On delving into the mind of an Investigative Journalist.
We don’t often get the chance to plumb the Delphian depths of the Investigative Journalist’s crania. Reading the Pollard report transcripts as Nick Pollard gamely ventured into that philosopher’s bourn known as Merion Jones’s ethical compass, one of the most highly paid of that genre, was an eye opener – turns out they do less investigation than yer average spotty blogger with one eye on getting the shirt sued off his back. Ably assisted by an ‘expert’ to send Surrey Police an e-mail….
Then we had the grandly titled Bureau of Investigative Journalism doing a full belly flop, landing in undignified fashion, wallet up, in front of Lord MacAlpine’s voracious lawyers.
Today we are treated to a full eleven pages of the pinnacle of the art – the political editor of the most respected Sunday broadsheet explains just how tiring, how boring, how inconvenient it is when a source offers you the scalp of a cabinet minister on a plate. Eat your heart out fellow bloggers, as you slave through the night deciphering e-mails from the University of East Anglia to write the definitive article on the Machiavellian ways of the climate change industry. Or sink your teeth into the ankle of the anti-smoking industry month after relentless month.
You have no idea how tiresome the life of a political editor can be.
Why Vince Cable’s chief economist is likely to drop in late at night and you have to search your fridge for ‘fresh prawns and Pinot Grigio’ to sustain them – they’d be lucky to find the tab end of a cold sausage and the cabbage I was saving for bubble and squeak in my fridge – which is possibly why I don’t have such illustrious late night guests. Things are different in the high end world of investigative journalism.
Surely even your bored and care worn political editor feels a frisson of excitement when your guest turns out to be carrying a tape nailing said cabinet minister? Nah, you get irritated when she fiddles with the tape recorder controls – ‘clearly very tired and hated technology’. You reflect – in print at a later date, story safely squirreled away – how ‘shrill her voice sounded’ and how her language was just de trop in your melliferous household with ’expletives spat out in increasingly hysterical tones in her distinctive Greek accent’.
Bloody foreign plebs cluttering up the kitchen table eating all your Waitrose prawns! Why you can barely summon up the enthusiasm to speak when she finally plays the tape, and leave it to your hubby:
“It’s not enough,” my husband said flatly. This was not his story, but after 15 years on Fleet Street as an investigative reporter he knows the standard of proof required to publish explosive allegations about someone with money and power.
Now your average blogger would have been working through the night checking out the story, was the murder ‘victim‘ actually dead, for instance, who do I know who can speak German? (Thanks Tim Worstall!), but your illustrious political editor foreswears all that legwork, they turf the guest out into the night with instructions to come back with a fully proofed copper bottomed story…..in fact when the guest legs it off to the Mail on Sunday in the hope of finding someone who might actually investigate the story, they complain bitterly:
She had double-crossed me. While I was busy protecting her identity, she had been busy revealing all to a rival newspaper, The Mail on Sunday. Even worse, she had handed it a copy of the tapes. This was an extraordinary betrayal and deeply underhand after everything we had been through together. Our relationship had been based on trust. I had kept my side of the bargain; she had broken hers.
[…] She had been trying to ride two horses: broadsheet and tabloid. It was a dangerous game and it was no surprise that she fell off.
The Mail on Sunday, being a downmarket tabloid apparently didn’t have the same scruples about getting their hands dirty and actually investigating the story:
Reporters were able to prove that Vicky had been in central London on the day Huhne’s BMW was clocked speeding in Essex. He had been in Strasbourg that day. His routine was to fly back to Stansted, where he left his car, and drive home, placing him squarely at the scene of the offence.
Note: ‘Reporters’, not ‘investigative journalists’ like wot our subject, Isabella Oakshott, is!
I wonder whether Isabella really deserves the title of ‘investigative journalist’ – should it not be ‘instigative journalist’;
“In the long message that followed I urged her to tell her story openly. I felt this would achieve her objective — bringing Huhne down — with the minimum damage to her own reputation. She would simply tell the truth and see what happened. I also suggested ghostwriting a long article for her.”
‘Her objective’, but then a trawl through the e-mail correspondence of April 18th between Isabella and Vicky Pryce gives us the following quote from Isabella:
[…] as you say, we may have to be patient, which I’m not feeling and I’m sure you’re not either (Sunday Times splash yesterday named him [Huhne] and Tim Farron as Clegg’s main threats for the leadership. I’d like to topple him before there’s any danger of that….)”
That look suspiciously to me as though it is Isabella’s objective to topple Huhne!
Still, bored Isabella manfully soldiered on with the story, despite getting up the duff, an altogether more absorbing matter than researching a story, she had, after all, promised her Editor that she ‘wouldn’t go off the radar whilst pregnant’. An unfortunate choice of phrase, since Isabella managed to get very much on the radar during this period – done for speeding herself. We know this detail because actually the entire article could be sub-titled the trials and tribulations of ‘being Isabella’ complete with professionally posed picture of the blond bombshell to compare with the shot of a careworn Vicky Price.
So, not-off-the-radar Isabella graciously agrees to spend £75 odd quid of the Sunday Times’ money taking Vicky to ’not a fancy restaurant’ – just one where they relieve you of £75 for a bottle of mineral water, a Chicken Caesar salad and a lump of Sea Bass. Where Isabella, suffering for her art as ever, is forced to read a run down of Chris Huhne’s private finances.
She had a copy of his financial declaration with her and produced it rather furtively. She wondered if there was anything of journalistic interest. I skimmed the various investments. Nothing jumped out.
I have it all somewhere in an old notebook: details of multiple houses, Isas, pension funds and bank accounts, as well as lump sums he received from his elderly father. It added up to about £5m.
‘Nothing jumped out’. Not to a serious Political Editor maybe, but we bloggers are bottom feeders. How about what ‘he received from his elderly father’? Did you think to look into that further?
See, Chris Huhne made a lot of money selling shares his Father had sold him cheaply when Dad’s company was floated on the stock market. So what was Dad’s company? ‘Traffic Safety Systems‘. What do they do? Oh, just supply speed cameras and CCTV to Police forces across the country. Including Essex.
Quite literally hoist on his own petard…..well, at least the family petard. I haven’t laughed so much since I found Ernest Marples’ car in the car pound at the Elephant and Castle – towed away from one of his own parking meters….
March 12, 2013 at 10:16
Listening to LBC radio, while ironing yesterday, late afternoon. Same sort
of varied comments about the twin sentences, as quoted above. The new
archbishop got pushed off his slot till later, while the usual speculation was
allowed free reign. Shakespeare couldn’t have written a better plot for this
family tragedy. An ex prisoner was produced to speak about the trauma of ‘the
cage’, when entering prison. He spent somewhat longer in prison and had an
equally precipitous fall for a similar crime. Yet he can be wheeled out to
pass comment on the prison bit. A certain couple from the Knutsford
constituency pop up regularly on TV. So all is not lost for Mr Huh. When the
next parliamentary fool puts his foot in the murky pool and the crocodile
journalist snaps at it. Mr Huh can be produced to pass an apt comment, his
agent may negotiate a good fee. I feel that plotting a downfall is probably in
the genes of the English establishment. They cannot help it. A really
entertaining blog Anna Racoon.
March 12, 2013 at 09:34
What delicious irony. Meanwhile, was it Plato who said that if you seek
revenge, you will need to dig two graves?
March 11, 2013 at 22:18
A few comments to add.
Huhne is an asshole and I take great joy that a former Cabinet Minister of
the current Gov is about to be jailed.
The wife knew what she was doing and took revenge after getting dumped. It
As for how the story surfaced… I.Oakeshott is a cousin of Lord Oakshott who
has been briefing for Vince Cable and attacking Osborne & Tories. He
previously ran Huhnes leadership campaign. He resigned from Treasury last year
after calling Osbourne “work experience chancellor”.
Lord Oakeshott is a Fabian type who likes idea of Lib/Lab coalition.
A dysfunctional conspiracy or manipulation gone wrong.
What if…Vicky Price story was harnessed to control Huhne with idea of
quashing it via compliant Journalist as part of a damage attack to current
Lib/Con coalition to herald in Vince.
Price took story to Mail when they quashed it. Mail for own reasons decided
to take out Huhne and put LibDems on back foot.
After Clegg backed Huhne, Oakeshott gave cops all correspondence before
appeal and sealed Huhnes fate as guilty. Without this evidence CPS had no
All a bit convenient for Vince. I suspect Price was so keen to burn Huhne
she did not consider she would get jailed.
I am sure I am wrong on many points but I smell a rat…several rats
March 11,
2013 at 15:52
Oakshott gave the impression of carefully backtracking, in the interview I
saw (Andrew Neil could have been a little tougher, I thought).
And this sordid tale does indeed appear to lift the lid on what journalists
are really like. But its not something I was unaware of. For the amount of
power they have, journalists are ruthless, unelected, unaccountable, and often
ridiculously thick-skinned (or at least they expect others to be!). They will
go to some lengths to get a story.
Watching Oakshott I felt uncomfortable watching a real-life journalist
justifying their actions. They must all tell themselves things like this –
that it’s for the public good etcetc. Meanwhile, they do things that can, and
do, make a wreckage of people’s lives.
How glib the self-justifications can appear. I suppose the bottom line is
whether they can get away with what they’ve done – it must be of some
embarrassment to Oakshott that this correspondence was released.
March 11, 2013 at 15:45
Oh My God. That is just too, too funny. Huhne sold the shares his father
sold to him cheaply when he launched the family business in Speed Cameras. You
really couldn’t make that up.
Personally, I think that Vicky Price probably
was pressured into taking her husband’s speeding points, but it can’t be
allowed, and I can’t get frightfully upset about it.
And what a dickhead. A
5 Million Pound fortune and he didn’t want to employ a driver. So much care
for the working classes.
March 11, 2013 at 14:16
I had failed to note the Denis McShane connection.
Ergh! This dismal quartet really does belong in the nastier part of the
waxworks; I simply cannot imagine…
March 11, 2013 at 13:58
Anna, wonderfully written , ghastly people !
March 11, 2013 at 11:17
The usual Racoon humour about the Speed Camera Compnany —-Just a little
unkind of Ms Racoon to call Mc Alpines lawyers voracious in my opinion —–if I
had been acting for Mc Alpine I would have really really spilled blood and
felt pretty self righteous for so doing as I picked up my fees. As to
Huhne/Pryce//Isabel/ All the rest —- Its the stench of hypocricy and self
justification they leave behind them that they seem to think makes them
somehow acceptable . Racoons have a great sense of smell and wash things well
before eating them and as always Ms Raccon offers the Huhne/Pryce/Isabel crew
up for supper with the stench hypocricy and self justification suitably washed
March 11, 2013 at 06:48
there is a reason they are called reptiles and it’s nothing to do with
March 11, 2013 at 01:42
As Anna has very well pointed out, this thoroughly lazy and stupid woman,
Oakeshott, was delivered a dream political story on a plate that most
journalists would kill or sell their grandmothers for, (which I suspect she
and her colleagues would have no qualms of doing).
Yet she has the cheek to complain to all and sundry about how insubstantial
the story was! Vicky Pryce, whatever bad choices she has made. (Chris Huhne
AND Denis McShane?! Dear God.). Ms Pryce and her family are facing a most
miserable future which includes possible imprisonment and certain public
So what does the caring belle of the Sunday Times political desk do? This
member of a family of diplomats and Labour/Lib Dem politicians from whom the
uninitiated would expect compassion and understanding. This same lady who,
very likely, made an absolute mint from all the bien pensant publications she
sold her stories to. This very same lady who actively encouraged and
benefitted from this real-time family car crash. This is what the overpaid,
underbrained morality-lite bimbo is wrtiting:
Isabel Oakeshott: Vicky Pryce double-crossed me
March 10, 2013 at 22:57
the most relevant facts gained from Isabel Oakeshott’s article are what a
ghastly hack she is and that she confirms how Murdoch has destroyed The
March 10, 2013 at 19:09
Is it improper to point out that Vicky Pryce has a face like a melted
March 10, 2013 at 22:01
Just as improper as recalling that she’s been humping Denis McShane, the
crooked ex-MP who’s so hot he’s got a melted willy. They’ll go together so
March 11, 2013 at 09:56
Is it improper to point out that she looks like the sort of woman who
used to be a man?
March 11, 2013 at 10:20
Is that Vicky or Carina, or both ? The latter previously pretend to be
a man – quite convincingly, some would say.
Maybe it also tells us something else about Eastleigh’s former
upstanding member ?
March 11, 2013 at 10:46
@ Maybe it also tells us something else about Eastleigh’s former
upstanding member ? @
You don’t need to delve very deeply into the mind of a man…………..
Her friend adds: ‘She would go on about how she and this man were
having wild sex several times a night. She was quite surprised by the
whole thing as she’d not been into men for a long time. Apparently the
sex was incredible.’
March 11, 2013 at 14:10
Kind of proves that women are sexually excited by power and wealth
more than anything else, doesn’t it? I expect he bought her shiny
metal toys with sparkly stones to decorate her body too.
March 11, 2013 at 15:33
I guess we shall see how shallow the mind of a woman can be in due
March 11, 2013 at 16:03
If we have not already had the opportunity to do so.
March 11, 2013 at 16:30
I noticed that Huhne has evidently stopped using Grecian 2000……..
March 11, 2013 at
White hair is sexy, innit. I never dye mine either. It’s not
working at the moment.
March 11, 2013 at 16:49
I’d settle for any hair………….
11, 2013 at 19:41
My 8 year old grandson: Granpa, do you shave your
But back to the ghastlies.
Listening to
the comments on R4 this pm re the sentences given to them;
‘…can’t see this is a sensible use of public money, putting them
in jail…; ..they don’t present any risk to anybody…..’
various like comments by ex colleague infering that somehow
these were special people and were being victimised.
notice any concern for all the other convicts guilty of non
violent crime.
A class. apart.
March 11, 2013 at 22:16
It’d have been cheaper and much more punishing to have
sentenced them to be handcuffed together for one month in
their old bedroom, with no telly or radio. Food and personal
care to be supplied by Carmen Briscoe-Mitchell (paid £800,000
at their expense) and lavatorial duties to be adminstered
loco-in-parentis, by Ms Oakeshitt.
Now, that’s what I call proper Justice….
March 11, 2013 at 18:30
He wants to take on more of an air of eminence grise as befits a
distinguished guest of Her Majesty.
March 10, 2013 at 18:48
Some investigative journo’s are good people – Heather Brooke? (MP’s
fiddling – sorry, expenses)
March 10, 2013 at 18:46
Real bubble & squeak???
Please invite me, Anna….
10, 2013 at 16:48
Isabel’s first job in political journalism was…………………. for the Daily