The Family Liaison Officer.
I chanced upon a remark in my recent reading that struck me as so callous, so utterly devoid of empathy, that I stopped short. Who had made this remark? A Family Liaison Officer!
As is my wont, I immediately started researching the qualities needed to be a Family Liaison Officer, and the training involved. The first surprise was the apparently scant attention to training given back in the early 2000s when this particular officer was trained. Even in 2006 a mere three days initially, of ‘team building’ and general communication skills, followed by another four days to ensure that all participants were fully aware of the requirements of the ACPO (2003) Family Liaison Strategy Manual.
It is universally acknowledged that the Family Liaison Officer’s role is one of the most sensitive within the Police Force – you are dealing, on a very intimate daily basis with people who have found themselves in the maelstrom of traumatic events, generally involving the unexplained loss of someone very dear to them. They are not only grieving, but may be the subject of unwanted media intrusion or worse, media speculation that they may have played some part in the events. As a policeman it is your duty to report any suspicions you may have of family members – you are still an investigating officer – but you are also there as a professional hand holder, to explain police procedures, to keep the family informed, even to deal with such mundane tasks as helping to cancel credit cards where appropriate, to make the tea if necessary and to have an ever ready supply of Kleenex.
As a human being, you must surely have empathy for the loss the family have suffered particularly where there is no question of suspicion of any member of the family, and to reassure them that the Police are doing everything possible to resolve the situation. That some officers do a magnificent juggling act with these demands is exemplified here. I would have thought that the very last thing you would do is publicly decry the efforts of the Police and say that there were ‘fundamental errors’ in the way the case was approached, ‘witnesses not approached’, ‘insufficient searching done’ nor that your force appeared to ‘not have a clue’. What could be more callous than to announce to the family that their missing loved one ‘could still be up there‘ – referring to the area where they disappeared?
Can you imagine if, God forbid, your daughter had gone missing, never to be found again, being told by the one Policeman you had been encouraged to trust and lean on in your time of need, that his force was effectively incompetent, and that your daughter might have been found? It must be heartbreaking. Sadly, to this day, the parents of Ruth Wilson still don’t know what happened to their daughter. She has never been found. However, and curiously, they don’t seem to share the view of this family liaison officer that the force was remiss in their approach to the search.
’Most police forces didn’t treat cases like this seriously and people like us had to do our own publicity. Surrey police were one of the most positive forces. They came out that very night with sniffer dogs and helicopters with heat-seeking equipment. But the phenomenon of missing youngsters wasn’t a big feature of life back then.’
But then the date of this Family Liaison Officer’s callous remarks are significant. 7 years after Ruth Wilson vanished one day, never to be seen again – and eighteen months after he left the force. He was seeking a new career, as celebrity investigator, the must-have talking head whenever there was a major crime. The man with an inexhaustible supply of ideas as to how to turn crime into entertainment…is that why:
‘The refusal of the Wilsons to make themselves the centre of the story has certainly contributed to the lower profile of the case – later on they refused to appear on a game show where the audience would have been given the chance to vote for the next course of action taken by the family in the search for their daughter.’
I have no idea, in fact I cannot begin to think who on earth could have imagined, that taking the misery of one benighted family and turning it into a game show was the way to help them. The mind boggles.
This particular family liaison officer was, of course, Mark Williams-Thomas, who now sees himself as the celebrity policeman du jour; you can go to him if you don’t feel able to or want to, go to our national police force. He has a long line of criticisms of various police forces and their ‘not a clue’ attitude to policing. Now independent, Mark can be particularly vocal about current issues…
Mr Williams-Thomas, who acted as the Wilson family’s liaison officer, wrote an internal report criticising the methods used by the force to try to locate 16-year-old Ruth.
“The report went to the superintendent, but it was never signed to indicate that it had been seen. I got no actual response at all, other than the report being handed back to me. To the best of my knowledge, no action was taken.”
Not just Police forces, foreign and home grown, he criticises anyone who dares to comment on where his methods are taking our long established legal system. He demands their censure.
What has sparked his censure of this respected barrister?
She has long been pointing out the dangers present in our Family courts which have adopted a ‘therapeutic jurisprudence’ approach, resulting in the restriction of the right to due process, the right to be presumed innocent until proved guilty, the right to be tried in public, the right to confront one’s accusers, and the right to ‘equality of arms’ (that is, not to be tried under significantly less advantageous conditions that those enjoyed by one’s opponent). Other protections, such as restrictions on the use of hearsay evidence, the right to consult the expert of one’s choice, and even the right to communicate in confidence with one’s lawyers or one’s MP, have been placed in second place to the sense that ‘neutral professionals’ were working in the best interests of the child and should not be hampered by outdated technicalities.
Those who have seen their families rent asunder, new born babies snatched from their Mother’s arms following allegations by those ‘neutral professionals’ made in secret courts, or seen loved ones secretly deprived of their liberty by the Court of Protection, have long hailed her a heroine. She is an expert in the field. Yesterday she penned a cogent and well argued article pointing out that this therapeutic jurisprudence was being applied to the field of historic sex abuse. She criticised the methods that those involved with the current Yewtree investigation – which of course includes Mark Williams-Thomas, are using. She pointed out the inherent dangers to our legal system.
Within hours the Press Officer for the NSPCC was demanding that her article be either reworded or removed. They threatened to ‘approach news desks’ (what with, we know not!). Other commenters were more graphic, calling for her ‘to be raped’ and ‘hunted into obscurity’. It is heretical to call into question the methods by which the modern moral crusaders attempt to define abuse. Williams-Thomas himself called for her professional body to intervene – because she called for debate on where this new mode of justice is taking us?
I am reminded for some reason of Henry VIII. He was hugely critical of the Catholic church when they refused to reform themselves in line with his demands. He became hysterical with those who criticised him, denouncing them as heretics, demanding their heads roll, or sacking their homes and churches, as he rebuilt a ‘new’ church of which he was head, that developed new beliefs and rules and regulations.
However, it would be unfair to draw a comparison between the majestic figure of Henry VIII and Williams-Thomas; after all, he was but a pathological egotist whose only interest was in having his own way, achieving his own ends. He had no empathy with those whose lives he ruined along the way.
May 18, 2013 at 23:28
Looks like there’s some liason going on down-under………….
I love the one comment on the video so far:
“she looks like a drug
addicted hooker”
May 19, 2013 at 00:44
@Moor Larkin
Good god. Couldn’t they have at least got a heads up from
the Aussie police or skyped her or something before forking out for that
trip !
May 19, 2013 at 09:23
@Moor/Mina – She didn’t report it at the time bse she thought ‘no one
would believe her’ – well, guess what ? I don’t and I think the comment is
spot on there Moor. BTW did you notice how the Aussie presenter issued the
disclaimer about no payment being made ! The cops are doing nicely out of
this, trips to Aussie and so on. How come the NSPCC helpline trainee
cleaner didn’t just ring her ?
May 19, 2013 at 09:58
Checking out the coppers in the footage, the shiny domed heads made
me think for a second it was Spindler himself….
David Icke probably knows all about where they come from….
19, 2013 at 10:23
Ha – but you know what Moor ? – I get some good heads up from the
Ickies about obscure articles there’s so many of them looking, they
don’t realise that they are actually helping us (sometimes) !!
19, 2013 at 10:39
PS – Rolf is back on stage –
May 16, 2013 at 09:05
I see that Sir Jimmy’s friends have been offered counselling – but some
have a problem with this – help us out here good folks send your comments to
Jimmy’s local paper …… I have here’s mine :
9:00 AM on 16/05/2013
Two police forces have now admitted that they have not fully investigated
the allegations made against Sir Jimmy Savile. No court of law would find this
man guilty on the ‘evidence’ produced so far. West Yorkshire Police found no
proof of any criminal behaviour only unsubstantiated ‘gossip’ and ‘rumours’.
Surely a man who gave so much to so many deserves better than this ! Please
read Appendix 12 of the Pollard Report if you want to know how this thing
started. I send my very best wishes to the people who have stuck by Sir Jimmy.
A growing number of people are questioning the matter and sooner or later the
truth will come out. In the meantime, anyone suffering genuine distress
deserves all the help and support they can get.
The above from
May 16, 2013 at 11:08
It’s noticeable that the BBC are now ratcheting up the
pressure on the various Hospitals conducting their Inquiries just now.
Difficult to see any of them daring to step out of line.
“Twenty-nine of Jimmy Savile’s victims in West Yorkshire were abused in
the county’s hospitals, figures show. The new information follows last
week’s publication of a West Yorkshire Police report into its dealings with
the former BBC entertainer.”
There seems a developing strategy in the police reports to express it in
this sort of way:
“Savile is guilty but nobody told us at the time”
I imagine the hospitals will all take the same approach.
May 16, 2013 at 11:33
@Moor – well THEY would wouldn’t they – the faceless administrators and
so what ? The moor idiotic, nonsensical shit they produce the easier it
will be to tear apart at a later date. Shame, that it’s wasting all our
hard earned tho’ is it not ?? Money, money, money
May 15, 2013 at 17:12
West Yorkshire police have released a further statement (see below). It
mentions the fact that some of those interviewed had NOT provided their date
of birth (kinda important bit of info that !). They also provide further on
the 5 year old saying that a 5 and 45 year old were assaulted at High Royds
Psychiatric Hospital. The Ilkley Gazette describes only one ‘attack’ here –
can this mean that the 5 yr old was with the 45 yr old and he attacked them
both !!! How likely is that ? Give me strength here guys and gals !!!
May 14, 2013 at 15:32
However, poor Bill Roach has no such luck …..
May 14, 2013 at 15:24
I see that the investigation into ‘Uncle Ted’ Beston – Jimmy’s producer has
been dropped ‘insufficient evidence to proceed’ HURRAH !
May 14,
2013 at 15:32
I read an unrelated comment on Facebook yesterday in which someone
observed that historically those that start witch-hunts usually have the
experience of having the witch-hunt turn on them. We can but hope. This is
good news, along with the admission by the Yorkshire plods that they got
nuthin’ too. All the bleating by Frances Jennings isn’t going to change the
fact that there never was anything, and the plods and the MSM have been
chasing a chimera, created by a bunch of “emotionally disturbed” women (this
is their own description of themselves, so don’t call your lawyers,
May 14, 2013 at 15:44
@Mewsical – ‘Carl’ on Moor’s blog just told us that an interview ‘tween
Radio 4 and one of Jimmy Savile’s beneficiaries was ‘pulled’ because the
interviewer got ‘aggressive’. There is NO media coverage of the fact that
these brave soul/s are defending the claims made against Jimmy in Court.
We can still be hopeful though, I think that, sooner or later, those to
blame for this farce will get what they deserve.
May 14, 2013 at 16:41
As I pointed out before, in the 70′s the Yorkshire plods were much more
concerned about the Yorkshire Ripper than Savile starting in 1975. On 5
February 1977 Sutcliffe attacked the first victim Irene Richardson, a
Chapeltown prostitute, in Roundhay Park. Savile’s penthouse apartment
overlooked Roundhay Park.
May 13, 2013 at 15:52
Yes ….. and the next article I came to advised us of his ‘sudden’
retirement !
May 13, 2013 at 15:37
Blimey – did he really say that …….
Back in 2006, Terry Grange, the Association Of Chief Police Officers’
spokesman on child protection, said having sex with children should not be
classed as paedophilia if the child was aged between 13 and 15.
Three years later, Professor John Spencer, a law fellow at Selwyn College,
Cambridge, argued on BBC radio that the age of consent should be reduced to
Read more:
us: @MailOnline on Twitter DailyMail on Facebook
Interesting read from THE DM yesterday – I missed it
May 13, 2013 at 12:16
I changed the wording of my comment – you know how easily offended some
people are and I don’t want this removed ……
3 days
Jack, do you think that the accused should be kept out of the Media
unless a Judge authorises it?
Jack Rivlin
3 days ago
Yes, I think so.
22 minutes ago
If you agree that the accused must be afforded protection then perhaps you
should write an article condemning the expose on the late Sir Jimmy Savile.
His ‘name’ was released destroying his good name in the eye’s of some. I trust
that your sense of fair mindedness extends itself to the dead who are not in a
position to defend themselves
May 13, 2013 at 09:34
Lucozade/Moor ….. I like the first and only comment …
5:24 PM on 12/5/2013
When this all started it was said it was not about money. BS it was always
about money, why do you think they waited until he died no need to defend
Check out all the latest News, Sport & Celeb gossip at
us: @DailyMirror on Twitter DailyMirror on Facebook
May 13, 2013 at 09:18
So the boys lost at the shafta’s … shame
BTW in case anyone doesn’t know
this you can bypass the telegraph paywall by removing their cookies ….simples
….Big Smiley all
May 12, 2013 at 12:14
What Would You Do?
What would you do?
Sunday Times article today discusses the Estate of SJS and says that the
Beneficiaries (including two family members) are wanting to fight in Court
against the claims that have been made. Alan Collins of Pannone wants an Out
of Court Settlement. Its seems the BBC want to settle out of court also to
“save the victims further distress”.
Would you risk the wrath of the nation/press by going to Court to out any
Liars OR would you settle out of court knowing there would be some liars
getting a nice fat cheque but at least you would not suffer the awful backlash
of “making victims suffer more”
I would hate to have make this choice – if any are reading this, maybe we
could give some advice?
May 12, 2013 at 12:55
Re: “What would you do?”
There are obviously a lot of liars involved here, perhaps the only way
they will be outed is by going to court. They can’t let the newspapers and
their stupid readers dictate their actions, especially when they are so ill
informed, and Alan Collins from Pannone’s opinion is not worth a jot.
I think anyone wanting a payout should be made to justify why they
deserve a payout and to just settle ‘out of court’ makes him look guilty,
when these accusations haven’t even been investigated and he has had no
The media and Alan Collins are using their power and influence and lies
to ‘shame’ everyone into towing the line and not question this farce, taking
those seeking a piece of his estate to court could be the chance to expose
it for what it is – just giving payouts no questions asked could be another
nail in the coffin.
This is just my opinion, personally, if I was in this position I want to
fight, but I suppose it’s whatever they think feels best for them that
May 12, 2013 at 13:06
They absolutely should defend the claims, yes.
As for the BBC – it
too should be defending the claims. As far as I know the BBC has not been
able to find any corroboration whatsoever of the allegations regarding its
premises or its knowledge.
May 12, 2013 at 13:21
I saw the other day that Lord Patten already said that the BBC would
pay out to Hall “victims.”
I find it unbelievable that every “victim” of Savile has not made a
sworn statement under oath to the investigating officers. No, I believe
it, but it is disgraceful.
In the case of Stuart Hall the prosecutors said:
We prosecuted Stuart Hall because the evidence of the victims
clearly established a pattern of behaviour that was unlawful and for
which no innocent explanation could be offered.
His victims did not know each other and almost two decades separated
the first and last assaults but almost all of the victims, including one
who was only nine at the time of the assault, provided strikingly
similar accounts.
However, there does not seem to me to be any similarity at all in the
account of the nine year old, from what we know of it.
May 12, 2013 at 13:37
Oops, I missed out the final part of the prosecutor’s quote”
Whether in public or private, Hall would first approach under
friendly pretences and then bide his time until the victim was
isolated. He can only be described as an opportunistic
In the case of the nine-year-old there is some reason to think that
the brother was in the room. If that was the case then he did not
isolate his victim and so the incident did not match the alleged
pattern of behaviour. Perhaps it is all too easy to perceive patterns
where there are none.
May 12, 2013 at 14:05
Jonathan Mason,
Re: “Perhaps it is all to easy to perceive patterns where there are
Exactly, there are only so many ways to ‘sexually abuse’ someone,
or approach someone and most of the accusations came out AFTER the
accusations of forcing a kiss on a 13 year old, touching the boob of a
17 year old and touching a 9 year old inappropriately were reported in
the press. And who knows where they came from?
I wonder if you were to describe how you met your wife and Anna
were to decribe how she met her husband, and pretend you are both
taking about the *same* person, would some believe they could perceive
a ‘pattern’?
Also, i’m starting to agree more and more with what Barbara Hewson
said, though perhaps she could have been a little less blunt….
May 12, 2013 at 13:21
Re: “It seems the BBC want to settle out of court also to ‘save the
victims further distress”
I’m sure what the BBC are really concerned about is their public image,
keeping themselves out the firing line and saving money. This “save
‘victims’ (when the ‘victims’ are by no means proven) further distress” is
being used by the creators of this “scandal” and the solicitors as emotional
blackmail and to manipulate, if no one stands up to them now they will get
away with it again and again.
I think when it starts to become apparent that some of Jimmy Savile’s
family are fighting the claims the perception of some of the public, the
ones that matter, will start to change. At the moment it’s being treated
like it’s a done deal, he’s guilty, end of. That’s how the police and the
media have aimed to present it and people just assume it’s true, but none of
these accusations have actually been checked out have they?
At the moment some are probably thinking, oh well if even his own family
believe it, that’s that, probably guilty, if they fight it, that’ll show
they don’t infact believe it, and help show that a lot of what they’d
previously been led to believe wasn’t quite true.
If they’ve got the money I think they should fight, there are loads of
liars involved here – those people don’t deserve a penny….
May 12, 2013 at 13:59
@Lucozade – One problem is that the fact that the family/friends of JS
are going to court is NOT being published in the MSM. The only mainstream
to mention this so far is THE Sunday Times but the full article is pay to
view so even hardened pro Jimmy’s like myself won’t pay so why should your
average browser ! Let’s see if it’s reported next week ! Big smiley !
May 12, 2013 at 13:23
May 12, 2013 at 12:13
I’m not sure if anyone has picked up on this before but I was not aware
that the NSPCC themselves were conducting interviews with SJS’s so called
‘victims’. I wanted to check what GVAV actually said about investigating or
rather NOT investigating the claims made and this is what I found …
FROM Giving victims a voice
1.9 Not all the victims who have come forward have been interviewed by
police. However the patterns and similarities of the offences and behaviours
that have come to light so far have given police and NSPCC staff an informed
view that most people have provided compelling accounts of what happened to
them. It should be recognised that others will also have experienced abuse but
have chosen not to speak out.
1.10 We therefore consider it pragmatic to
present this report in as factual a way as possible given that the information
ided has not been corroborated. Further investigation seeking
corroboration of individual allegations, the majority dating back
years, is considered disproportionate when there is no prospect of criminal
So, they will not seek ‘corroboration’ ……..I’m just ruminating is all …..
May 11, 2013 at 14:50
Well done Moor Larkin for picking up on the fact that the media continues
to report that Katrina Rose was assaulted by JS in his ‘Belgravia flat’ We
know that Jim had a flat in Regents Park but – Belgravia – I think not. Fair
enough that the scumbag tabloids make this error BUT A SOLICITORS office my
word …!
NOTE Pannone’s were touting for business before Exposure even aired …….
May 11, 2013 at 15:54
Re Pannone, touting for business. I suggest you do a bit of reading re
Alan Collins, solicitor currently at Pannone. Google ACAL (association of
child abuse lawyers) and you will have a moment of deja vu as you recognise
the ‘’ (or similar) that popped up in one of Moor Larkin’s
May 11, 2013 at 19:40
@Mina Field – I kinda feel like abusing some lawyers myself …….Smiley
Face !
May 11, 2013 at 19:16
@ Well done Moor Larkin for picking up on the fact that the media
continues to report that Katrina Rose was assaulted by JS in his ‘Belgravia
flat’ @
Ciao bella….
for my inner completist….
May 11, 2013 at 10:59
@Rocky Raccoon (no relation)
The thing about that – and the same
goes for the creepy Mr Collins from Pannone – is that the ‘distress caused by
WYP’s failure to acknowledge their own part in the ‘crimes’ compounds the
claimants’ suffering and increases the quantum of damages sought.
May 11, 2013 at 10:52
Help, what has happened to the blog and the comments procedure and
May 11, 2013 at 10:58
May 11, 2013 at 11:01
Mistlethrush Er, hopefully I’ve improved it, but it does seem to be
slower! I was hoping to sort out the complaints about comments appearing in
the wrong order…..
May 11, 2013 at 11:06
Anna Raccoon Mistlethrush
Thanks Anna but thats not the
issue I’m having – it sounds as though this might be a problem related to
just my computer because I seem to be on a whole new format here.
The ‘recent comments’ list at the foot of the page no longer
operates, and the comments are in a linear list powered by something
called livefyre. Had to create an account. Might have to try
re-booting !
May 11, 2013 at 10:16
To add to that Parasite/Intellectual Fraud from Pannone – here is the icing
on the cake.
Who can be the “ex-offiicer(s)” ‘qualified’ to deal with
organising the Yewtree Witchburning?
You see, they hundreds of thousands of
reasons to pursue this venture – and as for the ‘entertainment industry’ it’s
clearly of wealth distrubution – what the BBC giveth, ITV taketh away.
we all knew anyway, this new industry is the personification of commercial
May 11, 2013 at 10:31
Christ Well done Christ ?? I was banging on about this yesterday.
Surely those involved in the making of a tv program urging ‘victims’
to come forward will be barred from receiving any monies ! I think a
certain ‘c’ word might be in mucho use should this NOT be the case.
Take your pick from the 2 ‘c’ words I’m thinking of, one is significantly
longer than the other ! Cheers Chris.
May 11, 2013 at 09:29
@Jonathan Mason …..’that berk’ who raised more than £40,000,000 for charity
had his own ‘way with words’, He was an entertainer and millions loved
him. How many lives did that voice save – ‘Clunk Click every trip’ !
May 11, 2013 at 06:22
BBC TV News has been carrying an interview with a victim from Duncroft
calling the West Yorkshire Police report a whitewash. The victim is
interviewed in silhouette with an actor’s voice but the report begins with a
photo of the victim plainly in view cosying up to Jimmy Savile at Duncroft in
the 1970′s. It was one of the photos that were on Friends ReUnited the photo,
it along with the female’s name has appeared in press interviews and can be
found online…rather odd. BBC online rather than state she wishes to be
annonymous states she cannot be named.
PS. Previously in the BBC Panorama programme the female’s face in the
Duncroft photo was ‘blobbed’ to make it obscure.
Pan down the page.
May 10, 2013 at 21:48
Where there’s muck – there’s – well – er – more muck …..
May 10, 2013 at 22:00
and brass
May 10, 2013 at 22:38
@Ho Hum – yes but this particular ‘brass’ is covered in the stuff. An
idea of formatting itself in my brain – I wonder WHO will gain as a result
of these ‘operations’ ? In due course someone will, I’m sure request
information as to what monies are paid to whom in terms of contracts to
provide child protection, and investigation ? I’m sure you all know where
I’m going with this ! I’ll just keep refreshing that companies house page
May 10, 2013 at 22:42
Lawyers adverts are always very informative
May 11, 2013 at 19:03
@ and brass @
No to mention “brass neck”…….
May 10, 2013 at 21:20
So – more ‘victims’ came forward after Yewtree was published. Op Newgreen
shows 76 ‘crimes against 68 people whilst yewtree shows 34 ‘crimes’ in the
West Yorks area. The ‘victims’ age rage has changed to include a 5 year old
(Yewtree starts at 8).
I wonder what will be made of the anonymous 1998 letter and the 1980′s
investigation that never was that has been referred to the IPCC for an
‘independent review’ ?
May 10, 2013 at 17:24
@Jo Blow – MWT leaking info – I’ll be careful here …… and just say
…..follow that thought to it’s natural conclusion ….
May 10, 2013 at 14:46
Thanks for this Anna. Read the original article – it is remarkable how….
ahem…. selective the press were in their coverage of this. I am always leery
of hysteria and Operation Yewtree is practically a dictionary definition. In
saying that, I’m not sure I agree with all of Ms Hewstons conclusions but I
bloody well think she has a right to express them and NOT be burned at the
Now going to keep up with ‘Spiked’ – looks like my kind of magazine!
May 10, 2013 at 14:15
Ironic that Mark William-Thomas makes claims about his involvement with the
Jonathon King case, brought about by info from Max Clifford for which Surrey
Police thanked him. A case on which MWT built his celeb status that led in
2013 to him to claiming he was working in close liason with Operation Yewtree,
providing names and info which have led to arrests including a well known
May 10, 2013 at 13:57
I’ve done my bit …..let’s see what happens here – the other side are
already out in force and the author of the article looks about 15 …….!!!
West Yorkshire Police today released their own report into what they knew
about the late Sir Jimmy Savile . Operation Newgreen found NO evidence that
SJS had commited any criminal acts whilst he was alive. That they now accept
that 76 ‘crimes’ happened on their patch, is more a question of peer pressure
than anything else as far as I am concerned. Before anyone comes back with
the, covering their own backs argument, you’ll be wasting your time with me. I
want proof of wrong doing before I condemn anyone.
Rabbitaway ……away ….away
May 10, 2013 at 13:39
Come on guy’s get commenting on this ……
May 10, 2013 at 13:00
There will be a massive problem created when the powers that be, finally
accept that they got it wrong. All that money and time they have wasted is
going to make the M.P’s expenses scandal look like pigeon feed in comparison.
How and what will bring this about, I don’t know, but we must not dismiss the
probability that this will happen. The ‘evidence’ for the ‘prosecution’ in the
case of JS is so tainted, no court would have convicted him – period. It’s
early days, but I honestly believe that this thing can be turned around. I
think that you will find that the thing that kicked started all this, will be
it’s undoing – MONEY !
May 10, 2013 at 17:07
I agree. And remember that if any claims are false then serious fraud is
being perpetuated against the taxpayer, BBC and Savile’s heirs.
May 10, 2013 at 17:14
@Jo Blow – careful now – Jim didn’t have any ‘heirs’ but we get your
meaning …
May 11, 2013 at 18:10
Try telling that to WYP………… they are not interested.
May 10, 2013 at 12:18
@Moor and Fat Steve – Marquis of Queensbury’s please …….. ; )
May 10, 2013 at 11:48
I actually got a Comment published on that Barbara Hewston article, and the
last time I looked I only had 20 Red Arrows. Not even in the top ten Worst
Rated. Must try harder next time.
Still can’t believe Mark Williams Thomas said that.
May 10, 2013 at 11:17
Looking thoughtfully at the last few posts, we are in a very spooky era
where sexual matters are concerned. We have a younger generation who can look
at extreme porn any old time they like on the internet. They can try some of
it out if they want….yuk! Some young ladies get so drunk in public that anyone
from 10 to 100 could interfere with them, and they would never know they have
been ‘got at’. Pop stars who have entertained young ladies at their hotels,
and not inspected the documentation first, re age, must surely be
pondering… next? The thought of this hunt for compensation going on for
years and years sickens me. Can there be an end to it? Knowing appetite for
money and salacious MSM articles is never ending. As soon as the It’s a
Knockout man plead guilty. Came the announcement that civil cases would be
started. Then indignation that his house had gone over to his wife recently,
as if she is guilty too. All this confirmed my suspicions that the money chain
is at the bottom of the whole business. The Saville affair has, so far,
produced so little, apart from wrecking his reputation. Maybe the accusations
of maligning the dead spurred ‘them’ on to the ‘other’ efforts that are
besmirching those still alive, with money pots to pick over.
Ms was brave
to put in the AOC lowering. The crackling of jerking knees, in response, is
not unexpected! Heretic, thumbscrews, set the bonfire. Strange that I thought
we had free speech. Those who set themselves up as destroyers…..maybe look at
Cromwell Henry V111(TV coming soon) hatchet man who followed his own victims,
eventually, to a gory end.
May 10, 2013 at 11:30
Well said Miss Mildred especially that last sentence !
May 10, 2013 at 10:59
I see that we are not being given the chance to comment on this in the MSM
so I tagged this into last weeks Telegraph piece
just now
West Yorkshire police have released their report – Operation Newgreen. They
found no evidence of any wrong doing on Sir Jimmy’s behalf whilst he was
alive. They have succumbed to peer pressure nothing more and nothing less, in
accepting that 67 ‘crimes’ were commited on their patch. A sad state of
affairs when one is tried and found guilty postumously. We should be afraid –
very afraid of where all this is heading.
May 10, 2013 at 11:31
Addendum – it was 76 ‘crimes not 67 – I have amended my comment on the
telegraph site
May 10, 2013 at 11:51
The truth is “Savile” represents three generations or more – it’s a fifty
year period of time that is being destroyed and demonised. Anyone old and
wise enough to know otherwise is to all intents and purposes ‘an abuser by
proxy’. All those little boys and girls once ‘tickled by Grandad’ were
‘sexually abused’ by ‘predatory paedophiles’, any relationship with an older
man means ‘groomed’ and ‘protecting innocence’ means graphic sex education
at Junior School.
What will we be left with? – well, those of you lucky
enough to be courting ‘old age’ can at least be assured you won’t be around
to see where this is really heading.
Minions who had go from sad or outraged to elated and clapping with the
click of a finger, barristers and paralegals who just tweet and ‘lolz’ with
the rest of the idiots, graduates who really believe working for free at the
end of a costly degree is what they worked towards, an entire generation who
still class themselves as the children they behave like in their mid-20s –
May 10, 2013 at 12:15
@Chris Barratt
And once they have convinced you that you can no longer trust
Then you must trust them…….. Whoever they are……….
is a good source: “The press should be not only a collective propagandist
and a collective agitator, but also a collective organizer of the
May 10, 2013 at 12:30
Ayn Rand created Ellsworth Toohey over 70 years ago – the MWT
May 10, 2013 at 12:35
Blimey, here’s another one from Vlad. I can see why he was so
lie told often enough becomes the truth.
May 10, 2013 at 16:52
Bloody hell, Vlad hit the nail on the head with virtually every one
of the quotes on that page – scary truths!
May 10, 2013 at 21:09
You are on the money Chris Barrett on both points you make —Savile does
represent a ‘truth’ that spans much of my life though quite what that
truth really is I am not so sure I know —–but I reckon its more than
amounts to the claim after he died that he was a perv.
But yea your
second point (I won’t link the two coz thats conspiracy theory stuff
—–about the likes of Savile providing a distraction while pockets are
picked) about coolie wages for the present generation of graduates is spot
on to my own certain knowledge be they Oxbridge, Red brick or Plate Glass.
I think you might find a answer why if you look at ‘The Third Way by
Andrew Giddens now Barron Giddens from whom Tony Blair borrowed much. At
some time in the late 80s /early 90s the idea of a globalised economy came
into existence —not much debate about it —the idea of cheap goods was a
major selling point —but actually it went a little further than that as we
perhaps belatedly come to realise—-globalisation of labour —–and
Blair/Giddens ideas was to ‘skill’ the English labour force to compete
globally —the Brits coming out near the top of the global food chain for
jobs —-you remember edooocation edooocation edooocation —-you might also
recollect the violent demonstartions at World Trade Organisation meetings
and how they were reported. Well things haven’t quite worked out as
planned it might seem because the global market isn’t panting to employ
the present generation of UK School and University leavers —-well not most
but yes a few who have international skills —now me I was never clever
enough to see the objectives or outcomes of global or national economic
policy —but I ‘felt’ there was a new model afoot —too late for an old
codger like me to respond personally and in any event I like picking my
nose and contemplating the universe —-but yea a few steps taken by me to
skill those I have responsibility for —fluency in a foreign language (no
that doesn’t mean English with a foreign accent), the social skills to
‘fit’ anwhere (don’t order egg and chips if one is abroad unless you are
on the fish and chip costas), an education that mirrored more what I
thought the a cultured foreigner might receive than a little Englander
(yea possibly a bit more than being ‘trained’ to do a job)’ —Moor Larkin
might quote that pessimistic little Englander at me ,Philip Larkin as he
has above at my efforts but I reckon thats all 1950s critique —well I am
sure he knows more than I ever will about Law, Economics, Savile ,
Parenting and much else beside and is probably well ahead of me in
predicting outcomes —but let me postulate —yea looks like a generation
betrayed—thats just one aspect but the real worry is political instability
—particularly it’s extent –should one see political instability? Well I
wonder, Immigration taking centre stage politically, withdrawal from the
EEC (wot can’t compete with all our skills?) the disaffection with main
stream political parties Europe wide. the rise of the right in the worst
economically hit countries such as Greece, Global Trade imbalances and a
currency system that doesn’t work save competitive devaluation is
implemented, a moribund banking system propped up with government
Well lets see eh? but I would feel a little more optimistic if I
thought there was a game plan —hey perhaps there is like globalisation?
every bit as good? –or is it rivers of blood time as Enoch Powell
predicted —-well probably neither —but as the old Jewish curse goes ‘May
you live in interesting times’ —-and Moor larkin as you say let history
judge the outcome of our children’s lives —but as with some other things I
am not sure I would agree love is all one needs —-that was Savile’s
message wasn’t it? accompanied by pop music if I recollect correctly
May 10, 2013 at 10:32
The more this crap goes on – the more evidence we find that Sir Jimmy
Savile is innocent of any wrong doing. The fact that West Yorkshire police
continued to use Jim for their advertising campaigns after the 2008
‘investigation’ speaks volumes. That they too have sought to make out a case
for the prosecution retrospectively, is nothing more than PEER PRESSURE.
May 10, 2013 at 09:59
Hewson has done a massive disservice to people warning of witch hunts by
conflating it with a call to reduce the age of consent, which IMHO is an
unrelated issue. I suspect few people would favour lowering it at all and only
a tiny, tiny minority would advocate 13 which would be a charter for older men
to prey on teenagers.
And younger. If “I didn’t realise she was under 16″ is now sometimes
advanced as a defence, logically “I didn’t think she was under 13″ could be
used if the age of consent was ever lowered. (I have a daughter in her early
20s and I’d say that however much she and her mostly very bright friends might
have thought in their teens that they looked older than they were, as soon as
they spoke you’d know otherwise.)
I’d go so far as to say that if an agent provocateur wanted to damage the
“stop these witch hunts” camp they could do no better than Hewson has
May 10, 2013 at 10:17
I think ‘teenagers’ have changed beyond all recognition in the past 15/20
years – infantilised, indulged and brainwashed by education, television and
the internet – that, beyond the real oddballs who are genuine Hebeophiles,
they do not appeal to ‘older men’ at all.
As someone approaching
middle-age I find the majority of them vacuous, sexless and immature –
whereas before then a “young woman” could be anything and anyone she wanted
to be and to be drawn to older men was generally accepted as a natural thing
– men attracted to fertility, women to experience and security. I’d say ask
the older generation – Bruce Forsyth maybe – but as they’re being burned in
a Wicker Man by the nouveau media that ain’t a realistic option. A more
honest label for older men still hunting teenage girls in the 21st Century
UK would be ‘Idiotophile’
I am quite sure Hewson threw in the Age Of
Consent quote to get the article into the mainstream news – but in itself it
is another issue that should be debated for those genuinely concerned with
the welfare of the Sexed-Up Generation Sexless in all its manifestations –
most women aged around 25 that I speak to will freely admit they started
having sex when they were 12/13. Are we to believe their partners were/all
‘predatory paedophiles’? In my humble opinion, the risk of older men
‘preying’ on teenage girls is, for several reasons, lower than it ever has
been and lowering the age of consent will not change that one iota.
May 10, 2013 at 09:37
Williams-Thomas is at it again this morning – condemning Hewson for daring
to have such a cognitive and sensible point of view, demanding “I hope her
Chambers & Bar take action against her – in the hope she will learn why
she is so wrong” and whipping up all of the Professional Victims and Legal
Now it’s obvious what has been “hiding in clear view” – every
Yewtree-related arrest of ‘others’ who have ‘stepped out of line’ have been
for them to “learn why they are so wrong” – Jim Davidson, Max Clifford, Bill
Roache: tricky bastards the lot of ‘em. One can imagine him saying “I’m sure
they will have a lot of time to reflect on their views from their prison
An interesting twist on the Max Clifford case – It has transpired MWT is
effectively a product of Clifford and an associate of Clifford. It was time to
put the old dog down and take over, Clifford realises the weapon he helped
create is now being used on him and ‘he knows too much’.
We have a core of people – “MWT and ‘Others’” (to put it in Yewtree
language) who are ruthless beyond your worst nightmare. This isn’t going to go
away, it’s going to get a hell of a lot worse. Those DJ’s and personalities
who have been told – off the record of course – they are not to speak the
truth on Jimmy Savile and/or others or they too will be finished. It is now a
cloud hanging over any famous or semi-famous figure over about 45. Your U25′s
have been conditioned to accept anything and everything they’re told, those
older have to dealt with another way if they don’t fall into line – and that
includes all of us (and everyone I have spoken to in my everyday life
recently) who can all see quite clearly through the fog of lies.
It is
beyond sinister – but if we don’t do something about it now we might as all
give up and get the hell out of this nightmare of a country right now.
May 10, 2013 at 13:20
@Chris Barratt
‘MWT a product of and an associate of Max Clifford’.
Where has this come from, please?
May 10, 2013 at 13:30
Jonathan King – who stated the following yesterday:
“The exact
relationship between MWT, Craig Denholm and Brian Marjoram (of Surrey
Police) and Max Clifford (the famous publicist with a proud letter from
the aforementioned on his office wall thanking him for his “assistance” in
wrongly convicting JK – unless he’s sensibly removed it to a cupboard by
now) is not yet entirely public knowledge. It will all come out in time.
May 10, 2013 at 13:39
@Chris Barratt
Cheers, I did wonder if you were referring to this. I think JK has
made a mistake there – I don’t think MWT’s name is on that letter. I’ve
mentioned previously that even JK himself has been bamboozled lately by
MWT’s claim to an involvement in his case.
May 10, 2013 at 17:20
MWT has boasted of leaking info to the media while he was a cop.
The same thing for which several have been sent to jail for.
May 10, 2013 at 17:30
“Fascinatingly, the journalist interviewing him revealed something
quite intriguing, although not being a lawyer, I have no idea if it is
true. They seem at the very least to be historic allegations.
As a police officer in Surrey, he would pass information to local
reporters if he believed its disclosure was in the public interest. If
those conversations happened today, Williams-Thomas would be facing
arrest or suspension.”
May 10, 2013 at 09:35
Interesting bit about Jimmy taking girls from his local cafe to london but
no sign of any inappropriateness here – just the opposite in fact
7.33 In particular, the officer described how whilst on duty, Savile
was seen jogging in Roundhay Park. The officer said “hello” but he did not
respond as he seemed to be angry. A short time later the officer spoke to a
female who the officer believed worked in the café in Roundhay Park and
appeared upset.She stated that Savile was a “horrible man” and she wished he
would not come in to the café. At no time did she make an allegation of sexual
assault or any other crime to the officer.
The review team have conducted
extensiveenquiries to obtain further information about thisincident. In doing
so, thefamily that owned the café have been interviewed together with the
three females that have been identified as having worked or spent time at the
café during this period. Both the owners and the females have said that not
only did Savile attend the café on a regular basis, but that they became good
friends with Savile. All have independently stated that at no time was Savile
ever inappropriate towards them, in either words or
Savile took
the females to London for the filming of Top of the Pops and also Jim’ll Fix
It.They describe him being like an uncle and acting like a gentleman. The only
instance of police attendance at the café that the
owner could recall was
one occasion where a female officer attended to speak to them about a
having been short changed.
Savile was present in the rear of
the shop having a coff
May 10, 2013 at 09:25
Here’s an interesting bit about one of the ‘rumours’ never substantiated
against Jimy – the 1958 story …..
In October 2012, it was reported in the media that Savile had
been investigated by the police in relation to offences of indecency involving
“young girls” as early as 1958. In a journalist interview with a former
employee of Savile’s club, the Mecca Locarno in Leeds, it was reported that
Savile had come into the club one day and seemed to be in a low mood. When the
employee spoke to other people in the club, not Savile, he was told that
Savile was worried because he was up in court for “interfering with young
girls”. He notes that a few days later Savile was back to his normal self. The
press reports quoted the employee as saying that it was because “he had paid
them (the police) off”.
Following this WYP received an enquiry from
BBC Radio Leeds asking for a response in relation to the media report. Later
that same day the Radio Leeds reporter recontacted WYP stating they were no
longer seeking a
response. Radio Leeds had conducted an interview with the
former employee and he had stated that the media was incorrect in its
reporting and that he had been misquoted regarding paying off the
Officers from the review team have spoken with the former
employee who confirms that he was misquoted by the press. He stated that the
incident did happen but the conversation was about Savile paying off the
victims’ families and not the police. He stated that he did not suggest that
Savile had paid the police off in relation to this matter.
As well
as checking WYP archives, enquiries have been conducted with Her Majesty’s
Court Service (HMCS) and the Crown Prosecution Service to establish if there
are any records in existence relating to this matter. Due to the passage of
time, any records that may have existed have now been destroyed in line with
normal procedure and no further information has been located that relates to
Savile being investigated and charged with any criminal
offences in 1958.
WYP was unable to identify any victims relating to this incident and none of
the victims who have come forward since Operation Yewtree commenced outline
any offending matching this allegation.
May 10, 2013 at 09:39
The rubbishing of the West Yorkshire Police’s report has already begun
from the usual suspects (solicitors for the Savile “victims”, MWT, etc) but
surely West Yorkshire Police were always on a loser with this one; if they
did find something dodgy had been going on and published as much they would
have been pilloried by those same people as being in league with Jimmy
Savile et al and part of the Great Conspiracy (TM). Now that they haven’t
found anything they’re being accused of a massive cover-up and being part of
the Great Conspiracy (TM).
One of the infuriating things about all this is how supine the media is
with regard to self-styled experts and how little they challenge the views
that they espouse; as long as the view chimes with the current media slant
on something neither it nor the expert’s bona fides are ever challenged with
any conviction or forensic skill.
May 10, 2013 at 10:41
“One of the infuriating things about all this is how supine the media
is with regard to self-styled experts and how little they challenge the
views that they espouse”
Par for the course throughout history, from the village shaman onwards.
We are only barely better at spotting bullshit than people in neolithic
May 10, 2013 at 18:32
What I’m curious about, in view of MWT’s slagging off of this report,
is what he tweeted earlier in the morning. He tweeted that he was spending
a few days now filming WYP. If that is correct it means he is being
offered and is accepting their hospitality at the same time as denigrating
them. Bizarre !
May 10, 2013 at 09:14
Great – the talking lamp posts
Alongside the “Hand in a Handler” campaign, Savile was invited by
the LDCSP to be involved in the ‘Talking Signs’ campaign. This involved a
recording of Savile’s voice being broadcast through speakers attached to lamp
posts giving local students and resident’s crime prevention advice. Savile did
not receive payment for any support he provided to this or any other WYP
On 9th November 2011 Savile’s funeral mass took place at
the Leeds Cathedral, (St Anne’s Cath
May 10, 2013 at 09:02
So west Yorkshire had NOTHING on Sir Jimmy – Operation Newgreen
Strange how the report arrives at this conclusion
The inquiry, dubbed Operation Newgreen, found no evidence he was shielded
from arrest but admitted an “over-reliance on personal friendships” between
Savile and officers and pledged to review how it deals with “high-profile
individuals” in light of the investigation.
The report added: “When taken in context, Savile lived for over 80 years as
an individual who has duped millions into believing that he was a genuine
celebrity, a charity fundraiser and a harmless eccentric who did nothing but
good in our communities.
May 10, 2013 at 07:22
@Chris Barratt
Re ‘mentally disturbed housewives’. You are right on the
money with this. Its pretty disturbing actually to trawl through the timelines
of some of these individuals who are his main followers. In many cases its
clear that their twitter account started the day after Exposure, and that
‘they now will deal with their historic abuse’ victimhood for the first time.
They then mention reporting stuff to helplines, going to their GPs, and so on.
Even worse, with every new bit of salacious nastiness that MWT cheerily
broadcasts they wail that ‘they’re having a bad day and no sleep because its
brought it all back to them’. If this isn’t sinister enough he intersperses
his disgusting tweets with photos of ‘cute kittens’ . Talk about grooming!
May 10, 2013 at 01:25
I’m envious. You can rant better than me
Seriously, this I can subscribe to, as being more by way of a clinical
dissection and, while there are a few choice phrases which I might have
avoided myself,
it’s not merely a dirt dishing splatterfest. Some well crafted points and
highly relevant questions therein, and I am sure most of us would very much
like to get the real answers
May 10, 2013 at 01:26
FWIW, that was in response to Chris Barratt May 10, 2013 at 00:59
May 10, 2013 at 00:59
I am sure I read on some mainstream article that MWT is in fact 52 not 42 –
which would tally more with his appearance and background. If he’s just 42
than he must have joined Surrey Police at 17/18 – which was, in those days,
practically unheard of.
But doesn’t the age thing in itself just highlight
the major problem with him? Here is a man whom has successfully networked
himself as a “child protection expert” on the basis of what? Who is he? We
know nothing about him. He has got himself into a position were he can view
photographs of child abuse at his leisure, pontificate and stir up trouble to
his hears content and not forgetting he can criticise Police Forces,
Barristers, Judges, Sociologists, Psychologists, Scholars and anyone else who
doesn’t subscribe to his sensationalist agenda. He has contrived his joyless.
hang-wriniging, ever-Tweeting persona to give absolutely nothing away about
himself, to answer nothing about who he is or his background – basically just
to appeal to subservient mainstream journalists and mentally disturbed
housewives. A man who communicates his dour messages of fear and hate only by
a maximum of 140 character ‘tweets’ and steadfastly avoids any open debate or
intellectual discussion.
The manner in which he rounded upon Barbara Hewson
last night, setting his “dogs” on her by way of retweet, were the actions of a
narcissistic psychopath who clearly believes he is some sort of Holy Messiah –
and gave the game away totally. Am I to understand that everybody I showed
that article to – and who also agreed with every word – are “ignorant and
dangerous”? Those were the words of a man who has moved mountains to ensure
his “big break” doesn’t fail and that anyone and everyone who gets in his way
pays a huge price – and as far as I am concerned he has proved what I feared
to be true.
He is clearly not acting alone in this, whatever he might say –
but the upshot is the same. He is a very dangerous man who cares not a jot for
anyone caught up in his web of self-serving propaganda.
All of the nasty
personality disorders he has posthumously credited to poor Jimmy Savile
clearly apply to him – and if you think I am being OTT let’s discuss whether
this is wrong in a couple of years time….
May 10,
2013 at 02:01
Mark personifies the same narrow-minded and judgmental Welsh persona that
derided and destroyed Dylan Thomas, one of the greatest poets who ever
lived. These types spend inordinate time peeping around the lace curtains,
tut-tutting about the neighbors, while keeping dirty magazines in the sock
drawer. Some of my father’s family were of that ilk, so I hope I’ll not be
accused of bigotry. Otherwise, I am happy to be half-Welsh!
May 10, 2013 at 02:59
@chris barratt I absolutely agree, he personified jimmy savile as an
untouchable man with high status, using that status to use and abuse…MWT
is using his own status and untouchable persona that he is above the law.
Using victims of abuse to gain notoriety and fame, where does that differ
from the actions of jimmy savile? Not only were these victims allegedly
abused first of all at the hands of jimmy Savile, they are being abused
once again at the hands of MWT as a means of building his own career.
May 10, 2013 at 02:51
@Chris Barratt
He was born in 1970. (source – company directorship info, eg
May 10, 2013 at 09:34
Sucessfully networked himself in as a ‘child protection expert’ —–on the
button ——and that is his skill—-networking and it appears not much beyond
that—-a year as a detective and an Undergraduate Degree in Criminolgy does
not an expert make —–and I have to say I suspect many of the ‘good and the
great’ have become experts in many fields with their ability to network and
then to provide a name and a face that becomes recognisable and short
soundbites (the essential qualifications for an expert) that constitute
‘news’ and/or ‘information’. Rent an expert who for a small fee can fill the
column inches or the airwaves. Perhaps the ‘Public’ get the Media, the
Politicians, and much else they deserve. I have been astounded at the
contents of this blog and the comments. I mean seriously —seriously—someone
of MWT’s abilities having influence— so much influence—and so little
expertise—– on so serious an issue as child protection is as I see it just
one aspect of why the whole Savile matter has such relevance to
understanding the nature of Society in the UK.—-Media Awards, Olympic
Security, Putting forward the ‘value’ of game shows as a method–an important
method—- of helping ‘solve’ crime.
The shame of the whole scenario? Not
difficult to see —the trivialarisation of serious issues —not just Child
Abuse—in order to provide what can only be seen as something to keep the
public occupied.I take the point on MWT being witchhunted on this blog but
that is a side issue —and history indicates that those who climb on the
roundabout of public opinion had better have a firm grip and hold on tight
—-and it doesn’t look as if MWT grip is that firm to me— but really isn’t
one of the important issues here is that whilst most are distracted watching
the roundabout and thinking its what life is all about there are loads of
scummy people in the crowd picking pockets and much else besides. Savile was
a major rider on the roundabout in the 70s/80s — his expertise? –what he
supplied to the public? —-how he got the grip on the roundabout? how he held
on?—-now that is what is truely fascinating
May 10, 2013 at 09:40
Oh yes and whose pockets were being picked whilst Savile was was
providing the distraction?
May 10, 2013 at 10:46
@Fat Steve
Savile distracted nobody. Despite the current media hype suggestions
to the contrary he was never a “celeb” when he was popular, he just did
what he did fro work. I’ve remarked in my blogs that it’s actually very
difficult to grasp how on earth he raised the millions he did for Stoke
“I thought I would look to see where such a colossal sum had come
from. When the Savile Expose began, one central tenet of the
investigative journalists was to warn us that Savile had blackmailed the
investigative journalists of the past by warning them that if they did
for him, then they’d do for the money as well. We were also cautioned by
the police that all Savile’s “money-raising” was just a method he
implemented to allow him to get close to his victims. It even seemed
implied that he effectively bribed people in positions of authority with
his fund-raising so that they would turn a blind-eye to his sexual
predation. Taking all this into account, I anticipated I would find
Savile constantly all over the media. It wasn’t that easy. I’m not
hugely the wiser after looking, than I was beforehand, exactly where all
this money came from. The biggest single “cheque presentation” I have
found was when the UK government appeared to donate £500,000.”
May 10, 2013 at 11:10
Distracted No One? Never a Celeb?
Well I might disagree with you
a little on that Moor Larkin and Mrs Thatcher and the Pope who each
gave him knighthoods might tend to my viewpoint I might like to think
—-and even a few of the many millions who watched Jim’ll Fix it might
think so also —oh and perhaps the crowds who lined his funeral route
—though come to think of it you might be right Lady Di was only doing
a job
May 10, 2013 at 11:16
@Fat Steve
I had no memory of Savile ever being knighted by the Pope. The only
time I can see that Savile had anything to do with Di was when she
attended an opening of Stoke Mandeville, a bit like Princess marina
turning up at Duncroft. Savile simply was not a celebrity in the way
you are suggesting. He was rarely if ever in any gossip pages, and if
you are suggesting his being in a popular BBC show is sinister
somehow, then roll on the outing of Terry Wogan.
May 10, 2013 at 11:31
@Moor Larkin below
Cut and paste from Wikipedia
Savile was
honoured with a Papal knighthood by being made a Knight Commander of
the Pontifical Equestrian Order of Saint Gregory the Great (KCSG) by
Pope John Paul II in 1990.[
Tell me Moor Larkin aren’t you an
expert on Savile ? Run a blog or something?
Naaahhh no suggestion
by me of anything sinister about the BBC or any links to Lady Di
—-although I rather like the info on conspiracy theory sites I am
seldom drawn to their conclusions. Some miss a few dots, others see
dots when there are none —when they try to connect them to find the
picture .
May 10, 2013 at 11:42
@Fat Steve
I had no interest in Savile until all this blew up in our faces. I
knew who he was of course, but what I mean is that I had no idea he
had a papal knighthood until recently. In Britain Catholic honours are
hardly news-worthy. I watched telly and read the papers in the last
forty years and Savile made very little impression on my life other
than being that berk who talked like an idiot on TotPops and had
ridiculous hair and used to do that show where kids had their dreams
come true – but that was donkeys years ago. I was aware he was a great
do-gooder and worked for nowt in hospitals but he was never all over
the meeja for any of this.
Up until last year I knew far more about Jordan/Katy Price than I
ever knew about Savile. He simply was NOT a self-aggrandizing
celebrity. This whole business about him is just the bollocks that the
likes of Williams-Thomas have contrived to tell us was true, to
somehow justify that THEY are so clever that THEY have uncovered
something that I was blinded to by Savile’s “celebrity”. That is
horse-shit and his Exposure show is riddled with lies it seems –
especially Val & Angie.
Put your fingers in the right holes rather than tracing the bloody
May 10, 2013 at 11:52
@ Moor Larkin
He simply was NOT a self-aggrandizing
Have a look at the Theroux documentary and the ‘sprained
ankle’ jobby at the end and you might change your point of
Like you I took little note of Savile and his impact on
Society —in retrospect rather dumb of me —occassioned I suspect by a
certain intellectual snobbery —still I am trying to make up for lost
time courtesy of this blog
May 10, 2013 at 11:59
Oh! and Moor Larkin who are Jordan and Katy Price? Has my
intellectual snobbery caused me to miss out on something or someone
important once again?
May 10, 2013 at 12:03
@Fat Steve
And what exactly did Savile do after his big celebrity opportunity
with Theroux? So far as I can make out he tried to make a Fixit
comeback in about 2006, which went nowhere and that was about it.
Where was his exploitation of the Noughties reality TV boom?
Jimmy at St. Jimmys
Jimmy fixes the NHS
Jimmy fixes it for
Charles & Camilla
Jimmy swims with Dolphins
Jimmy and the
Jimmy travels Virgin style and lets the train take the
Savile’s CountryFile Travels
About his only celeb moment afterwards was hugging George Galloway
in the Big Brother house………
May 10, 2013 at 12:17
@Moor Larkin
By the 90s Savile’s sell by date had passed —my
interest is his influence on the 70s and 80s—-much as I have an interest
now in MTW and his 15 minutes of fame now (well I hope its no longer
than that but lets see eh?) —in Saviles case it was rather more than
just 15 minutes and I think you rather underestimate his influence and
his importance —and its potential relevance to what may be transpiring
now. You are right about fingers though ——whilst pondering the meaning
of the universe I tend to pick my nose rather too often—-but fat old men
are allowed such foibles —-educate me though where should I be putting
my finger?.
May 10, 2013 at 12:24
@ I think you rather underestimate his influence and his importance
I’ll leave you to your picking over the entrails of the past. Tell
us what you find that seems interesting. Then maybe there’s be some
unpicking to do. I have no idea what you’re on about.
May 11, 2013 at 01:46
[Savile] … that berk who talked like an idiot on TotPops…
I think he just had a strong Leeds accent, plus he spoke in that
rather deliberate, mannered mode for the cameras, punctuated with lots
of “as it ‘appens,” “guys and gals”, etc. as a kind of verbal filler
to replace “er” and “um” and give him time to think. He was no Stuart
Hall, who certainly had an amazing way with words and an ability to
speak fluently off the cuff that Savile never had. Forget It’s A
Knockout, he was very good as an anchor on Look North.
May 11, 2013 at 19:08
@ I think he just had a strong Leeds accent @
I was probably bending over backwards to be cruel in order show I
was not being kind……
to say I have only burned a candle for Jim since his life was thrown
on the bonfire of the vanities of others……..
May 10, 2013 at 12:47
@Moor Larkin
Think about why people study history —proper History
not text books.
I wasn’t around in Tudor times but I do have personal
knowledge of the 70s and 80s —what I was told was happening and what was
really happening
Read Orwell (or Huxley or many other erudite authors
of the 20th century) intelligently and you might understand my interest
—actually less for myself than my children to whom I believe I owe
something of a duty to advise them of the way the world might be moving by
reference to how things have happened in the past which I have some
personal knowledge of. If it was just my interests I had at heart I would
spend my time quite contentedly with my finger up my nose contemplating
the universe rather than anything more demanding
May 10, 2013 at 12:50
@Fat Steve
So what are you telling your children? Trust nothing and no-one?
Welcome to the 21st century.
May 10, 2013 at 12:56
Not wishing to wade in on a private argument here, but I am
well versed in the real history of the 60s & 70s light entertainment
and, especially, pop culture and Top of The Pops. Much of my take on
this is contained in this article I wrote 5 months ago
May 10, 2013 at 00:15
Most young people under the age of 16 engage in consensual sex, mainly
though with partners nearer their own age. It’s been going on for century’s
and laws preventing under age sex as the law stands now won’t stop it. The law
can only protect children to a certain degree any moral or health compass must
be set by a parent. I do agree though that Barbra Hewson could have worded her
essay better. I agree with ‘I Love the BBC’ in context with that remark.
However for Hewson to put her head above the parapet on the Savile/yewtree
investigation was as brave as Anna has been. None of the daily’s will print
any criticism of yew tree or MWT (who seems to be back footing on his twitter
page this evening). For me it’s the balance of probabilities that’s strange;
Savile it is said was reported before his death by a couple of women. No
action taken. MWT does an exposure after Savile’s death and one woman and a
few of her mates from Duncroft accuses him and 2 others of sexual abuse.
Everyone believes them even though one of the women is a convicted fraudster.
Suddenly there is pandemonium country wide and the witch hunt begins. Soon
nearly 500 people come forward to report sexual abuse by Savile, they are
believed. Commander Spindler says, after suddenly leaving the yewtree
investigation that the figure of abuse by Savile is more like 15 or 16 hundred
– What? When did Savile have time to work or the energy to flipping run? The
police and MWT begin to advertise for ‘victims’ to come forward if they
believe they were abused. I have to agree with an earlier post that basically
says that the police are making every effort to gain popularity points with
the investigation.
The USA were whipped into a frenzy over the McCartha
witch trials in the 50′s that remains a shameful episode in the American film
industry. The only one who came out of that smelling sweet was the actor
Ronald Reagan aka President Reagan. Who will have the sweet smell of success
at the end of this?
May 10,
2013 at 01:51
Reagan didn’t come out smelling like anything other than the pile of
dog-doo that he was. The man was a national disgrace. But I digress. Back to
charlotte’s thoughtful post. “Nearly 500 people come forward,” and who has
the proof of that? The papers have been extremely wrong in a lot of this.
Surely if there were that many, all these field hacks would be doorstepping
all over the country, but the best they can do is a few women from Duncroft.
Ultimately, I believe the fate of the ex-copper will be at the hands of his
own. He’s taking a dodgy stand, criticizing his peer group for not doing
their job back when and, in his estimation, not now. I’d have a lot more
respect for MWT if he’d keep a lower profile and stop chasing elderly
As to the age of consent. Juliet was 13, and Romeo’s age is not
specified. I can only suppose that Juliet would have been married off to a
wealthy man twice her age at around 14 or 15, and obviously adolescent
liasions were acceptable in Renaissance Europe among the nobility – at the
very least. People didn’t live all that long in those days, so to marry
young would have been understandable.
Parenthetically, I’m starting to see references to girls of 13 at
Duncroft again. Nobody was 13. The youngest of us was 14. Margaret Jones did
not accept girls who were that young.
May 9, 2013 at 22:10
Hewson’s remarks about the age of consent were particularly unfortunate
because of the context in which she made them. By appearing to link criticism
of the shaming and prosecution of aged celebrities with the age of consent,
she managed to give the impression that if only the legal age had been lowered
then a bunch of dirty old men could have had their jollies with
While there is much in what she said that is worthy of
discussion, she has made a huge mistake (in my opinion) in the way she said it
and the different threads she linked together. I don’t want to see the age of
consent lowered and I don’t really know any parents of youngsters who do. I
felt no different when I myself was a teenager – it seems more or less right
to me as it is. I’m much more concerned about the retrospective application of
current attitudes towards sexual behaviour to events that are in some cases 4
decades old.
Hall seems to my untutored eye like a rather different kettle
of fish – a serial predator who did not just take advantage of star-struck
wannabe groupies but a man who actively sought out and entrapped girls who
were going about perfectly ordinary and legitimate activities – like attending
a school prize giving. And stooping to a nine year old suggests a real
May 9, 2013 at 22:24
@I love the BBC
I agree with you on the age of consent issue, and I
too wish she hadn’t dropped that bit in right at the end. I don’t agree
about SH though. There doesn’t appear to me to be anything persuasive of
more than fleeting accidental contact with the youngest accusers. I also saw
the interview yesterday on This Morning with the ex BBC woman who’d made the
‘he had women visiting the studio’ claims – can’t remember her name right
now but she’s married to Austin Mitchell. She was describing what a tactile
– seriously tactile – sort of person he was. Said he touched everyone all
the time. Whilst she was talking about how irritating it was to her it does
also rather tend to explain the sort of contact which these people are now
alleging (now as in, when there is a compensation claim offered to them) to
have been sinister.
May 14, 2013 at 00:34
@ Mina
Res SH – yes he was tactile. I know people who knew him quite
well, have had some minor dealings with him myself. He was tactile in the
way that many men of his generation were – exactly the sort of men who are
now in big trouble for it several decades on. It’s genuinely hard, I
think, for younger people to grasp how things used to be and they tend to
think you must have been thick or weak to ‘put up with it’. For myself, I
never did put up with it, I learned to deal with it and was glad when it
was no longer the norm. But I wouldn’t ever make a complaint now against
the men who did it. For one thing, I could spend the last decades of my
life in a solicitor’s office or a court room before I got through them
all, and frankly I have better things to do with my time.
Halls’ behaviour seems to me to be worse IF the women involved are telling
the truth. I certainly found their testimony a good deal more compelling
than some of the rubbish we have heard from Savile’s ‘victims’. He used
his position as a local celebrity to snare them, set them up in mock
studio situations, grope them and initiate contact they did not want. He
may not have done very much to that 9 year old, but that he did anything
at all is awful.
As for the age of consent – I am against lowering it
not because I think that elite paedophiles, celebrities and old men will
make a beeline for young nubiles but because girls will be under even more
pressure than they already are to give their spotty classmates a blowjob
for a bottle of vodka. There is a culture of casual, quite often cajoled
sexual contact, much of it inspired by viewing porn, which is very
damaging for both sexes and should be resisted. I say this as the mother
of a girl just past 17 who, while she had the sense to realise that giving
it up early earns you nothing but a reputation as a girl who gives it up
easily, is undoubtedly far LESS mature than I was at 17. This quite simply
is because when I was 17 I was working, I was out every night of the week,
I walked everywhere, drank in pubs, attended gigs on my own, did all
manner of things which my girl would scare herself witless over if she
tried it now. Our children are actually children for longer these days,
even if their ipads are full of images of anal sex and their phones full
of sexts. It’s a strange paradox.
May 14, 2013 at 02:24
@I Love the BBC.
Yes its true that many men in ‘the old days’ were
very touchy feely, and I too rebuffed them strongly – the first time
being at age four. So I have no difficulty in imagining the exuberant SH
to have been just like that.
You’ve lost me with the ‘compelling
testimony’ though, because the very allegations of mock recordings and
studios you allude to appear to be a ludicrous tabloid fiction. Nor was
he charged with or convicted of any such things.
May 14, 2013 at 17:03
It was Ms Harrison who alleged a fake recording opportunity
and that certainly reads to me as if she was indeed one of the cases
for which he was convicted.
May 14, 2013 at 17:14
Susan Harrison used to be Susan Melville I have just realised. Her
story was much more complicated than that and she was 16 by the time
she alleges Hall made a pass.
It’s all academic anyhow. Hall is guilty. He has admitted his
May 9, 2013 at 23:34
I would lower it. More in line with French/Spanish/German levels which
seem to work just fine. Maybe not as low as the Japanese one, though. I’d
also couple it to sensible differentials, dependent on the age of the
participants, as is common in the US, to keep the older manipulative perv
very much in the ‘baddy’ frame.
I think it is fundamentally wrong to make ‘criminals’ of young people,
for falling foul of their hormones. I put up two posts earlier today on the
previous ‘Nigel Evans is Dead..’ post, before Anna put this one up, that
explain more fully why, giving examples of the sort of problems that can
arise, and which we are fast heading to if this continues.
If this nonsense ended up with any of my grandchildren being made sex
offenders because some prurient bunch of do-gooders introduced some
legalistic regime that made them criminals for succumbing to, let’s face it,
something that at that age can be a hard to resist temptation, I’d be
seriously pissed off. And, as half the population would probably end up
being criminals, any such law could only but be stupid in the extreme. And
in this instance, the Pharisees and Sadducees are far from confined to being
the religious folk. This is an entirely different bunch of zealots, each set
of which has their own secular agendas.
May 9, 2013 at 21:55
Whatever else happens Barbara Hewson at least got it into the public domain
that this witch hunt is seriously damaging to the legal systen if people are
now treated as guilty if some ‘victim’ says something happened 40 years ago,
this cannot be right. Of course the age of consent was pounced upon while the
body of a very good article was ignored. Spike has done some good work on the
subject but doesn’t spread beyond it’d readers. That said many of today’s 13
year olds are roughly what we were at about 16 but not all of course so maybe
a change would not be advisable. I suspect the compensation culture has a lot
to answer for.
May 9, 2013 at 21:21
Well, I’m totally cut that MWT blocked me from his twitter site. He
apologised that he had not tweeted for something like 17 days for his own
safety as he had been working under cover. I only replied if he was concerned
with death by tweet!
MWT would have us believe that the streets of the UK
are swarming with paedophiles. It’s in his own interests to cause as much
panic in this area as he can to keep the money rolling in. It’s also in his
interests to diss the police and let everyone know that he is the only bona
fide bogey man catcher this side of the moon. I tell you if MWT was a bar of
chocolate he’d eat himself, however, as me old mum used to say pride goes
before a fall and I believe the fall will come fairly soon.
Barbara Hewson
is an intelligent woman who, I feel deals well with points of law and legal
argument. I suppose the argument against the legal age of consent being
dropped to 13 would be: that a person of 13 would not have the maturity of
emotion or reason to make a decision to engage in consensual sex. I would
agree though that women do reach puberty much earlier now than in the
Victorian age. Not only would any new act of law cover all gender but I
assume, it would affect people who fall within the mental health act. I would
certainly want to hear further argument and reason before I rubbished Hewson’s
proposal. MWT only deals with hysterical conversation, he reply’s before he
has thought through what has been said and this from a so called ex copper
turned academic. There are people who tweet MWT after yet another celebrity
arrest calling for the person to be jailed believing that an arrest is the end
to it. One would expect that an ex copper turned academic would enlighten his
followers that a charge has to follow, then a court case and only in the event
of a guilty verdict or plea might this lead to a jail sentence. This is
usually when MWT go’s silent and allows the ranting to continue without
checking. Anyone who disagree with MWT’s point of view is blocked, he has said
that he will not give oxygen to those who don’t agree with him. It is sually
from argument and an opposite view that the academic will broaden their mind
and view. This is termed thought provoking, I think but I am not an academic
so could be wrong.
MWT, in my opinion and from what I have witnessed acts
as lose cannon. I would’ve have thought that trampling all over the evidence
gung-ho style is contrary to how the police work. I don’t imagine that those
at the biting edge of policing would welcome a snotty nosed junior DC telling
them how best to proceed.
There seems to be a lot of evidence on this blog
today that MWT is not all that popular with his colleagues, and gives
inaccurate facts in relation to his career in the police. Wonder how they and
previous boss’s will react when the poo hits the fan? But I would really like
to know where he is getting all the inside info from.
May 9, 2013 at 22:35
Your mention of the great man’s twitter feed just prompted me to take a
quick look. As he is now saying that the ‘wrong’ people are carrying out
these Savile reviews and that they are too interested in covering their own
arses it is looking as though the West Yorkshire Police one is going to be
fairly low on scandal.
May 9, 2013 at 23:38
Got a feeling I know why he said that.
May 9, 2013 at 20:44
Good post
May 9,
2013 at 18:40
MWT is about 42 years old and was with the Surrey police for about 10
years, starting in 1989. This is a pretty comprehensive article on his
background, and his current “mission.”
May 9, 2013 at 21:28
The RTS judges described his ITV Exposure documentary as being “a
sensation without ever being sensationalist” – a subtle accolade for an
hour-long film that sparked a national outcry about decades of hidden abuse
and sent shockwaves through the BBC.
Please please please Mewsical tell me the Guardian article which you link
and from which the above quote is an extract is no more than a spoof
concoted by you as satire —too much nonesense in one day is too much for a
fat old man like me.
May 9, 2013 at 18:22
Look folk, you’re in danger of sounding like a load of old farts dissing
someone that you don’t like, just because you don’t like him, and in doing so
damaging your own credibility in the mind of the non-regular reader and other
passer by, because you seem to be taking your eye so far off the real ball
that you sound as if you don’t care a toss for the kids involved
As a regular, I know that’s not true, and that you are really really
concerned about the damage the approach that he and others will probably do to
the proper dispensation of justice by subverting the proper application of law
and due process, as well as the long term problems it will create in society
as a whole, but there is a dirty seam here, and merely taking pot shots at
someone who most people see as doing something tangible about it, just doesn’t
cut it.
By all means highlight the necessary issues, but for goodness sake you need
to be clearly seen to be playing the ball, not just the man.
Thus endeth the rant for today
May 9, 2013 at 18:26
Ho Hum – strangely enough that’s what I was just thinking ……correct, we
are giving this guy far too much attention …..BUT ….”It was good while it
May 9, 2013 at 23:23
@ Ho Hum
I have generally steered clearly of this pompous ass on my own blog for
precisely the sort of reasons you suggest. However, I think Anna Raccoon has
flagged him up quite reasonably, and any venting is perfectly justified. He
is also the man who protested the Met was not doing it’s job properly
because some bloke got naked in the name of Art, on the 4th Plinth in
Trafalgar Square a year or two back, and purely because he was an
“ex-copper” got himself featured on the BBC news website. I imagine if it
had been me, I’d have been busted and spent the night in a cooling tank.
More pertinently, he is the man who has turned a perfectly innocent old,
dead man, who was anything but ordinary into a pariah, based on nothing but
fantasy and outright lies – as pretty much all of his “Exposure” evidence is
now demonstrably false, and the programme itself also appears to be
downright duplicitous too, since Angie and Val appear to also be “Old
Duncroftians” and this was explictly hidden from the viewer.. I can only
hope the remaining “Inquiries” are being run by people with some cojones,
unlike Walter Softy at the BBC, and the self-serving wives of Winsor – as
Anna Raccoon rightly dubbed them.
May 9, 2013 at 23:47
@ Moor Larkin
I’m perfectly happy with what Anna wrote. It was the subsequent, overly
enthusiastic BTL kicking being administered, how others then might
perceive those who participate here and their consequent view of Ms R’s
content as a whole, that I was concerned about.
The points need made, but the crowd needs to have less of a feel of
what might be expected at Tyburn, or rabid participation in the DMs
comments, or maybe even Witchfinder General Witchfinding, to it, if you
see what I mean
Otherwise, it just takes on the same character, and we sink to the
level of the rest of them
May 10, 2013 at 10:52
@Ho Hum
If you basically disbelieve the Gospel of Savile then it’s very
difficult to see how else this spell will be broken without tearing down
the pillars of wisdom that created it. “Savile” is no longer disputed
across the “medium”; his abuse is an accepted “fact” even though the
press still uses terms like “alleged” for some reason. The media and law
enforcement of this country is now so deeply embedded in this farce that
the only possible way out for THEM is for someone to demonstrate that
THEY have all been misled by lies themselves, and that, I am afraid,
will require someone to be shown to be a liar. There is a time for
sitting on fences but at some point you have to climb off and smell the
May 10, 2013 at 12:29
I’m not bothered about that being done. I’d support it
wholeheartedly. It’s how it’s done, and how it can be progressed
properly, that are the issues
I’ve looked at your website and it’s meticulous in its examination
of the detail. But what are you going to be doing that makes the
average punter believe that you are not just another nutjob like those
found on any other conspiracy loon site, some of which are contributed
to by people who, on the face of it, may seem to have significantly
better technical knowledge and professional and personal experience
than many of those there, or here, and who can sound, prima facie,
equally as plausible with their examination of the detail of their
particular hobby horses
I’m not trying to be insulting, I’m just asking. Do you really
believe that you can win this sort of ‘war’ from just that basis? If
you do, I do hope you have a very cunning plan… Really!
May 10, 2013 at 12:44
@ what are you going to be doing that makes the average punter
believe @
That is my point. The first step is to make them have reason to
disbelieve. Why should they disbelieve MWT. Every Authority is
agreeing with him. Unless the falsehoods can be corrected how can any
of this be undone? I cannot know a girl at Duncroft was NOT kissed
with tongues without Miss Jones noticing.
I can know that there were:
no 13 year-olds at Duncroft
was born in 1958 so could not have been 14 in 1974
Savile’s shows
were not at BBC TV Centre
Angie & Val were also at Duncroft and
Williams-Thomas deliberately hid the fact.
There is nothing I can do to make people know those facts other
than write them down. What are you doing? Humming and Hoeing?
May 10, 2013 at 14:19
Ho Hum,
Re: “But what are you going to be doing that makes the average
punter believe that you are not just another nutjob like those found
on any other conspiracy loon site, some of which are contributed to by
people who, on the face of it, may seem to have significantly better
technical knowledge and professional and personal experience than many
of those there, or here, and who can sound, prima facie, equally as
plausible with their examination of the detail of”
I suppose it’s up to the average punter to decide for themselves.
All Moor can do is write down what he thinks or finds and provide
references or links for his findings where possible (which he does)
and let people either check or decide for themselves I guess….
May 10, 2013 at 12:18
Moor Larkin,
Re: “More pertinently, he is the man who has turned a perfectly
innocent old, dead man, who was anything but ordinary into a pariah, based
on nothing but fantasy and outright lies – as pretty much all of his
“Exposure” evidence is now demonstrably false, and the programme itself
also appears to be downright duplicitous too, since Angie and Val appear
to also be “Old Duncroftians” and this was explictly hidden from the
viewer.. I can only hope the remaining “Inquiries” are being run by people
with some cojones, unlike Walter Softy at the BBC, and the self-serving
wives of Winsor – as Anna Raccoon rightly dubbed them”
Here here!!
May 10,
2013 at 09:33
“…someone who most people see as doing something tangible about
If ‘most people’ means the tabloid readers who are sharpening pitchforks
and lighting flaming torches and demanding ‘action’ over mere allegatioons
without benefit of trial, then I’m happy to disregard their opinions
entirely, as not worth a candle.
May 9, 2013 at 18:13
Mark Williams-Thomas @mwilliamsthomas 3h
Due to the nature of the
pathology evidence I will not be tweeting hardly any of the Dr Fegan-Earls
evidence #tiasharp
Too negatives make a positive do they not? I’m surprised he hasn’t adopted
a Superman-style outfit for these heroic paedo-busting occasions
May 9, 2013 at 18:11
Surely we do not have enough police officers and social worker’s etc to
deal with the sheer scale of child abuse in this country. We must now look to
private sources of education, investigation, prevention and so on and so
forth. I doubt that Mr T will require the help of the dragons when he expands
his little empire to create franchises of child protection ‘experts’ !!!!!
May 9, 2013 at 16:59
I see West Yorkshire Police are to publish a report tomorrow detailing what
‘suspicions’ the force may have had about JS over the years. It will also
cover visits to his Leeds flat by ‘on duty’ officers, the notorious ‘Friday
morning breakfast club’. Can’t wait – but hold on ‘suspicions’, surely they
will be dealing in facts not story’s and gossip ?
May 9, 2013 at 17:10
I wonder if Howard was interviewed as part of their forensic
“Talking to BBC Radio Leeds, Mr Silverman said that every Friday morning
Sir Jimmy held what was known as the FMC, or Friday Morning Club, at his
flat. Friends of Sir Jimmy would be invited to sit around a big table laden
with tea, cakes and whisky. Enveloped in the host’s cigar smoke, the old
friends would reminisce and chat the morning away. Mr Silverman said: “If
you saw that, no-one would say he didn’t have pals.”
May 9, 2013 at 17:19
@Moor – maybe he was cutting their hair
May 9, 2013 at 21:43
Bloody waste of time and money – half a dozen old men sat round drinking
tea on a Friday morning!!????!!!
Keeping my head down tomorrow………………..
ps confronted you know who at SY a week last Friday, felt real
Keep the faith everyone!!
E xxx
May 9, 2013 at 22:27
I know what you mean about tomorrow, another onslaught to
face. Glad to hear you’re ok. Good luck.
May 9, 2013 at 16:37
Kingbingo @ 14.39:
Hey, a new Jonah Goldberg book!
May 9, 2013 at 16:26
How old is MWT ?
In one of the articles he was said to have ‘retired’
from the police around November 2000. I read he served with Surrey police for
15 years, which takes us back to 1985. His LinkedIn entry states he was
educated at Pierrepoint 1980 – 1989.
He has said he was at the centre of a number of investigations such as
Jonathan King yet left the police before King was arrested in November
May 9, 2013 at 16:49
I think he has a very “flexible” approach to his crime-fighting
experience; I’ve just found an article he did for the Mirror dated 30.12.12
regarding Jimmy Savile, Tia Sharp, Twitter pervs and other stuff to puff his
own self-image where he states “As a police officer I worked in the area of
child protection for 20 years”.
Has this man regenerated himself in a Doctor Who style or is he ageless
like Dorian Gray? Surely one person can’t have completed as many feats in a
lifetime as Williams-Thomas has since the days of Hercules?
Then again – maybe it’s just a load of cobblers…..
May 9, 2013 at 18:29
@ MarinerFan
Yes, its a scandal really, when you do start to see the
As far as I can make out, he was in the police from approx
1989 to 2000. Always just a mere constable, his lot would have been
mundane to say the least. His one solitary year as a detective constable
would have been not much more interesting. Even if he was ever part of a
team working on anything juicy he wouldn’t have had access to all the
information or the contents of the file, or interviewed any major
I once found an old newspaper report which indicated that a
PC Mark Williams-Thomas had been sent to the home of a man previously
arrested for possession of indecent images (I think the man had failed to
answer his bail or some such), and found him hanged. I also seem to recall
that he once spoke publicly about this nasty incident and said he felt no
pity for the man. I’ve always thought that this could have been the start
of his apparent lust for more of the same.
I think its much more likely
that he was forced to resign than that he chose to do so. We know that by
2001 or 2002 he was desperately trying to be a reporter – or something –
when he went about it all wrong and got himself charged with blackmail.
This doesn’t sound like a predicament flowing from a secure, planned,
career move.
May 9, 2013 at 17:20
As a former police detective who specialised in major crime, Mark worked
on or was in charge of some of the largest paedophile and murder
investigations in the country. He was also one of only 10 specialist Family
Liaison officers during his time with Surrey Police Force. He now runs a
child protection and risk management consultancy – WT Associates which looks
after the British Olympic Association amongst others.
As well as appearing in the media Mark presented the two part ITV special
‘To Catch A Paedophile’, and ITV Tonight specials on ‘the Case of Jeremy
Bamber’ and ‘On the Run’, which looked at and tracked down some of the
criminals who have absconded from prison and continue to be on our streets.
Alongside Surrey Police Mark and the team found and rearrested several of
Surrey’s most wanted. A new series of which will be on our screens shortly.
Regularly called upon to speak at and chair conferences and academic
debates on major high profile criminal investigations, and the release of
sex offenders into the community, Mark gives talks around the world
including the Crimes against Children Conference in the US where over 3000
law enforcement officers from around the world gather each year.
Mark is also in demand to share with after dinner audience’s anecdotes of
his detective days and a behind the scenes look into television police
dramas such as the BBC’s Waking the Dead and Inspector Lynley who he script
advises for.
May 9, 2013 at 17:23
Before studying at Birmingham
City University, Mark spent 13 years in the police force, starting as an
area police
officer and going on to work on a number of high profile
cases. He came to study with us as a result of his connection
David Wilson (Professor of Criminology at Birmingham City University’s
Centre for Applied Criminology), whom
he met on the TV Channel Five
series ‘Murder Prevention’. Mark says of Professor Wilson: “He gave me an
outlook…I talk criminology from a police point of view, while
he talks from an academic and prisons’ point of view.”
Mark now runs a
child-protection firm and was involved in looking after the British
Olympic team in Beijing, serving
their child protection needs.
May 9, 2013 at 17:28
I wonder how many ‘doctors’ would get away with treating patients
whilst they were still doing their ‘o’ levels …..!!
May 9, 2013 at 17:42
and was involved in looking after the British Olympic team in
Beijing, serving their child protection needs.
Please please please
tell me Moor Larkin you have made this up
May 10, 2013 at 17:51
“Mark now runs a child-protection firm and was involved in looking
after the British Olympic team in Beijing, serving
their child
protection needs.” Means someone asked some advice on the phone one day.
I have a friend, former Brit cop who has been in charge of IOC
security since ’98 and he has no recollection of MWT ever being
May 11, 2013 at 00:16
“If you will recall, that organ of repute The Sun was negotiating
to buy the hapless Alfie’s life story and the tale of his fatherhood
until, a solicitor pointed out that The Sun would be committing a
criminal act if it did- paying for tales of underaged sex etc.”
Well, well, well, and I’ve got posts from a recent Duncroft blog
wherein admission is made that the papers were doling out money in the
general direction of the Duncroft ‘victims.’ If you go over to my blog
(click on my name here) you will see the story.
““Mark now runs a child-protection firm and was involved in looking
after the British Olympic team in Beijing, serving
their child
protection needs.”
Means someone asked some advice on the phone one
day. Maybe.
I have a friend, former Brit cop who has been in charge
of IOC security since ’98 and he has no recollection of MWT ever being
This is the sort of gem we love to find out. I have a feeling the
MWT is about to run into trouble with his peers on the police force.
Nobody seems to know much if anything about this bloke, and now we
have FOI requests for his CV from the Surrey Police being refused. Wtf
is going on?
May 9, 2013 at 17:25
Imagine paying to listen to this geezer before or after ya dinner
May 9, 2013 at 17:34
Some of what he has to say does not always make for comfortable
listening as he draws from areas of crime which most people prefer to
ignore or pretend do not exist (such as child abuse), but what he
manages to do is communicate the importance of the work which some
people are doing to catch criminals of a certain nature, and in a sense
his lecture is reassuring and one leaves with a sense of gratitude that
people like Mark put themselves on the line, to protect society’
May 9, 2013 at 17:56
@Moor Larkin
You nearly gave me a heart attack then, until I realised you were
quoting. Thought you’d come under his spell.
May 9, 2013 at 18:02
I know you don’t construct Moor larkin but please please please tell
me it isn’t true
May 9, 2013 at 18:33
@Rocky Raccoon
I believe the Jonathan King claim to fame is totally spurious. He had
left the force already. He did later claim that a journalist whispered to
him about JK rumours round about 1995, but then I guess lots of people did a
lot of whispering – and still do -about a lot of things.
May 9, 2013 at 15:07
“He because hysterical with those who criticised him”? Penultimate
paragraph? Typo? Messes up an otherwise finely judged post.
May 9, 2013 at 14:41
Hmm. This forum post from the 25th of July, 2011 is interesting:
“I just wonder when it was that Mr Williams-Thomas declared himself a child
abuse expert and why. There was a tweet last week where he seemed to be
bragging about all the child-porn he had had to view.
Why was HE viewing child-porn and where did he get it? Thats what I would
like to know.”
I’m not on Twitter, and don’t know how to . What is this alleged tweet
referring to?
May 9, 2013 at 14:39
“It is heretical to call into question the methods by which the modern
moral crusaders attempt to define abuse.”
You may enjoy the above. A book crammed with an analysis of what you
May 9, 2013 at 13:04
The hunt is already on for Hewston –See BBC Website —Barrister wants age of
Consent reduced to 13
May 9,
2013 at 15:07
“She is an expert in the field. Yesterday she penned a cogent and well
argued article pointing out that this therapeutic jurisprudence was being
applied to the field of historic sex abuse. She criticised the methods that
those involved with the current Yewtree investigation – which of course
includes Mark Williams-Thomas, are using. She pointed out the inherent
dangers to our legal system.”
And if she’d only managed not to do something stupid like call for
the age of consent to be lowered to 13, that might be all we’d know about
May 9, 2013 at 12:51
I agree JoBlow MWT is due a slapping (having just read the puff about him
linked above) —my guess is some grown up in the Police will oblige —Well I
May 9, 2013 at 12:56
@ Fat Steve
I shouldn’t hold your breath. This chappie appears to be a great
favourite with ACPO. ACPO and itv called in the NSPCC before the
Williams-Thomas show was ever broadcast. I doubt any of them fully grasped
what a genie they were about to rub life into, but they aint gonna back down
now are they.
May 9, 2013 at 13:30
@Moor Larkin
At least Avon & Somerset aren’t enamoured of him.
(Notice that for this event he styled himself ‘murder squad’ detective,
May 9, 2013 at 12:42
I seem to recall from my digging into appendix 12 of Pollard that Surrey
police gave MWT short shift when he first started nosing into the police
investigation into Jimmy in 2008 (or was it 2007 – whatever ) and in the end
it was a bod from the CPS who volunteered the information – that is the TRUE
reason why that investigation went nowhere. MWT had very little input into
events pre Newshite. He appears to have come into his own when ITN took up the
case. He then went from bit player, used to be a cop so people will believe
his shit, to front man presenter extraordinare. I have to smile when I
remember was it Liz MacKean to the Pollard crew of MWT’s credentials, that he
was ‘very big’ in ‘child protection’ …….
Oh and yes, it was Surrey police he worked for ….. !
May 9, 2013 at 12:31
MWT is of course, a major and messy accident waiting to happen.
May 9, 2013 at 12:23
‘The refusal of the Wilsons to make themselves the centre of the story has
certainly contributed to the lower profile of the case – later on they refused
to appear on a game show where the audience would have been given the chance
to vote for the next course of action taken by the family in the search for
their daughter.’
Please please please tell me you are making this up
May 9, 2013 at 12:04
Following on from Mina Field’s efforts yesterday here’s the FOI she’s
talking about
I am trying to find out more about MWT’s previous company – the one that is
classed as ‘dormant’ – it was called matterstome LTD his latest endeavour (WT
associates) was formed out of this – anyone up for that challenge
He so likes poking his nose into other peoples’ lives ….. doesn’t he ?
May 9, 2013 at 13:10
I too spent some time once, looking at that company. I’m not sure what
you’re seeking to find but all I found was that it was a venture with his
wife, (also ex PC) Karen Williams-Thomas, and they seemed to be trying to
sell their video, starring Julie Walters, to schools. Said video is still on
youtube somewhere. It warns that teenagers might well meet up with someone
on the internet who isn’t what he claims to be. whopee-do. Like
internet-savvy kids don’t know more about trolls than MWT and wife will ever
May 9, 2013 at 13:34
@Mina Field – thanks – I’m just covering all bases so to speak and I’m
sure there’s plenty of rocks to turn over ; )
May 9, 2013 at 16:02
Are there no Posters here on this site who are/were Barristers, QCs or
the like that must surely be able to get the requested information somehow?
Personally I’d just like to know how long he was on the police force and how
long (if at all) he was a ‘detective’. It appears the Freedom of Information
Act is a tad limited in its ‘Freedom of Information’!
What a self-important prat this man is, fomented by the irresponsible MSM
of course – I still can’t understand how that Exposure piece on Savile
warranted a bloody award – it was heresay, unsubstantiated and, sorry to
reiterate but, bloody boring.
Barbara Hewson’s expositions seemed perfectly cogent to me. I love MWT’s
comment “…Babara Hewston… She makes such statements that surely warrant some
professional body intervention.” – tut, tut – naughty boy, that kind of
statement cannot be good for business!
May 9, 2013 at 18:44
Its not a case of who’s asking – status plays no part in it –
its having a reason that compels the disclosure.
No, it would be for
him to come clean and tell the truth about why he left. And for all that
he likes talking about himself he doesn’t talk about that, for some
May 9, 2013 at 11:33
As someone who has only just come across your website can I just say – what
an oasis of reasoned and evidence-based calm it is when compared to the
paranoid and frenzied tabloid/media driven lunacy that seems to have been
ladled out to the public in the past few months with regard to alleged
celebrity child-molesters; it seems things have regressed to a situation like
something from Medieval times when the accusation was everything and evidence
counted for nothing.
With regard to the Matthew Hopkins figure in all this (self-styled
“criminogist” “child-protection expert” and ex-detective -for all of one year)
Williams-Thomas seems to be only interested in stoking his own ego (and no
doubt bank balance) with his accusations and innuendos about this aged
celebrities; (incidentally, are there no celebrity paedophiles under the age
of 60 in the UK or are Williams-Thomas/the NSPCC/Operation Yewtree et al a bit
scared of airing the names of people who might be a) still popular with the
public b) still vigorous enough to make a robust defence of themselves and c)
not dead and there able to sue a la Lord McAlpine if needs be) It also
interesting that if the victims don’t play ball (such as the Wilson family)
they’ll be dropped like a hot potato as they don’t serve the needs of the
accusers and their supporters any more.
Hope I haven’t rambled on to long (first post I’ve ever done and all that!)
but it’s nice to see that there are like minded people on here who don’t
swallow all the cobblers that is dished up by Williams-Thomas and his like and
keep an open and inquisitive mind!
May 9, 2013 at 11:29
MWT seems to have had an impressive career (“leading paedophile
specialist”, according to the Telegraph). Apparently, he worked on the Sarah
Payne inquiry as well as that of Jonathan King. Gosh, he was busy in 2000,
wasn’t he? When did he leave the force?
May 9, 2013 at 10:55
“I have here in my hand a list of 205 . . . a list of names that
were made known to the Secretary of State as being members of the Communist
Party and who nevertheless are still working and shaping policy in the State
Department. . . .”
Mark, though, is unfazed……. I had a list of people in the music
industry that were abusing kids. Some were prosecuted, some were not.”
May 11, 2013 at 07:25
Someone else expressing doubts about the “Savile Scandal”:
May 11, 2013 at 07:33
Here’s someone else who was having doubts about the “Savile Scandal” and
ITV Exposure back in November:
May 11, 2013 at 07:35
If the authorities can no longer say in sexual abuse cases that no crime
was committed or there was not enough evidence, how do the claims lawyers
explain their own refusal to persue matters and seek justice?
A prominent media friendly female money grabbing lawyer, who’s law firm is
mentioned every time she speaks, said of Stuart Hall and his assets…
“….. moving the ownership of a property into the name of a spouse makes it
less attractive for solicitors to want to take up a civil claim. She added:
‘If someone is suing a litigant in person it is normal that you would look
into their means before you would make a decision whether or not to prosecute.
‘You have to make a very practical decision because whilst you might win you
might never be able to enforce the judgement.’”
May 11, 2013 at 18:12
May 11, 2013 at 18:39
Big smiley to you Ellen ……
13, 2013 at 09:16
Chris Tookey of the Mail clearly needs to be Spindlerized to correct his
aberrational thought processes:
“Further female interest is supplied by the lovely Alice Eve, who performs
a wondrously gratuitous stripping-off scene that will please 12-year-old boys
of all ages.”–Errol-Flynn-final-frontier.html#ixzz2T9tOcQDi
May 13, 2013 at 16:14
I knew Chris Tookey as a runty, bespectacled schoolboy of great wit. I
think he reached puberty late, but unfortunately I cannot remember anything
scandalous about him.
13, 2013 at 17:08
Jonathan has had a good year, but must try harder.