By the Light of the Swivel-Eyed Loon…..
1,466 new laws were introduced in the last year, compared with 1,355 in 2011, every last one of them by a government that pledged to ‘cut red tape’.
1,466 new ways in which you could be criminalised.
Social Workers want the Government to give them right of entry to your home even though you are not a ‘vulnerable person’ under any definition.
Rules of evidence have been changed so that ‘allegations’ become ‘proof’ as elderly Britons are denounced as criminals after death by senior policemen.
The country is mired in debt – and yet has voted into power a government that is borrowing more than the last government.
– and finally the British public rose up and become politically aware…
Why? Because some swivel-eyed loon in the Conservative party has called other swivel-eyed loons in the Conservative party, er, “swivel eyed loons”.
And the public leapt to their iPhones as one man, and er, cracked jokes…
And then went back to sleep.
May 24, 2013
at 00:55
Actually, I thought only 25 Acts received Royal Assent in 2012 but some
2,700 Statutory Instruments were issued (The Scottish Parliament passed more).
Most of those SIs lasted a matter of weeks at most as they were temporary
traffic orders to close roads or lanes while repair or construction work took
place. I know because I drafted and had published dozens of the things.
SIs serve the very important purpose of making it unnecessary for MPs to
scrutinise secondary legislation stemming from the primary legislation that
very few of them actually understood or had even bothered to read when they
wandered through the division lobbies under instruction on the way to the
various bars and restaurants in the Palace of Westminster.
May 20, 2013 at 08:53
T. Rex?
May 19, 2013 at 17:27
Social workers have moved to another level in their ‘protection’ work:
But the curious thing is the person reported had mental health issues it
seems- but social worker saw no need to ‘rescue’ a potential client. So animal
protection will take over protecting the vulnerable?
May 19, 2013 at 19:48
I thought I was reading the onion for a moment. Seriously? They
post-mortemed a guine-pig?
May 19, 2013 at 20:08
Well we are talking about the full range of swivel eyed loons now on
the loose at public expense so expect the absurd.
May 19, 2013 at 15:41
Delightful headline. Seems the spooning, crooning and honeymooning is over
for Mr Cameron.
May 19, 2013 at 12:06
Interesting, these Loons are starting to spread themselves about the place
! / News In Brief / German anti-EU party would …
German anti-EU party, Alternative for Germany (AfD), would obtain 19.2% of the
votes in a general election, according to a poll conducted by Handelsblatt
Online …
Supporters were described as
‘people with their feet on the ground, not like the Greens, who sit around
drinking tea all night.’
May 19, 2013 at 11:15
I recently drove through an area on the country side of our town where deer
roam picturesquely among the council estates( as featured on TV). They stroll
across the road to the countryside very casually… leaping out in front of
you. You get time to stop and admire them. At the same time as demolishing a
couple of schools nearby, at a time when urgently needed, in favour of
housing, but fewer schools?. Also, rather unnervingly, I noticed that the
persons walking about were no longer from the white race. I swear I saw not
one white person. Here is what politicians have done recently. Invited the
world and his wife to take up residence. Messed up the education system since
aboltion of most grammars. Even the deer think that grazing on the grassy
areas of an estate built to house bombed out East enders, is better than
farming monoculture. The power of swivel eyed loons to ‘make a difference’ in
a short time scale is awsome. Perhaps we had better found a swivel eyed loon
party into office, they might do better. The SELP!!!!!
May 19, 2013 at 08:49
The non swivel eyed loons have wrecked the country democratically ,
financially ,culturally and continue so to do . But hey, let us not let the
facts get in the way of the “sensible” troglodyte ,ignorant opinions, which
are so depressing to read . . My eyes have never swivelled ,even so I shall
vote UKIP .
May 19, 2013 at 12:16
@ I shall vote UKIP @
June 2014 could be a date to remember, if the SELP can last that long……..
Or perhaps even sooner………
May 18, 2013 at 23:47
Been watching the news bulletins since this popped up. Isn’t is hilarious
that when a potentially honest politician’s views surface, the rest of them
immediately pitch in to deny that such a person exists?
May 19, 2013 at 02:27
I was thinking the exact same thing earlier too. What a whacky world we
live in.
May 18, 2013 at 22:23
Many of the swivel-eyed loons seem to be talking to one another at the
“Freedom of Information” fun-space…..
“Roger Phillips made this Freedom of Information request to Wiltshire
Police Authority”
Dear Wiltshire Police Authority,
I have recently been following the high
profile case involving the former BBC star Jimmy Savile and have read several
articles on the internet implicating former prime minister Edward Heath as
having been involved in the abuse of young boys and having been supplied the
victims by Savile. Could you please tell me what action if any you intend
taking in this matter?
Yours faithfully,
Roger Phillips
Dear Mr Phillips
Thank you for your enquiry. I have passed this request
to the Force Disclosure Unit as they are better placed to answer this
Laura Nutland
Wiltshire Police Authority
Dear Mr Phillips,
Apologies for not getting back to you sooner, however
I was just about to respond stating that your request, in its current state,
is not compliant with Section 8 of the Act 2000 as it does not ask for
recorded information. I do however notice that the MPS has already got back to
you on this point (via the what do they know website) and therefore, if I may,
will take your response to them as the actual request. Once I have received
confirmation I should be able to deal with your request quite
Chris Harwood
Force Disclosure Decision Maker
Dear Harwood, Christopher,
I have submitted a freedom of information
request and you have
failed to reply within the legal time frame. Could you
supply me with the information I have requested.
Roger Phillips
Dear Mr Phillips,
As stated in my e-mail to you yesterday, rather than
refuse your request, as it is not compliant with s8 of the Act, could you
please re-word as suggested below? Once I received your clarification I will
respond accordingly.
Thank you
Chris Harwood
Force Disclosure
Decision Maker
“The request was partially successful.”
Twitter would have the advantage that, “Fuck off you nutter
#swiveleyedloons” fits well within the 140 character limit……..
May 18, 2013 at 21:45
A brilliant post. I think we should re-introduce swords and duelling for
May 18, 2013 at 22:11
Lots of volunteers to take on David Blunkett then.
May 18, 2013 at 16:38
an altogether better response to overbearing authoritory (sic)…..even
including a suitable twist and shout reference at the end
May 18, 2013 at 16:28
I seem to recall something about Ancient Greece – anyone could stand in the
assembly, and propose a new Law.- but you did so with a rope around your neck.
If it failed the vote – you really lost
NOW we can do better – and
fearlessly propose a Law to have retrospective executions of the already
May 18, 2013 at 22:15
Leading candidate for retrospective post-mortem execution ………
Step forward (with assistance), Edward Heath, to be executed for Treason
(amongst other crimes, as yet undisclosed).
May 18, 2013 at 14:06
It sounds as if it is time for a great repeal bill to remove the last
20,000 laws, statutes etc. that parliament has passed.
May 18, 2013 at 15:05
The odd thing is that the swivel eyed loons in charge really don’t see
Trees are being sacrificed for bureaucracy at a rate even higher than
under the last lot.
We’re still infested with time and money wasting
Planning rules are changed in the hope of getting building sites
going; meanwhile my area already has enough permissions granted but not
exercised to boost our housing stock by nearly 15%. And still more
applications to eat up green spaces are flooding in. Maybe GO knows
something the Spaniards didn’t.
Perhaps DC’s derided gay marriage plan
was just one pivotal step in a great master plan for the future of
Like the fabled flap of a butterfly’s wing thousands of miles
May 18, 2013 at 13:39
Growth of the lunatic fringe in UK politics- a laugh on all of us I
May 18, 2013 at 13:47
But they closed the asylums long ago- so now we cannot put them anywhere
out of harms way either.
May 18, 2013 at 15:17
There’s more than one asylum still open. There’s one in Westminster,
one in Cardiff, one in Edinburgh, a large one in Brussels, one in
May 18, 2013 at 15:38
The only asylums where rampant mischief is the prevalent order of the
May 19, 2013 at 04:27
They are not asylums or the inmates would not be set free to annoy
the general populace.
The institutions you point out are more akin to kindergarten, the
members attend but a few hours each day because their attention wanders
after a couple of hours, further they only attend approx 100 days a year
so that the work is not too taxing. A good kindergarten would succeed in
socialising the attendees, we must therefore conclude it is a massive
failure and minkin or whatever oversight quango is responsible should
shutter them for the benefit of all. Belgium worked quite well without
government for half-a-year. Allowing booze and smoking on the premises
is an obvious problem for such impressionable minds.