Grayling Spawns Again – more Cod.

The Criminal Justice Bill has attracted a lot of attention – not least because of the provisions to amend that most favoured of current charges – the possession of extreme pornographic images. There are other sections of the Bill, however, listed under ‘and for connected purposes’. Hidden in there is a provision so breathtaking in its stupidity that I thought I must be dreaming.
Whilst our media are consumed with the dangers the world might hold for young women, our new Head of the CPS crows that the CPS is now comprised of 60% women, presumably suitably indoctrinated in the dark arts of prosecuting elderly celebrities, and television companies vie with each other to turn damaged middle aged women into light entertainment – Chris Grayling has his own ideas on how to create a society safe from abuse for young girls – in an ‘economically efficient manner’.
Crying ‘Eureka’ from his bath tub, he has reinvented the wheel first thought of by Professor W O Bell in the 60s – the key to helping young offenders is to help them back into education! Duncroft, Ms Jones and Professor Bell, stand up and take a bow – ’tis only on this blog that you will get any credit for having put this revolutionary idea into practice 40 years ago. Grayling thinks it is all his own work…
It does work – and many of us have emerged from Duncroft to live long and useful lives – but I wouldn’t fancy our chances had we had to endure Grayling’s version of this ‘enlightenment’. Read on MacDuff – and prepare to be amazed.
He doesn’t say what his brilliant idea will cost – “we have not provided monetised estimates of costs and benefits where doing so would prejudice the effectiveness of a competition for the delivery of services”. Apparently every area of the costing would be so prejudicial to the free market, but he is certain that it will be more ‘economically efficient’. Estimates of the cost from outside sources suggest around £85 million, and plans are obviously fairly advanced even without the legislation because it is planned to be up and running in 2017.
He is to build a new ‘secure college’ in the East Midlands for young offenders. I like the terminology – ’tis what used to be called an approved school – but most unlike Duncroft.
This one will house 320 children. Whilst you might recognise the 5% of young future female inmates of 12 – 15 year old girls as being ‘children’ – you would have a tough job establishing which were staff and which were inmates amongst the 290 odd 96% of young offenders who are fully grown, 17 year old males.
This particular group of young males have a 76% chance of reoffending on release – they are not ‘all angels’! Throwing 30 12 year old girls into this mix is a recipe for disaster – though I note that Schedule 4, (8(c)) and (10) plans to allow for ‘reasonable force’ [according to rules which have not yet been published] to be used in order to restrain them…in 2008, the Court of Appeal [R (on the application of C) (a minor) v Secretary of State for Justice [2008] EWCA Civ 882] ruled that using force (Pindown) to maintain ‘good order and discipline’ amongst young offenders was ‘inhuman or degrading treatment’ and contravened Article 3 of the ECHR. Quite how he plans to keep all those hormonally challenged 17 year old males off the 12 year old girls without using force remains to be seen.
Since Grayling is so concerned about not affecting the ‘free market of competition for services’ I am assuming that this hell hole will be privately run and staffed – yet there is no mention in the Bill of minimum training levels or qualifications. These things will be established by Ministerial order once he has got his Bill through parliament. You know, whilst we are no longer looking…worryingly, Grayling says he want providers to ‘innovate’ in the running of this establishment.
Logic dictates that if 95% of the inmates are tough young males, then the regime will cater to their needs, and they will dominate the atmosphere.
Is this really where the millions expended on ‘child protection’ and the pursuit of elderly celebrities has led us? A couple of cheap television programmes, a new ‘King’ of the ‘kiss and tell’, or more prosaically the ‘kiss and felled by Yewtree’ these days, risen to take Max Clifford’s place, and our response is to throw a handful of young girls into a massive new prison filled with young men and say ’tis OK, they are being educated’?
Does anybody care?
- IlovetheBBC
May 9, 2014 at 7:00 am -
He’s insane. Have they learnt nothing? He is reinventing the wheel, but it’s square.
- JuliaM
May 9, 2014 at 7:37 am -
This could only be a more modern Britain solution if they set up CCTV everywhere & sold the viewing rights to Channel Five…
- Bill Sticker
May 10, 2014 at 7:46 pm -
Haven’t they already?
- Bill Sticker
- acoustic village
May 9, 2014 at 7:39 am -
I think it’s an excellent idea.
Yours Sincerely
G. Glitter - Ho Hum
May 9, 2014 at 8:10 am -
Politicians don’t really run the show. They’re just there to catch and market the bananas that are to be sold to the rest of the population.
There would be little different in that, or any of this, if the SoS were Labour, LibDem, Green, SNP, BNP, Save the Whale, or even UKIP
All Parliament will do is sit there, a bit like Canute, but up to their necks, saying to the public, “OK, you’re drowning. So what?”
- Moor Larkin
May 9, 2014 at 8:28 am -
With their fingers in the dykes no doubt.
- Jonathan Mason
May 9, 2014 at 8:35 am -
Not all female guards are that way
Some are like lock gates–they swing both ways. - Ho Hum
May 9, 2014 at 9:17 am -
A large part of what seems now to be our post liberal democracy appears to being run behind the scenes by the Agatha Trunchbull brigade, so would it be all that surprising?
- Jonathan Mason
- Moor Larkin
- Jonathan Mason
May 9, 2014 at 8:31 am -
I worked in a State of Florida school cum psych hospital and the boys and girls never saw or heard each other, except when they shared transport when escorted to outside doctor’s appointments. It depends entirely how the campus is set up. Teachers can, of course, teach in different classrooms and you can have more than one football pitch or chapel.
- Joe Public
May 9, 2014 at 10:15 am -
You’d undoubtably need a mosque, too.
- Joe Public
- Mudplugger
May 9, 2014 at 8:58 am -
One major challenge for Grayling will be to keep refreshing the stock of young girls – no doubt he’s already spotted the opportunity to outsource this aspect to Boko Haram Inc.
- Duncan Disorderly
May 9, 2014 at 10:51 am -
The fame must have gone to their heads after Whiter Shade of Pale.
- Mike-the-PUNK
May 9, 2014 at 2:06 pm -
Big LOL. Good one.
- Mike-the-PUNK
- Duncan Disorderly
- Ho Hum
May 9, 2014 at 9:46 am -
Yes. And would have been even simpler if in Tillietudlem (BTW, for proper effect, you have to say that very quickly, and pronounce it as Tilly_tood_elum: (sighs) it’s not how you tell them, it’s how you have to explain them LOL)
- Ho Hum
May 9, 2014 at 9:48 am -
Drat. As you might have worked out, that was for Moor’s benefit
- Ho Hum
- The Slog
May 9, 2014 at 10:04 am -
Were he of the roe-for-brains to produce, as a result of this Swiftian cauldron, the first ever existence of genuinely widespread systemic sexual abuse, few of us here would be surprised.
In 2041 there will be a rash of 90 year olds claiming they were sexually abused by the inmates. You can be sure of it. That and the continuing inability of the female judiciary to understand the role of menstruation in capping paedophilia. - Ms Mildred
May 9, 2014 at 11:37 am -
Funny I thought they used to have these places out in the sticks in big old houses like Duncroft. Then someone started stories of ‘child abuse’ and they all disappeared to be replaced by disturbed 15 year old lads grossly misbehaving in the classroom and putting classmates into a lifetime of flashbacks of when a beloved teacher expired in front of them. Just bring the little darlings up proper. Love them nourish them. Keep them safe. Try to cope when the hormones take over. Don’t bale out of the partnership in their mid teens, just when they need you most, although they pretend they hate you. Then maybe these places not needed and allegations years later not needed either.
- Ian B
May 9, 2014 at 11:53 am -
Well, as I’ve said before I think, we are now in a full-blown re-run of the Victorian Era. What else would the child savers thus do, than resurrect their marvelllous old idea of corrective imprisonment of the delinquent?
Sigh. It seems every stupid idea will be tried again once sufficient time has passed for people to forget why it didn’t work last time.
- Jerry Hatrick
May 9, 2014 at 12:52 pm -
Never thought I’d be so pleased to be 64 and a non-celebrity.
- Anne3362
May 9, 2014 at 3:56 pm -
A British solution to a British problem – as you say cod – or codology. Grayling has a degree in this.
- Probation Officer
May 9, 2014 at 7:29 pm -
If you think that is scary, wait until you see what he is doing with the Probation Service!!
Following his ‘Transforming Rehabilitation’ and the reshuffle of staff to ensure all of the new (and unneeded proceedures) are put in place, caseloads have doubled and the narrative from management when you complain that you REALLY need to do some work with Joe Bloggs as he has beat his wife up for the third time this month is ‘just quickly see him and turn him round’. I shit you not.
Read about this and many other scary (but sadly true) tales here:’re all fooked, however, it will get MUCH better when the likes of G4S take over.
What could possibly go wrong?
- Ho Hum
May 9, 2014 at 7:56 pm -
They get Max Clifford in to do their PR?
- Ho Hum
- Frankie
May 9, 2014 at 9:17 pm -
…’Does anybody care?’
- Ms Mildred
May 10, 2014 at 10:38 am -
‘full blown rerun of the Victorian era’. I would say all the result of 30 years of mayhem in Europe. Destroying a societal system that had come about over a couple of centuries. International transport/travel/ drugs/ pop culture/ womens lib/feminism/ American influences/TV/ computers/ internet/European Union and bossy rule from Brussels/uman rites/political fuzziness/minority group pressures. Leading to you dare not say or do anything out of turn, because one word or action can destroy all the good work in your life because you have upset a minority group…….breathless after that. The tail has long been wagging the dog for some time past. It is not Victorian, it is a nauseous 20th century scrambled up mess of unintended consequences and muddled good intentions. We bloggers on this thread are a minority group swimming against a tide of blatant nonsense and legalistic trickery. It is a full blown rerun of the inquisition, would be more appropriate. Look up how poor old Gallileo was got at in 17th century, you might see what I mean. Can’t say this. Or talk about that without being hammered by a load of overdressed idiots, full of their own importance, re jigging stupid laws/edicts as they go along. There I feel better after that!
- DerekW
May 10, 2014 at 7:03 pm -
- DerekW
- JohnR
May 11, 2014 at 10:40 pm -
¨One major challenge for Grayling will be to keep refreshing the stock of young girls¨
So back to academies and free schools then…..all those ¨disturbed¨ young ladies will be sent away for ¨training¨
As for the boys, they couldn´t be safer if looked after by priests:
Which brings us back to the ¨faith¨ schools…
Makes all those celebrities look almost chaste!
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