An important advance in Child Protection.

Whilst we were all busy reading the West Yorkshire Police Inquiry Report this morning, which having earnestly reported that it was keen to ‘separate myth and rumour from fact’ went on to tell us (amidst gasps of amazement) that Savile ‘had duped millions’ of us into believing ‘that he was a genuine celebrity’. (He wasn’t? Can we have a refund on our licence fee now then, now then? All those fabulous wages paid to him on the grounds that he was a genuine celebrity! Fraud!) something important was quietly rustling in the undergrowth.
Hidden away in a part of the BBC web site that most of us probably rarely visit, someone was concerned, not with the alleged misdeeds of long dead celebrity, but the with real sex abuse occurring right here and now, and about which something could and would be done.
No! Don’t be daft, it wasn’t Mark Williams-Thomas, nor the NSPCC – they are far too busy chasing headlines, donations and possible documentaries.
The Islamic Society of Britain, and the ‘Hope not Hate’ campaigning organisation, have teamed up to form the ‘Community Alliance Against Sexual Exploitation’ (CAASE) with the aim of mobilising campaigns against the grooming of under-age vulnerable girls, producing training material for faith leaders and creating local groups to work on tackling street grooming in areas where it is a problem.
What is of particular interest here, she says, picking her words carefully, IF the various articles that have been written are truthful, is that the under-age girls who need protecting from this activity are NOT from the same community that is organising something to help protect them. It is as though the Cat Protection League had offered to make sure every Dickey-bird got home safely, for it is alleged that this problem stems from young Muslim men who treat young white girls as ‘easy meat’.
You might expect that the Muslim community would react with outrage at the idea that their young men are at fault.
You might expect that the white working class communities, from where these young girls are believed to originate, would have organised something themselves to protect their daughters and sisters.
You might expect that the multitude of organisations that claim to exist in order to further child protection might be busy organising something, making documentaries, tweeting merrily into the night, (and sending their followers pretty pictures of fluffy cats when it all became too upsetting to think about).
You would be wrong on all counts.
It is a coalition of Muslim organisations that has stepped into the breach to do something practical about the young white girls out alone late at night and susceptible to grooming and abuse. The coalition, which is being formally launched at the Manningham Mills Community Centre on Friday, also has backing from the Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Youth Helpline, Christian Muslim Forum, City Sikhs and the Church of England.
Pretty stunning news would you not say? Obviously not stunning enough for the main stream media…
I am seriously impressed, and humbled. Thank God (and Allah) that someone is going to do something for those girls. It’s about time that we saw something resembling child protection in the UK.
May 11, 2013 at 09:21
@Ted Treen A cynic is but a realist with experience!
May 11, 2013 at 13:00
Sorry for the double post, but I seem to have been directed through an
arbitrary password protection system earlier and thought this post had not
registered. Very odd!
May 11, 2013 at 23:55
Thank you, my friend. I hadn’t heard it put like that before. And this
jaded 63 hr-old cynic will use it in future when being verbally browbeaten
by colleagues under 35 who are still swamped with youthful ideals and
student-union politics.
Nothing wrong with ideals, of course, until you realise that the
establishment only ever permits the implementation and coming to fruition of
their own ideals.
And that realisation is brought about through experience…
May 11, 2013 at 08:51
It already seems to be happening in parts of East London, where young women
are being stopped by Muslim representatives and lectured on their style of
dress (too short, too revealing), that they are out too late (after 10:30),
and they have imbibed alcohol.
This happened to a couple of young colleagues of mine (18 and 20 year olds)
on a night out in Whitechapel, stopped by three men in their mid 40s. They
were ordered to go home. When asked about the authority under which they were
acting, they were told that “this is a sharia law area”.
So although some may be benignly motivated, and sincere in their wish to
“help” these young girls, not all are. We may be seeing a subtle campaign of
“shariaisation” of parts of the UK, alnongside a form of blame the vistim – ie
that it is the victims behaviour which needs to be modified and restricted,
rather than that of the offender.
Heaven forbid that members of their own community be censured for grooming
and pimping young girls.
May 11, 2013 at 05:34
Just what we need – a Muslim organisation which will be given access to and
therefore further influence (directly as opposed to through their paid for
schills or their tame naive idiots) any investigation. Oh I’m sure it will be
portrayed differently but ‘mission creep’ and ‘keeping the multi-ethnic
population happy’ virtually guarantees any such organisation ‘will’ cause an
even further drop in those crimes that come to light..
Who actually believes that anything other than a manipulation of the,
vanishingly rare, process of investigating, arresting and sentencing these
Muslim gangs will occur? I wonder how happy a girl, a victim of these
‘people’, will be for her every detail, influence over how the crime is
investigated, and access to her be given to this sort of organisation? Not
very, I suspect.
“It is as though the Cat Protection League had offered to make sure every
Dickey-bird got home safely”
Indeed! I wonder how many Birds will actually make it. And I suspect the
MSM is less interested precisely because most non-Muslim Britains would view
it in just this way – so, keeping it quiet is a good idea from their point of
view, is it not?
May 11, 2013 at 01:48
I have come to the conclusion that all this attacking and arresting dead or
elderly ex celebrities is purely to distract the utter failure of the police
to even investigate these allegations at the time. What is worse the rape and
sale of vulnerable young white girls or the groping of teens decades ago? just
when did our country seem to prefer every nationality and religion to our own?
I have never met any normal people who think like that.
May 10, 2013 at 20:43
Once the Europe/Immigration/Gay Marriage set was finally let out of the bag
by UKIP, Cameron suddenly felt the need to launch public statements to quell
the issues and assure everyone he understands, has got the message and can be
trusted to sort it all out.
Once the widespread white-teen grooming issue was finally let out of the
bag, the Islamic ‘establishment’ suddenly felt the need to launch public
statements to quell the issue and assure everyone it understands, has got the
message and can be trusted to sort it all out.
Spooky !
May 10, 2013 at 23:13
Cynical:- but as I have often said,” Cynicism is realism”
May 11, 2013 at 12:58
A cynic is just a realist with experience. (Especially in the UK).
May 10, 2013 at 19:54
Easy to be cynical and expect nothing but the worst.
Not helped by busy
lives and prejudices.
As we get older and more in to volunteering and
helping just because we can, it is warming to see how many people there are
doing things that make a difference in so many ways. It’s almost like a
network of secret societies keeping our communities ticking over behind the
This sounds like some good people with pride in their faith and
community and good luck to them.
May 10, 2013 at 19:50
There are several points to be made about the spate of paedophile gang
trials (and subsequent convictions):
1) There does not appear to be a unified collection of these
trials/investigations on any one site. Using the huge range of OSINT it ought
to be fairly easy to create a mapped intel and archive site along the lines of
a site that used to exist that mapped London gangs.
2) It’s noteworthy where there haven’t been
convictions/trials/investigations (that we know of) so far. Given that the
modi operandi of the perps is strikingly similar, as far as I can see, in each
of the major trials. Takeaways and other businesses have featured heavily in
the scenes of crime; in every case so far, as far as I know, at least one set
of male family members (brothers/cousins/uncle/nephew) have been convicted;
perps, as well as being notionally Muslim, have tended to be of Pakistani
heritage (and, judging by the names, mostly Kashmiri – Pakistani-administered
Kashmir was and continues to be a prime source of immigration to the UK);
victims have been groomed in locations/towns/cities close to or inside areas
with large ‘Muslim’ (for want of a better catch-all term) communities; much
has been made of the transport of victims to other towns/cities for further
sexual abuse. My question would be why such an irregular series of arrests has
been made affecting geographically non-contiguous areas.
I would posit that given the other towns/cities (Bradford anyone? Dare I
say London, Luton, Leicester, Slough, Wakefield, Blackburn, Bolton etc.) with
sizeable Muslim (and not just Pakistani Muslim) populations, it would be
unusual if this sort of crime hadn’t been perpetrated in just about all of
3) Not just Pakistani and Pakistani heritage Muslims are involved in these
paedophile gangs. A case recently in Ipswich, involving a girl trafficked from
London, featured Sylheti Bengalis (who have a longstanding presence there) and
Somalis (Sylheti Bengalis and Somalis often rub shoulders in parts of East
London). I believe the young lady who likely ended part of a kebab in
Blackpool was murdered by a Jordanian? Regardless, there are other
nationalities/ethnicities involved.
4) Islam, although it provides the mood music, is not a direct contributory
factor in any of these cases. That’s too simplistic. This has nothing to do
with canonical hadith or Koranic scripture authorising the taking of
concubines/booty or some such influencing the decisions of these men. The
cultural milieu in which emigres and those of Muslim heritage grow up in is
the determining factor. Of course, Islam’s precepts and scripture play a large
part in the rearing of these men and the culture they grow up in, but there is
no scripture or fatwa that directly authorises these men to behave this way.
Instead, I would suggest what is probably the single most important doctrine
influencing social cohesion in England today (given the large proportion of
Muslims that make up minority communities): the orthodox prohibition of
non-Muslim men from marrying Muslim women. Pakistani, and particularly,
Bangladeshi inter-marriage with the indigenous population is negligible. This,
together with endogamous marriage, particularly between cousins, endemic
misogyny, clan-based social dynamics and an extreme ethnic and cultural
particularism that manifests itself as Anglo-, Christiano- and Judeophobia,
encourages the dehumanisation of members of other ethnic groups, and
specifically non-Muslims.
5) The MSM and political class have been reluctant to join the dots and
label these crimes as motivated by hate or prejudice, which they obviously
are. Secondly, in keeping with the dominant ideology of
culture/behaviour-specific non-judgementalism, few questions have been raised
about the lifestyles of the victims, other than to note in passing that
they’ve led ‘troubled lives’.
6) This initiative, involving the unreliable and inconsistent leftists of
Hope Not Hate, is truly awful. Just as acts of Islamic terrorism have
indirectly mainstreamed the dubious term Islamophobia and ushered in the
compulsory Islamic Awareness Week and daw’ah stalls at events across the
country, criminal acts perpetrated by Muslims and largely influenced by the
perpetrators attitude towards [non-Muslim] women are to be discouraged with
the ‘aid’ of more Islam. This will enable, just as Prevent continues to
provide a secure source of funding, Islamic organisations and individuals to
avail themselves of government kudos and taxpayer funding for further
propagation and missionary work.
May 10, 2013 at 19:47
I’m happy to say that this topic was reported, and in some depth, on the
BBC Radio 4 Six O’Clock News. Good to know that they’re popping into the
Raccoon Arms, even if only to pinch stories….
May 10, 2013 at 16:54
I’m struggling to build up much enthusiasm, but then I’ve no plans to go to
Rochdale myself.
Lowles seems to BE “Hope not Hate”, rather than just a director of
Also ex-Editor of
His departure
seems to have created a schism.
“Until autumn 2011 Searchlight worked alongside the Hope Not Hate campaign
to help bring about the defeat of almost all the British National Party’s
local councillors…………….. Since early 2011 Searchlight has worked with
academics at the Radicalism and New Media Group at Northampton University who
provide an academic input to Searchlight magazine. In conjunction with them
Searchlight published, which examines the fascists’ widespread
use of the internet and social networks.”
May 10, 2013 at 16:36
Note that God *is* Allah. That is, Allah is simply Arabic for God, and the
Christian God is also called Allah in the language.
May 10, 2013 at 16:11
At last something pro active and preventative. I’m just sick of the all
teeth, no bite comments from the money grabbing chattering classes who have
plenty to say but do nothing. MWT seems to have a talent for closing the
stable door long after the horse has bolted, one could even say long after the
horse has become burger meat. While the police are playing all our
yesterday’s. What about the here and now? Weighing the pig doesn’t make it
fatter and actions do speak louder than the crap I feel I see all over the
press each day.
I hope this venture succeeds.
Hey just an ask. Off to
see my boy play his first gig in London tonight. ‘The Clock’, a rock band can
be checked out on sound cloud. I’m sooooo proud of me boy give him a listen
please. Ta very much!
May 10, 2013 at 16:22
There’s more than one o’ ‘The Clock’. Are we looking for the Glasgow or
Yately time zones?
Whichever, hope it’s fun. Remember to behave, and above all not get to
groped by an eighty year old
May 10, 2013 at 16:28
Please please please let it be the Yately one. Their tracks include, I
kid you not:
‘Kissing Monsters’, ‘It Sticks’ and ‘The Time Police Are After Me’
May 10, 2013 at 23:04
Yateley!! Great gig.
May 10, 2013 at 23:05
My boy wrote all of the songs, played every instrument, and sang. So
he got a band together and I hope their on roll.
May 10, 2013 at 23:13
Ha, ha. I was in the business 40 years ago, the only guys who groped me
were the punters, who always got a swift kick up the bollocks, it was
effective and dealt with at the time. I never had a problem with the male
entertainers, some of whom have been arrested, and I worked with these
guys on a regular basis. Nearly all of them would leave the venue as soon
as they came off stage, literally, straight into the car. This is why I am
so shocked about it all.
May 13, 2013 at 11:39
Agree with Charlotte. I once worked with a now old TV star on a show
and I agree he didn’t hang around afterwards. He got his money, changed
out of his suit in record time and was gone within two minutes of waving
goodbye to the audience.
The man just wanted to get home as soon as possible and probably
wasn’t the least interested in eager fans, so I would be surprised if he
was ever named in all this Yewtreery.
May 10, 2013 at 15:25
Seems at least to have been picked up on Huffington Post here:
May 10, 2013 at 14:45
Got a link to the BBC site page?
May 10, 2013 at 14:38
“It is a coalition of Muslim organisations that has stepped into the breach
to do something practical about the young white girls out alone late at night
and susceptible to grooming and abuse. The coalition, which is being formally
launched at the Manningham Mills Community Centre on Friday, also has backing
from the Muslim Council of Britain, Muslim Youth Helpline, Christian Muslim
Forum, City Sikhs and the Church of England.” – strictly speaking, then, it’s
a multi-faith initiative, but all kudos to the Muslim organisations for taking
Now, in whose interests is it that the MSM should keep this under