Sunny Hundal’s Political Full House

(Trivia Warning: London Mayoral froth)
Brilliant stuff from the Hundal Monster, explaining to the world from how he will be voting in the London Mayoral Election:
I said on Twitter today that I would be voting for Jenny Jones as my first preference and Ken Livingstone as my second preference.
I wonder if the world is interested?
Raccoon Arms customers with a hinterland will be familiar with Bistromathics:
Bistromathics is the most powerful computational force known to parascience. A major step up from the Infinite Improbability Drive, Bistromathics is a way of understanding the behavior of numbers. Just as Einstein observed that space was not an absolute, but depended on the observer’s movement in time, so it was realized that numbers are not absolute, but depend on the observer’s movement in restaurants.
… <snip> …
Numbers written on restaurant checks within the confines of restaurants do not follow the same mathematical laws as numbers written on any other pieces of paper in any other parts of the universe.
And we all know Pollymathics, where one and one equals six, and no one knows where the other four are coming from, but let’s assume it all adds up anyway and get on to more interesting things, such as shouting at people:
But this is Metro-differentiation (non Tower Hamlets version):
Does it mean I don’t want Ken to win? Of course not? Does it mean I prefer the Green candidate over the Labour candidate? No it doesn’t.
It means I can register support for Jenny Jones while ensuring Ken gets my vote too.
So why not vote for Ken first? Because London’s SV system doesn’t quite help.
If no candidate gets 50% of the vote (which is a safe bet, and if Boris were close I’d vote for Ken as first pref) – then the candidates with the lowest vote shares get eliminated.
This means that a second preference for Jenny would be discarded as she would not get to the second round.
In Tower Hamlets by contrast they have the faux-Galloplanker technique, where the invented-housemember dodge is aided and abetted by Electoral Commission ‘what problem?‘ Nelsonian Telescope blindness.
My theory is different but far more fun:
Sunny is playing Election Lotto for a bet, and is after a full house of party support.
In 2008 it was the Tories:
Saying that… given that New Labour wants to extend anti-terrorism legislation until every brown person in the country is locked up until proven innocent (or once the police can be bothered to let you out), it makes more sense for brown and black people, who will overwhelmingly face the brunt of this police-state legislation, to vote Conservative. At least the Tories have finally found some balls regarding the erosion of our civil liberties. And yes, I felt slightly sordid saying that.
(Sunny updated the post 3 years later as people kept talking about it:
The only way lasting way to register your disapproval with a political party in a parliamentary democracy is to vote for a different political party. That is what I advocated here.
My point here could have been made less crudely, but there it is: I have a bad habit of writing tabloidy headlines)
In May 2010 it was the LibDems:
The Guardian endorses the Libdems and I’m with them
(Sunny digging self out of hole with 700 words of propositional logic here:
Gah! Because of the number of questions and comments this has generated on Twitter, let me clarify a few points.)
And, by August 2010, Labour:
Joining Labour was the obvious choice. Joining the Libdems was not an option; the Tories stand for everything I’m against and the Libdems are unfortunately enabling the Tories to carry out a ruinous agenda. The Greens are too ideologically pure for me.
Now it’s the Greenies, as explained (after translation) above.
Personally I put the Greens in the “haven’t got the foggiest idea what they are talking about” category after studying their polices.
The only ones left for Sunny to support of the parties which achieved more than 0.8% of the national vote at the last Election are UKIP, the BNP, and the SNP. That threshold is set at 0.8% to allow the Greens in as they had fewer votes than all the others.
I don’t see those votes happening any time soon, so I declare the Lotto Card full.
London Elections. Brilliant fun. Especially for those of us living 200 miles away.
One miniscule part of the world was interested, and there was a mini-twitstorm, under the heading #sunnyknifesken.
My favourite tweets of this kerfuffle were leftist Twits getting hot and bothered that somebody else could do what they do several times a week, while remaining determinedly po-faced:
And Guardian Blogger Martin Robbins declaring to the world the doom of the political blogosphere, missing only the engraving on Tablets of Stone a la Moses.
Consider yourself told, O self-obsessed and irrelevant joke of a Political Blogosphere. Sir Martin of Robbins has spoken.
Now, perhaps the trashed brand of Liberal Conspiracy needs some attention from Sunny, after the increasing number of entirely fictional articles published over recent months.
(Yes, I can provide a list, but that would cause Anna to gnaw her leg off, in the manner that one survives Vogon poetry.)
May 3, 2012 at 09:35 -
Ah yes, Sunny Hundal, Mr. kiss-of- death himself.
I would imagine that Ken it was the joooos wot done it and Jenny who? can expect the lightning bolts any moment now. -
May 3, 2012 at 10:33 -
Having a passing acquaintance with Natacha Kennedy in another space, she is one of those annoyingly earnest single issue types you simply wish to slap.
May 3, 2012 at 20:37 -
Sunny Hundal thinks the Conservatives are going to lock him up? That means I must revise my opinion of them, perhaps they’re not a bunch of clueless tosssers after all. Anyone who would bang up Sunny (for the safety of himself and others) can’t be all bad.
May 4, 2012 at 14:56 -
Trying to locate a fuck to give about Sunny and his vote whoring. Will be in touch if I find one.
May 6, 2012 at 12:28 -
If DNA theft were a crime, Sunny Hundal would be a lifer.
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