The misery hiding behind the Savile headlines.
I spoke yesterday of the vast volume of mail I am receiving, since starting to write of the Savile case. Some makes me angry beyond belief – and as if by magic, one such arrived overnight. The writer is known to me, so I can vouch for its authenticity – but she has asked me to refer to her as ‘S’, which I gladly so do. As you will see, she was hoping that I might use her story in a blog post – I wouldn’t dream of doing so, the e-mail is so powerfully written, so from the heart, so burning with the injustice and anguish of it all, that I reproduce it here as per the original, the only thing I have changed is her name.
This is what drives me on; this and the fact that my best friend at Duncroft was sexually abused by her family. We were close friends before we co-incidentally ended up at Duncroft, we remained friends afterwards. She died alone, from hypothermia – too addled by drink and drugs to remove herself to shelter and warmth – some 20 years later. She was never able to repair the damage within her family caused by her disclosing the abuse. It ate away at her, unmitigated by support from friends and specialists.
To all those who accuse me of being a ‘paedophile defender’ for my determination to put a stop to this endless media reality show – ‘the geriatric celebrity you once met can pay off your mortgage’ – I would say, read this and weep.
To all those fretting over which outfit to wear to the next television award ceremony – ‘dead celebrities I have denounced’ – read this and weep.
To all those journalists who say ‘it’s too time consuming to check out all these stories and I have a deadline to meet’ – read this and weep.
To all those pretendy celebrity policemen claiming to have investigated this Savile charade – read this and weep.
To all those charities busy raising untold millions for ‘supporting victims’ – read this and weep.
To all those lawyers raking in legal aid fees for acting on behalf of their confabulatory clients – read this and weep.
This is the sort of case your attention should have been turning to; there won’t be a PhD in it; nor promotion; nor will you build a career as a ‘child protection specialist’; you won’t get an award for your television programme; your charity won’t receive numerous new donations to spend on your wages; you won’t have the sort of story ‘any journalist would want’; you won’t get the ‘personal injury lawyer of the year award’; you won’t topple the BBC; nor even embarrass the coalition government.
But whilst you were all busy posturing, point scoring, portfolio building, pontificating and preening – one little country policeman was getting on with the real work.
Dear Anna,
I do hope you don’t mind me calling you Dear Anna but having read your blog for some years now I almost feel I know you.
This is a very quick message to personally thank you for all that you are doing to shed light on the whole Jimmy Savile crock of shite.
I have followed this story since it first broke (don’t panic, I’m not some attention seeking 50-year-old who may, or may not have had my bottom or breast touched by a minor celebrity 40 years ago).
2 years ago I started the long and arduous process of bringing my (long dead) Aunty’s partner to court for the horrific abuse he subjected myself and my cousins to. I did it on my own to start with; the other victims gave their accounts later (but haven’t spoken to me since). I still can’t decide which was harder, telling the police what he had done, or admitting that all the adults, My Mum, Her Sister, and all their friends knew what was going on, yet did nothing to protect us.
When I started my quest I hoped, in a way, that the others would come round, eventually. Sadly it is not to be. They were more concerned with keeping this monster’s secret (like our parents and friends were when it was happening to us) than stopping him from harming yet more children (he was a nature walker that took the local primary school kids on nature rambles) and that has saddened me beyond belief.
Anyhow, it took two years, and a very determined policeman; two days ago I got a phone call saying the monster had finally plead guilty to 7 counts , which include, amongst other things, rape and sodomy of his own daughter (She was aged 5 -10 years). He will be sentenced next month and the Judge has already stated a custodial sentence is the only option.
This monster destroyed my family all those years ago, and destroyed it again when I called him to account. But I don’t care. Had I not had the unending support of that one police officer I would have bailed long ago. He hunted down unwilling witnesses and dealt with my family (who were fit to see me tied). I’m sure what remains of my family will recover and repair in the years to come. But, even if we don’t, I will always know I did the right thing, and that is down to that one police officer. He will never be famous, he will simply go about his business, doing what he does best, which happens to be catching and nailing these monsters. When I spoke to him the other day, to thank him, he simply said ‘No worries, it’s my job, but remember, regardless of the shitty sentence the Judge hands down, the computer bods haven’t actually got around ‘sigh – rolls eyes’ to examining his computer yet, so who knows,in 6 months time we might be able to nail him for another couple of years’.
We also spoke briefly about the Jimmy Savile crap and he snorted. He said ‘Bunch of attention seeking fu*king arseholes’. I said ‘What about the police’, he replied ‘I was talking about them’ – Ouch!
I asked if this recent rash of dead celebs touching the bottoms of nubile 15 yr olds, 40 years ago would affect my case and he laughed.
He said ‘We have a cast-iron case of actual historic sexual abuse/sodomy/incest to which the actual perpetrator has admitted all and every crime. Any Judge that tries to brush this shit off with community service is either stupid or deaf, dumb and blind, fu*king stupid’.
He then stated that if the Judge turned out to actually be deaf, dumb and fu*king stupid he would back an appeal, with my consent, with a view to disclosing what ever horrors the tech chaps finally discover on the Monsters computer.
It’s been a very long and sad and trying couple of years but I have absolute faith in my man in blue. Every time I have phoned he has either answered in person or returned my call within 12 hours. He has also visited me personally to divulge the most personal of information (from the other victims). I wish I could tell you his name but obviously, I can’t.
Sadly, as I stated before, since I decided to start this quest I have found myself alone. In the truest sense of the word. No one in my family will speak to me and oddly enough all the ‘Aunties and Uncles’ have fled the scene. And I won’t deny it, as I type this I am crying and sad beyond belief that everyone is more angry at me than they are at the fucking monster.
But I am lucky, because my boys (11 and 12) have supported me through all of this (yes, they do know the whole unvarnished truth) and they think I rock as a Mum. They reckon I should have a cape and sword and should make it my job to cut down all perverts, and their secret supporters (aka family and various Aunts and Uncles).
I am a very sad and very tired survivor ( I will not use the word victim) who has somehow managed to bring just one monster to justice , against the family’s wishes, and with nothing more than the help of a single police officer. You are more than welcome to post this message, in fact I hope you do. Edit as you see fit.
I would prefer it if you just labelled me S, as opposed to xxxxxxx, one time blogger of xxxxxx. Yes, it is me. You probably don’t remember me, I’m kind of hoping you may, but I had to give up the blogging when I started hunting down this monster. I would love it if you could, somehow, someway make a decent post out of my ramblings that would support those that are really going through the horrors of an actual, honest to God, historic sexual abuse case whilst being bombarded, every day, in the press by this fu*king Jimmy Savile, Jimmy Hall fu*king shite.
I cannot tell you how tired I am, tired and lonely but, thanks to that one police officer, I am a winner and the Streets and Sands of xxxxxx xxxxxxxx, North Devon are finally, after 20 odd fu*king years, safe from one Peter xxxxxx. You’ll find him in the records for Portsmouth Crown Court. And it was down to little old me, not my cousins who were happy to let him wander round and enter every primary school, including the one that housed my niece. They were so desperate to keep his secret they were willing to allow him access to all the children in North Devon, including their own children.
Edited to add: If anyone feels like sending a message of support and friendship to ‘S’, then e-mail me at, and I will gladly forward them on to her. I would imagine that whether you get a reply or not will depend on whether she feels like setting up an anonymous e-mail address, I shall leave that up to her.
More redactions made at 13.32 on the 13th july to ensure that one policeman actually doing his job doesn’t get into trouble for doing so – thanks to ‘Fedup’ in the comments for pointing this out to me. Most unfair that the likes of Mark Williams-Twat can spin whatever crap they like, but a decent copper like this one, could conceivably get into trouble.
July 16, 2013 at 15:19
Thanks Anna – just as I thought …..
rabbitaway • a few seconds ago
So why didn’t the paper pass their information onto the police back then ?
Dear me, is this man for real, admitting to waiting until a man has died in
order to avoid a heavy law suit. If the witnesses presented in ‘Exposure’ are
anything to go by, this guy had nothing in 1994, and he has nothing now.
July 16, 2013 at 14:56
Anna/Moor Larkin what are your thoughts about this – 2 girls Duncroft 1994
July 16, 2013 at 14:01
We’ve gone mainstream …… !
rabbitaway16 July 2013 13:41
The Independent has published my comment inc a link to this blog –
rabbitaway • an hour ago
Appendix 12 of the Pollard reports shows that Peter Rippon made the right
decision when he pulled the Newsnight piece about Sir Jimmy Savile. At least
ONE of the so called ‘victims’ lied to the journalists, but this did not stop
ITV from including the same woman in it’s eventual expose – ‘Exposure’. Five
million pounds later, the name of a great man is in tatters and countless
elderly men are facing agonizing court appearances, all because no one could
be bothered to investigate the initial claims properly. ‘ Exposure’ has led
SOME people to believe that youngsters were abused in BBC television Centre,
whilst allegedly attending programmes that were NEVER recorded there.
Don’t take my word for it – do the research , I did
July 16, 2013 at 12:08
You can let the Mail know what you think – my comment may not see the light
…… they could have saved at least £2,000,000 had anyone bothered to read APP
12 of the Pollard report …… better still they could have done what I did …….
they could have bothered their arses to find out WHERE Top of the Pops and
Clunk Click were made ….. !
July 16, 2013 at 11:25
So that’s £8 million so far – nice work MJ
July 16, 2013 at 11:24
There’s irony – how much did Jimmy Savile leave charities in his will –
around the £4 million mark wasn’t it ?
July 16, 2013 at 11:22
£4.9 million – that’s how much this crap has cost ALL of US so far !
July 15, 2013 at 13:00
‘S’ I can well imagine you (and your bobby) feeling the urge to put your
foot through the television screen at all the BS presented in the last 9
months or so. I’m so glad that you have gotten the result you wanted. No, ever
extending prison sentence, no financial payoff via some lowlife personal
injury solicitor, just the knowledge and satisfaction of knowing that he DID
NOT GET AWAY WITH IT as, he no doubt thought that he had. I cannot imagine
anyone more despicable than one that presents a FALSE allegation of
child/sexual abuse. Those pretending to be police officers, both inside and
outside the force, have done the likes of you and your bobbies a grave
disservice. Thank you so much for letting the rest of us into your story, I
for one, will NOT be delving into the case, sharing details online, but I will
be watching out for your case and will rejoice with you when your ‘uncle’ get
his JUST deserts.
July 15, 2013 at 11:09
Can I just say a massive thank you, first to Anna for publishing my e-mail
and second to all the commentators. To those that have picked up on the finer
details of this case (which I personally have no problem with them knowing)
could I asked that anything you uncover, in the next few months, should you
choose to dig, you keep under your hat until the dust has settled and his
sentence has been passed. This case, like any other, is still subject to
privacy for the other victims and I would hate it all to be scuppered at the
last hurdle. If you want the in’s and outs you are welcome to contact me via
I love the term The Predanator, DtP, you get a ‘Hi five’ from The
Boys – I believe there may be a costume is in the design stages already.
Sadly, unlike Anna and My Man in Blue I don’t have the energy to take up this
particular sword again, anytime soon. However, if Anna get’s any e-mails,
similar to mine from genuine survivors that need a little advice or a lot of
support she is welcome to put them in contact with me. Out of all the comments
on this thread, one stood out above all others –
Jonathan Mason July 13,
2013 at 19:13
It seems that prisoners in the UK usually serve about 25% of
the full sentence and are then released on parole. Should Hall’s sentence be
increased by six months, that would probably give him an extra six weeks in
pokey. What is the point? What danger does he represent to the public?
really doesn’t matter to me, what sentence My Uncle (just to clear up any
confusion between Euphemisms or Pseudonyms, He was my Aunties partner from
before I can remember until her death in the 90′s which makes him My Uncle)
will never, ever erase the damage he did. I get more satisfaction from knowing
that at his age (he’s quite old) he seriously thought he had got away with it.
And in his twilight years, I blew him out of the water.
I have no idea if
he was still ‘active’, I will simply assume that, like all passionate
hobbyists, if he can’t do it in person, He will turn to the internet to view
what other people with like minded hobbies have been up to. I moved house
recently and had to give up my garden, which I was passionate about. That
doesn’t stop me from following at least 20 gardening blogs!.
My ‘Man in
Blue’ will get cake, flowers, and a card from ‘The Boys’ (and maybe even a
cape), but I would like to take a moment to thank all the other ‘Boys and
Girls in Blue (I forgot to mention My Man in Blues female sidekick, who has
been recently replaced with a newer male version) all over the country, who
are quietly plugging away, quietly hunting down these monsters. Every single
one of them deserves a medal.
They’ll never get one, because, like me,
their only desire was and is to catch and cage these monsters. And they will
continue to do so, without recognition, and with out that massive pay packet
that comes from a ‘high profile case’. So, I thank you for your support but I,
personally, raise a glass to my ‘Man in Blue’ and all his hard working
partners who, day after day, month after month and year after year, listen to
these horrific stories and do their best to bring the monsters to
S x
July 14, 2013 at 23:00
My sincere best wishes go out to S – for her courage in seeing this
business through to the bitter end, for her continuing strength in the face of
real adversity and for having the courage to tell her story publicly in the
current environment of demonising celebrity non-offenders or petty pests of
yesteryear when these charlatans should be tackling real historic child abuse
such as this.
July 14, 2013 at 18:00
Here’s Fiona’s Dad. Big honcho at the BBC for at least 20 years.
July 14, 2013 at 13:04
The ‘misery’ that some people have caused – here’s one, the woman presented
on Exposure – herself exposed
July 14, 2013 at 15:26
And there’s more exposure to come for Madam Fiona. Who’s your Daddy?
July 14, 2013 at 12:54
Let’s debunk the claims made against Jimmy Savile one by one shall we?
Anna, I googled Fiona Scott Johnston and up came your @Starve the BBC and
other Savile initiatives’. You refer to the story from the non paying tv
licence accusee and her story about being abused at Television Centre by 33
men. Now, she does NOT say that she was attending Jim’ll fix it when these
incidents allegedly took place, but she does mention being taken to ‘the White
City Studios’.
Emm, strange, why White City (television Centre) and these
events from 34 years ago that’s 1979 when JFI was recorded at the Empire
Shepherds Bush. Ok, we now KNOW that all these stories are crap, but it
doesn’t hurt to keep reminding these idiots that they WILL get found out one
by one.
July 13, 2013 at 21:21
It is perhaps illustrative of the extremely sensitive nature of this whole
area of human crime, that you could very easily rejig that story to tell of
historic allegations against Jimmy Savile, and replace those references to
aunts and cousins, with references to BBC and Stoke Mandeville, and you’d
pretty much have the same basic story. The difference an actual court case can
make is huge.
Presumably there can be some follow-up from Portsmouth Crown Court in due
course. Nothing to be seen there just now. Not that it’s any of my personal
business but now it’s in this part of the public domain, I feel obliged to
take at least a passing interest.
July 14, 2013 at 02:56
the whole problem with the sensational claims against the late Sir James
Savile OBE (I now use his full name and title as nothing has ever been
proven about him) is that they will never be investigated.
Even if just a
handful of the claims- a sample- were delved into with dates locations and
so on (as laid out in your website so accurately) to verify their accuracy,
justice may be served but in this case, justice has been denied a dead man
and his family and fans (and I guarantee the fans still outnumber the
detractors but sensibly stay silent for fear of being torn to shreds) and
certainly, justice has been denied and perverted in the case of all of us
still alive.
July 13, 2013 at 21:05
Pete Townshend identified the ‘wicked uncle’ as part of the “Tommy” concept
album, which dealt in part with child abuse. Pete was a survivor of child
abuse himself, I believe. Wicked Uncle Ernie was more than likely a real
person in Pete’s life.
July 13, 2013 at 23:37
Well you can’t accuse him of not being thorough; he did admit carrying
out ‘research’.
July 14, 2013 at 01:26
Thanks, Joe, knew all that about Pete, but I didn’t know this, which
was sort of appended to the article (from 2003, btw) – well, well, 50
police officers involved in and arrested for child abuse?? Let alone all
these magistrates, a judge, a deputy Head, dentists, hospital consultants,
and so on. Maybe back then the police were actually functioning, without
the glare of the celebrity spotlight, like S’s police officer, just doing
their job and getting results.
” British police are conducting their largest-ever investigation,
code-named Operation Ore, into online paedophilia and child
So far, about 1,300 people, including a judge,
magistrates, dentists, hospital consultants and a deputy headmaster, have
been arrested.
Some 50 police officers have also been arrested and
eight of them charged with offences, including two officers involved in
the police investigation into the murders of Holly Wells and Jessica
Interesting the number 1,300 occurs here, as it did at the height of
the Savile flap.
I want to wish S all the best for the rest of her life — it must be a
great relief to know that there was someone out there who believed and
took the necessary actions without the need to consult the press, the
paparazzi, or self-appointed ‘child protection’ experts. Her voice is the
voice we want to hear, not a lot of whining liars looking for a quick
payday. This police officer deserves a commendation, imo.
July 14, 2013 at 02:51
He was arrested as part of the flawed Operation Ore catastrophe and
when someone is raided by 30 cops as he was I think taking the easy way
out- a caution- is what many did.
Others committed suicide and many now
say they pleaded guilty rather than fight the system. And hundreds who had
their credit card details stolen, the only way they were identified , had
their lives ruined by that other attention seeking and empire builder Jim
Gamble that the House of Lords criticized and who the government decided
the only way to get rid of him was combine his ‘empire’ into another body
which was successful with this cop taking his bat & ball and going
home moaning- so much for his ‘dedication’ to uncovering child abuse that
if he wasn’t in charge, he wasn’t going to play the game.
July 14, 2013 at 08:35
“The spokeswoman declined to say how many officers were involved, but
said they were all from Scotland Yard, from the paedophile unit, major
investigation team, and child protection units, and all attached to
Operation Ore. Detective Superintendent Peter Spindler, of child
protection command, who is overseeing the investigation into Townshend,
was also present, she said.
July 14, 2013 at 11:46
Duncan Campbell the investigative journalist and forensic expert
witness on computers & communications data, was instrumental is
exposing the very serious flaws in the “evidence”.
July 13, 2013 at 19:40
Applause to S for having the courage to expose a wicked uncle.
The “uncle” (either genetic or pseudonym) is probably the most common
July 13, 2013 at 20:48
Euphemism, not Pseudonym.
July 13, 2013 at 17:29
As they say it takes one good person to keep quiet for evil to flourish.
This is the one good person who against all odds has done what she needed to
ensure evil did not flourish. But sadly it still does on the larger stage,
just because she is the lone voice being muffled by those ‘who would prefer
not to know’.
Indeed it puts all the ‘experts’ in child protection to shame… they only do
it for their jobs. They too hide the wrongs closer to home …the hypocracy in
society is unbearable. I am glad S has such lovely considerate children.. it
is no more than she deserves. Not all families are loving or care and S’s
clear;y fell into this category.
To S do not lament what is lost… but be happy for what is gained… there is
no loosing and winning in life. It has its own momentum.
July 13, 2013 at 16:37
Just wanted to say congratuations to S, it is surprisingly common for the
family to cover up abuse to ‘protect’ their family and reputation. It
certainly puts the attention seeking females of the Savile and other cases
into perspective and the actions of the police can’t be compared to this one
good man.
July 13, 2013 at 14:54
Congratulations to S and the copper concerned. May the force be with
Just ruminating about this and how the press in the UK seems to do such a
poor job of reporting on trials. Compare and contrast the coverage of the
George Zimmerman trial in Florida, where the testimony of every witness is
reported in detail, sometimes in video.
On reading about the Eddie Shah acquittal, I wanted to know more about the
trial, but it is the usual weak summary of the evidence without any of the
details that would put the reader in the same kind of position as the jury.
Here’s a link to a report.
But the questions I would want to know would be whether contraception was
used, who supplied the condom, was the girl on the pill, did she get a
pregnancy test afterwards, details of Mr. Shah’s anatomy, and many other
questions, because her manner of answering to these kind of questions would
give the jury a better idea of whether she was truthful and consistent in her
In the end the jury didn’t believe the woman’s allegations, but we have no
idea WHY the jury didn’t believe her, so the whole thing, as usual, is a bit
of a black box process. Maybe this is a good thing, and maybe that is the way
Britons want it, but the end result is that as far as the public are
concerned, nothing can really be known about any particular case.
The same applies in spades with the Savile allegations. Without the text of
the sworn affidavits of the alleged victims in the public domain, and without
any way of assessing the credibility of the complaints and the people making
them, no judgment can be formed on the vast majority of the allegations,
including over 30 alleged rapes.
The popular view in the UK in the Stuart Hall case is that he must have
been guilty because he pleaded guilty, but my view is that he may have pleaded
guilty to minor charges like kissing a minor on the mouth to avoid the lottery
of a rape trial on the much more serious charges. Taking into account his
health and age, this might have been a good tactical move on his part, but in
no way enlightens us about the truth of any of the allegations.
July 13, 2013 at 15:13
On further research, I see one of the defence barristers in the Eddie
Shah trial asked the “victim” if she believed she was Ann Boleyn. Always a
useful question to ask on these occasions, but she kept her head and denied
July 13, 2013 at 17:44
I personally like the fact that its a “black box” trial as I feel that if
reporting restrictions were less stringent, or it was televised, it would
become the show trial by media that we often see in the US… although its
interesting to see how much more salacious detail is released in some
trials, such as the Philpot case.
That said, after the event I think the full transcripts of the court case
should be openly released as soon as a verdict is entered and all reports of
verdicts should state the reference numbers relevant should people want more
unbiased info.
I do believe that some of the info is released such as judgment and
statement of reasons, maybe even more, but unless you know the system and
specific references the man in the street would be hard pressed to know
where to look or how to reference it.
As to the Stuart Hall case, it will be interesting to see if the review
increases his sentence or not… if not I’m betting it will be quietly
forgotten and go unreported.
July 13, 2013 at 19:13
It seems that prisoners in the UK usually serve about 25% of the full
sentence and are then released on parole. Should Hall’s sentence be
increased by six months, that would probably give him an extra six weeks
in pokey. What is the point? What danger does he represent to the
July 14, 2013 at 02:43
Child abuse sickens me to the pit of my stomach.
I had reason to
travel to Pakistan to witness goods being made for the West (me) by
children- basically slave labour , for a pittance. My friends think I’m
quite mad as I now question the provenance of every foreign good I buy.
The thought I may wear a pair of beautiful shoes laboured over by a ten
year old is an abomination. Child abuse is an epidemic throughout the
world and in the UK and some, I believe around 17% is sexual. The rest
is by neglect, mental and physical abuse and so on.
also sicken me.
To use this epidemic of child abuse in all it’s forms- but by
exaggerating the sexual side to the neglect of all the other abuse, is a
disgrace and a fraud. To do it for profit and salary or TV glory is vile
beyond belief and in MWT’s case, one must question his apparent fixation
on the subject.
For newspaper proprietors and their clueless hacks to produce
exaggerated story after story with the emphasis on arrest and endless
bail and so on is a perversion of the once great news service we
enjoyed. But as seen by the released tapes of Sun hacks and Murdoch,
they are all in together and ignorant beyond belief , completely lacking
in morals and ethics with everyone of them claiming they didn’t know it
was a crime to bribe a public official.
I believe MWT will create his own downfall but with the other
so-entrenched like the NSPCC which hoovers up multi- millions of pounds
( how many of those NSPCC executives wear child made clothes or watch
flat screen TVs made in indentured labour Asian factories where adults,
nainly women and children slave away for a pound a day in horrific
Tar & feathering is not good enough for these fraudsters. Many
thanks Anna for bringing us this victim’s statement.
July 14, 2013 at 08:54
“Contrary to popular beliefs, most child labourers are employed by
their parents rather than in manufacturing or formal economy. Children
who work for pay or in-kind compensation are usually found in rural
settings, than urban centers. Less than 3 percent of child labour aged
5–14 across the world work outside of their household, or away from
their parents.”
A generation ago, having the background of “doing your chores” was
seen as the mark of a good upbringing. So far as my family can make
out, my Irish grandfather was “put out onto the streets” along with
his sister back in 1906 Dublin. The only explanation that makes sense
is that this was done in the simple knowledge that the Catholic church
would pick up the “street children” and place and feed them in
“Homes”, which is exactly what happened. He grew up in one and his
sister went to another for girls. Putting two and two together, it
seems this can only be explained by the assumption that the parents
simply could not afford to feed them, and I suppose that with the
long-standing British abolition of child labour, then the parents took
the only practical action left to enable everyone’s life to continue.
It would now be viewed as child abandonment I suppose, because now the
Welfare State would provide, within the family home.
July 13, 2013 at 13:19
S – However painful the wounds may be now, there is one thing that will
sustain you – your integrity is intact. The omissions of others will gnaw at
them (I don’t know how people can cope with that. Maybe some don’t care, which
tells you a very great deal about them.) You, at least, can look in the mirror
and see an honourable, decent person looking back. This matters; trust me –
for different reasons, I know that this is the case. If, deep in your core,
you know that you did the right thing, you gain great strength from it.
May you now begin to find contentment with life.
July 13, 2013 at 12:36
One ‘good’ man (woman) is all it takes !
July 13, 2013 at 12:22
And that, landlady, is why you do this. A very moving encounter for you,
I’m sure, and hats off to both the original author of the note and the patient
plod who brought the culprit to book.
And hats off to you…
July 13, 2013 at 12:10
Sadly, I don’t think that Honest Copper will get anything but a bollocking
if management get wind of his comments disclosed in the email. You don’t know
how it works on the inside…trust me. The cop can easily be identified by his
employers based on the detail in the piece. Any chance of redacting the
suspect’s name and force area to protect the Honest Copper from potentially
serious repercussions?
July 13, 2013 at 12:31
July 13, 2013 at 21:37
I thought the victims were given a “supporter”. That seems to be the
impression from the statements at Portsmouth. I can’t see why he would be in
any trouble; it’s his job surely to support and reassure the victim. He
doesn’t decide who to prosecute – the CPS does. he doesn’t judge the case –
the courts do.
“Leo Compton has finally been convicted for abusing a girl after she
broke her silence. Following his sentencing, the officer who led in the
inquiry Detective Constable Ian Borsley urged victims of sexual offences to
come forward, no matter how long ago they took place. Det Con Borsley, from
the vulnerable adult investigation team, said: ‘The securing of Compton’s
conviction reflects the mission of Hampshire Constabulary’s public
protection department, being that of protecting the most vulnerable from the
most dangerous. ‘We encourage all victims of sexual abuse to come forward,
irrespective of the time that has passed, where a dedicated team of
professionals will treat any information provided in a sensitive and serious
manner. ‘Ensuring the welfare of those affected remains of paramount
July 13,
2013 at 12:02
Brave lady…
In other news, I see the Eddy Shah trial was a loss for the #CPS. What a
pity his innocence wasn’t announced with as much fanfare as his arrest…
July 13, 2013 at 11:44
I think her lads have it right, she’s The Paedetonator, destroyer of
paedos. Job done Mrs S and brava to her for being so tough. What an
inspiration to the niblets, too. I doubt Mr Honest Copper will accept reward
but i’m sure he’ll accept cakes. I cannot imagine the years of dust that have
to be shaken off, the burden that this has imposed but I offer my deepest and
heartiest hopes that such valour can offer respite, a chance to enjoy this
beautiful summer. Absolute nails.