### Breaking ### Case against Graham Mitchell dropped

Many weeks in the past we heard about the case of Graham Mitchell who been arrested under the European Extradition Warrant.
Well now we can say that the story has come to a conclusion. A nice conclusion because the case against Graham has been dropped.
The Portugese authorities have finally admitted that their case doesn’t have a leg to stand on considering the length of the delay between the original re-opening of the case and the current extradition hearing.
May 18, 2012 at 19:24 -
‘Veritas vos liberabit’ … As I said on another page – WAY TO GO ANNA!
May 18, 2012 at 19:52 -
Splendid news. Let us hope that Mr Mitchell also receives a full and proper apology from the said Portugese authorities.
Excellent work Anna. Once more, your efforts have been a force for justice.
May 18, 2012 at 20:05 -
Nice one. Took ‘em long enough, the clowns.
May 18, 2012 at 20:16 -
Well done.
Now, about these European Arrest Warrants….
May 18, 2012 at 21:06 -
About time too. Good news for Graham and I hope the Portugese authorities send him an apology (and possible compensation). We can all show our joy at this by boycotting this paedophiles paradise. Apart from overpriced after dinner fortified wine and blagging off the rest of us, what is this country good for?
May 18, 2012 at 21:47 -
Are you referring to the Casa Pia case or do you have some statistics on which you base your opinion/believe? IMO most countries [also my native country the Netherlands] have almost everyday scandals about child abuse, be it the Catholic Church, children’s home, foster parents, caretakers, baby sitters [one in Holland is before judge now for violating a minimum of 60 children under 2 years old …
]. Why do you single out Portugal?
May 21, 2012 at 11:46 -
Ever since 2 women tried to entice my younger daugher away from my wife and I, I have disliked Portugal. When we stopped them, as they were holding the hands of my daughter (5 years old and very frightened) pulling her away, they both started screaming at us, supported by the locals in the area. The noise was so bad that, eventually, four Police officers arrived. Fortunately, one spoke quite good English and told us that the women were making allegations against us for abusing their hospitality! We then spent 3 hours in a Police station, passports taken off us, wondering if we were going to be charged with some sort of offence. In order to leave, we had to apologise to the women who were, apparently, well known in the area and were of ‘good character’. My apology was made, though carefully worded, our passports were returned and once we left that country, we knew we would never go back. My view is that a Portuguese ‘good character’ differs from mine (or the parents of Madelaine Mcann)!
May 18, 2012 at 21:36 -
“….. what is this country good for?”
Well they are our oldest ally – since 1386.
May 18, 2012 at 22:09 -
At last some sense.
May 18, 2012 at 22:11 -
Delighted for Graham, naturally.
But also a small feather in my cap; I pointed out that one of the grounds on which an EAW application can fail is if an unreasonable passage of time has elapsed since the incident that gave rise to the raising of it .
So it proved.
But above all, delighted for Graham and his family
And the wider debate is, of course, about the treaty itself, its usefulness, its fairness, indeed the way it is used and the way nations signed up to the EAW treaty execute justice …
May 18, 2012 at 22:14 -
Excellent news for Mr Mitchell – now I’ve got 2 letters on my e-mail system from the home office basically saying that European Arrest Warrants are staying. And I am still rather worked up about that.
May 19, 2012 at 21:14 -
Rather like the reply to my letter, then.
May 18, 2012 at 22:17 -
And well done to Anna for kicking up a fuss – I seem to recall from my time in the US that racoons are particularly adept at kicking over trash cans and making a lot of noise!!! And well done to the regulars for twittering and e-mailing and generally making a nuisance of themselves.
May 19, 2012 at 12:06 -
And I should think so too. Apart from anything else, Portugal has enough problems dealing with criminal elements within their own Law Enforcement, without issuing EAWs on trumped up Charges.
13 more PJ Officers have just been arrested and made Arguidos on Corruption Charges, not to forget a number of Ex PJ Officers who are also Arguidos. In fact there appears to be more Arguidos within Law Enforcement than outside of it at the moment.
So I am relieved to hear that common sense has prevailed in the Case of Mr Mitchell.
But these EAWs need some serious looking at. -
May 19, 2012 at 21:37 -
I am trying to think with the flow, BUT don’t you think that in the knowledge that there quite a number of corrupt policemen in the UK, the fact that 13 Portuguese were arrested is sooner a positive message?
May 20, 2012 at 00:51 -
Indeed it is a positive message for Portugal, sad to say.
But I have to ask of when 13 British Policemen were last arrested at the same time. And when a British Policeman was last convicted of being complicit in the Torture of a woman in the process of extracting a confession which later convicted her. And was then allowed to coordinate the case of another missing child.
I personally have no doubt that a gun was put in the mouth of Graham Mitchell. This appears to be what these people do. And I do not understand why you are supporting them.
May 20, 2012 at 15:59 -
I’ll open a Super Bock and stick some chicken piri piri onthe BBQ
Lets not loose sight of Portugal is a lovely place and the people and generally really nice -
May 21, 2012 at 09:01 -
Sorry for the delay in posting. I have been doing a lot of sleeping since we received the news. Catching up I suppose.
You lot have been a tower of support throughout my ordeal. Anna uncovered details that no one else could or would. Just being able to come online and look at comments you were all making was great. It was a comfort to know that other people agreed that what I was going through was wrong. I would like to take this opportunity on behalf of me, my wife, and my kids that thank you from the bottom of my heart. More details are going to emerge over the next wee while that show the full extent of the wrongdoing in my case. I will keep you all informed.
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