Black, White, and Fifty Shades of Grey.
There was a regular commentator on this blog who used to delight in taking me to task for my ‘privileged’ background, usually in disparaging tones. His assumption was one he was forced to eat for breakfast when I penned the Duncroft series of posts and he realised just how ‘privileged’ I had been…!
Assumptions are dangerous things. They emanate from a view that all is black and white – it rarely is.
When the Newsnight story first broke, my only interest was in whether the BBC really was censoring a story. The media, that is what this blog is all about. When the ‘first brave victim’ gave up her anonymity to tell her version of Jimmy Savile running round the dormitories at Duncroft abusing girls will-nilly, I was utterly gob-smacked.
It made no difference to me that ‘there had been rumours’ around Savile for years, nor whether he was friend of the powerful and famous – nor anything remotely connected to Jimmy Savile, a person I had never met.
What did make a difference to me was that I knew quite simply that the only part of the story in the public domain incontrovertibly could not be TRUE. I was there, I had woken up opposite the ‘first brave victim’ every morning of a life lived in that same dormitory long ago, and I had never set eyes on Jimmy Savile.
Even then, I left a loophole in that first post through which an explanation could have crept – there had been a brief couple of weeks at the end of the year when I was absent – perhaps, I posited, Savile had carried out his ‘abuse’ then, and my dormitory companions had simply never mentioned it. Highly unlikely, I agree – but you see, I don’t make ‘if it’s not black it must be white’ assumptions. Just because I didn’t see it, doesn’t mean it didn’t happen – maybe I slept through all the excitement!
Shortly there came a ‘backstage’ explanation – Bebe Roberts was [Quote] ‘just trying to be helpful’ and shore up the story. Why would the story need shoring up, I asked myself? And by a patently false allegation?
I don’t propose to go through letter and verse here of the entire saga, it is all here on this site, every twist and turn, under the Duncroft/Savile tab above the masthead. I have learnt a lot since those early days. I had never heard of ‘corroboration by volume’; had no knowledge of the rash of allegations that had seen families torn apart by allegations that were always remarkably similar in style: there seemed to be a green Book of Tropes where ‘victims’ were concerned.
Nobody ever said to them ‘tell anybody and I’ll knock your head of’ – it was always a whispered ‘it’ll be our little secret’. Their breath always ‘stank of stale beer and cigarettes’ – the perpetrators were never non-drinkers or non-smokers. I came to the conclusion that either the perpetrators or the victims were working to a script. I wasn’t sure which.
Shall I repeat that? I wasn’t sure which!
I am still not sure, despite have unwillingly found myself immersed in the land of paedophilia for nigh on two and half years now. Inevitably I have found myself worrying away at the loose threads of the Savile saga, because the one fact of which I am irrefutably sure is that the ‘first Savile victim’ was lying.
Every time I tug at a thread, I find myself not unravelling the story, but holding onto a short piece of cotton that goes nowhere. I don’t do it to ‘defend Savile’ or because I am a ‘paedo-enabler’, as the popular taunt goes. I do it because I want to find the one piece of evidence that will show me why it was important to ‘shore up’ this story. I haven’t found it yet.
The title of Friday’s piece, ‘Where’s the Meat, Mum’ was no accident. I groaned to myself when that rash of reports came out – I don’t want to do this any more! Such is the climate of fear around the subject of historical child abuse now, that if I don’t, no one else will. I can understand those who put paying their mortgages, supporting their families above searching for the truth.
I, however, will go on reading the actual reports, for as long as I can – and if pointing out that the reports published so far are a long catalogue of allegations of ‘truly awful, dreadful abuse’ allegedly carried out by Savile against ‘vulnerable children in care homes’ who cannot even demonstrate that they, or their parents, were ever, at any time, even in the same country as Savile, for God’s sake; or that there is something terribly wrong when a Policeman reports that, whilst on duty, he saw Savile taking teenage girls onto ‘his boat’ – a boat that sunk when the Policeman was a child, is befitting of the hostility and abuse I am subjected to – well then, so be it.
If Savile was this terrible predatory paedophile that abused thousands of girls and boys, I would expect after three years that at least one piece of incontrovertible evidence, just one, would have appeared, and the ‘story’ would not need to be shored up with forged letters from police forces, false allegations, the only people who ‘knew about it at the time’ conveniently now dead, verbal abuse from retired/fired police constables, or the vitriolic hostility from activists utterly outraged that ‘years of rumours’ are not sufficient for me to understand that I should cease searching for the truth because I’m ‘damaging the cause’.
The Yewtree allegations that Peter Spindler said proved Savile was Britain”s most prolific paedophile have been hidden from view; we have had to take it on trust that there was good reason for millions of NHS pounds, millions of tax payers pounds, millions of licence fee payers pounds, to be expended on investigating this ‘truly awful, dreadful’ abuse.
Now we find that in many cases, money was spent investigating reports ‘that Savile may have walked across the car park of the Maudsley Hospital 30 years ago’. Walking across a car park, the sole allegation, does not qualify as ‘truly awful, dreadful abuse’. There was a reason why these sort of allegations were included in Yewtree – and that reason was to ‘shore up the story’, corroboration by volume.
Now we hear finally from the Secretary of State. He tells us something the Charities Commission are somehow unaware of. He tells us that:
The right hon. Gentleman asked about the value of the Savile estate. A total of £40 million remains under management in his charities. That money will be made available to meet claims made by Savile’s victims, and if it is not enough, the Government will meet any further claims through the NHS Litigation Authority.
Now that is truly odd. The Charities Commission were of the opinion that in 2012 there was:
The general charitable trust’s latest accounts, filed with the Charity Commission in March of this year, show it has funds totalling £3.7m in 2011/12. It had an income of £132,546 and spent £43,866 in the same year.
The Stoke Mandeville charity has funds of £1.7m, according to the Charity Commission files.
It is estimated that Savile raised £40 million in charitable funds in his entire lifetime – and spent it on Stoke Mandeville, amongst other places. Is the Secretary of State trying to tell us that he may have raised twice that – and concealed it from the Charity Commissioners? Or does he mean that the sum total of the claims that are expected to result from the amalgamated dross that comprise the Yewtree allegations – now seemingly accepted on the basis that there was ‘no evidence’ to the contrary – is going to cost taxpayers in excess of £37 million, once the Savile estate has been denuded by the lawyers.
Don’t journalists have access to calculators any longer?
This isn’t about trying to prove Savile innocent; it is about trying to understand how on earth Miss Jones’ nephew getting his knickers in a twist over his grand-mothers will, could possibly have led a country buckling under austerity to denude the NHS of £37 million; it is about trying to make sense of an insane situation.
It is about making public the steps that led us to this dark place.
So, tough love – there will be more reports tomorrow and the next day, we need to know what Yewtree actually amounts to.
You are wasting your breath sending me more e-mails – it is watery bile off a Dux back.
March 2, 2015 at 9:19 am -
It has been an utter pleasure (for this outsider) to read a forensic, objective dissection of evidence presented. Of course you make no disposition as to the rights and wrongs of the issues with which you deal. And of course you are correct: no trail of evidence once brought to light needs “shoring up” by flimsy folderols and inane innuendo. Thank you. Please keep it us just as long as you can.
Major Bonkers
March 2, 2015 at 12:14 pm -
It’s not just that; it’s the whole subversion of the concept that one is innocent until proven guilty; proper evidence should be produced, weighed, and tested; and that ‘compo’ should follow a finding of guilt and not be rustled up – at public expense – on the say-so of anonymous provocateurs.
Quite astonishingly, in the anniversary year of Magna Carta, we are returning to trial by denunciation and acclamation.
Major Bonkers
March 2, 2015 at 9:22 am -
Cornish Lark
March 2, 2015 at 8:47 pm -
Absolutely agree with you Julia M. Bravo Anna!
Cornish Lark
Kath Gillon
March 2, 2015 at 9:26 am -
Very well said. I agree with you completely.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 9:33 am -
Possibly, without you Mme. I would never have had the moral courage to start my Blog about this matter, but I make no apology for only becoming convinced to take you seriously because I found the corroboration of Sally Stevens’ Blog. After that I needed no more volumes of corroboration and decided to create my own…
The real giveaway here is still Bebe. The story has never been retracted. The Media has never retracted it, and the police or CPS have never issued any statement to the effect that this story was bogus, which would be the proper thing to do if they were even slightly interested in the truth.
March 2, 2015 at 10:04 am -
The ‘truth’ and nothing but the truth:
You are walking through a wood, you stop to look at the bracken in a sunlit opening. As a scene, the aesthetic of the artist will draw attention to the patterns of light and shade in congress, all adding to a singularity of the whole, devoid of incongruence. Within the scene, the attention of the herpetologist is drawn to the incongruence of the lizard shapes, tucked in camouflage amongst the matrix of the undergrowth.
The artist and the scientist could actually be the same person; but owing to their purpose of the moment, that person will see the same scene in two distinct ways on two separate occasions. We all have it within us to be divided with equivocations, because we all have the capability to think in at least two different ways on any subject. This ambivalence is both a source of our own enlightenment, and a back porthole to our own subversion by the prevailing propaganda.
One way of thinking tends towards inclusivity, whilst the other way tends towards exclusivity; the difference between making a statue via stucco to a frame; or via paring from an amorphous block. In terms of philosophical understanding, that is in essence the difference between induction, looking for patterns towards truth; and deduction, removing exceptions away from truth. These are not manichean opposites, but complementary, like left and right hands.
Induction without the deduction, would lead us to follow any ruse, flimflam, propaganda, or cult; and deduction without induction, would lead to insular bigotry. The subversive act of equivocation, is to have the effect of fusing induction into deduction by reducing our options for distinction, so that people have to follow the received wisdom of the prevailing view; also known as ‘political correctness’, or the gleichschaltung of fascism. Political ‘inclusivity’ is a misnomer, as it aims to break the symbiosis of the two ways of thinking, so as to set them against each other in a manichean fashion; like the term ‘opposite sex’, was contrived to drive a wedge between the symbiotic relationship of men and women. The two ways are not opposites; they are also not equal; but they are orthogonal.
From this, we might conclude that truth, in and of itself, has no intrinsic function, but gains function dependant upon our choice of its use. Hence the same scene does not lead to two truths, but reveals at least two distinct ways of understanding, based purely upon purpose. To subvert truth, one only needs to throw doubt upon the purpose, or divert attention by another purpose, and truth can seem to disappear:
March 2, 2015 at 10:06 am -
The work done here cannot be underestimated, even if “Jimmy Savile” was completely removed from the equation altogether.
It’s been the catalyst to exposing/highlighting widespread corruption, bullying, fraud, organized demolition of the Rule Of Law and so much more – we would be so much poorer without it, even if it feels as if hardly anyone is listening and the wheels of the bulldozers are still intent on crushing us all. What is the alternative – heads in the sand a la the rest of the population?
That such a risible concept – Marmite Man, tolerated by ‘the establishment’ through gritted teeth, toiling away for good causes in between yodeling & gurning on ephemeral TV & radio once a week now subverted an entire country – has effectively taken over an entire nation’s psyche is something needed to be challenged, just as all the poisonous weeds that grew from that tree need to be highlighted: The Rise Of Slater & Gordon, New Labour the CPS ‘Victims Party’, Trials & Convictions with no evidence, the submission and pillage of public-funded organisations at the taxpayers’ expense, the promotion of fantasy & lunacy as irrefutable truth, the death of Common Sense etc etc etc
Integrity with a capital ‘I’ has been at the root of all your hard work – and for what it’s worth, I thank you. -
Smoking Hot
March 2, 2015 at 10:54 am -
Firstly let me say that l applaud the bravery and work you have done on this, Anna. You’ve been an oasis of sanity in a desert of insanity. That you’ve been constantly attacked for this pisses me off. l am so angry at what our justice system has become. Yes, it certainly is corroboration by volume … which means Father Christmas, Tooth Fairy, the Bogeyman etc etc all actually exist … millions of children can corroborate it.
l met Savile on several occasions because he was a friend of a very good friend of mine. My friend has also suffered allegations against him. The basis of the allegations were simply that Savile was a friend AND my friend was a millionaire AND an eccentric. Oh, and not forgetting the allegations surfaced AFTER he died … no surprises there, eh?
Savile knew my friend from early days in Leeds. He stayed at my friends home on numerous occasions including such times as Christmas. He knew my friend’s children from when they were born and all through their childhood into adulthood. Savile “the serial predator” NEVER abused them!
Sadly, such is the climate of fear surrounding Savile, very very few supposed friends of my friend spoke up in his defence … to this day they remain silent.
l’m ashamed of my country and what they have done to “justice”, for she certainly is a victim! l’m even more ashamed that there are so very few who will speak up in her defence!
The Blocked Dwarf
March 2, 2015 at 11:15 am -
@SH, I well recall the personal attacks on you in the comments section of your blog after you ‘admitted’ having met JS. Dread to think what sort of emails AR has been receiving for her impudence in merely, politely, inquiring after those pesky ‘facts’ things.
March 2, 2015 at 11:37 am -
It breaks my heart at the silence many, many good people have had to enjure. I’ve had many on the phone crying – yes, elderly men who saw the ravages of WWII, unable yo control their emotions – plenty of ladies too I might add – in the words of Sylvia Nicols “hundred, dozens” of people. I’ve heard anguished sobs of “my poor friend Jim” and, “I’m not brave enough to speak up” – yes, they saw what happened to his best friend on This Morning and Radio.
One question that needs to be asked of us, WHY would we make like difficult for ourselves and defend him in private? Wouldn’t it be easier to go along with the flow? If course it would!! The answer is, none of us saw, suspected or heard anything AT ALL – how can that be? We are all stunned, heartbroken and feel robbed of wonderful memories.
My last word on this, several of these people have now died, broken and dismayed.
So, very sad – but I for one can feel proud of only “knowing what I know” – how can I be expected to know anything different – I could lie of course, but that’s not an option for an easy life!
March 2, 2015 at 12:35 pm -
Aside from the sheer evil of branding anyone something they were not, there must be a lot of people who do share the *knowledge* here in a personal way who must (perhaps even to a greater extent that I do) have almost lost faith in humanity due to seeing this dehumanization destroying all the values they held dear throughout their lives by virtue of having known Jimmy (or the other ‘witches’) personally.
It seems to me – correct me if I’m wrong – this is a sweeping way of condemning several generations of wise heads as “fools” (who were all ‘fooled’ by this one little man) so as to install a culture of condemnation & ignorance.-
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 12:41 pm -
Humanity? Nowt wrong with anyone other than the English so far as I can see. I believe there were only 3 allegations passed to Scots Cops and the Welsh ones seem to have disappeared like smoke too, and there hasn’t a single one from Ireland, where Jimmy spent considerable amounts of time, notwithstanding the best attempts of the bogus victims lobbying the Garda to drum some up.
“One in Four executive director Maeve Lewis said the support group is also urging anyone who was abused themselves or know of anyone who was abused by Savile to contact it or the gardai. Given the prolific nature of his abuse, Ms Lewis said, “it is surprising given he visited here so frequently that no Irish victims have come forward”.”
March 2, 2015 at 1:39 pm -
the silence many, many good people have had to enjure…yes, they saw what happened to his best friend on This Morning and Radio
If this magazine is publishing articles about Anna’s research, perhaps they’d publish letters or a joint letter. -
March 2, 2015 at 7:19 pm -
Moor Larkin,
Re: “Given the prolific nature of his abuse, Ms Lewis said, “it is surprising given he visited here so frequently that no Irish victims have come forward” ”
With that attitude it becomes a self full filling prophecy. Does she not realise how silly her reasoning sounds. It’s like she’s already decided there must be Irish victims and they just haven’t ‘come forward’ based on no evidence at all, just that if he was a ‘prolofic’ sex offender (she’s already taken for granted that the accusations against him in England are true despite no trial or evidence) then there must be. It’s so naive and illogical. The lack of allegations in Ireland could just as easily be used to cast doubt on the ones in England as prove that there must have been Irish victims but they’ve just chosen not to come forward, more so actually….
Moor Larkin
The Blocked Dwarf
The Blocked Dwarf
March 2, 2015 at 11:00 am -
” green Book of Tropes where ‘victims’ were concerned.”
Back in the 90s American Researchers discovered that there was indeed just such a book….for ‘survivors’ of supposed ‘Ritual Abuse’.
” One woman says she was an incest victim. The next says she was an incest victim too, but she had multiple perpetrators. The next says they took pornographic pictures. Before too long, they’re up to ritualistic murder of babies and international plots.”
“You’re saying they make this up?”
“They are induced to the images,” he responded, like he’d had a lot of practice answering that question. “And seduced by the power it gives them. They don’t ‘make it up’—they have the images implanted by others. They know they are in terrible pain. They seek reasons for the pain. They know they’re hurting more than the last speaker, so they must have suffered more. Do you understand?” [“False Allegations-Vachss, a fictionalized account and a , literally, thumping good read but based solidly on facts and well worth anyone’s time reading to gain insight into the ‘science’ of ‘Victimology’ ]
Personally I’m guessing the MWTs of this murky child-abusing-for-profit world learnt out of the ‘Satanic Abuse’ scandals of the 80/90s. Now instead of ‘Can I top this’ accounts of ever worsening abuse (although we’ve seen some of that in the Strange Case Of JS…think eyeballs) , instead of the ‘quality’ of the abuse, the QUANTITY of abuse (ie how many ‘victims’) is what matters.
Duncan Disorderly
March 2, 2015 at 11:47 am -
Indeed. The accounts of the so called victims of SRA are superficially so similar because they are all based on the same fantastic published accounts. This also goes for alien abduction ‘survivors’ who report the same things.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 11:50 am -
The shelves of WH Smith groan with kiddy-porn, aka “Survivors Memoirs”.
Mr Ecks
March 2, 2015 at 2:20 pm -
“Victim” 10 of the Stoke M report is a rehash of the “back seat of the Rolls-Royce but jumped out just in time” malarkey which has had at least 2 previous go-arounds at supposedly other times and places. The same tales are repeated in a new context and this is then said to be “evidence” showing Savile’s M.O. Tropes is the only word to use.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 2:40 pm -
Tripe works for me.
Moor Larkin
Mr Ecks
Moor Larkin
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 2:51 pm -
Probably the most significant book for our purposes was “The Courage To Heal”.
In terms of the precursor SRA panic, as far as I can tell it actually started with the Satanism (cultic rituals, murders, infanticide, etc) then shifted ground onto more sexual abuse especially when the feminists picked it up and ran with it, since they’re sexually obsessed (whereas the fundamentalist christians are more Satan obsessed).
This from a 1980 Oprah show is worth watching-
Duncan Disorderly
Ho Hum
March 2, 2015 at 11:03 am -
A timely, succinct, reminder of the whys and wherefores, particularly for those just catching up at the back
BTW, I’ve had a good rake around for the ‘£40m’, as referred to in Hansard, and can’t find anything to match that in the more obvious places to look, even assuming that it might be an aggregate of any funds still held by NHS bodies which might have had originated from JS’ charitable activities.
Probably more of an issue is the potentially implicit financial domino effect, in that the the NHS Litigation Authority might be facing a ‘secondary’ raft of claims made by those who do get payouts from JS Estate, if what they get from those can’t cover any amounts assessed as due.
That that could be due to the total amounts available to claimants from the Estate being insufficient, possibly in large part due to their own lawyers’ fees seemingly taking precedence over their claims, his seeming to be almost saying that the NHS is guaranteeing to underwrite any such deficit, without any further scrutiny (‘and if it is not enough, the Government will meet any further claims through the NHS Litigation Authority;), could, if really so, set quite a bad precedent in general. The idea that the lawyers might get a second cherry to bite on is extremely unappealing.
Of course, as recorded, one might assume that he is thinking that it would be limited to that, but I wouldn’t put it past any lawyer to go on to state that the first claim was in respect of damage done in one form, and then create a ‘new’, second claim for another form of damage, as perpetrated on their clients, by the NHS itself. We will have to wait and see.
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 3:41 pm -
There can be few things more foolish than to declare open season on an unlimited compensation pot. But that’s what he’s done.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 3:51 pm -
There was a brief story started by Collins of Panone that there must be more savile money hidden somewhere; I think he referred to about £20M…. Yup. Dependable Daily Mirror… … The Mirror Link no longer works however.
The hunt for Jimmy Savile’s missing millions.
Expert Child Abuse Solicitor, Alan Collins, from Pannone Solicitors speaks to the press today on how he believes Savile took steps to safeguard his fortune. Hunt for Jimmy Savile’s missing millions: Paedophile may have taken charity cash and stashed £20m ab
Lawyers probing DJ’s finances in the hope of…
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 5:39 pm -
Aha… they can run but they cannot hide in plain sight…
A lawyer acting for victims of Jimmy Savile has begun a search for what he says could be the disgraced star’s missing millions. Leeds-born TV and radio presenter Savile left an estate of £4.3m when he died in October 2011 at the age of 84. But Alan Collins, of Pannone Solicitors, believes the serial sex attacker may actually have been worth more than £20m after decades of showbiz fame. Mr Collins has now written to lawyers for the executor of Savile’s will asking for an “urgent forensic examination” of his assets. Fears have even been voiced that the Jim’ll Fix It host may have stashed part of his fortune away in secret overseas accounts. Mr Collins, who is representing 55 of Savile’s victims, said: “He was the number one celebrity in this country for more than 20 years. “He had no dependents, was not a spendthrift and only had modest properties and very few luxuries, like his Rolls-Royce. “He left a £4.3m estate, which in the context of his lifestyle and other celebrities of such long-standing success is a modest amount. “If he had left £20m or more then that would have been a more realistic and understandable amount. It just doesn’t add up. “Quite simply, we are asking ‘what happened to Jimmy’s millions?’.” Savile’s estate was frozen last year by will executor NatWest Bank after it emerged many of his victims were preparing compensation claims. A spokesman for Osborne Clarke, a law firm acting for NatWest, declined to comment on Mr Collins’ call for an examination of the star’s finances. Detectives fear Savile claimed 450 victims during a campaign of sex abuse spanning four decades. Scotland Yard, which has taken the national police lead on the case, is poised to publish a report on his activities. It is expected to give a full list of locations – including more than a dozen hospitals – where Savile preyed on his victims. There were claims yesterday (Jan 7) that the list will also include at least one hospice.
and there’s moor:
From Mail Online :
“Pervert Jimmy Savile may have stashed millions of pounds overseas to protect his money in case his crimes came to light. Lawyers acting for those molested by Savile have launched a probe into the disgraced DJ’s finances in a bid to unearth cash which can be used as compensation. Pannone Solicitors believe he siphoned off cash from the two charities he set up, as well as money from his public appearances, into offshore accounts. They believe he has a far greater fortune than the £4.3million in his will – perhaps up to £20million – and have written to Osborne Clarke Solicitors, who were appointed executors of his will by NatWest Bank, to ask for an investigation .”
Strangely that Mail link no longer works either.
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 6:10 pm -
“The number one celebrity”?
March 3, 2015 at 1:46 am -
Quite, Moor’s trawls through the files have demonstrated that Savile was not very well paid by the BBC – who were notoriously less generous than ITV at the time anyway. He never seemed to make great demands on them for money and they were happy to pay him as little as possible.
Most, if not all, of his TV and Radio work attracted simple appearance fees, no residuals, and his peak earning days were probably three decades or more before he died.
He also seems to have gone out of his way to spend a huge amount of his time not earning money for himself so where this vast wealth is supposed to have come from is baffling.
Ian B
Moor Larkin
Ho Hum
March 8, 2015 at 12:48 am -
Well, here’s a surprise. Or not, if you have any clue about all this
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 11:12 am -
Assumptions. In my engineering career we used to have a saying: challenge your assumptions, before they challenge you!
In the Yewtree case, the assumptions made (the “victims” are telling the truth) are not challenged, indeed it is pointed out to us that the “investigators” (who are not worthy of the name) will not look for evidence. The assumptions made are then arranged to fit an already decided upon conclusion.
Even the Royal Society have altered the interpretation of their motto “Nullius in Verba”, which translates to “on the word of no-one”, shifting the emphasis to “verify all statements by an appeal to facts determined by experiment”. The subtle point is that the “facts” should not be challenged. In many so-called sciences today the “facts” are not experimental observations, but just the output of a computer model, for example anthropogenic global warming. Little heed is paid when the real “facts”, actual measurements, don’t support the prevailing theory. We are regressing back into the age of superstition and unthinking deference to authority.
March 2, 2015 at 12:25 pm -
When I was a first year PhD physicist, in the early 1990s, I did a couple of terms as a lab demonstrator, for the third year undergraduates at Manchester University. I was told off for marking down a pair of students for wilfully failing to acknowledge an ‘inconvenient’ oscilloscope trace, that didn’t ‘fit’ the assumptions of a badly designed experiment.
For the next pair of students on this particular experiment, I decided to forewarn them about the aberrant trace. Much credit to their initiative, they sought the author of the experiment, to get her understanding. She responded by getting me the sack!
Modern science in this country is all about the personal ‘image’; the politics of group think, and the mutuality of credibility. ‘Facts’ serve as a focal mantra, to keep the geese in step; whilst shunning all alternatives, for fear the money dries up from proven revenue sources. Students are taught to re-word their old research papers, so as to re-publish in other journals, to add to their ‘research’ count, for the soul purpose of self citation. Ever wonder how, for example, fusion research can be on the ‘brink of the answer’ for the last 50 years !?
The “unthinking deference to authority”, is State funding based. “He who pays the Piper, calls the tune”.
Mr Wray
March 26, 2015 at 2:33 pm -
IIRC scientific journals rarely print reports of experiments where the expected results are not found. If an experiment does not support a theory then it will only be published when the intention was to not support it.
The theory is that it stops a lot of ‘sloppy’ research from being published but in reality it hides possible flaws in current, accepted theories.
Mr Wray
March 2, 2015 at 3:27 pm -
Look into the origins of the statement “97% of scientists believe in global warming…”
March 2, 2015 at 11:41 am -
An expat of long standing, I have been following Anna’s persistent digging with a mixture of admiration and despair; admiration for her courage in swimming against the tide, and despair that it should be almost entirely one person who cares and dares enough to shed some light on the lies, corruption and venality that surround the whole Savile/Duncroft/Yewtree morass. Someone on a related thread made the point that if some people are pushed to it by circumstances, they will lie or suddenly awaken “memories” and join the passing bandwagon. One may pity them while despising those who encourage and affect to believe the provably false (thank you, Anna) stories. In brief, from this outsider’s perspective, it is galling at best that the few people outside the U.K. who follow this saga must have lost any faith in the once-respected British system of fairness and justice. In compensation, we have the other stereotype of the undaunted individual fighting to uncover the truth. That at least may be salvaged. Thank you, Anna.
Mark in Mayenne
March 2, 2015 at 11:44 am -
Thank you
Jonathan King
March 2, 2015 at 12:03 pm -
I’ve been through this. I’m certain that many “victims” genuinely believe, with all heart and soul, that they are speaking the truth. And often they are, with only a few tweaks and twists which can include sex when there was no sex, or no consent when there was consent. It is easy to understand their anger and fury when they are not believed, just as “victims” of rape and abductions by aliens must feel fury when others disbelieve them; especially when others independently seem to confirm their stories. The malicious or greedy are in a minority. So are the “liars”. They can be mistaken or deluded and simply, often, exaggerating. And moral panic spreads like an epidemic. It is frightening that so many intelligent, sensible and wise observers simply cannot even consider the possibility that a situation is NOT black or white and that so many editors and producers refuse to carry alternative viewpoints. Because that can ruin “a good story”. Where I feel the story you are now uncovering is “a great story”. And sadly most people, including myself, cannot be bothered to read reports, let alone line by line and word by word.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 12:16 pm -
Quote from a media victim in the Ray Teret trial: “But the hugeness of what he had done, I didn’t realise at the time. As an adult, I do. I didn’t allow myself to go there, to think about it… It was only when I did the police video interview it all became really apparent, that he had abused his position… that he was a child abuser, a paedophile, that he was the devil’s work.”
Quite how a police interview launches someone into such a religious fervour might be moot.
Moor Larkin
Wigner’s Friend
March 2, 2015 at 1:57 pm -
When I saw that PIL ( could be sued I immediately thought that a few of the lawyers involved with Yewtree might be feeling a little vulnerable.
Robert the Biker
March 2, 2015 at 2:18 pm -
The really big problem faced by anyone going against ‘the Narrative’ is that they are automatically assumed to be on the Devils side! Speak out against this nonsensical paedogeggon we have created and you side with child molesters, truth or falsehood are by the by, it’s for ‘the cheeeeldreennn’ whoever the hell they are, bearing false witness is seen as an admirable thing!
How many people stood up for the batty old lady no one liked much when the Witchfinder General accused her of casting spells and cursing her neighbours? That would be none, even though most people must have hnown it was nonsense.
Unless and until thesecockroaches are exposed to the light and shown up for the parasites they are, this cult of defaming the dead for money will continue and grow until even the people making money from it cannot uphold the nonsense they will have to spout.
Thank God for Anna! -
winston smith
March 2, 2015 at 2:29 pm -
Just like the banks, the cost will be born by the taxpayer, but not any private insurer or individual. I suspect this was the goal right from the start, to shift the burden of any claims from the private to the public. Any involvement of an insurance company will entail a more critical scrutiny of any allegations by an organization that is far more independent of political pressure than most out public institutions are at the moment.
March 2, 2015 at 2:59 pm -
“Just as the banks privatized their profits and socialized their losses, we privatize behavior and socialize the consequences. ” [Theodore Dalrymple]
March 2, 2015 at 4:30 pm -
These are strange days. It’s almost as if *we* are in some kind of ‘Survivors’-esque situation crossed with The Prisoner – all around are people who have seemingly surrendered their collective principles and cashed in their common sense in a race to base-level mediA-evIl superstition after a century of what would appear to have been unparalleled opportunity and cultural progression. It all seems so blindingly obvious to me, but elsewhere cherry-picking confusion reigns and good people are being trampled underfoot.
Three quarters bleakly depressing and a quarter inspiring/empowering – but better to go down fighting than surrender. -
March 2, 2015 at 4:43 pm -
At least you have done so much to question the whole monstrous saga and I can’t thank you enough for that, it is pretty hurrying to see how gullible the public is and how afraid friends of the accused are, what has this country come to? I hope one day the truth comes out as it did eventually with the satanic abuse, though some still claim that was true. I never believed any of that either, it just seemed too ridiculous , I was slightly involved in that area at the time as a member of the Scottish Children’s Panel and my skeptism was met with I credulity by social workers though not by other member who were inclined to question the stories. That was a tragedy for many children and families and to see something nearly as bad happening again is very sad. Given JS eccentricity is has been all to easy for people to believe what they read in the press and other media, I found more doubts about Rolf Harris and I have not met anyone who believes the Cliff Richard allegations. I hope I live long enough to see the truth coming out and the collusion of police/CPS and lawyers publicised. Our society does seem to be regressing while provan rapes and worse in the present day took years to get any attention. Elderly celebrities are persecuted for 40 year old ‘crimes’ . If not for your patient hard work it is very likely that one of this would be known so thank you.
March 2, 2015 at 4:45 pm -
There are even websites to coach journalists on the “correct” way to report sexual allegations
I found this through the, which if you read the site, you will see there is a concerted push to get all sexual allegations to be accepted without any proof – at the moment in US universities but now coming to a country near you. There are even cases of feminists making up claims of assault, to boost the numbers of assaulats and publicise the notion that assault is common.
You couldn’t make it up!
March 2, 2015 at 4:58 pm -
Here is what I think. Lawyers and journos who are if not afraid, too lazy to ask real questions. Like our learned Editor in Chief, I am not an apologist for Jimmy Savile. What I am concerned about is an unquestioning assumption that allegation = fact, particularly in this febrile, compensation driven culture.
March 2, 2015 at 4:58 pm -
I don’t think the NHS should be made to pay any money over this. Their money is needed to treat people who are ill. If, playing devils advocate, those who claim to have been molested by Jimmy Savile are claiming to be so traumatised by it that it ruined the rest of their life – then they should offer them counciling and maybe set up a charity or a group where they can talk about their trauma with other victims.
If Jimmy Savile is innocent, and as it stands, apart from the sort of annoying, over familiar behaviour I used to get from the likes of my gran (e.g ‘come and give your old granny a kiss’ etc), it looks more likely that he is than isn’t, then this is a shocking way to act over a man who’d only just passed away, disrespectful and un feeling to him and his family.
It’s like innocent until proven guilty is out the window now and you can now expect to be convicted on the basis of gossip, rumor, speculation – it’s no better than the Salem witch trials at all (apart from the fact those accused of witchcraft who didn’t confess were hung)….
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 5:10 pm -
It’s now an accepted fact by the therapy profession that the only cure for “trauma” is compensation.
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 5:18 pm -
Last of the summer wine is compo.
Mr Ecks
March 2, 2015 at 5:41 pm -
Last of the Summer Whine.
Mr Ecks
Moor Larkin
March 2, 2015 at 6:39 pm -
The big difference was that they actually had a trial at Salem.
The Blocked Dwarf
March 2, 2015 at 6:53 pm -
“The big difference was that they actually had a trial at Salem.”
Only because they hadn’t yet invented Twitter…poor benighted simpletons that they woz. #guilty_as_sin!
March 3, 2015 at 2:01 pm -
Re: “The big difference was that they actually had a trial at Salem”
Good point, an unfair trial, but still more than Jimmy’s had. These reports have all been one sided, just collecting allegations, nobody seems to have been appointed to do a report defending the allegations made, which to me just makes the whole thing look even more ridiculous….
The Blocked Dwarf
Mrs Grimble
March 2, 2015 at 8:26 pm -
I’ve read, though not confirmed, that in Germany, victim compensation is only paid out for things like therapy, rehousing, medical expenses etc and that generally the victim has to stump up the money first, then submit the bills. Now that’s how compo should work – genuine help for victims, not a lottery win for anybody claiming that somebody grabbing their bum in 1973 ruined their life.
Ian B
March 2, 2015 at 6:34 pm -
The truth will come out and we will have Anna and the others who have diligently pursued the truth to thank for it.
Bill Sticker
March 2, 2015 at 8:06 pm -
Anna, your indefatigable efforts to hunt down the facts behind these allegations are nothing short of inspirational. One thing is certain; there are no facts, there is only, failing discovery of seamless CCTV and documentary evidence covering Savile’s entire life, accusation and conjecture.
I can only conclude the obvious; the current witch hunt against older celebrities is being driven by the twin engines of a cynical media bent on selling their low quality output and the delusional and greedy, determined to make an unearned buck.
March 2, 2015 at 9:27 pm -
I wonder whether the media are partly to blame, but for different reasons. Things have changed a lot in the broadcast and newspaper industries. Everything has to be ‘instant’ in broadcasting (and the BBC is trying to hide it’s guilt at allowing Savile’s ‘crimes’ over so many years (allegedly)), and there’s far less money in newspapers so far less investigative journalism, just the churning of press releases. Consequently, they all just go along with the crowd because nobody has time to carefully sift and check the facts. I’ll bet nobody in the MSM or BBC has actually tracked down and read the official documents as Anna has. (There may even be one or two in the BBC who have a vested interest in those documents remaining unread – eh, Meirion?)
Bill Sticker
March 2, 2015 at 10:02 pm -
Engineer, I agree. Such is the state of modern mainstream ‘journalism’.
Mr Wray
March 26, 2015 at 2:43 pm -
The BBC are in a cleft stick of their own making. Their desire to ‘get Thatcher’ and the Nasty Party by associating them with paedophiles has to be balanced against the desire to defend themselves. If they say there is no evidence they will be betraying their own support for the ‘believe her’ rent-a-mob and if they admit to evidence they are owning up to complicity.
If it wasn’t so serious it would be hilarious.
Bill Sticker
Oi you
March 2, 2015 at 8:36 pm -
I wonder whether there is something more sinister at work…
I think Winston Smith above is most definitely right: the cost will be borne by the taxpayer. Curious how the present government is promising so much in compo, when it’s obvious they don’t have it. 40 million? Where are they going to find it then? In some strange off-shore account in the caymen islands?
They are up to something, I’ll be bound.
March 2, 2015 at 9:29 pm -
With the gummint, it may just be down to rank incompetence. I’ll bet they – or the relevant civil servants – haven’t read the documents, either.
March 2, 2015 at 11:21 pm -
The further danger is that the societal attitudes thus seeded and encouraged start to impact on other people and further spread the danger of injustice.
Just look at poor Adam Johnson, subject to the due process of law after an allegation has been made about his conduct, but because it involves the double whammy of involving his penis AND a “child” (age 15) he is now cast based on little more than supposition as the devil incarnate. One glance at social media and you are met with a wave of condemnation and insistence that the key is throw away when he is locked up, despite little being known as to the nature of the allegations.
This was hammered home to me at work this evening (a high profile media organisation) where our respected and experienced news editor (with over 15 years of high profile work to her name) was counselling colleagues on the correct way to approach the story and the due legal caution involved. Her exact words: “just because he is a monster…”. I may remind her of this when it turns out he’s guilty of nothing more than being lied to by an underage drinker or the victim of schoolgirl fantasy.
The Blocked Dwarf
March 3, 2015 at 1:09 am -
“when it turns out he’s guilty of nothing more ”
Even if the CHILD in question later recants, and it is proven beyond any doubt that AJ wasn’t even in the country at the time of the RAPE, he’ll never be allowed by the Mumsnetnazis and Twitterquemadas to play for another club ever again. By the time I check the morning news I expect other BRAVE VICTIMS will have come foward…his bank balance compels…
The Blocked Dwarf
Ms Mildred
March 3, 2015 at 10:22 am -
I googled the man mentioned @ James. The 15 year old lady is an absolute stunner. Very beautiful and mature looking. I wonder why her face isn’t blanked, because she is a child. It would be a crime to blank out her face. Now I know what is happening in front of our eyes. A new age of puritanism is dawning upon us. Can we have Chaperones please? Men must not be allowed to be alone with a beautiful child, even if her mother approves of the friendship! How on earth is a man supposed to know the age of some gorgeous girls who are on the cusp of womanhood? Why is this nonsense even news? Why is he named? Why the the lovely photo of them taken, if he has anything to be ashamed of? Why are we calling people ‘children’ up to the age of 19, when they can join the army and die for this stupid country in far off places? I wonder if someone is a tad jealous?
Moor Larkin
March 3, 2015 at 10:47 am -
Maybe he can claim he was traumatised by a cougar.
Kym Marsh and Adam Johnson were spotted as they made their way to Chinawhite on Saturday evening. She’s reportedly initiating court proceedings against ex-husband Jamie Lomas over unpaid child support for their 2-year-old daughter, Polly. Stepping out on Saturday evening, mum-of-three Kym Marsh appeared determined to put her troubles behind her when she ventured into London club Chinawhite for a rendezvous with Premiership footballer Adam Johnson. The 37-year-old actress showed off her assets in a figure hugging black mini-dress for her night out in the capital, opting to complete the look with a pair of peep-toe heels.Queer sorts of paedophilia we have these days…
March 3, 2015 at 2:03 pm -
It’s something people have chosen to ignore creeping up on them – it wasn’t so long ago such a case would be looked at objectively for what it was (not what is clearly wasn’t).
When all is said and done, this report joins all the dots. Anyone who can’t see what is happening and why it is happening having read this deserves all they are going to get. Unfortunately *we* don’t.
Moor Larkin
March 3, 2015 at 3:06 pm -
Just wait till after the election…
“Labour has criticised the plans as a “missed opportunity” however, saying the government is not going far enough.”-
Ho Hum
March 3, 2015 at 4:15 pm -
Labour’s idea of going further will be to ban the phrase ‘Lying Cnut’
Because there aren’t any….
Ho Hum
Ho Hum
March 3, 2015 at 5:51 pm -
Leaving the bad jokes aside, what sort of definition is being used to come up with the assertion in the BBC’s analysis that
‘Experts have been warning for decades that up to a million children in Britain are victims of sexual abuse – each day’?
That doesn’t feel right, quite OTT, in fact, and the figures available tend to make it sound improbable
The ONS 2011 Census: Usual resident population by five-year age group, local authorities in the United Kingdom shows that there were approx (all figs in millions)
Total popn : 63.2
Total 0 – 16 : 12.7 Calculated as (All <=14) + (0.4 x Band 15-19)
Families all types : 17.9
Families No Children : 7.7
Families Dependent Children : 7.6
Families : Non Dependent Children only : 2.6
Children: Total Dependent : 13.1
Children: Total Dependent One Child Family : 3.5
Children: Total Dependent Two children Family: 5.9
Children: Total Dependent Two children Family: 3.7So if I were to look out of my front window tomorrow morning as the kids go by on their way to the school down the road, is every thirteenth or thereabouts going to be be sexually abused that day? Or are they maybe all going to be, but just once in every 13 days?
It doesn't matter which of these extremes you take, given those sorts of numbers it really just doesn't seem credible, based on any sort of definition that the man on the Clapham Omnibus might recognise and acknowledge as 'serious' in intent, consequence, and appropriate classification of those who might be deemed to be truly 'evil perpetrators' – ie not comparable age boyfriend and girlfriends – that there is a level of hidden sexual abuse likely to be taking place to the extent that it warrants being described as some sort of national emergency
So are some weird definitions being used? Or am I just a heretical non-believer who is in danger of being burnt along with my familiar, my keyboard?
Moor Larkin
March 3, 2015 at 5:58 pm -
Expert journalists.
This vast scale appears to be confirmed by “prevalance studies” which take samples of the population and establish how many were childhood victims of sexual abuse. In the UK, the United States, Germany, Switzerland and Australia, studies consistently find that around 20% of women and around 8% of men suffered sexual abuse as children. In the current population of UK children, that would cover 1.5 million girls and 520,000 boys, a figure that is consistent with the projection of 1.1 million offenders.
Ho Hum
March 3, 2015 at 6:15 pm -
Thanks for that
Any idea/reference to what ‘definitions’ are being used in the measurement process? There have been some interestingly broad ones used by a variety pressure groups over the last few years to further their causes……
March 3, 2015 at 6:22 pm -
So unless there an awful lot of serial predators, it would imply around 1 million offenders, oh but I forgot their companions in joint enterprise – those who knew and didn’t intervene or report. I reckon we could find ourselves with nearly the whole population guilty of child abuse and put on the registers, then being unable to work with or near children, or live near a school. Imagine the expansion of the prison system required!
I must suppose the “prevalence” studies have used the standard of “kids playing doctors and nurses” is child sexual abuse of two or more children.
March 3, 2015 at 6:28 pm -
Bear in mind the privatization of the UK prisons has already started – it won’t be long before that becomes a widespread policy. What that will mean is private companies running prisons at a profit and subsidized per inmate by the taxpayer. So imprisonment will become another industry – a bit like “personal injury law” – motivated by profit, and more profit will mean more heinous criminals. And what could be more productive for creating more criminals than *all this*?
Ho Hum
Moor Larkin
Moor Larkin
Moor Larkin
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