thought crossed my mind to switch over to ‘Newsnight’; but I stuck with it.
I’m glad I did. For the first time on mainstream television, we received a fairly thorough critique of some of the more elaborate accusations that served to debunk them in a manner the police have decided is not conducive to their investigation; a statement from the Met the day after the programme was transmitted, claiming the flow of victims coming forward would be stemmed as a result of the BBC daring to question their validity, epitomised the police approach to the whole issue. Although I didn’t really learn anything I didn’t know beforehand, it was nevertheless refreshing to see the nation’s premier broadcaster having the guts to do what numerous amateur detectives have been doing online for a long time. And I sincerely hope many people of my acquaintance who have accepted the media’s version of events from day one were watching.
Of course, for the BBC to tackle this inflammatory topic was brave in the light of the slings and arrows the corporation has had to endure since 2012, but at the same time, this kind of difficult subject is precisely the sort that programmes such as ‘Panorama’ should be covering – just as ITV current affairs used to mean ‘World in Action’ rather than ‘Exposure’. A more comprehensive dissection, encompassing the sinister presence of Slater & Gordon as well as holding up the Savile accusations to a closer examination, would require a time slot spanning more than sixty minutes; and even if the former didn’t warrant a mention while the latter was only referenced in his born-again identity of ‘Britain’s Greatest Paedo’, at least this week’s programme shone an unflattering spotlight on the new Deputy Leader of the Labour Party and his questionable non-political preoccupations.
Rather than choose to confront the myth-makers with proof that none of their stories bore scrutiny, the programme instead gave them the opportunity to recycle them again before then exposing them for what they are. On one hand, this could be seen as a cop-out, but I thought the tactic worked quite well. After all, the guilty parties would only deny they were lying, so what would have been the point? Those viewers who had all their prejudices confirmed that everyone in power is ‘up to something’ when Chris Fay or ‘Nick’ spun their tenuous yarns were then forced to face facts as one-by-one, each yarn was meticulously unravelled. The tale of the schoolboy chum of ‘Nick’ deliberately mowed down to guarantee his silence in 1979 was one particular anecdote for which there was no evidence whatsoever. Foggo said the programme had studied the archives of the local paper and found no mention of such an incident, and as someone who has also exhaustively trawled through the back issues of Kingston’s local paper, I applauded their efforts.
The programme took a close look at the Elm House and Dolphin Square chapters of the story and neither yielded anything to support the wilder claims surrounding them, whereas those who had suffered genuine abuse as children, and then had to relive the experience in the company of Knacker thanks to their names being dragged into the fantasy of a convicted fraudster, were given airtime to express their understandable grievances. This served as a canny reminder that, beneath the sensationalist conspiracy theories, there is a silent army of genuine survivors who have tried to avoid being defined by a traumatic experience that took place thirty or forty years ago. The obvious outcome, as always, in devoting so much coverage to narcissistic fantasists is that the actual casualties of abuse are ignored because their abuser doesn’t fit the VIP agenda; and if they receive any attention, it is as promotional merchandise for an industry they didn’t ask to be recruited by.
For anyone whose knowledge of this story had been wholly garnered from certain newspapers, exposure to revelations the rest of us have been familiar with for quite a while vindicates the decision of the BBC to make the programme, if nothing else. As an hour-long investigation into a contentious contemporary issue, I personally felt it did what it said on the tin.
Petunia Winegum
October 8, 2015 at 9:25 am -
Johnny (so you know I’m being serious for a change), I find that ‘shop of Brittan as the Child Catcher just a little unnerving. Juxaposed with the Wagneresque title of the piece, it just goes over the ‘good taste’ line. Just a bit too close on the ‘Blood Libel’ thang. At the best of times Leon looked like a caricature from the pages of Der Stürmer and your lead jpg could be a page from Der Giftpilz…Leon as Toady von Toadstool. NO PEOPLE, I AM NOT ACCUSING PET OF RACISM nor am I myself offended, just a little queasy.
October 8, 2015 at 9:55 am -
It’s in poor taste, and to be honest I feel sad for the guy if today’s story in the Telegraph is correct. Maybe he doesn’t deserve it? Leon looked like a caricature of ‘The Tory Bastard’. I suspect that is why his name was pulled out of a hat to be the embodiment of All Evil.
October 9, 2015 at 7:37 am -
But the great witch-hunts always target the non-conformists, outsiders, or those who are at an angle to the mainstream.
Leon Britain; jowly, thinning hair, with an obvious semitic cast; Jimmy Saville; the tracksuits, rings, and corny catchphrase. The great paedohunter of our age just knows that they were up to no good – why, it’s obvious from just looking at them!
In the middle ages it was the widow living on her own, talking to her cat, dispensing folk medicine, and sliding into the ramblings of old age.
The other similarity is that the targets are independently wealthy; a juicy target for the maliciously-inclined in the village – then – or city – now.
October 8, 2015 at 9:52 am -
Petunia, Oh what a tangled web you weave, when first you practice to deceive. You failed to untangle, but rather, re-weaved an already tangled web that ‘even’ Panorama was befuddled by. Chris Fay has actually found the holy grail, the list has at last given up it’s dark secrets, and he will be applauded by the worlds media, very soon.
October 8, 2015 at 9:59 am -
‘Chris Fay has actually found the holy grail’
I heard that bad things happen to those that choose the holy grail …poorly.-
October 8, 2015 at 10:17 am -
Holy Grail, eh? Hate to think what would be in it.
The second paragraph above is hilarious! More, Petunia, more!
October 8, 2015 at 3:44 pm -
Chris Fay has actually found the holy grail
Would I be right in thinking that Chris Fay is a convicted fraudster? I’d take a long hard look at any Christ’s chalice he presents, probably has ‘Made In Nigeria ‘ on the bottom.
October 8, 2015 at 4:22 pm -
It is not I who has confirmed the authenticity of the chalice.
October 8, 2015 at 4:31 pm -
We’re all ears, David! You’ve certainly established yourself as a reputable source of grade-A summat or other, so shoot! Tell us more!
(By the way, did you manage to find any info on your – or was it your friend’s? – great uncle whatever his name was? And will his name be turning up in future installments?)
October 8, 2015 at 4:50 pm -
Are you refering to RAMC ? ‘connect’ Bramall. I am also looking for a man who was a member of a Sailing Club in Putney, 1970s. Maybe you can help?
October 8, 2015 at 4:55 pm -
I was a sea-scout in the 80s – does this help?!?
The David Icke-forums are this way ———————————————————–>>>-
October 8, 2015 at 5:02 pm -
Panorama seems to have confirmed all your ‘Daily Mail’ ‘Little England’ views.
October 8, 2015 at 5:16 pm -
From toilet-trader (commenting on yesterday’s post) to Mail-reading little Englander in the blink of an eye!
Enough of this pointless banter, David. ¡Adiós!-
October 8, 2015 at 5:28 pm -
Best Wishes to you. We cannot all be intellectual, truth seekers.
October 8, 2015 at 6:09 pm -
You confuse ‘truthseekers’ with ‘seekers after smooth things’.
October 8, 2015 at 6:33 pm -
Which must be very disappointing for you, David.
October 8, 2015 at 6:59 pm -
TJ, No sense of humour
October 8, 2015 at 10:03 am -
Re Dolphin Square; it is, perhaps, an interesting coincidence that, during the late 1970s, there were sufficient articles and property features in newspapers and magazines for a provincial 14-year-old to have built up a plausible mental image of the place.
Attracted by the catchy name and the picturesque fountain – and by the presence of Princess Anne; I’ve always liked the idea of a no-nonsense, plain-speaking princess with mud on her wellies – I read the articles avidly and pored over the photographs, gleaning from these widely available sources sufficient information to describe the complex in some detail despite never having set foot in London.
October 8, 2015 at 7:24 pm -
Princess Anne living in social housing who would have thought it.
In the early 1960’s tenants were concerned about the rents being charged by the private landlord and Westminster Council was persuaded to takeover at a cost of £4.5m the Council sold its interest 2005 for a reported £150m.
October 8, 2015 at 10:22 am -
“the sinister presence of Slater & Gordon”
Is this the Slater and Gordon who feature in the long-running city Quindell saga?
October 8, 2015 at 1:50 pm -
I followed the Quindell saga from before S&G got involved. It’s a real shitshow of probable fraud and stupidity. Much of this was apparent well before S&G bought, so what they were thinking was anyone’s guess. The FT Alphaville blog is the place to go for extensive coverage of this farce.
October 8, 2015 at 11:01 am -
No need for the ‘however’; my point is simply that, when open invitations are issued to ‘come forward’, those assessing the validity of corroborative evidence may be unaware that so much detailed information was available at the time.
October 8, 2015 at 11:53 am -
One question remains unanswered by “Nick”. Why is he still alive?
If his chum was mowed down to ensure his silence, why wasn’t “Nick” also killed?
The alleged participants are not stupid people, they would be fully aware of the risk of leaving witnesses to the events, and they allegedly killed one but not another.
The story simply lacks credibility without any reasonable explanation of why “Nick” lived to tell the tale.-
October 8, 2015 at 4:04 pm -
It is not an ‘Enid Blyton Famous Five adventure’, the threads of this extend to Army Barracks, remembering his step-father was ex-Army? I doubt if the intention was to leave witnesses, but something might have gone wrong. He said he turned up one day, but the car was not there to collect him, and never turned up again?
October 8, 2015 at 6:35 pm -
You are quite right, it is not a Famous Five adventure, Enid Blyton even at her most fanciful is far more believable.
October 8, 2015 at 12:39 pm -
Sterling Moss, the well-known banker?
October 8, 2015 at 12:44 pm -
I had really low expectations for the programme, but it exceeded them… slightly.
Being a naturally impatient person the timelapse-shots of traffic on London’s streets, etc. had me twitching, and the whole 60-minutes of television could have been whittled down into a fact-packed 10-minute radio show. But overall I think it was worth it, particularly for the interview with the fellow who Fay had claimed was a trafficking victim (to Elm) when he very clearly & convincingly was not.When Fay was relating his latest version of the ‘photographs he claimed to have seen’ story I thought he was looking down into his lap – almost as though he were reading from a script so as to not get his changing ‘facts’ wrong again!
And for the critics who claim it will stop other ‘victims’ or ‘witnesses’ coming forward, I’d suggest that anyone who truly could back up these stories – stories that without corroborative evidence will wither and die – might be spurred into action, rather than cowed.
October 8, 2015 at 5:00 pm -
Not being a TV licence payer, I watched the programme this morning on iPlayer. I must say I agree with you, but it did make a refreshing change to have somebody put the other side of this story in a fairly objective way. It’s a shame it’s taken so long. I wonder how much time will have to pass before all those that claimed they were “in the know” to start saying that they had serious doubts about a lot of the allegations. It was also interesting for me to be able to see on film some of the people involved in this sorry saga.
October 8, 2015 at 5:22 pm -
(I’m outside the UK so can’t ‘legally’ access most of the BBC’s output. Thank God – quietly – for Acestream!)
October 9, 2015 at 9:42 am -
“When Fay was relating his latest version of the ‘photographs he claimed to have seen’ story I thought he was looking down into his lap…”
He was. He was reading from a sheet of paper, as he spoke. Quite correct.When I was watching him repeat his bald-faced lies about child sexual abuses images involving VIPS, that he has claimed to have seen, I was thinking: “Fay, you are truly an evil POS with no conscience”. Those lies, more than any of his many other falsehoods & deceptions, make clear to me that Fay’s professed concern for the well-being of abused children has ALWAYS been a false front. All the way back to NAYPIC, he must have been working some narcissistic, self-aggrandizement scam angle.
October 8, 2015 at 1:04 pm -
I see Gonad has got Slater & Moron “lawyers” blogging about “The British Establishment Protects Its Own” on his Needleblog propaganda pages.
Apart from wondering when it was that Personal Injury Shysters became qualified Social Historians and go-to Media Mouthpieces, it never ceases to amaze me that the same arseholes who bleat on about “the establishment” and “abuse” seem to believe that a disreputable stock-exchange-listed law firm from Australia will save us all by bleeding UK public-funded institutions (and thus tax payers/license-fee payers) dry in order to make their investors (likely just “The 1%” the conspiracy brigade also moan about) even richer than they already are. It simply beggars belief that people are that stupid (or that corrupt). Little wonder we now exist in a Police State.
October 8, 2015 at 5:01 pm -
Yes, well said!
October 8, 2015 at 1:13 pm -
Listening to Inspector Knacker on Radio 4 yesterday made me realise just how far down the path of delusion the Old Bill has travelled.
To him, all people who claim that they were abused are automatically victim survivors, regardless of whether even the most cursory investigation has been carried out.As wth Jimmy Saville, Occam’s razor is a good place to start when it comes to the likely truth of the claims.
Is it really credible that a 6 year old girl could be raped behind a hospital bed curtain, whilst her parents were on the other side, and nobody noticed either at the time or immediately afterwards, or possibly were pursuaded to keep quiet about it?Likewise, is it conceivable that any nurse you have ever met would work in a ward where sick children were systematically abused each night by a middle aged man and would go along with this and say nothing? Yet this is what we are told the nurses at Stoke Mandeville did.
Or that Nick kept voluntarily returning to be raped by VIPs when they had murdered a young boy alongside him on the first occasion?
I mean, really? It’s interesting the David mentions that Holy Grail, another mythical fantasy that nobody has ever seen or ever will.
At a time when my local police force’s budget is being slashed and local policing is rapidly becoming a thing of the past, it is a scandal that police resources are being wasted on these hysterical delusions.
I only wish that the bastards who started this ball rolling and continue to benefit from it could be exposed for the villains that they are, and ideally prosecuted for the harm they have done, not just to the mostly wrongly accused, but also to the real victims of sexual abuse .
October 8, 2015 at 5:01 pm -
Totally, spot on!
October 8, 2015 at 2:47 pm -
For all Meirion-watchers:
An Elm-expert, it would seem. Perhaps the source of his ‘categorical’ evidence is a close family member who worked there, or summat?!?-
October 8, 2015 at 3:33 pm -
Time to rework that old joke…you know the one, the one about that KGB agent:
A BBC reporter is sent to Wales to speak to a new contact. However he only knew the contact’s last name. Arriving in Llanbumfukkll he goes into the local pub and asks for ‘Jones’. The barman says ‘would you be wanting Jones The Butcher, Jones The Baker, Jones The Candlestickmaker or Jones The Steam? None of these sound likely candidates so our intrepid reporter says no, he doesn’t think any of them are the Jones he is looking for. Whereupon the Barman says: “Ahhh you’ll be wanting Jones The Alligator, then, boyo!”
October 8, 2015 at 4:39 pm -
Don’t be daft, he’ll be wanting Jones the Victim, look you bach.
October 8, 2015 at 3:51 pm -
“But there is a lot of other evidence, including documentation and testimony from ex-police officers, which corroborates claims of child abuse linked to Westminster. “These facts can’t be ignored, but that’s exactly what Panorama have attempted to do.” Operation Midland pushes on, with 27 officers + support staff.
October 8, 2015 at 4:10 pm -
You have chosen to quote, of all people, Simon Danczuk MP!
Have a good read about what to him constitutes ‘evidence’:“After the case was closed, a Freedom of Information (FoI) request was made to Northants Police. This, together with the force’s response, has been passed to Zelo Street. It makes grim reading for the Rochdale MP. The key question asked was “Did the Police voluntarily request disclosure of all evidence accumulated by Simon Danczuk and Matthew Baker to substantiate this specific claim?” And the answer?
At first, Northants Police simply said “No”. But after being pressed, they expanded on that to tell “I have been advised that the information that you referred to was not asked for as there was no such material to request”. The requestor, not quite believing what was being read, asked “are you saying Danczuk and Baker had no transcripts of evidence, witness names, and/or any evidence to disclose to the Police?”
It seems they did not: “the investigators asked but there was no evidential material to take possession of. The issue of witnesses was discussed but there was no information as to the identity of any of the witnesses to the alleged events”. So Simon Danczuk and Matt Baker made their claim, and sent Northants Police on a wild goose chase, but had no evidence of any kind to back it up. That’s not good enough.
Northants Police should invoice Danczuk and Baker for the time they wasted. And then they can both apologise.”
You certainly know how to pick ’em, David!
October 8, 2015 at 4:11 pm -
Whoops, forgot the link:
October 8, 2015 at 5:05 pm -
David, I suppose that you cannot give this further sensational evidence just yet because you probably have to wait until those who will be exposed have to die first – is that the position?
October 8, 2015 at 5:13 pm -
No that is not the position, in fact the reverse. I am trying to keep them alive.
October 8, 2015 at 7:14 pm -
One those ex-police officers is connected with more than one cover-up by the police…hang on he was a police officer at the time.
“For two years, a young detective named Geoff Platt was the only person Kelly was allowed to converse with.”
When interviewed, Kelly not only admitted killing Boyd but claimed he had killed 15 others by pushing them under tube trains.
Platt says: “He was loaded with adrenalin and testosterone. He didn’t stop talking.”
The investigation soon discovered astonishing coincidences.
“Every time Kelly came out of prison, someone committed suicide on the Northern Line.
“British Transport Police files revealed a Mr Kieran Patrick Kelly as a witness at each of the reported suicides.
“But what really smacked you in the face was that every time someone jumped on the track, Kelly was next to him.”
Yet despite his confession, Kelly was never prosecuted for those killings. Platt, 60 and now retired, claims it was because the authorities feared invoking mass panic and/or widespread public condemnation for allowing a man to get away with multiple murder for three decades.”Would not the police officer have kept notes of statements made by Kelly, would they not have been produced in court would not Platt have been questioned at the trial about those statements?
The court was informed Kelly had told the police he had killed 9 times, so did Platt or someone else doctor the statements to match what was said in court?
The number of charges at the time don’t appear to match the number Mr Platt now gives.
October 8, 2015 at 8:17 pm -
He was too busy cracking crime to bother with paperwork, Rocky!
“Geoff Platt served twenty five years with the Metropolitan Police, serving at Carter Street, Brixton and West End Central Police Stations and at the Diplomatic Protection Group, the Anti Terrorist Branch and the Flying Squad at New Scotland Yard. He was twice bitten by A.I.D.S.-infected prisoners so that he had to take £2,000 worth of pills a week for 9 months on each occasion.
During his service, Geoff twice arrested fifty people in an eight hour shift, arrested a member of the Royal Family, a Cabinet Member and a British Army General. He arrested a serial killer responsible for sixteen murders, eight murderers for eight separate murders on one day, and dealt with the man who robbed the Knightsbridge Safety Deposit Box centre of £75M.”Incredibly, there is more:!dr-geoffrey-platt/c2ly-
October 9, 2015 at 12:05 am -
This from 2011 explains why he is now a Dr
Geoff Platt, PhD, has worked as a lecturer in Sport Science for ten years, most recently working as a senior lecturer and course director in Sports Coaching Science and Sports Analysis and Coaching at Kingston University, London. He has lectured on Olympic Solidarity Courses on behalf of the International Olympic Committee and is the Director of Coaching for Weightlifting in Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Geoff recently completed a PhD for which he carried out extensive research into strength exercises for children with dyspraxia. Here he discusses the study that formed the basis for his new book, Beating Dyspraxia with a Hop, Skip and a Jump.
I am an experienced weightlifting coach and a teacher in primary and secondary schools as well as colleges and university. For my PhD at the University of Edinburgh, I decided to seek a way to extend and replicate the results of Lee and Smith using only the resources available at a local primary school: PE teachers, sports coaches, the school field or school hall, a gymnasium bench or a tree log and a tennis or squash ball.
By approaching all the primary schools in the London Borough of Croydon in South London, I managed to secure access to over 800 children….
October 9, 2015 at 12:23 am -
I wonder if that’s the same Geoff Platt who was the drug testing officer for the British Amateur Weightlifting Association in 1988, who in 1990 put the case for a weightlifter who had been tested positive for drugs.
October 9, 2015 at 12:47 am -
Geoff Platt was connected to another cover up in 2013.
A FORMER policeman has blasted his ex-colleagues for failing to respond when he reported that someone was threatening to kill him.
Geoff Platt called 999 after being followed around Purley town centre on Tuesday by a burly man with tattoos on his face who was shouting and swearing at him.
“I felt I was in danger,” he said. “I didn’t know whether he had a knife or a weapon, but when I called the police the operator wasn’t interested.
The Met said its telephone operator had offered to send an officer to the scene but Mr Platt refused, a claim he described as a “categoric lie”.
It’s a shame the 999 service don’t record calls.
October 9, 2015 at 1:13 am -
And finally, I can’t take anymore…
He’s guarded Royals and Prime Ministers, arrested a Cabinet minister, and faced life or death decisions as a police marksman. Now Geoff Platt is writing a series of books about Britain’s most notorious killers, as he tells John Woodhouse
Upsetting members of the Royal family wasn’t on the list, but Geoff managed to achieve it anyway, when assigned to the diplomatic protection group.“We’d follow the Queen and Prince Philip round various lunch engagements,” he says.
Protecting Prime Ministers proved rather less eventful. “I’ve sat in the private homes of Margaret Thatcher, Harold Wilson, James Callaghan and John Major,” he reveals.
Photographed outside his Penkhull, he’s been well connected and from what he says has pumped a few villains full of lead…am I joining up too many dots for my own good.
October 9, 2015 at 12:13 pm -
Oh come on, Rocky, let’s have one more!
“…The baby was saved after the car it was in crashed into two parked vehicles, in Heathhurst Road, Sanderstead, last Friday.
Local resident Geoff Platt heard the impact of the crash – which he at first thought was an explosion – outside his house and immediately leapt into action.
The former policeman found the car’s airbags had detonated, causing a fire, and saw that a baby was trapped inside.
“Smoke was billowing from inside the car,” he said.
“The driver was screaming that her baby was trapped in the car and I saw that the doors on one side of the car were too badly damaged to be opened…”Despite the heroic rescue of the terrified tot, Dr Geoff was, once again, less than impressed with the emergency services:
“Though relieved the baby was rescued Mr Platt was appalled with the way he says the emergency services responded to the crash.
Having phoned 999 he says he was called back eight times for more information.
“I started getting these ridiculous phone calls asking me if I could describe what was going on while I was trying to rescue this baby,” said Geoff, 53.
“The police did turn up eventually. They were trying to avoid coming out but when there is an explosion and a baby trapped you don’t want a phone call, you want someone to come out.
“I served for 25 years as a police officer and I am outraged at the quality of service they now provide. It would never have happened 20 years ago.”
A police spokeswoman said: “Police received a report of a believed [!] explosion by a member of the public at 12.01pm.
“The informant was asked several questions which would be appropriate to such a report, having already dispatched units to the scene.
“Police arrived at 12.12pm, within the charter response time.””
No photo of the burnt out wreck, just a tiny pic of the giant of a man.Rocky, in what way is this bizarre character – he also seems to have written a book about how to help children deal with being left-handed – involved?
October 9, 2015 at 2:23 pm -
Mr Platt recently said when a police officer when searching for a missing child they had a tip off and raided I believe a ground floor flat at Dolphin Square where they found a studio, with a chair, some lights and what looked like a professional camera. Mr Platt claims a few months later a WPC was watching a video of a child being abused and identified the flat as the same one that had been raided previously.
These has been used to corroborate stories such as Nick’s but Dolphin Square is a huge complex so not sure how it confirms a connection.
I just couldn’t believe how active Mr Platt had been as a police officer, what concerned me was his relationship with guns. He was interviewed for 4 hours in August about the Kiernan Kelly and the alleged cover up of Tube murders, the first of which in 1953 should be easy to identify.
October 9, 2015 at 2:31 pm -
Aha! Thanks, Rocky.
I was familiar with the tale but had dismissed it as the usual Fielding rubbish; I hadn’t noticed the hand of Dr Platt behind it!
Crikey, and people consider these claims as ‘evidence’ – or even ‘proof’!
(I wonder how many of those IPCC-investigations have been launched off the back of such nutters?)
October 9, 2015 at 2:36 pm -
I suspect that this is a different Geoff Platt. The photo in the linked article is just wrong.
October 9, 2015 at 2:42 pm -
This thread has grown a little cumbersome & I’m not sure to which article you are referring, Duncan.
October 9, 2015 at 3:42 pm -
I was referring to the story about Dr Geoff Platt, expert in dyspraxia. Although I think we can now draw certain conclusions about former cop Geoff Platt.
October 9, 2015 at 4:27 pm -
It’s the same photo they use elsewhere, and his antics as a weightlifting coach (or Olympic drugs-tester… or shot-putter…) sort of tie in with it all, but I’ll admit to being confused myself! Either way, the ex-copper has led a colourful life but must be the scourge of the emergency-call handlers!
October 9, 2015 at 6:37 am -
That is interesting
October 9, 2015 at 8:53 am -
You seem to know a lot…do you know when Christopher Fay went public with his list etc, was it after his conviction for money laundering?Do you know where and when the alleged murder place in Kingston on what appears to be a busy main road, we’ve been told a child was knocked down but what happened next to the body. Was it spirited away, taken to a hospital, was there a police investigation, an inquest?
October 9, 2015 at 9:04 am -
You do realise that the things you are asking are all part of a current, and ongoing, police investigation! As for the list, it was copied from the original 1981/2. Some of the names were from 1979/80 brought forward I believe, so the date when they became public is somewhat irrelevant?
The important people on the list, are not the VIPs, MPs etc, but the ‘unknown’ names, ‘Joe Bloggs’ of Tooting ect. They are the Holy Grail.-
October 9, 2015 at 9:26 am -
There is no ‘original’. The list is Fay’s invention.
The person claimed as co-author, in an attempt to give it some credibility, disowns it and says he tried to stand some of it up and couldn’t.
So David are you a willing dupe or are you part of this scam? -
October 9, 2015 at 9:29 am -
“As for the list, it was copied from the original 1981/2. Some of the names were from 1979/80 brought forward I believe…”
If that is the true facts about “the list”, then any/all claims about Carol Kasir working with Fay/Moss to either create the list or “decode” the pseudonyms, would be utterly debunked. Kasir did not provide the nicknames, nor the decoded identities.
October 9, 2015 at 9:58 am -
You are responding like Mark Watts who wouldn’t even confirm if Exaro had checked what they were told.
Considering what is on the list supposedly copied in the late 1980’s and when it was made public is very relevant, look closely at the handwritten list.
Why should confirming if a child was knocked down in Kingston and killed hamper an investigation, Crimewatch reconstructs crimes that are under police investigation. It might be a good idea for a police officer to go to the scene and make an appeal on television for any witnesses?
Do you accept that Mark a survivor of abuse is a credible person and is believable when he says he has never met Fay and was never taken and abused at Elm Guest House?
October 9, 2015 at 10:19 am -
You, like the fictional ‘Detective Chief Inspector Japp’, of Scotland Yard, in Agatha Christie’s Poirot books, are asking the wrong questions. Five years ago when I started my investigations, I had to contact a well known Scotland Yard Detective, long retired, who lived in Spain. Detective Inspector Drummond Marvin, ‘Dummond of the Yard’, (nicknamed Lee). He has done a lot of research on Lord Lucan. And his mind always asks the right questions, as would say Miss Marple, or Shelock Holmes.
With the Elm guest House list, the first question is, why was it made, not who made it? The second Question is, who are these ‘others’ on the list? Anyone who has a list, whether you think it ‘made up’ for some purpose, or a real list of visitors to a Guest House, has to decide who, apart from the VIPs, MPs etc to put on that list. The press concentrated on the VIPs, Poirot, or Drummond, would have looked at the ‘others’.
Is the list bulked out with known paedophiles, or made up names of fictional characters? That is where I started.
October 9, 2015 at 10:29 am -
first question is, why was it made, not who made it?
For once you’re actually saying something of value. However my limited experience trying to discern the ‘truth’ from ancient writings leads me to say that the very first question a budding Poirot would ask is ‘Do I have the original?’ followed by ‘if yes, then when was it written’. Before the ‘why’ before the ‘who’ , the ‘when’ is crucial. Until you can date any document in the original, everything else is moot.
October 9, 2015 at 10:34 am -
Well we know that Carol kept the originals, and after her death, everything vanished, so we have to go onto the copies. We do not have the original writings of the Bible, but can deduce a lot from the copies.
October 9, 2015 at 10:55 am -
There, right there, is where the problems start. Why do you think the history of Xianity can be spelt ‘Schism’ ? If you’re telling me that all ‘you’ have is a copy whose provenance is from/is connected to a convicted fraudster then I would suggest a JCB of skepticism is called for….and that’s being polite.
Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise or Verily I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise One comma. One single comma whose positioning has to be ‘deduced’, could destroy the entire doctrines of heaven and hell and has caused much blood letting throughout history. Still want to rely on a copy?
October 9, 2015 at 11:27 am -
Why do people like you try and raise answering very simple questions into some sort of intellectual game as if you have a superior mind.From what I’ve read you seem to be suggesting that in broad daylight on a busy thoroughfare an army unit mounted the pavement or drove straight at a child as he crossed the road. Having killed the child the first army unit sped off and left another body to quickly scoop up the body and remove it and then more army personnel possibly in a Green Goddess turned up to hose down the scene to remove any blood and gore…and the world continued as if nothing had happened.
Maybe the reason the original list disappeared was because it never existed along with the 200 photos, why does Carol’s hubby get left out of all this? Why is a women found guilty of running a house of ill repute, who’s accused of allowing it to be used to abuse child regarded as credible and believable?
I noticed you could not bring yourself to say if Mark a survivor of abuse was credible and to be believed when he says he has never met Chris Fay and was never taken to Elm Guest House and abused.
October 9, 2015 at 11:51 am -
You seem to have a very middle-class’, almost ‘Women’s Institute’ view of life. Here again you say that Carol had ‘previous’ and therefore cannot be believed? If our Courts, only had witnesses who had, ‘ no previous’, there would be very few trials taking place. And most of the trials that have taken place, would be ‘unsafe’?
Looking at the Panorama program, there was no mention of the Royal Army Medical Corps, Army Transport Corps, Geologists, Doctors, cars, etc. etc. etc? Or did I miss something?
Witnesses, not ‘necessarily’ victims? You either are a victim, or you are not a victim?
Your dismissing of witnesses, who have had ‘previous’, reminds me of a Terence Rattigan play. The Winslow Boy is based on a father’s fight to clear his son’s name after the boy is expelled from Osborne Naval College for stealing a five-shilling postal order. To clear the boy’s name was imperative for the family’s honour; had they not done so, they would have been shunned by their peers and society. Similarly, the boy’s life would have been wrecked by an indelible stain on his character which would have followed him throughout adulthood. (Never a witness then)?
Osborne Royal Naval College was the sort of place that no longer exists, a bygone era of Edwardian belief in ‘honour’. I know the number of boys from their who drowned at sea during the first World War, and that was a tragedy I would never want to be repeated again.
October 9, 2015 at 11:19 am -
Meirion Jones is a self-serving hypocrite and a jackass. The allegedly victimized child he refers to has NEVER made an official or public statement of his own, and no one was ever prosecuted for abusing him. This person has had numerous invitations to make official/public statements or claims of his own, dating back to 1982, but has declined to do so. It is OUTRAGEOUS for Jones to categorize the panorama program, which allowed allegedly victimized persons to speak for themselves, as “anti-victim” – when he has the callous gall to repeatedly violate a victim’s right to privacy by presuming to speak FOR THEM.
October 9, 2015 at 11:29 am -
Panorama ‘cherry picked’ a few selected ‘bits and pieces’, which gave a totally ‘Alice in Wonderland’ view of what is really happening now.
October 9, 2015 at 1:04 pm -
Didn’t Meirion ‘cherry pick’ from a lengthy interview he made a survivor of abuse do whilst she was undergoing or recovering from cancer?Carol’s previous is clearly relevant as she was found guilty of running a house of ill repute, a woman who allegedly drew up a list of names, and now either her of Mr Fay identified as having had sex with children in her modestly sized property. As for Chris Fay it is said Mary Moss claims he uses his allegations to make money. Chris Fay claims children from a local home were taken to the property and abused, he named one of them to police.
I’ll ask again do you accept Mark a survivor of abuse is credible and true when he says he has never met Fay and was never taken to Elm Guest House and abused.
As to the alleged ‘murder’ at Kingston I’m sure you know which road on it supposedly happened, if it is the one as seen on Panoroma do you accept it is an extremely busy road and highly unlikely a child being knocked down and killed would go unnoticed?
Do you accept other drivers, passengers on buses, pedestrians and residents having witnessed what had happened would have stopped?
Do you accept if the driver of the vehicle got out grabbed hold of the other child, forced them into his vehicle and sped off there would have been witnesses, or did they all turn a blind eye to the body of a child laying on the ground?
Do you accept no one with the name Michael at the school has been identified as a victim of a road accident let alone a murder, that no pupils at the time can recall anyone being killed in a road accident?
October 9, 2015 at 3:18 pm -
No, I do not accept any of that. You are going by the report of a ‘Panorama reporter’. Also no names have been released, and any names used are pseudonyms. Carol was just a housewife/mother, persuaded to make extra money on her guest-house, by allowing other things to take place. I am surprised you know ‘which road was used’, and the ‘traffic patterns’ for that day, are you a council traffic co-ordinator for that Borough?
October 10, 2015 at 4:29 am -
I asked if the road shown in the programme was the one where the alleged murder took place, but I forget you cannot deny or accept anything while their is a police investigation. If as claimed that was the road and the incident happened on the way to school possibly around 8:30 am the roads would have been busy, even if it was after lunch from what we saw it’s a busy road.
Did you learn Carol was just a housewife/mother earning extra money from gojam’s website.
Despite the police investigation Exaro felt he must toss in the following about Elm Guest House & another murder. David when are you going to make known all your information, in court, in a newspaper, a book or will you take it to your grave?
October 10, 2015 at 8:46 am -
No, a lot of people knew about Carol, and EGH. Far more interesting, and mention by Exaro once, were ‘Jilly Coopers’ memories, and the gay press, who had ‘inside knowledge’ of any gay place in London, at that time, through people who had ‘been there’, the gay ‘grape-vine’.
What I know is very complicated, and I am hoping the police will sort it out, eventually, it involves ‘others’ not yet mentioned. I just hope that there are ‘detectives’ who can follow the very specific, and detailed information I have given them. Detectives seem to be given the’ title’, these days, without really being able to ‘detect’, and some of them I have met, couldn’t ‘detect’ a bottle of beer in a brewery.
October 10, 2015 at 12:31 pm -
I think you may be wasting your time here, Rocky. David seems to one of those internet presences who occasionally manages to imply that they have ‘secret information’ in a convincing manner, but at heart all they have are a load of links to completely contradictory articles of the Express/Exaro school.
Twenty-seven detectives are probably wasting their time wading through a swamp of dots provided by these joiners, “just in case there is anything to it.” Pity the poor buggers who have to deal with Dr Geoff’s recollections!-
October 10, 2015 at 12:55 pm -
My Experience of ‘Detectives’. Most crimes can be solved by using logic, and ‘detective’ work. But a lot of so called ‘Detective’s’, are given the ‘title’, without knowing how to ‘detect’. If you look at press cuttings, from 1970s, and 80s, London was full of ‘pretty-policemen’, not detecting, and arresting paedophiles, but trying to arrest ordinary lads who had committed no crimes at all.
Then we had the ‘Scotland Yard’ ‘Detectives’. From the 1970s/80s,. We had ‘Detective’, David Veness, who knew nothing about detecting, and ‘Detective’, Drummond Marvin, (Lee to his friends), who did know how to detect. David Veness sat in his office, and ‘directed his men’. While Drummond Marvin went out in the field, like the fictional Detectives, Sherlock Holmes, and Poirot.
Drummond found ‘crime scenes’, David sat in his office complaining, ‘if only he could find the crime scene’. Drummond always asked ‘WHY’, David never asked ‘WHY’. David ended up a Sir, while Drummond retired to Spain without title.
Then we come to today’s ‘Detectives’. After deciding to report a serious crime last year, I spent over three, and a half, hours with ‘two detectives’. One,’ the male Detective’, was very sarcastic, and seemed to have very little grasp of detective work.
The ‘female Detective’, seemed to assume that general members of the public have all had a basic course in Grays Anatomy, and have done at least one years training as a Surgeon, at one of London’s Teaching Hospitals.
At the end of this, ‘interview’, the male ‘Detective’, I call him the ‘Dancing Detective’, pranced across the room, and did a sort of ‘pirouette’, turning around, with his arms going up in the air, like a member of the Bolshoi Ballet Company. ‘But you have no proof’ he exclaimed. I again offered him some ‘real evidence’, I had with me in a bag. Again his arms went up in the air, ‘Domestic Refuge’ he exclaimed. I said, ‘but you haven’t even looked at it’, he walked off into another room.
Feeling a bit deflated, I went out into the street, accompanied by the female ‘detective’. Once outside she started to raise her voice at me, asking me questions about Anatomy. She kept repeating her questions, over and over, as if I was a Doctor, or Medical Student.
When she realised I could not be so precise about animal, or human anatomy as she would like me to be, she grinned at me, in a very patronising way. I quickly said my goodbyes, realising what a mistake it had been to talk to these people.
Walking a dog regularly in Brompton Cemetery, where there is a, ‘Doggy-grape-vine-Mafia’, made up of BBC Presenters, Partners of, ‘Top Detectives’ at Kensington, and Empress State Building, Reporters etc, I learned two things. One was that I was referred to as a,‘nutter’ by Detectives at Kensington, and the other was that my,‘information, had been sent on to the Midland Enquiry!!!
I sent ‘Detectives’ more information, hoping that at least one ‘real Detective’still existed, and by the end of March I received information that they were now taking me seriously, whatever that means in ‘detective’ terms. I realised that most, but not all, ‘journalists’ could not be trusted, so here we are, a year later, still waiting.
October 10, 2015 at 1:09 pm -
Oh, Drummond of the Yard didn’t do too badly:
“…working with the Fraud squad and an Intelligence wing for a time. Thereafter, Drummond became Detective Chief Inspector and worked in Scotland Yard, the Virgin Islands, Liechtenstein, the Bahamas; as well as France, Spain and Italy, et al. He was Liaison Officer for the American and Canadian Embassies and played many other roles in the Police Force, eventually becoming Chief Superintendent with the Serious Crimes Branch NSY. He won a Queen’s commendation, etc., The etc will cover his blushes…He was wounded twice on duty, once quite seriously…”
And now he has his creative-writing to be getting on with. He never did find Lucan, though, did he? Oh well.
The police state that information is ‘being taken seriously’ as a matter of course; as in your ability to divine special significance in the throwaway line of a northern copper you are once again reading far too much into this. Without wishing to be rude, perhaps the detectives at Kensington were closer to the mark in their opinions?
You do seem to have a bit of bee in your bonnet about homosexuals. Was that you I see who voted on a website’s bizarre ‘do you think this vaguely public-persona is gay, straight or bi?’? It was a Tory MP, and the answer was ‘gay’. Perhaps I’m mistaken, but one doesn’t need a commendation from the Queen to be a detective these days.
October 10, 2015 at 4:35 pm -
That was what happened up until April this year. Things have moved along since then.
October 11, 2015 at 1:32 am -
David the carrot dangler!
Entering into your world of fictional characters solving fictional crimes involving fictional people:Holmes laughed short and sharp – not a single bowl would he smoke before THIS conundrum was solved: the “domestic refuge” had been misheard , yes! why of course, it all made perfect sense! – “Sir, you are MISTAKEN! ‘Domestic REFUSE’ is what was said and what you had!” The chastened David winced.
“Bravo, monsieur Holmes!”, ejaculated a greasy ‘tached French annoyance, “but the bag?”
“Fffffah! Too easy, too easy by half. Its hue – dark like a chimneysweep’s boot-polish, BLACK!, no less. And its alchemical mysteries reveal the trace of petroleum, a plasticity never to date laid before these eyes.”
David raised a toe, thinking to put distance between his foes & his folly, but –
“Halt! Halt! or I shall…” etc.Another Benji the Binman & I claim the prize of 10 heavyduty drawstring sacks (filled or not with ‘real evidence’)!
October 11, 2015 at 10:13 am -
You spotted ‘refuse’, well done. However you ‘French References’ are almost uncanny’.
October 11, 2015 at 11:01 am -
Holmes laughed short and sharp – not a single bowl would he smoke
Not in a UK Police Station these days, not in the Hackney on the way back. Not until he got back to Baker street and even then he would have to stand outside as Mrs Hudson and Dr.Watson had declared the flat a NO SMOKING ZONE.
October 8, 2015 at 9:47 pm -
Your disappointment at finally seeing the visual reality of those you had imagined from their writings alone would be as nothing compared to the likely ‘rogues gallery’ available should we ever see true likenesses of Petunia, Blocked Dwarf, Engineer, Bandini or indeed Mudplugger etc. Perish the thought.
October 8, 2015 at 10:46 pm -
I’ve posted a couple of photos of myself before…all 4ft of me. But here’s me again (Damn you narcissism!)
October 19, 2015 at 7:58 am -
Does anyone have any information on a Dr Adeline Stopler, a consultant psychiatrist at Maudsley Hospital? This is the person who it is said introduced Carole Kasir to Christopher Fay, I can’t seem to find her via the internet.
October 19, 2015 at 8:22 am -
She would be nearly 80 by now. Born in South Africa, lived in Richmond.
October 19, 2015 at 11:35 am -
She died a long time ago, Rocky. Perhaps you can imagine the conclusions leapt to by some!
Her husband speaks a little about her in his recollections here:
(It’s an 8-parter, I think I watched ’em all! I found myself engrossed – making a mint on the Y2K scam, family battles with mental-health, gifted children, printing-presses, Joooooos, everything a good conspiracy needs!)-
October 19, 2015 at 8:28 pm -
Thanks, is it known if Adelaine gave evidence at Carol Kasir’s inquest?
October 19, 2015 at 10:17 pm -
Not so far as I know; the three who we know attended were Moss, Fay & Clive Godden.
I’ve seen Stopler described as a ‘social worker’, too, but I sort of lost interest & didn’t feel much like trying to contact her husband to find out – I doubt he’d have a clue what any of this is about (or what the hell it has to do with his former wife!). I lost interest in part due to things like the following article, which might help explain where our heroes’ heads were at at the time: for the destination, but it’s worth a look: coming after the death of Kasir but BEFORE the inquest, two of the three inquest-attendees made it to the front page of the Times (Fay & Moss). The story is not about Elm/Kasir, but rather ‘the Elite 12′, a murderous gang of Rolls Royce-driving kidnappers (from Moss’ house!).
Fay has seen some snuff-films, and the glue that holds it all together is Andrew – the ‘Andrew’ of Express-article infamy, re-named for the Panorama-programme as ‘David’.What is really interesting is the mention in the article of a ‘video nasty’ – “Nightmares In A Damaged Brain”. The man who was jailed for distributing this film, David Hamilton-Grant, had already spent two years being hounded by the former husband of his girlfriend after a planned joint-business venture went kaput & DHG – the randy rascal! – nicked the younger wife off his prospective partner; cue swivelled-eye bitter calls to newspapers, claiming that DHG was an evil paedophile.
(The David commenting above – not ‘David’/Andrew – is, as I pointed out beneath the ‘Pied Pipers Of Peado Panic’-article, re-igniting this rubbish which places DHG at the centre of a massive summat or other. Click my name for more on the bullshitters behind this.)
Well, after two years of that, and a month or two after the Times-piece, the grudge-holding husband appeared with Fay & Moss at the inquest – Clive Godden.
It is claimed that all three of them met Kasir. Maybe they all did, but I wouldn’t trust a word from any of ’em!After the three of them shouted at the inquest, the ‘documents’ appeared – who knows when? But they certainly now had DHG at centre-stage.
Strangely, no one was very interested in discussing the article. I contacted ‘Spotlight On Abuse’ with it (as I was extracting from a rather large archive, and thought they might be interested); I didn’t hear back, and so far as I know it doesn’t figure in their archive.
I also passed it to Hencke, suggesting a call to the journalist involved might clear up a couple of things.They had to build ‘it’, so that ‘they’ would come; pouring cold water over the myth wasn’t to be welcomed, it would seem… Maybe if some journalists stopped pissing around writing stories about years-old tweets & actually made an effort they’d find an interesting story behind all of this. Fat chance!
P.S. I was able to retrieve that link from an email, and therefore have not broken my self-imposed rule to never again return to that nest of nutters!
October 19, 2015 at 10:55 pm -
Bandini. I know that I am banned on here, and you are given reams of space, because I am a victim, and you are a member of the public who wants to close down any inquiries into abuse of children. But you are wrong. Th they are murders, and they are now being investigated.
October 19, 2015 at 11:40 pm -
Then I must have superpowers, David, as despite your being ‘banned’ I have managed to read & respond to you! Must be all those Bach’s Flower Remedies – they sure do work a treat. Ah, the power of homeopathy… are you familiar with any other -pathies?
P.S. You have totally convinced me with your finely honed argument – “you are wrong”. Masterful!
October 20, 2015 at 1:55 pm -
As you will have seen on the News, the inquiry is now focused, once again, on Elm Guest House, why you ask. Well three people were arrested, and Chris Fay found the Holy Grail buried in the Elm Guest House list. These two things happened about the same time. There are others as well, connected with Elm Guest House, people even you will be shocked to hear about.
October 20, 2015 at 12:58 am -
Bandini. I know that I am banned on here,
That would surprise me, you really really have to try hard to get banned here . Infact I’m pretty sure The Landlady said she has only barred 3 people in the entire history of the blog.
October 19, 2015 at 11:17 pm -
October 20, 2015 at 6:52 am -
Thank you Bandini,
It is interesting how the same names pop into the frame as the source of various stories as if they themselves are controllers of a network.
Adelaine Stolper described herself as a Social Worker (BA), I assume to become a Consultant Psychiatrist she would have attended a medical school and had specialist training here in the UK where she then lived.
Carol Kasir’s inquest was stopped by the Coroner to investigate Fay’s & Moss’s claims regarding a suspicious murder. After consulting various people the Coroner came back with a verdict of suicide. If Carol Kasir was diabetic her doctor would have been consulted and if she was being treated by Adelaine Stolper she would have been attending Maudsley and the Coroner would have sought to know her mental state.
Why did Adelaine Stolper point Carol Kasir in the direction of NAYPIC was she at one with Fay & Moss? Kasir’s children by 1989 would have been 18 and 23 years old and out of care, did they have contact with their mother & father.
What qualifications do Mary Moss and Christopher Fay have. I’ve see Fay described as a volunteer with NAYPIC as an Adult adviser or social worker but did I also seem him described as an auditor? From the mid 1990’s to 2010 what was Christopher Fay employed as, did his career cease with NAYPIC?
With so many people associated with NAYPIC allegedly going missing or being murdered I’m surprised the finger of suspicion was not pointed their way.
If Elm Guest House was known to MI5 as a haunt of VIP’s it makes no sense for MI5 to send 60 police officers to raid the place, why close it down anyway. Bizarrely charges against the individuals who may have been leaking stories to the press about VIP’s and children were dropped, yet the Kasir’s who were supposedly playing ball with MI5 and strongly denied media stories of child abuse were the only two charged, it makes no sense.
I understand Adelaine Stolper may have met with Fay & Moss on 17 Jul 1989, by coincidence she lived in the Kingston area, which is where a child was deliberately knocked down by a car driver and the body spirited away?
October 20, 2015 at 8:16 am -
Adelaine Stolper lived next to Richmond Golf Club, the Roads around there are very quiet.
October 20, 2015 at 10:36 am -
David are you saying you knew Adelaine Stolper, when and why?
October 20, 2015 at 2:08 pm -
The roads around there ARE very quiet, and the eagle flaps his wings at half past dinnertime, doesn’t he, David?!?
As you regurgitate all the flaky stories you can get your hands on over on Twitter – Jimmy Savile’s Nephew & The Ted Heath Connection!, Knight Templar Fay & The Holy Grail!, etc. – we see that the demoted head of the no-longer-with-us Operation Midland failed to respond to your letters (plural). What else can we find, despite the Twitter-purge?
You are a firm advocate of alternative medicines & therapies, no fan at all of those pesky pills; despite this, you have worked in A&E – in both the UK & Afghanistan – but only when drafted in for exceedingly specialist operations. The mind boggles – what might these involve? Perhaps a homeopathic preparation was left with its lid off, evaporation beneath the hot white lights causing the concentration of the ‘memory of a particle’ to surge dangerously above the permitted 1/10 to the power of 30. Up goes the call: “Call David! This is a homeopathic emergency!!!” In you swing, a cylinder of fresh mountain spring water on your back, a masterful pour and the ‘medicine’ is brought safely back down from it’s bubbling armageddon. Bless yer eyes!
The Twitter goons revel in the throwing down of the libel-gauntlet: “Let him sue me if it’s not true! He isn’t suing me, so it must be!” Almost exclusively, they are penniless no-marks (not really a dig – so am I!) who wouldn’t merit the enormous expense & effort of being brought to book. You, however, and despite your dislike of conventional medicine as detailed above, are a very wealthy man: you accidentally acquired a rather large number of shares in a massive pharmaceutical company – a single share goes for well over a grand.
(My accidents are unfortunately more in the stub-a-toe/prang the missus’ car category.)
I mention this as you may find yourself a succulent target for those for whom being libelled is a real annoyance. Now, I’m aware that following your ‘principles’ of that ‘medicine’ mentioned above, having your wealth diluted by costly settlements might, to your mind, actually increase its worth! However, away from the homeopathic madhouse things work slightly differently, and you may end up without a roof over your head – and then where will your poor mum sleep?!? Boom! Boom!
There is so much more in your backstory, but suffice to say I don’t believe you have anything of use to offer. Maybe you could help Fay track down ‘Patsy Puddles’ – that’d keep you occupied & out of harm’s/the way! Goodbye (again).
October 20, 2015 at 2:33 pm -
The inquiry was fine, but he did not seem to like ‘personal letters’, and I was required to use emails, which I find less personal. Whom have I libelled? The Queen, and Prince Philip use alternative medicine, I think that is a personal choice, and should not be held up to ridicule.
There was a time, not long ago, when I would have been called as a defence witness, for one of these cases, had it gone ahead. So I am not the conspiracy theorist that you seem to think I am. You do not seem to be able, or want, to engage is reasoned debate, so also to you, as you have just said to me, Goodbye.-
October 20, 2015 at 3:11 pm -
We are all entitled to our personal opinions, David. Some of yours include:
“Teachers who cane, or hit, children in schools are in fact paedophiles, using discipline as a cover for their sexual interests in sadism.”
“Serbian men are all repressed homosexuals [a real interest of yours, it would seem]. They all have a very low sex drive, and can’t cope with strong women. Most Serbian men are not very intelligent, and act like cave men, because they are under-sexed.”
Expressing our opinions & beliefs publicly will naturally cause them to be questioned and – where merited – ridiculed. Your belief in the quackery of homeopathy a case in point – the belief that ‘nothing’ can do ‘something’.
I suggest that you have been bombarding the police with ‘homeopathic evidence’ – i.e. evidence that simply does not exist (but is all the more powerful for not doing so, you believe!).I urge you to return to your beloved pen & ink, and put an end to your electronic graffiti.
October 20, 2015 at 6:05 pm -
You are amusing I suppose, but I do not understand your agenda. I am not really involved in whether there is, or is not, a Westminster paedophile group. I do not think anyone knows at the moment, but there are connections between the people I know, and others, so it is a matter of just what those connections were. I am only concerned with the homicides.
October 20, 2015 at 1:33 pm -
Crikey, Rocky, I’m tempted to give the following theory a push myself! That’d teach ’em!
“With so many people associated with NAYPIC allegedly going missing or being murdered I’m surprised the finger of suspicion was not pointed their way.”
There are so many things that, as you say, do not make sense, that I don’t feel like starting again from the beginning! Twenty-five years they’ve had to get their story straight – chasing down a referral (or ‘possible referral’) from Stopler would just be grasping at straws; I’ve spent long enough looking at this to say: “No more! Please!!!”
To interest me, I’d have to believe in, for example, the Moss/Fay/Andrew tale about toffs torturing kids, running them over with motorcycles & then all sitting around drinking champagne afterwards. And I’d have to believe that their prime witness, Andrew, just happened to have a role in every new tale that pops up (but which were not previously known) rather than being a tragic pawn pushed across the board by unscrupulous shits.
A couple of things from memory: the child was allegedly knocked down & killed a decade before the alleged meeting between Stopler and Fay/Moss, so unless there is something else here I think that this does, indeed, deserve the label ‘coincidence’.
Fay: I think he was a Labour councillor for a bit. He appeared in a newspaper report where he had helped the neighbours (with problem trees or summat?) and they thanked him for his help; maybe it was as a member of residents’ association rather than as a councillor – I can’t remember.
Qualifications: I don’t know. Fay & Moss (with another) authored a book/pamphlet which was available on Amazon; perhaps they list their backgrounds therein?
Ages: I may be confused, but I thought Kasir’s children would have been younger than you suggest. (Haroon Kasir was said to be thinking of emigrating to the US; one of his children is said to live there.)
David: useful information from David is unlikely to be coming your way! I’ll reply to him seperately.
Good luck, and let us know if you find anything. You may yet re-ignite my curiosity!-
October 20, 2015 at 8:47 pm -
It would be nice if David could answer if he met/knew Adelaine Stolper when and why.
There are lots of dots surrounding Mr Fay, I found his retrospective accounts difficult to believe, I pity the police that have to waded through his material. I can’t understand why WI5 who wanted to cover things up used 60 police to raid the property, one moment Carol Kasir is naïve but has the wit to fold and tuck under her tongue the arrest warrant and if she was arrested under the Terrorism Act she knew immediately she had been stitched up it would not have taken her years to discovered that.
At the time of the raid it was report the Kasir’s had two children a son aged 10 and a daughter aged 14, I confirm Carole had a 10 year old son who would have been 17 in 1989 and the daughter would have been in her twenties.
Previously I was wrong about Christopher Fay as well as being described as a welfare worker at NAYPIC he was described as doing ‘analytical, statistical research’ for NAYPIC. So I’m unclear why he was sitting in listening to Carol Kasir. He was a councillor a former Labour vice chairman of Social Services on Greenwich Council London. A newspaper article dated 25 Feb 1990 relates to a report he authored regarding a children’s home in Greenwich he was described as a former child care officer.
There followed an independent report that singled out Mr Fay who it was said made unsubstantiated allegations to the then Health Minister David Mellor. Mr Fay made 66 allegations from rape, unlawful sexual intercourse to sexual harassment of those the panel found evidence that supported only 6 of the allegations, which had been investigated by internally and by police before Mr Fay’s report.
Mary Moss: An article in The Times dated 7 Aug 1990 described her as the Development Officer of NAYPIC, she spoke at a conference and said that she was taken into care at 13, and had no counselling re sexual abuse. “The care system is not a fit place to send those who have been sexually abused.” She told of needing funding to develop a pilot study carried out by the association, 50 children approached NAYPIC, 65% claimed having been sexually abused while in care.
No indication of any training or qualifications. She seems to have had a number of names and been involved in taking a landlord to court over a commercial property…she may have a number of websites and what is claimed to be her family tree is here…
On the blog there is reference to the Panorama programme and says Fay is a crook. If it is the real Mary Moss she says she want nothing to do with Christopher Fay and says he was never a representative or spokesperson for NAYPIC. That she has not written to or heard from Mr Fay in 25 years but says because her own files were taken in a raid in 1993 she put Mr Fay’s notes on the internet.
Why do these people make things so complicated are they concerned about child abuse or themselves, she had the opportunity to assist the police but demanded a meeting with the Prime Minister.
It must be extremely frustrating for police officers trying to work with these people who push aside the protection of children for the sake of their egos and yarns.
October 21, 2015 at 12:11 am -
Mary Moss blog:
More on NAYPIC etc: -
October 21, 2015 at 5:11 am -
I see the Metropolitan Police have now merged Operations Midland and Fairbank…
“Whilst we are not prepared to give a running commentary on any ongoing live investigation, as Operations Midland and Fairbank have progressed officers identified a number of people and locations that were common to both enquiries. It is therefore operationally important to have the same officer in charge of these enquiries. This team will also be responsible for the preparatory work required to support the Independent Inquiry into Child Sexual Abuse. ”
The media is reporting that Detective Superintendent Kenny McDonald, who described a key witness as being ‘credible and true’, has been replaced as head of Operation Midland. Also it is being reported that officers have found ‘not a shred of credible evidence’ to back up claims that a string of senior Establishment figures were responsible for murdering three boys in the Seventies and Eighties.
October 21, 2015 at 4:17 pm -
Mad Mary’s battle over a burst water pipe made for hilarious reading; despite having nothing whatsoever to do with the very defunct NAYPIC, it was later suggested that she’d somehow been stitched-up in an effort to silence her! It was a commercial art gallery, a disagreement with the insurer who just couldn’t see things from her unique perspective. There was talk of taking it to the European Court of Human Rights or summat… utter lunacy!
I’m not sure if it’s still on her site but she did post the transcript of a court-battle (when things were approaching their final stages after years & years of stubbornness) and she had, I think, abandoned qualified legal assistance, possibly opting instead for a trusty tome of ‘Complicated Legal Matters For Dummies’. Given that she has a habit of changing her name at the drop of a hat – halfway through an exchange of letters, for example, the recipient might be surprised to see a new name at the foot of the page – things soon became confused. Amusingly, she was given at least a couple of minutes to try her Columbo-skills by the judge; a poor lowly insurance broker or summat was puzzled to find Quincy Moss enquiring into what had brought her parents to emigrate to the UK several decades previously! It had no purpose whatsoever, and the judge soon brought THAT to a halt. I gave up reading at this point, and went to bed marvelling at the mystery of human nature.
I usually side with the underdog in these matters, and maybe she had a point. But if she did, she buried it beneath a mountain of nonsense, and later she added a layer of ‘they’re trying to silence me’-paranoia on top.
The rather grand description – ‘analytical, statistical research’ – was also used (or something very similar) by Moss for ‘Clive Goddard’. She obviously meant Clive Godden, the crackpot grudge-bearing accomplice of Fay. It’s difficult to take ANYTHING Moss says seriously, as she contradicts her own claims by, for example, slagging off Fay as a fantasist whilst raising ‘Goddard’ as someone helpful to NAYPIC; it’s impossible to square this circle as Fay & Godden jointly promoted the list that they had produced – if one is guilty, they both are. (And they both are!).
Similarly, she knocks Fay whilst re-aquainting herself with Andrew (Panorama’s ‘David’) who, of course, has been integral to Fay’s shameless bullshitting. She chatted over Twitter with the equally fraudulent Andrea Davison (who had appeared on Icke’s radio nutshow speaking about Andrew, and is ‘in’ with Fay) as though all of this were the most natural thing in the world.
(I think the landlady is still awaiting Davison’s clarification of which dorm she pretends she lived in at Duncroft – clumsily for a ‘top intelligence operative’, she chose a period of time as a detainee that coincided with Anna’s! Duh!)Kasir with the warrant hidden under the tongue? She must have had a truly cavernous mouth, as otherwise it’s hard to understand how the 200 photographs esacaped the raid. Or all those incriminating documents. Maybe there was a secret cubbyhole that MI5 or whatever failed to discover – push a knot in the pine-panelling around the sauna and an Aladdin’s cave of files ‘n’ filth would be revealed! It’s all so ridiculous.
The contemporary press reports – particularly in the gay press – don’t seem to feature these warrants under the tongue-type claims; it’s a plain old raid on a dodgy gay guesthouse. What evidence do we actually have that ANY of the VIP-claims came from her? Simply the word of Moss, Fay & Godden, made after she was already dead and unable to confirm/deny. And what evidence do we have that they even met her/spent much time with her? Again, their word, nothing more.
(The ‘Moss Documents’ were said – wrongly – to have been produced by Fay and the ‘journalist John Oakes’. This gave them a sheen of respectability – “ooh! a real journo!” – but none of the mighty ‘campaigners’ seemed too minded to try and track down the vanishing Oakes. The Panorama programme painted a different picture after locating him, and seemed to suggest that the ‘papers’ were shown to Oakes BY Fay, not produced WITH him, and that he had been unable to substantiate the claims or track down those pesky pics; he did not seem to have ever met Kasir. This reduces the allegators to Moss – who seeks to distance herself from Fay’s claims when it suits her – and Fay. Oh, and Fay’s accomplice Clive Godden, who insists he spoke to Kasir – should we should believe him? – and I’m sure he’d like us to believe that it was her, rather than himself, who named the man who had ‘stolen’ his wife as being at the centre of the ring at the ‘boy brothel on Rocks Lane’).
October 8, 2015 at 6:23 pm -
I am not a Pharisee
October 9, 2015 at 9:40 am -
I am a mole and I live in a hole?
October 9, 2015 at 11:16 am -
“Shooting the messenger” But what about the message?
October 11, 2015 at 9:58 am -
That account was only up until to April this year. Things have changed a lot since then!
October 19, 2015 at 3:09 am -
David/Andrew, you appeared anonymously in the Panorama programme didn’t you?
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