Top 10 most informative documentaries on Youtube.
When I was a lad, the “interweb” did not, of course, exist. Now, huge amounts of information are accessible at the click of a mouse. This allows your humble scribe to indulge his interest in history, human and natural, of an evening with the aid of the remarkable youtube. Here are banks of informative and engaging documentaries which stimulate and inform. For no particular reason, here is my list of 10 of the best:
1. Snowball Earth
Traditional science holds that although there may be periods of ice age, the world itself could never freeze over, and if it did, all life would be wiped out. But think again.
2. The Jurassic Mystery
Just why and how did dinosaurs evolve to be so diverse and rule the Earth?
3. Tutankhamun’s Fireball
What was the strange secret of the carved scarab worn by Tutankhamun? And what was its link to a shattering, world threatening event?
4. The Mystery of the Headless Romans
Romans. With heads cut off. Power, war, treason, and a Roman invasion of Scotland I had not heard of.
5. 1607 Tsunami in Wales
We are not immune from catastrophe. Do we still build houses by the River Severn? Will we never learn?
6. History Cold Case: Stirling man
Anything from the “History Cold Case” team is fascinating, but they can be disturbing too, because these are real life autopsies. This is one of the less distressing and a fascinating insight into the violence of the medieval world.
7. The Lost Gospels
This is a major and hugely informative documentary by the engaging Anglican priest Pete Owen Jones which explains much of the history of the early church which has been lost suppressed. Fascinating and thought provoking.
8. In Search of Athelstan Part 1
I have tried to only list “complete” documentaries, but this is one of my favourites. It was this documentary by the engaging Michael Wood that first inspired my interest in history. The story of the usually forgotten Athelstan; a mighty warlord that presided over the first British Empire, and laid the basis of modern England. Worth the effort to follow through to the end in the various installments.
9. The Mystery of the Black Death
I have written on the “Black Death” before. This is an entertaining detective story into the real cause and nature of a plague that carried off up to half the population of Europe.
10. Killer Cloud
More natural disasters. What was the cause of mass death, disease and famine in 18th Century Britain and Europe?
11. The Truth of Troy
Yes, I know I have gone over my allotted 10, but I really enjoyed this re-evaluation of the “myth” of Troy, which turns out to have been anything but a myth…
12. The Day the Earth Nearly Died
More natural disasters on an epic scale
Gildas the Monk
10, 2013 at 14:26
Great selection, I needed cheering up. Roaring John Rogers (see Wikipedia
John Rogers Circa 1570-1636) liked to tell us we are all doomed. Pity he never
left anything on video for Youtube. He was nearly right in the 17th Century,
his time (and ours) may be about to come.
March 10, 2013 at 13:51
watched 3/4 of Tutankamum Fire Ball then called away. Seems it is bad form
to spend Mothers day on my phone ignoring family?
March 10, 2013 at 12:02
Some years back beeb4 had tube night dedicated to the london Underground –
catch ’40 minutes – heart of the angel’ uploaded by Jamestheposh – great film
made in 1989 by Molly Dineen about the Angel before it was ‘refurbished’. I
just love Mr Lift man and his philosophising ….! I also love ‘ghosts on the
undergrond’ – but I’m like that …..!
March 10, 2013 at 11:11
Interesting, have to give a few of them a BBC watch
March 11, 2013 at 18:25
*predictive text there, if the above sentence doesn’t quite make sense,
March 10, 2013 at 10:14
I’m sure there are a few about how bad Tony Blair, Gordon Brown and New
Labour were was that must be more informative…unfortunately I’m assuming not
many have seen them as everyone seems to have forgotten.
March 10, 2013 at 09:44
Gosh, more mountainous homework for me, Gildas!
March 10, 2013 at 11:05
Hopefully enjoyable!
There are two mor that I would add. If I mention
the words “Jeremy” and “Clarkson” I may provoke some reaction, but
nevertheless he has produced two respectful, informative and moving accounts
of our forefathers’ deeds (in my case quite literally so, but that is
another matter). There is “The Victoria Cross: for valour”. Part 1 is
There is also “The Greatest Raid” and part 1 is available here.
When he is not clowning around, Clarkson is in fact a very able
communicator and he brings these astonishing feats of courage and self
sacrifice to life. I commend both documentaries. Lest we forget.