Cool Brittan-ia.
You know how it feels when somebody gives you a thick dossier and thirty or forty years later someone asks you where you put it, and you just cannot remember… Infuriating isn’t it. It was there just 10,000 days ago, but now… It’s like it never existed!
What? That has never happened to you? Ho Hum. Well, it’s just happened to Leon Brittan. He’s 74 and he can tell you exactly how it feels.
The news that Lord Brittan has been interviewed under police caution comes as little surprise to me because his name has been being hawked around the Internet for the last couple of years now, since the initial attempt upon the other Lord, McAlpine, came to naught.
It’s not the first time Lord Brittan has been caught up in a public Sex Scandal however. Oh me, oh my, No! Here he is in the Sydney Morning Herald on June 28th 1984. The story had even reached Australia! If you don’t already know this story, as I’m sure many Anna Raccon’s erudite readers will, then please do take the time to read it. If you do, read it again because it was so long ago you may have forgotten some of the details!
As you will have noticed, there was something spooky going on, according to Private Eye, which at that time was in it’s high prime of Scandal Mongering, being edited by the recently retired Richard Ingrams. Was Ingrams part of a labyrinthine Tory double-bluff plot? Or was he telling the truth? I think we should be told.
What about the source of the “missing dossier”. It came from Geoffrey Dickens MP, now deceased. Dickens, like a namesake of his, produced more than one volume. Here is the gist of another of Dickens’ dossiers around that time:
Geoffrey Dickens latched on to Audrey Harper immediately, supporting her and helping her spread the news that, to her knowledge, English Satanists were still sacrificing children. Dickens was one of two Tory MPs (the other being David Wilshire) engaged in anti-occult agitation during the late ’80s. Wilshire actually called for witchcraft laws to be re-instated, and Dickens campaigned for occult literature to be restricted or banned. Complaining that “perverted cults which worship the devil can freely publish guides on how to dabble in the occult,” he opined, “The Home Office must act.” He worked closely with Childwatch, a Hull-based organization that used every opportunity to warn the public about Satanic ritual abuse in England. Its founder, Diane Core, declared that up to 4000 English children were being sacrificed by Satanists annually. She publicly aired bizarre stories from alleged SRA survivors, like the “breeder” who claimed her cult froze sacrificed babies so members could defrost and eat them later. Wilshire declared in the House of Commons that Satanism is about the ritual mutilation and torture of people, particularly children.
One solution to the puzzle about where the dickens did Dicken’s dossier go, is painfully obvious. It would have gone back to the same place it came from: MI5.
Who ya gonna call? Ghost Busters?
Spooky innit.
Moor Larkin
July 11, 2014 at 10:26 am -
uMM… Now I’m seeing it on the big screen………. where the dickens did Dicken’s dossier go” should have read, “where the dickens did Dickens’ dossier go” ….. I think….
July 11, 2014 at 10:35 am -
More usefully perhaps, here’s a link to the the original [and magnifiable] version of that Australian news item, courtesy of google-newspapers.,6714416-
July 11, 2014 at 10:47 am -
Thanks, that’s a great help.
July 11, 2014 at 10:39 am -
Seeing it on a big screen here too, but now have a headache from trying to read the article. I think someone mentioned the quality of your eyesight in a comment on a previous post of Anna’s, but would one of you mind having a look into what’s going on?
The earlier clips of tweets were very small and, as with the above cutting, when clicked do not enlarge. The only way I found to read was to zoom the whole page, resulting in large out-of-focus, hence headache-inducing print.
July 11, 2014 at 11:10 am -
So this alleged decades-old paper file has disappeared, while all the other decades-old paper files are still on file? A file could easily disappear if it never existed in the first place or was shredded with files of the same vintage.
It’s all about the “elite”, innit? A lot of the conspiracy-theorists seem to be fixated on people who are “more important and richer than me”. At one time they’d have been tugging their forelocks. “Dianaa, we luuurve youuu!” Now they have internet access.
Judging from some of the names bandied around, crowbarred into these allegations, there also seems to be an anti-Semitic element.
July 11, 2014 at 11:16 am -
Hmm. There seems to be a lot of ‘rumour and innuendo’ floating about at the moment. I seem to recall an incident during the last parliament when a government spin-doctor lost his job for conspiring to spread unfounded salacious gossip about political rivals and members of their families. I’m not saying there’s a connection, just that it’s a possibility that shouldn’t be entirely discounted.
Tom Watson, a leading driver of the current campaign about possible Parliamentary links to peadophile rings, was a close associate of the sacked spin-doctor, and was implicated in the plot which led to said sacking. There – see how easy it is to spread unfounded rumours?
If there is genuine evidence of wrong-doing, or credible complaints made by victims, test the case in court. If there are rumours of rumours, they are best treated as the tittle-tattle they probably are, unless credible evidence to support them comes to light.
I said a couple of threads ago that I think it’s a Westminster/Islington Intelligensia/Media scare. From what I’ve heard around and about, I’m not so sure the general public is quite so convinced about paedophile rings and all the rest of it.
July 11, 2014 at 12:02 pm -
That’s very interesting. I think it’s generally accepted that there were intelligence plots against PM Wilson and probably PM Heath, as well, just a few years earlier, which would seem to show that the spooks had lost the run of themselves at that period. One thing that strikes me is how these fabrications often go on to have a strange shadowy after-life when the immediate reason for their deployment has disappeared. The classic example is the Protocols of the Elders of Zion, whose original target was the French Emperor Napoleon 111 and then mutated over the c19 until it became one of the ur-texts of the Fascist movement in the c20. The zombie corpse is still reanimated periodically on c21 blogs, for a whole range of different purposes, though always of course involving the Jooos. If Private Eye was right in the 80s, and the original motivation was to discredit Brittan in order to stop him taking an axe to M15, it would just be typical of how these things take on on a life of their own that nearly 40 years later the same old tosh would be recycled to suit a different agenda. Waste not, want not, eh?
July 11, 2014 at 1:03 pm -
Intriguing that Theresa May’s department appears unable to google and that this matter, which has been on the web for ages, only now comes to the Mainstream after Richard Ingrams has been ousted from a position in the Media. Seeing as he also covered up for Jimmy Savile by insisting he’d never once been brought a story about the DJ in his time as PI-editor, I daresay he can be relied upon to not give himself a voice now.
July 11, 2014 at 1:33 pm -
Not strictly true. Private Eye did once hint at Savile’s interests, but in a satire piece rather than an article.
July 11, 2014 at 1:40 pm -
Was that at the same time as the “Have I Got News for You” transcript about Sarah Cornley? Created by BBC alternative comedians… allegedly.
July 15, 2014 at 1:28 am -
Here’s the story on the people behind the HIGNFY Savile transcript.
July 11, 2014 at 1:52 pm -
Ingrams played a strange role in the whole affair: he ran the first big Savile ” expose” in “The Oldie”, months before Newsnight picked up on it. Who knows what his motives are? I suspect he may well be just a professional stirrer who has been having us all on for years. That’s not to say that every story PI has broken is unfounded or that Ingrams is deliberately setting out to deceive, either when he ran the Savile allegations or when he denied ever having received any information about Savile during his PI years. I think sometimes a long career in the media, especially one devoted to purveying “unattributable” allegations (again whether true or not) can result in the individual believing nothing or anything – and possibly not even caring what the difference is. But, hey, I’m not his confessor.
July 11, 2014 at 2:21 pm -
Not really. The Sunday Mirror had run much the same story a month or two before. Miles Goslett was whining they’d pinched his scoop. All the ‘papers were chasing the same story as Meirion Jones in 2011; it’s all made plain in the Pollard Report Appendices.
July 11, 2014 at 3:22 pm -
I think my point is that Ingrams really doesn’t have anything much to contribute here and you’ve just proved it
No smoking gun, no secret cache of brand-new evidence, no “spiked copy” from the 80s. Nothing.
July 11, 2014 at 4:08 pm -
About Savile? Or about Dickens.
Seems to me he must be critical to the Dickens Dossier, so why is he completely ignored? Like 1984 never happened.-
July 11, 2014 at 11:30 pm -
He hasn’t said anything. He hasn’t produced anything. Who knows what he thinks? Or cares?
Ingrams isn’t the fulcrum on which anyone’s case will be supported or unravel.
July 11, 2014 at 1:16 pm -
I think they have pushed it too far and more people are doubting the whole thing. I quite believe some abuse went on in some children’s homes as certainly in the past these places were attractive to abusers as in the Islington case that mrs. Hodge ignored. For the rest I suspect it was gay men in power finding a place they could meet young men, probably underage at the time though certainly not children. I have seen no solid evidence of crimes by Savile or Harris, nothing that was not common at the time and that those of us who grew up then could handle. High time the possibility of money or publicity was removed ans see how many allegations surface then.
July 11, 2014 at 1:38 pm -
Truth & Reconcilliation, anyone?!
It’s certainly notable that one of the Savile hospital report clearly said that the “informer” said they wanted compensation when they were offered support and counselling instead.
July 11, 2014 at 2:25 pm -
It would be interesting to know what child abuse victims think of it all, or if they’re reluctant to question the motives of those coming forward because they don’t want to be doubted themselves. What seems difficult to understand is why it should take post-mortem revelations about one elderly TV light entertainer to jog memories of crimes committed by other elderly TV light entertainers. Perhaps there are people out there abused by landscape gardeners, airline pilots and dustmen who are waiting for a post-mortem exposé about someone in those occupations to know they’ll be believed when they come forward.
July 11, 2014 at 3:10 pm -
I think there’s an unfortunated credulity to these matters. Initially it’s all “we must listen” and “we shouldn’t queastion, because that’ll put other victims off,” but then the whole house of cards comes crashing down, and does that anyway.
July 13, 2014 at 9:44 am -
Oh there are people in other occupations being accused of historic sexual offences, but we don’t necessarily hear about them when they don’t involve celebrities. So the relevant comparator would not be landscape gardeners, airline pilots and dustmen, but other celebrities. And indeed there are a couple of examples: Max Clifford and Gary Glitter.
July 11, 2014 at 4:51 pm -
It would not be too much of a stretch of the imagination to think that a number of residents of children’s homes may have become teenage prostitutes of both sexes, and perhaps still do. Some of these children will have been orphans, and many of the rest will have come from broken homes and homes where the parents were alcoholics, drug addicts, and criminals who were in prison. In addition some of the children will have been born with neurological problems or had developmental problems stemming from parental misconduct during pregnancy or in early childhood.
With the legal age of consent for like-gender sexual activity having changed at various times after 1967, the whole area of historical sex offenses is an absolute legal minefield. There are plenty of people still aged less than 70 who might still potentially be blackmailable for some minor sexual indiscretion on the playing fields of Eton or Oxford prior to the Summer of Love in 1967 which saw the legalisation of age-old practices known as sodomy for the first time, albeit only for the over-21s.
The likelihood of bona-fide paedophile “rings” seems much more improbable, if only because the members of such rings would be so vulnerable to blackmail by each other. This always seemed to me the best response to the allegations of the Savile/Starr/Glitter dressing room orgies live at the BBC–simply that too many people would have known for it to be possible to keep this a secret for so long.
July 11, 2014 at 9:58 pm -
Logical fallacies are not my strong point, but I think people (not you, other people) are in something like the fallacy of the Excluded Middle. If it’s not called that, it ought to be
So the middle ground- to say that no doubt some abuse occurred, but it is not a grand conspiracy, just an unfortunate thing that happened- is to be called some kind of denier. I have no doubt that both violent and sexual abuse occurred sometimes in institutions and other settings. It would be incredible if it had not. And we must remember that standards have changed; talking to my dad a couple of days ago about my (VERY old fashioned, traditional infant school (it called itself a “preparatory school” for instance)) which was exclusively staffed by older ladies- no men- in the 1970s smacks were often landed on bottoms whose trousers had been pulled down. Whether or not we approve of that, one could manufacture all kinds of “memories” from it.
Or maybe it was a conspiracy and those stern lady teachers were “grooming” us for nefarious purposes. Who can know?
July 11, 2014 at 1:32 pm -
Blimey, I didn’t know Imaginary Satanic Abuse had such strong connections with Hull – but then maybe I shouldn’t be surprised given the connections with Oliver Cromwell & co.
July 11, 2014 at 2:34 pm -
“From Hell, Hull and Halifax, Good Lord deliver us!”
July 11, 2014 at 3:09 pm -
It does look as though Dickens lost the plot a bit with the anti-SRA/occult stuff. But if he was only an eccentric fantasist how come Thatcher government introduced the 1989 Childrens’ Act? It strikes me someone must have taken his concerns seriously, no?
July 11, 2014 at 3:28 pm -
I would have thought that was a direct reaction to the original PIE scandal and quite possibly the growing awareness within the Establishment of what Peter Righton had been up to in the past, but nevertheless been made a Child Care expert. So far as I recall Thatcher was universally lambasted by the liebeal-left for her “Reactionary” legislation.
July 11, 2014 at 3:43 pm -
“So far as I recall Thatcher was universally lambasted by the liebeal-left for her “Reactionary” legislation. “- can’t remember, but that would not surprise me. I assume they said it was ‘homophobic’. The Islington, and other London care home scandals (excepting Elm House) were almost entirely Labour party productions, and liberal left apologism continues to this day. Those who think the aftermath of investigations into “Tory paedo dossiers” are going to impact only on Tories will end up with serious egg on face.
July 11, 2014 at 3:50 pm -
Virtually the only political intervention by the government was by David Cameron, very early on, who warned against a “Witch-hunt against gay people” – a statement for which he was universally lambasted by the lieberal-left.
July 11, 2014 at 10:42 pm -
Cameron I think is doing not bad so far with what has been landed on his lap but is really not his fault.
I grade him perhaps a C at this point. (Unlike most people that comment on this blog, my perspective is from someone that is supportive of survivors of CSA. )
I won’t interact with the rest of you loons, but for time being I will interact with Moor Larkin as he seems to be not entirely insane.
July 11, 2014 at 3:19 pm -
Dickens was clearly anticipating JK Rowling & the rise of Harry Potter !
He was a nasty piece of work in his day who really had it in for Conservatives from privilege which probably drove much of his nonsense.
I can’t recall which MP is was- Norman St John Stevas?- who responded once when Dickens had one of his periodic rants about privileged upper class MPs…” it’s like being lectured on ethics by Arthur Daley”.Perhaps this inquiry by the Baroness will put some of this madness to rest. But will it? They don’t seem to be ever satisfied-like a ravenous beast that must be fed constantly.
July 11, 2014 at 5:01 pm -
Dickens was clearly anticipating JK Rowling & the rise of Harry Potter !
It could be that JK Rowling has groomed a generation of younger adults to believe in witchcraft and vaguely malevolent spell-making and people flying around on broomsticks, thus setting our civilization back hundreds of years. Whereas my generation was groomed by Enid Blyton to believe that children could go off bicycle camping for weeks in Southern England unsupervised by adults, without cell phone contact, and with only a dog for security, and discover underground passageways and catch lower-class criminals without any fear of sexual molestation.
July 11, 2014 at 5:24 pm -
Of course the first dossier on child abuse was compiled by Dickens, Charles who compiled various dossiers clearly intended to be autobiographical stating that he was sent to a school where he was bullied and made to wear a sign saying “Take care of him, he bites”sent to work in a factory at a young age, and then joined a circus. These claims attracted little attention so the author then made much more elaborate claims about being malnourished and forced to join a gang of thieves in which underage youth were trafficked by a immigrant gangmaster. Dickens subsequently turned his attentions to the fact-based Yorkshire educational system, again alleging abusive practices, although he later changed his tune having been sued for libel by one Wackford Squeers proprietor of Dothechildren Hall Early Childhood Learning Center and Residential Care Facility where Dickens had once worked as an assistant childhood education specialist until he was fired for forming a personal relationship with a student and abducting him from the school.
So this dossier thing runs in the family.
July 16, 2014 at 4:07 pm -
gives credence to the anecdote re: St John Stevas saying “like being lectured to on ethics by Arthur Daley”
July 13, 2014 at 11:11 am -
I was also groomed by Blyton but with the Famous Five & Secret Seven which clearly led me eventually to a life as a gumshoe chasing insurance fraudsters. I know there was a secret message in all those repeated passages about “great lashing of butter & lettuce”- was Blyton an old Etonian and this referred to some sordid practice amongst those Tory toffs?
July 11, 2014 at 4:28 pm -
yet another jumps on the bandwagon :
Miss Perry added: ‘The other, and more worrying part of the problem is the way that the voices of victims were ignored for so long – children told to keep quiet, ridiculed, or threatened – with tragically the most vulnerable of all being more likely to be targeted for abuse.”
So what is she alleging?- that Tory MPs silenced victims? -
July 11, 2014 at 5:00 pm -
How attitudes change over time:
At the time of her marriage to King John, Isabella was a blonde and blue-eyed 12-year-old.ême
July 11, 2014 at 5:29 pm -
No word on whether she was a virgin like her illustrious descendant Lady Diana Spencer.
July 11, 2014 at 5:33 pm -
Attitudes to political strategy? She would have been 19 when her first child was born. -
July 11, 2014 at 5:45 pm -
One thing I find a little bizarre is Prime Minister Cameron mumbling about maybe introducing a law making it a crime for officials not to report Child or Vulnerable Adult Abuse. We have had this law in Florida for as long as I can remember and in fact I have called in a few reports myself, usually on behalf of someone who wanted to make an allegation but was incapable of making the phone call. The surprising thing is that the UK doesn’t already have such a law. Of course, having the Hotline is a relatively minor expense, but the real cost is in having the infractructure to respond to and investigate every complaint in person within 24 hours. If truth be known, the cost of implementation is probably what has held the UK back.
Abuse Hotline
The Florida Abuse Hotline accepts reports 24 hours a day and 7 days a week of known or suspected child abuse, neglect, or abandonment and reports of known or suspected abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a vulnerable adult. To make a report you can –
report online at
call 1-800-962-2873
use 711 for Florida Relay Services
fax your report to 1-800-914-0004If you suspect or know of a child or vulnerable adult in immediate danger, call 911.
Legislation, signed by Gov. Rick Scott, requires any individual who suspects that a child has been abused by any person to report that to the Florida Abuse Hotline. Any allegations a child was abused or neglected by a caregiver will be investigated by the Department of Children and Families, while allegations of child abuse by someone other than a caregiver will be accepted at the Hotline and immediately electronically transferred to the appropriate local law enforcement agency where the child lives.
Penalties for those who suspect a child is being abused but fail to report it have been increased from a misdemeanor to a felony. Financial penalties also have increased.
July 11, 2014 at 5:57 pm -
Moor Larkin • a day ago
The problem here is not any law relating to reporting about about children today or last year. The problem will arise when that law is used to prosecute alleged events that, if they happened at all, happened decades before. The Legislature needs urgently to uncouple “Historical Crime” from contemporary events. The current Paedo-Panic all revolves around deranged or deceitful adults riding on the back of laws designed well-meaningly to protect innocent and un-conniving children. It also revolves around entirely un-principled Tort lawyers milking a system that has given the “loophole lawyers” the mother of all loopholes to garner themselves fat and endless fees.
July 11, 2014 at 6:02 pm -
As I recall, the Private Eye story of MI5 smearing Brittan appeared in the In The Back section, edited by Paul Foot. He was generally sympathetic to ‘pedo in a Roller’ stories (see his coverage of Kincora and Bryn Estyn). If he doubted the Brittan allegations, they must have been well dodgy. The idea of a smear certainly fits in with what we know of the spooks during this period. Their attempts to brand Harold Wilson as a KGB agent are about as well documented as anything in the murky world of espionage can be (see David Leigh’s The Wilson Plot ). The motivation for their bizarre schemes was their hatred of any politician to the left of Goebbels. Which makes the idea they shielded Cyril Smith unlikely – why would they try to help out a Lib-Lab pact?
As for Geoffrey Dickens and his dossiers, I must refer you to an unusual source. The SAFF website, as far as I can tell, seem to be concerned with protecting law-abiding pagans from the depredations of the Satanic abuse campaigners. However, they do their research and I have no doubt this account is accurate. You can see why Brittan would barely have lifted his head from his desk as a Dickens dossier arrived.
July 11, 2014 at 7:37 pm -
Thanks for that link, I was a little involved at the time of the SRA cases and saw how many lives were ruined or damaged. I could never figure out how any sane person could believe any of it.
July 11, 2014 at 7:54 pm -
The SAFF website has very interesting, well researched content. It’s a shame the website looks like it dates from the mid 90’s.
July 11, 2014 at 8:00 pm -
Dickens was known as Bunter too? My goodness me, Groundhog Day barely does it justice…..
July 12, 2014 at 10:28 am -
1993: January 8th: (The Oldie) KIDNEY THIEVES; “Dickens has urged businessmen to be on a red alert for an international gang of kidney thieves operating in the Manchester area. Local businessmen are being lured to private addresses by siren maidens who give them drugged drinks When they wake up the following day the businessmen discover an unsightly stitched wound on their stomachs.”
July 12, 2014 at 12:00 am -
I’m very interested in this new Home Office Enquiry. It’s a real test case. Anyone who has been watching this sad little shambles of British Democracy closely over the last few decades knows just how it was corrupted by the media, among others. Every politician stuck their noses right up Murdoch’s rectum to get the nod. After he’d unloaded himself of a gigantic fart in their face.
So now new media and old media are like a pretzel loop,twining together to tell us the British political and entertainment establishment were satanic,Masonic, EU- puppets, child-rapers. Very instructive that they single out “entertainers” – well the whole thing became entertainment a loonng time ago. It’s been at least 50 years since politics was about ideas, as opposed to show time.
July 12, 2014 at 3:37 pm -
How nice to be reminded of the name Audrey Harper. I was briefly linked to a tv programme she appeared on in the 1980s (“After Dark”) and she’s bat shit crazy. Or a nut job. Or a fruit loop. Or whatever technical term works for you. My memory is she said she participated in some baby-eating ritual, or saw it happen, or had heard of it happening, or met someone once who said it might have happened. Or something.
By the way, there really is such a thing as ritualised abuse which destroys the lives of innocent victims. Read “Justice For Carol” by the Felstead family (available through Amazon) and learn how a gang of therapists took a young nurse with headaches and over a period of years turned her into a lifelong headcase (dead at 41). At the centre is, unbelievably, a one-time head of ethics for the BMA. This may not be the story of a Cabinet minister raping a baby – but it’s not far off, just as bad and, here is the surprise, all true..
July 13, 2014 at 11:21 am -
yes a terrible case and you are right- these are the real ritualistic types as evidenced by Ozzie nutter Liz Mulliner who a psychic told her that her dad, a top consultant at Guys had abused her and passed her around to his pals. Not something I’d forget but she did apparently.
therefore : I think perhaps we should call them what they are : Satanists posing as the anti-witches.
July 13, 2014 at 11:14 am -
Another sensation as a former Tory flunky claims he procured underaged boys for Tory MPs
He’s called a “whistleblower” but is he mad?. I would have though he was an active conspirator engaging in child abuse.-
July 13, 2014 at 12:22 pm -
A quick Google reveals that this chap was paid £25,000 by the Sunday Mirror in the late 90’s to set up an MP he was friends with. As you note, if what he says is true [!], then he has admitted procuring underage prostitutes which will earn him serious jail time.
July 14, 2014 at 8:39 am -
certainly – 10 years to life. But the truth probably is, he was only picking up £250 from the Mirror for the talewhich is about all they pay these days
July 14, 2014 at 10:38 am -
Also a couple of articles in York Press: “Antiques business probed by police” and “Dealer vows to reopen antiques business”
July 15, 2014 at 3:23 am -
Apparently it wasn’t his fault at all. He was also “groomed” you see-
“As a young aspiring politician, Mr Gilberthorpe admits being in awe of the men, but now insists: “They manipulated and groomed me to do their bidding.”
Rhodes Boyson? For heaven’s sake Rhodes Boyson?! Is it just because he has “boys” in his name or something?
July 15, 2014 at 4:30 am -
Well, bugger me, much as I would love to believe the Mirror’s story I do find it hard to believe that Tory ministers and MPs were milling around naked in a closed off hotel corridor at the party conference having sex with each other and teenage rent boys and that participants were given special ID badges with an Oscar symbol on them to represent Oscar Wilde. Seems like this is Savile-Glitter-Starr redux with knobs on. When the IRA blew the joint up the next day it must have been an anticlimax for the cabinet.
Look for some of the former rent boys to now step forward with hands held out for compo and tales of how their shocking experience turned them into lifelong Labour voters.
July 16, 2014 at 11:01 am -
no such thing as innocence or even being ‘groomed’ when it comes to a crime that can carry a life sentence. He’s either lying or a total idiot.
July 14, 2014 at 8:37 am -
quote from Dan Davies Savile book( The Man Who Didn’t Know a Thing About Jimmy) : “‘The man who dressed like a paedophile was a paedophile”
I’m not shocked by this ludicrous claim. I’m shocked so-called journalists haven’t picked up on this absurd claim but also, very dangerous idiocy.-
July 14, 2014 at 10:50 am -
It’s incredible. Perhaps it really has worked like brainwashing. Common sense and thinking for onesself thrown aside, no questions asked.
July 15, 2014 at 4:34 am -
Is there a uniform for paedophiles?
July 16, 2014 at 11:02 am -
yes shell suits and chunky gold jewelry, But good luck picking your pedo out of 10 million chavs.(no offence to chavs of course!)
July 14, 2014 at 7:51 pm -
Wonderful reductio ad absurdum story here. I mean, if you were Barbara Castle and you had the scoop of the century, it stands to reason you’d give it to the Bury Messenger.
By the way, Cyril Smith is the latest arrival at the Bryn Estyn ball. Funny no-one mentioned him before. Surely he’d be hard to overlook.
July 16, 2014 at 11:05 am -
yes this bloke is making a meal of this claim and in other newspapers says he was shown a video with ‘Tory grandee” in compromising situation.
But you have to get right to the end of the silly articles to find he confesses he knew the ‘Tory grandee” and it wasn’t him.It’s up there with the man who says he was abused by Savile but doesn’t remember it nor remember who it was that told him he was.
July 17, 2014 at 4:52 am -
Dickens was a buffoon and a fantasist who was an embarassment to his party. Almost certainly Brittan tossed the dossier in the trash without reading it because the source had been wasting his time for years with barely coherent fantasies about Satanic cults. It may have been there was actually some truth in the second dosier, but can anyone really blame the powers that be for ignoring it based on Dickens’ track record?
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