Yet More 'Fake Survivors' of Sex Abuse.
The lusty screech from survivors of sex abuse around the world begging for money and their equally vociferous legal advisors and champions bellowing for their share is becoming deafening. It is a multi-million, nay multi-billion pound, industry.
To suggest that these claims be closely inspected and verified is tantamount to heresy. ‘There is no such thing as a false allegation – why research suggests it is less than 0.000000001% – they must be believed’. The false allegation figure bandied about is for prosecuted false allegations. These are surprisingly small. There is no appetite amongst prosecutors for bringing a case in respect of a ruined life, a decimated career, nor for refunding the costs of proving that the allegation was false. The focus is on the ruination which apparently occurs when you parade around a man’s office naked to the waist down in an effort to boost your non-existent career.
Hollywood has got in on the act, needless to say. Two years ago they poured millions into a glossy film called ‘Eden’. It was carefully crafted from the ‘True-life’ story of Chong Kim. These days, Chong Kim is a ‘writer and conference speaker’ thrilling audiences across the US with her tale of dramatic escape from enslavement by the sex traffickers and crusading against the evil sexual desires of men.
The film makers hired the well known MTV presenter, Jamie Chung, to play Chong Kim. Her high profile made it seem as though the acts she portrayed could happen to someone you know – albeit through the medium of television. Although Chung is in her early 30s, her Korean ancestry gives her what might be described as a pre-pubescent body – the desired effect of making you think that we are talking child abuse here was helped along by dressing her in the sort of virginal white underwear that a nine year old might wear under her school uniform – in the middle of what was supposed to be a Las Vegas whore house. Add in a pot-bellied US Marshall who turns out to be not her protector but another of that species known as evil man driven by dark desires and you have the makings of a Hollywood success.
The film was released in 2012 to mass acclaim: “Eden is a miracle. Not only is it an ‘Issue Film’ that could feasibly inspire real-world change […] it’s a veritable master class in how to make humane art out of inhumanity. Reviewers question whether ‘anything’ will ‘offset Eden‘s lessons about the depravity of man’. ‘It offers its most terrifying fact before the action begins: “Based on a true story.”
It won a string of awards. The Producers were lauded at red carpet events. Money poured into the various organisations who were committed to ending the ‘degradation of sex trafficking’ – after all, it could happen to a small town girl just like you!
Sadly, today, Chong Kim joins Somaly Mam on the ever lengthening list of false allegators. In an act of honesty rare amongst the ranks of hysterical sex-obsessed survivors keen to change the law – the NGO, ‘Breaking Out’ have spent a belated year investigating their figure head creation of Chong Kim.
After thorough investigation into her story, people, records and places, as well as, many interviews with producers, publishers and people from organisations, we found no truth to her story. In fact, we found a lot of fraud, lies, and most horrifically capitalising and making money on an issue where so many people are suffering from.
I do question whether they might have been quite so keen to investigate her, had the money been rolling into their bank account – but it wasn’t. It was unaccountably sticking to Chong Kim.
We have found several other organisations, other than ours, who have been defrauded by Chong collecting money in their name, using their 501 c3 status for her benefit while none of these organisations have seen a dime. I ask if anyone has sent money or goods to Chong Kim for another organisation to please contact us as we are leading the legal pursuit of the issue.
Oh dear, oh dear – it seems that amongst the ranks of fanatical ‘paedo-hunters’ even those involved in the game are scared to question the wisdom of #Ibelieveher.
Through our investigation we have found many other good non-profits (NGOs) who were afraid to speak out for fear of backlash.
As Lady Bracknell might have said: To lose one sex trafficking ‘victim’ in a week, Mr. Worthing, may be regarded as a misfortune. To lose two looks like carelessness.
Or the end result of a carefully crafted campaign to discredit anyone who seeks to investigate claims of sexual abuse. My congratulations to ‘Breaking Out’ for having the courage to question the back story of one of the endless queue of ‘survivors’ now trading on their emotive story. Shame about their motives, but you can’t have everything.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:09 am -
Your image picture reminds me that even people very close to sex abuse scandals can be blinded by the glamour of misery.
I have mentioned Jeni Hooker’s story previously in my blog-roll. She plainly was at the same Clunk-Click show as Karin Ward but there is not the slightest suggestion that she witnessed any of the events the newspapers described. Touchingly, Jeni even refers to herself as “not being pretty enough” to have been abused – as if prettiness ever has anything to do with such crimes. How can she now believe something that she should know in her own head never happened? Unlike the millions of others of us she was there, and she knows it is not true, yet somehow, now, she believes it must have been! Her voice was so faint that she could not even hear it herself!
June 5, 2014 at 8:17 am -
Moor, a sad consequence of this stuff is that people sometimes kill themselves. This is viewed by the usual suspects as ‘proof’ that the abuse occurred, who would kill themselves over a fantasy ?
But the thing is, they invest so much in it mentally that it becomes more than a fantasy. They believe it, even though it is not actually true (the deliberate liars have no problem here, obviously). This person may believe that it is absolute fact when it is at best distorted or at worst fabricated.
For many of them it offers a easy get out for their personal failings in life ; oh well, all this I’ve suffered must be a traumatic response to abuse I’ve suppressed. There are plenty of people out there who enthusiastically encourage such behaviours who have zero interest in clearing up the mess ; Police and Compo-driven Solicitors will actively encourage all kinds of fantasies, but then if the claims are not useful to them they just dump them.
I would have serious worries long term about (say) the accuser in the LeVell case, or the person who claimed to have been abused by Roache but ‘couldn’t remember it’. Serious red flag stuff. They will be left to rot.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:35 am -
Perhaps they kill themselves out of sheer guilt. They know in their own hearts that they have made this up and in the cases where their “perpetrator” has been convicted on the basis of their word and gone to prison: that someone has lost their life because of them. They have been in effect murderers. I’ve noticed a pattern in many of these cases where the principal has been “encouraged” to step forward by some relatives or friends. They then become a pawn in someone else’s dynamic chess game. Sally Stevens was part of the Duncroft web-groups on Friends reunited/Careleavers reunited and saw the dynamics in motion:
“For nearly a year after that conversation, I frequented sites such as Friends Reunited (I had signed up there in 2002 – about five members), and Careleavers Reunited. The women from the 60s, and the women from the 70s were all there suddenly. Sometimes it was a difficult environment for the administrators of both sites, so a thank you to Nicky Doran of Friends Reunited and David Graham of Careleavers Reunited, who attempted to referee the ongoing fray. the legal authorities maintain their fiction about “no collusion” between “witnesses” is one of the most sick-making aspects of the corruption at the heart of this aspect of UK law.
June 5, 2014 at 8:44 am -
Probably not, they’re deluded usually but not moral.
The collusion is usually obvious, and in fact it is actively encouraged if it isn’t too obvious.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:10 am -
Simple solution. No money.
You can have counselling, psychological support, job coaching all those kinds of things. You can see in some cases your abuser locked up.
What you shouldn’t be able to do is to get a fat cheque, no questions asked, and they almost always aren’t. No-one says “look this story is obviously implausible cr*p” it is a ‘negotiation’ about what is ‘acceptable’.
What baffles me is the sheer obstinate refusal to accept that people will fabricate stuff for money.
This is actually happening in a school I know well, as we speak. Someone has been accused of abuse there in the late 70s/early 80s, by one person, a former pupil. It may be true, may not be. I don’t know. But I would bet my house that there will be vast numbers of people coming out of the woodwork with the begging bowl out, encourage by dishonest solicitors whose only real interest is lining their own pockets.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:56 am -
The lawyers would still be being paid though? I think it is them who drive this, rather than the “survivors”. I believe that the genuine ones merely want public disclosure/exposure but of course the only way they can get that is through the courts and the civil lawyers make them go to the police because once a criminal conviction is done, the tort laywers get to lap up the gravy without having to do any real work at all.
When the dynamic involve a defending “public body” with no real financial accountability or determination, the rewards can be spectacular. This case never even had to go to court. A teacher was prosecuted in an unassociated case and the law firm piggy-backed that matter and the council simply paid up to make the matter go away. Just as the BBC/NHS et al want to do. At irst you read this:
“Seven men who say they were sexually abused while pupils at a former Cardiff school in the 1960s and 1970s have received about £350,000 in payouts since 2011, BBC Wales has learnt.”
But when you delve a little deeper you read this: “In total, the council has paid £197,500 in damages and £146,500 to cover the claimants’ legal costs.”
That was an uncontested case. The lawyers drive all of this stuff. Let’s not blame the survivors.
Ian B
June 5, 2014 at 1:41 pm -
No, let’s blame the “survivors” (another stupid emote-word added to the therapy cult lexicon). To make accusations of this nature against the innocent, or against society in general (as with these “trafficking” fantasies) is despicable. I don’t care if these people are poor and unhappy and disturbed and dazzled by pound signs. They know what they are doing. I am poor, and like everyone else has “traumas” in my life. But to make a false accusation is crossing a line. I would never do it. There is simply no excuse.
These “survivors” know full well what they are playing along with. They should be thoroughly blamed.
Ian B
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 9:29 am -
I don’t have a problem with the prosecuting lawyers being paid. It’s the civil ones that are the problem. If there’s no money for them they’re not interested. Most, if not all, of the claimants are driven by money. There are too many cases of Police working closely with Compensation lawyers to view any proportion of them as genuine.
I seriously doubt they are survivors. Most of these things are uncontested, not because they are true, but because of the shift to ‘balance of probability’ and the costs of defending would just mushroom anyway. Even the most implausible things are not defended.
Whether they are survivors or not a strict application of limitations on claim for abuse that wasn’t reported but supposedly happened forty years ago is desperately needed. Various excuses are dredged up as to why it wasn’t mentioned for 40 years which aren’t credible in the numbers involved (seven is a tiny number by the normal standards of these things) but the obvious one, that of making a few quid at no risk, is usually ignored.
Atticus Flinch
June 5, 2014 at 9:50 am -
Spot on. If the compensation culture could be killed, I wonder how many complaints would be made, and innocent people jailed
June 5, 2014 at 10:32 am -
My solution would be a statute of limitations on compensation, say 10 years. That doesn’t stop any historic crime being reported at any time later, simply that the ‘victim’ would not then be eligible for compo. That would make it far more difficult for the conniving lawyers to persuade apparent ‘victims’ to volunteer, thus denying the lawyers their cream.
The only other avenue for long post-trauma cash is selling the story to the press, but that would be self-limiting by reader boredom with repetition.-
Mr Wray
June 5, 2014 at 4:34 pm -
No I don’t think that is right. Genuine abuse may well be hidden for years and there are genuine cases of abuse remember. Child abusers should not be given the idea that they will get away with their crimes, even if the victim is only out for compo. No, the issue here is about the willingness to believe false claims or, as it is now becoming, the demand to believe that every accusation no matter how implausible is true. That nonsense has to stop; although I believe there is too much vested interest in keeping it going for it to get much better in the near future.
One thing that should also change here is that people who are falsely accused, i.e. found innocent, should be compensated by the State and should not be placed in the position where they walk away free and, theoretically, without a spot on their character only to be bankrupted by the cost of defending themselves. How can that be justice?
Perhaps if the CPS were force to pay compo out of their wages budget for every failure to convict we might see a bit more care taken in deciding which case should be prosecuted and which should be left well alone.
June 5, 2014 at 6:26 pm -
There are indeed. Virtually all the large cases have one abuser at the heart of them. It does happen.
The problem is that these things mushroom insanely because of the compensation. In some investigations hundreds of people are claiming all sorts of things that simply couldn’t have happened against umpteen people.
The CPS see it as a way of getting good PR by catching evil abusers, and they and the Police cheat. Blatantly. The recent changes affecting the likes of DLT, where the prosecution have expensive QCs but the defence gets someone cheap unless they pay themselves which they dont get back is appalling. There are many solicitors who do it low cost because it’s the right thing to do but it’s appalling that they have to.
June 5, 2014 at 7:36 pm -
It is clearly wrong that proven innocents should have to fund their defence costs, particularly in any malicious prosecution, sometimes to the point of personal bankruptcy or severe lifestyle impact.
I wouldn’t like to see ‘compensation’, but would agree to all their demonstrable defence costs being refunded by the CPS after a Not Guilty verdict – that would concentrate their minds wonderfully on the merits/risks of running a case.
June 5, 2014 at 9:58 pm -
NSW has brought in a 10 year compo limit (10 years from age 18). The howls of outrage have been deafening especially from the lawyers. “Justice denied” they screech. One brave politician said “we still prosecute..why is it justice denied ?”.
Mr Wray
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 10:42 am -
I don’t have a problem with anyone being paid, but the lawyers have cranked up their earnings potential much like the Bankers did. The difference is that the politicians decided to pay the Bankers credit notes for them after the Bankers went bankrupt. The lawyers are earning their money straight off the taxpayer. The media only highlight the sums being paid the the Defence via Legal Aid, but take that case above. It wasn’t even tested – the local authority just paid out – no doubt on the advice of THEIR lawyers. The whole thing is incestuous and folks like Starmer make their name fighting “defence” injustices and then turn into Mathew Hopkins and demand we burn all the witches. I’m not sure if they’re mad, bad or just the result of inbreeding.
June 5, 2014 at 6:28 pm -
My personal opinion, based on actual experience of reading documents, is that the compo lawyers are lying through their teeth. They do nothing like the amount of work they claim. They can’t be.
Perhaps we should encourage some ‘trawling’ against Starmer. He might understand then.
June 5, 2014 at 12:22 pm -
The witnesses for the DEFENSE have their chance to speak up for Jimmy Savile read this
Atticus Flinch
Ian B
June 5, 2014 at 9:40 am -
Well, I’m not surprised. I didn’t look into this one closely, but happening across the trailer on Youtube some time ago, the nose for a fantasy started twitching, since it was full of all the usual suspect stuff.
The problem though isn’t liars. It’s that there are too many people who believe them. Their lies work because they fit to a false belief system, one which has been crafted over a century or more of hysteria and conspiracy theory.
White slavery was titillating the moralist masses a century ago. This is the latest expression of it. Fake then, fake now.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 12:11 pm -
And what do “the masses” rely upon in the modern world for their information? The media. All of which brings us back to dissembling journalists and duplicitous editorial policies that deny the basic tenets of their own profession. They ignore facts, lie when it suits them and deny a voice to anyone but those within their own quorum.
Moor Larkin
Ms Mildred
June 5, 2014 at 10:11 am -
Maybe there is a chance matters may slowly turn to a more favourable public outlook. I see frequent expressions of disbelief in blogs. Sprinkled in amongst the knee jerk name calling posts. Comments that it is all about money and not just closure or resolution or relief from years of alleged torment, while the secret was kept. Of course children have adults who prey on them. I was confronted by one in my own street as a child. I have not forgotten the ‘looming close up man’ with a huge projection. I fled home. I cannot sue him or get money off him, he’s probably over a hundred by now! The closest I can get to this abuse situation is the public support that used to be given to DELIBERATE single mums. Dare to suggest that these girls preferred a life on benefits, and you would be shouted down. Now it is somewhat different. The penny has dropped at long last. Yes it is a career choice that needs to be dismantled step by step, even if some do monster IDS. Let us hope that this torture of accused men’s families is no longer paraded in the MSM. To me it is like the pillory. Think of putting someone in a virtual pillory and there you have it. Cameras clicking, shouting personal questions, chasing, following, then publication….utterly disgusting.
Duncan Disorderly
June 5, 2014 at 1:51 pm -
“Based on a true story”
Ah, the falsity of the story was hiding in plain sight after all.
Mr Wray
June 5, 2014 at 4:54 pm -
The current and rather entertaining series ‘Fargo’ on ITV is trailed by ‘This is a true story.’ It isn’t and neither was the film that the series is an offshoot from. The makers are quite open about this, its part of the programmes shtick. No one seems particularly bothered by this, its only TV after all. It is, though, symptomatic of the way TV people think. They regularly ‘cheat’ on programmes and much of what they do is deliberate illusion. Every ‘factual’ programme tries to up the ante by introducing ‘False Peril’ often to the point of parody.
Eventually such deceptions are bound to end up in more serious programmes on more serious issues. Unless they have some deep dark, ‘Ickian’ ulterior motive its just TV people making TV; they don’t care it its true or not, to them it’s just TV .
Jonathan Mason
June 5, 2014 at 5:29 pm -
Almost no story is really, really true, although The Office (UK) almost seemed like it was true. Way back in the days when I actually watched TV I noticed that in the supposedly realistic “gritty” British cop shows like Taggart and the one with Robbie Coltrane, no one ever really spoke like real people do. If they did it would be impossible to follow the plot, so the whole way in which people behave and speak on screen is completely stylised. They speak in sentences. And of course no one ever mentions a brand name, so they would never say “I’m just stopping here for a Coke and a packet of Woodbines” and they never watch commercials on TV, and they never go to the toilet, or fart, or have a cough or cold, and….. and.
When they do have identifying characteristics, they are very simple just so that they can be recognized. Inspector Morse had his old red Jaguar that he drove for work purposes (WTF?), drank beer while on duty but never got drunk, listened to classical music, and caught many middle class murderers, but never really made any impact on the Cambridge murder epidemic. Jonathan Creek was similar.
Duncan Disorderly
June 5, 2014 at 7:49 pm -
“and caught many middle class murderers”
Why haven’t all those episodes of Morse and Murder She Wrote stereotyped middle class people as murderers?
Mr Wray
June 5, 2014 at 8:29 pm -
I don’t want to drag the thread off topic but …
No story is ever true, it’s true. Even stories based on fact or purporting to relate a real event are never quite true. I think we have to admit that dramatic licence is necessary at times. However TV programme makers should not claim a story is true when it is complete fiction and neither should they alter a true story until it is fiction. Both are acts of dishonesty.
What gets my goat, and I tried to relate it earlier, is that the sense of the drama being more important than the facts has crept into light ‘factual’ TV (make-over, cooking & house buying shows for example) and is starting to infect serious factual programmes like Panorama. It is almost as if they are so used to lying to their audience they have stopped caring about whether they should or not.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:41 pm -
Strangely enough the 21st Century development of fact morphing into fiction at the BBC happened when George Entwistle was Controller at BBC4.
“we believe we have taken the utmost care to create balanced and fair portrayals of real people, both living and deceased in The Curse of Steptoe. It is a drama – not a documentary – but all of the events dramatised are based on facts.”
Moor Larkin
Duncan Disorderly
Duncan Disorderly
June 5, 2014 at 7:41 pm -
I recall Fargo the film was actually advertised as a true story and everybody believed it at the time. This was also the case with ‘Picnic at Hanging Rock’ and even ‘The Amityville Horror’.
Jonathan Mason
Mr Wray
Ho Hum
June 5, 2014 at 2:02 pm -
The current in the media swamp always flows in the direction of the most money. I’m afraid that, given the dimwittedness and credulous nature of the Multitudinous Witless Twats who seem to enjoy rummaging about therein, seeking for, and imbibing scandalous bits of tit, it may be a long time before they realise that in sucking up the slime that is to be found at the bottom, they’re the ones getting the pork stuffed into them
June 5, 2014 at 2:20 pm -
The media is a disgrace, I am sure they know that most of the stories are riddled with lies and inconsistancies but choose to ignore everything that doesn’t fit with their narrative. It is quite frightening what is happening.
Jonathan Mason
June 5, 2014 at 3:23 pm -
A lot of times media can only report what is put in the public area. If a person makes a legal complaint that they were raped by Jimmy Savile, that is news. The fact that many bloggers say it is bollocks is not really news. Of course we would love for the media to carry out actual investigations, but it is rarely cost effective and obviously reporters have nowhere near the same investigatory powers as the police in terms of subpoena power or being able to arrest a person to bring them in for questioning. Also take into account that media are constrained by various laws, for example no reporter will ever be allowed to report anything close to the true story of the LeVell prosecution, nor indeed any blogger.
Add to that that most reporters in written and broadcast journalism are just in a business where they need to produce a certain quantity of copy each day to meet their job description requirements. The truth of the whole Savile story, if it is ever told, will probably be in a book rather than in transitory journalism.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 4:47 pm -
@ obviously reporters have nowhere near the same investigatory powers as the police @
Hacking Scandal – Met Chief coppers resign
MP Expenses – politicians jailed
Plebgate – More Met coppers in the dockDo give over Jonathan….. …. They have more powers than the cops in many ways. It’s called journalistic privilege. I think th landlady put her finger on it the other day. The media actually think they are “doing good” by exposing “sex abuse in high places”. As with any religious movement, they avert their eyes from the rack, thumbsrews and the cries of pain and terror coming from the CPS dungeons.
Moor Larkin
Jonathan Mason
June 5, 2014 at 8:49 pm -
I see that Paul Gadd (aka Garry Glitter) is to be charged with child related sex offences…
I must say that the Yewtree mob are certainly fielding their best team.
I await results. Perhaps there is something to this, after all the skepticism.
Moor Larkin
June 5, 2014 at 8:51 pm -
Now, today, I have learned The CPS has admitted that the alleged shenanigans in Jimmy’s dressing-room in 1974 during the recording of a programme called Clunk-Click…. NEVER HAPPENED ….. There is no case to answer. Mr. Savile is free to leave the court. -
June 6, 2014 at 8:08 am -
Glitter’s best defence will be to ask why these claimants have waited until now to come forward when he has been portrayed as the “devil incarnate” by the MSM since the late 1990s. The offences allegedly took place in the 1970s and the CPS have certainly taken their time finding anything that they could actually take to court.
Moor Larkin
June 6, 2014 at 8:33 am -
“He was arrested on 28 October 2012 over allegations of sexual offences and the police have been providing material to the CPS since July 2013”
Took the coppers 9 months to find anything at all after arresting him for nothing. They do say there is a shortage of cod these days. No shortage of bullshit though.
June 6, 2014 at 11:09 am -
Moor Larkin,
Re: “Took the coppers 9 months to find anything at all after arresting him for nothing. They do say there is a shortage of cod these days. No shortage of bullshit though”
That basically sums it up. These women have had over 30 years to come out with these complaints and he’d been the devil incarnate and known sex offender for about 16 years in 2013, so why did they wait till then to come out with those allegations? I think it pretty likely that these women have been persuaded to come out with these allegations by someone, whether they are true or not (and it’s quite possible that they’re not). It’s practically the same as what happened to Freddie Starr, arrested on a false accusation from the same woman and then that’s used to trawl for more ‘accusations’ – whether they are real or fake and the police don’t seem to want to stop until they find something, they are not satisfied when no one is making complaints about these guys, it’s like they’ve already decided they must be serial sex offenders before any evidence is even found. It must have been obvious to the police from the start that that Karin Ward’s tale was false – the facts don’t back it up. What a waste of time….
If these women had wanted to make a complaint, they had nothing to fear and would have been taken seriously for at least the last 16 years, if not the full 33 – 36, if they didn’t make one they either didn’t because it never actually happened, they didn’t feel the incidents were important enough to be worth complaining about or just didn’t want the unnecessary attention or hassle – and it is unnecessary in the case of Gary Glitter as he is already on the sex offenders register and so is already being kept an eye on by the police….
Moor Larkin
June 6, 2014 at 11:37 am -
That they are all still in it together was painfully obvious by the way they ran that stupid “500 Reports” story about their new favourite paedo-child Jimmy, a couple of days before quietly avoiding mentioning the fact that the original story that began this whole evil farce had now had to be accepted by even them, as being a load of cobblers. Propaganda techniques that Max Clifford would no doubt have been proud of in his pomp.
The same method was used to entrap Graham Ovenden btw. Their original witness, who was another internet crackpot never made the court proceedings.
These conniving legals do not even hide very well and remain in plain sight, but who wants to look? The people love this narrative just now. The want the smell of burning flesh in the morning. Well, they’ll get the justice system they deserve in the end.
Moor Larkin
Ho Hum
June 6, 2014 at 1:30 pm -
Maybe they feel the need to have a ‘sure thing’ playing in the media right now. If so, whyever might they be thinking that?
Moor Larkin
Moor Larkin
June 6, 2014 at 3:44 pm -
“The best thing I’ve heard for a long time to come from the mouth of a senior Conservative politician was Andrew Mitchell claiming that he had been falsely accused by the police in the Plebgate affair. ‘If they can do this to a Cabinet Minister,’ he said, ‘what chance have ordinary people?’ As I tweeted at the time: ‘listen to the dull clank of the penny finally dropping’.”
June 9, 2014 at 3:26 am -
Jesus. It’s terrifying, isn’t it?
The madness never seems to end, just keep on spreading and engulfing more and more people in its wake. -
June 26, 2014 at 12:05 pm -
Once abuse victims have told their stories publicly, which then often become permanently accessible online, it would surely be all too easy for others to step forward claiming the same thing. I have noticed two group cases where this seems to have happened, with the person who subsequently stepped forward in each case not only claiming a level of abuse at the extreme end of the scale but also seeming to take on the mantle of a champion of the cause, posting on Twitter, doing repeated media interviews, etc. On a subject which victims find difficult to discuss.
I wonder if there may be an element of this going on: -
Jeff Lewis
August 2, 2014 at 9:40 pm -
t is very common to lie about Sex Trafficking victims. The United States government, NGO’s charities, churches all do it to SCAM money from people and get government grants. Just ask Somaly Mam how easy it is to fool and SCAM everyone in the World.
russell dummerth
October 22, 2014 at 6:52 am -
she claims to have had her knees bashed in amongst multiple other torture. Let her be examined by a doctor for the proof of these extraordinary claims
February 1, 2016 at 7:58 pm -
I’m a true survivor of human sex trafficking, kidnapping and forced into prostitution whatever you want to call it.. And when I hear fake stories by people just to make a profit sickens me and makes me angry. I went through 6 long months of indescribable hell from my identity being changed to death threats against my family. Starved, abused, raped 5 to 7 times a day. Before it happened I lived in an upper middle class family, went to the best High School in my city.. I had lots of friends, I was a nice girl a virgin loved School.. My home life was bad my parents were alcoholics but I hid it from everyone.. Until my PE teacher forced me to dress out for PE after too many excuses of why I forgot my PE clothes. She seen the bruises… I was sent to the counceors office and he promised I could trust him and tell him everything it was confidential.. So I did he forced me. I got home from School and my mom was furious my dad got his cowboy belt out again.. Long story short!! Despite the School knowing and having pictures, and CPS getting involved and the police and group homes the moral to the story was you live in a nice home kids in nice homes don’t get abused, your a spoiled Brat..they even threatened me with arrest if there were anymore calls made to my home… About abuse.. Well my dad beat my mom and she fell through a gun cabinet cutting her arm open very bad,, blood was everywhere she was screaming she was bleeding to death.. I grabbed my little brother and ran 3 blocks to call 911. I never knew what happened to my mom 3 days later I called home my mother called me a lying Bitch and my dad said there was an APB out on me.. The police were watching my friends houses, my grandmothers, any place of safety I had to go. I was scared on the streets in a panic I was getting arrested for lying about my dad because I tried to help my mom.. I got forced into a car by several men Thanks to my dad.. Sex slave yes I was.. Forced to make a certain quota a day, starved, forced to free base cocain because they wanted me addicted.. I seen a girl get killed.. I seen horrible things and had horrible things happen to me. The last 24 hrs I was fighting to stay alive long story. But 2 motel clerks helped me excape and I never got to Thank them, the sentencing was awful he had 25 charges against him the main guy involved and got 3 years probation. I never got the Psychological help to deal with what hapoened to me nor did I tell what really happened the family secret. I said I ran away to protect my parents.. I turned to alcohol then eventually downed 3 bottles of pills. I have major depression PTSD to this day and nightmares. This happened in the mid 80s. There are true survivors out there and we are not trying to make a profit, books, movies, etc.. Why is that? Because to me it’s dirty money no amount of money could ever make me forget or take away the scars I will always carry through life.. I use what happened to me to help the girl sitting in front of Walmart asking for money to get to LA and young girls I know who are posting pics of themselves on the Internet. I don’t bring attention to myself. I was apart of an organization and met a lot of fake survivors. I realized it was all a contest who had the best story who was getting a movie. It was discussing. I was even accused of being a spy! I want no part of any organizations I don’t trust any of them..I just wanted to share this to let you know not everyone who claims to be a survivor is lying.. But if you see them out trying to make a profit there most likely fakes!
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