Left heft by own Petard.
13 years of an authoritarian Labour government has left us with scant few advantages in our daily life. One of the few hove into view over the December 9th ‘student’ protest.
We have a society under surveillance as never before. CCTV cameras, web cams, mobile phone cameras, a society trained to spy and record. And to be spied upon and recorded.
Unfortunately, there are still activists on the left who feel free to lie and dissemble in their efforts to discredit the police amongst other rival authorities…
Dear little Alfie Meadow’s Mother put up a spirited version of her ‘gentle philosophy’ student’s activities at that ‘gentle protest’ –
His mother Susan, 55, an English literature lecturer at Roehampton University, said: “He was hit on the head by a police truncheon”.
The Independent newspaper, that bastion of fearless investigative reporting, was in no doubt whatsoever of the truth behind his injuries:
The police watchdog launched an independent investigation today after a 20-year-old student was left unconscious with bleeding on the brain after being hit on the head with a police truncheon.
Laura Penny was equally in no doubt whatsoever of the pattern of events.
The message from the Alfie Meadows case is clear: if you protest, the police can do what they like to you.[…] As police continue to crack heads with impunity, peaceful protesters are handed down harsh deterrent charges.
The events unfolding in Kingston Crown Court are showing a different picture from the excitable left wing newspapers – although it was a strangely subdued piece from the Independent, a scant 60 words quietly marking the news that actually, Alfie wasn’t ‘kettled’ and had been free to continue his peaceful protest if he wished. It is accompanied by a horrific photograph of his injuries especially for those who wish to make a knee jerk reaction without bothering to register the words.
Oh dear, Alfie wasn’t kettled, the clash with the police happened a full hour before the kettling, all recorded on a myriad of CCTV cameras, police web cams, and a police helicopter…and not a single sighting of dear Alfie being hit on the head by a police truncheon! How mightily inconvenient. How reminiscent of the downfall of Jodie McIntyre.
Jodie also made claims of ‘police brutality’; Jodie was the disabled, wheelchair bound ‘innocent lad’ who was caught up in ‘police brutality’ at the student riots. It wasn’t just Jodie’s excitable blurb on his blog, detailing his miraculous recovery from being ‘dragged from his wheelchair by burly riot cops’ before reaching the top of the building from which fire extinguishers were thrown at the police below which ended his ‘journalistic career’ with the New Statesman, Guardian and Electronic Intifada:
It was an epic mission to the top. Nine floors; eighteen flights of stairs. Two friends carried my wheelchair, and I walked. We couldn’t give up now.
When we finally made it to the roof, a feeling of calm descended. I looked over the edge; thousands of students, three massive bonfires and masses of passion still occupied the courtyard. The Tory’s HQ was on it’s last legs. And we were on the roof.
The BBC were in full support of Jodie’s version of events:
He was outside Parliament where he said he was hit by a baton, taken out of his wheelchair and dragged across the road.
It was Graham Mitchell’s* photographs, showing a standing Jodie raising his fist in aggressive fashion to the police and a smiling policeman returning his wheelchair to his brother Finlay – despite claims that he had to ‘push through crowds to retrieve it’.
What happened next shows the level of planning that had gone into this ‘riot’. Those in the front ranks of the protesters were violently pushing and shoving, hitting the police with sticks. From my vantage point I saw green workmen’s hard hats being passed through the crowd to those in the front line. Once those in the front line were wearing their helmets, a hail of missiles was launched from within the middle of the crowd, bottles, paint bombs, scaffold clips rocks amongst other things were thrown at the cops. Perhaps there just happened to be purveyor of green workmen’s helmets in the crowd, but…..? I saw at least two injured cops being carried away by colleagues. It is probably around this time that Alfie Meadows was injured in the ‘not so friendly fire incident’!
Graham later gave evidence to the IPCC, which ruled that ‘officers had moved Mr McIntyre based on the “perceived risk” to him’. Yes, they might not have used the approved ‘carer’s lift’ to get him to safety, but they were trying to help him, not brutalise him – this for a man who later walked up 18 flights of stairs to be part of the jubilant crowd launching fire extinguishers on their heads.
Meadows also made a complaint to the IPCC – but their investigation was halted by Meadows own defence team, no doubt concerned at what might emerge. Meadows is being defended by that staunch uber-liberal, Michael Mansfield QC. Should be costing a pretty penny or two. The battle is still being fought out in the media columns, but it will be difficult to overcome the photographic evidence being put before the crown court, showing that, like Jodie, Alfie was at the front line out of choice, not accident, frequently wearing a balaclava to hide his identity, choosing to engage in the violence rather than exercise his right to peaceful protest.
‘He is, with others, aggressively confronting police,’ said Mr Lofthouse.
‘Over this time, as is evident from the repeated clips from various angles, he is prominent in the repeated thrusting of barriers towards the police line.
‘He is rarely far from the front of the large and violent group which launches numerous such assaults on the police over this period.’
The left are still pushing their version that Alfie was the innocent victim of police brutality at every opportunity:
Tomorrow the trial begins in earnest: solidarity from supporters today meant a great deal to all the defendants, not only Alfie, but the manifest and grotesque absurdity of the crown trying someone they almost killed will not be forgotten as the trial rolls on over the next three weeks.
It will be ironic if all their attempts fail thanks to the web of surveillance we are subjected to these days, courtesy of the Labour authoritarians they so thoroughly approve of…
April 2, 2012 at 10:46
Here, courtesy of Inspector Gadget, is a picture of a policeman who
couldn’t possibly have been injured by Alfie and his fellow peacelovers
(according to Prof Hallward):
April 2, 2012 at 10:44
This the take from the Kremlin’s own English language service (which for
some reason doesn’t readily take on stories about Russian police
Notice the fact that they repeat by innuendo the claim that young Alfie was
injured by police, and also the lies about Jody MacIntyre. There’s also the
following quote from Professor Peter Hallward, a Professor of Modern European
Philosophy at Kingston University:
‘These kinds of offences, even if they’re technically correct, are trivial
in the sense that they didn’t cause any harm nor could they have caused any
harm to police officers dressed in full riot gear. So the real victims here
are certainly not the police, but the protesters who’ve been beaten, attacked,
and in Alfie’s case virtually killed’.
Presumably Prof Hallward believes that helmets and body armour render
coppers invincible, and that any missiles thrown by the crowd would just
bounce off them. And presumably he’s also not bothered by the fact that Alfie
was probably twatted by friendly fire.
March 30, 2012 at 10:43
spiral architect has said it all
March 29, 2012 at 07:43
It’s too easy to knock our police because of the failings of the
politicians and the top men doing their bidding- and what else could they
The men and women at the sharp end seeem to me to be admirable, when
they’re around and have a situation to deal with.
I do sometimes think all those WRP/maoist/trotskyite loonies that spent the
70s trying to destroy this country have achieved just that. They’ve
neutralised policing and justice.
Job done, they have now morphed into the
oh so reasonable but utterly bland and indistinguishable greedy orange faced
spending obsessed socialist politicians that infest all the main
Just a view.
March 29, 2012 at 21:31
“Just a view.”
And an extremely perceptive and accurate one, at that!
March 29, 2012 at 07:25
It seems likely that Alfie Meadows got hit on the head by a hard object
thrown by his own side at the police………it seems that even his own mates seems
to think that Alfie is a cnut.
His mother is clearly a disgraceful harridan.
March 28, 2012 at 22:16
It doesn’t matter what the result of this case is,the lefty twitterarti
won’t accept it.It’s all a big conspiracy don’t you know!!
March 28, 2012 at 18:51
Always open to correction, PC Lightyear, and , as your monika indicates
that you may well know better, I amend my blanket remark to .
‘the publicly
perceived very top down’
Better? All those embarrassing interviews outside
NSY were not made by your normal newspaperman-friendly rozzer.
Indeed a
thankless task in an evil world…all the more reason to be like Caesar’s
March 29, 2012 at 07:23
Speak for yourself.
As far as I’m concerned most PCs, SGTs and inspectors engaged in
front-line policing do a marvellous job.
Maybe not as well as in decades gone by, that’s just because – just as
they did with education – the liberal left have hijacked the sphere of crime
and punishment for their own ends.
You don’t speak for me.
March 28, 2012 at 18:18
Susan Meadows (btw) is a Senior Lecturer specialising in ‘Literature and
Gender Studies’ at the University of Roehampton:
Yep – I haven’t heard of it either.
She is also aligned with the ‘UCU Left’ (which is basically a front for the
laughably misnamed ‘Socialist Workers Party’), and only two months ago
continued to claim that her son had been ‘seriously injured [by being] hit on
the head by police’. She expressed her anguish over the fact that ‘Alfie will
stand trial. Nothing happened about the police hitting him despite him needing
brain surgery’.
Can the Met sue for defamation?
March 29, 2012 at 00:11
So the socialist workers party (the unidentified mob in the middle of the
pack) injured one of their own? How unfortunate, that’s always been a
problem with the rolling barrage and spindly arms that can’t throw broken
flagstones far.
Next time mummsie will have to provide junior with a
construction hardhat before dispatching him to the riot.
March 29, 2012 at 01:39
“University of Roehampton”
Back in the day that was Digby Stuart College, a primary school teacher
training school.
March 29, 2012 at 09:26
Gone way downhill since then, then.
I can imagine the (as we saw them) evil harridans that were my primary
school teachers lynching anybody who tried to make them sit through
“Gender Studies”.
March 29, 2012 at 21:29
Isn’t the term “‘Socialist Worker” an oxymoron?
March 30, 2012 at 11:06
The joke amongst normal students is that they aren’t Socialists, they
aren’t workers, and they certainly don’t know how to party.
March 28, 2012 at 18:11
A most illuminating piece. ‘Inspector Gadget’ was the first to point out
that Meadows was probably hit by a piece of barney rubble thrown by a fellow
rioter, and it seems he has been vindicated:
On Monday the ‘Indie’ (the paper that employs truth-tellers like Johann
Hari and Robert Fisk) carried the following report. Notice the fact that they
don’t claim that Alfie was clocked by a police truncheon – because they can’t
– but they’re also a bit coy about the sequence of events which led him to
require emergency brain surgery.
March 28, 2012 at 17:09
Cracking post Anna
March 28, 2012 at 15:36
There are more camera phones in the UK than CCTV. If they thought the
police were so nasty where were the 100′s of camera phones taking snaps?
If no-one with a camera phone captured the event(s) then that is very
March 28, 2012 at 17:05
My thoughts exactly. I think that if there was any photographic evidence
at all of young Alfie being hit by a police baton it would have been on a
repeat loop on the Guardian, Independent and BBC Newsroom South East. Still,
let’s wait and see what happens as the trial progresses.
March 28, 2012 at 14:42
MMQC is defending Alfie Meadows free of charge, as it where, so it doesn’t
cost him or his family one penny….
March 28, 2012 at 15:17
Our History is full of incidents such as this & I doubt they’ll ever
We always claim that ‘lessons have been learned’ but they never
Each generation has to make its own mistakes willy-nilly &
technology hasn’t made things any better.
Recent events have shown the
police, from the very top down, to be corrupt & mendacious…and our
innocent peaceful yoof which is entitled to everything it wants, NOW, has
inherited the genes of its despicable progenitors…one could hardly call them
March 28, 2012 at 17:11
“Recent events have shown the police, from the very top down, to be
corrupt & mendacious”
Total crap Im afraid, some senior management maybe, but ‘very top
down’, total bollerx
March 29, 2012 at 10:43
I’m with PC Lightyear.
I’m a retired 30 year cop. I came across 3,
yes 3 corrupt officers in my time, and was involved in the downfall of 2
of them. I was actually applauded by a group of fellow officers following
my arrest of one such.
The remainder were hard working, decent people.
Sometimes we made mistakes, but everyone makes those. Corruption is rare
and hated by all decent coppers.
March 29, 2012 at 21:26
I’m just a 62 year old MOP, but I’m totally with PC Lightyear and
PC L says “..some senior management maybe…”
What’s the betting they’re the fast-tracked graduate “Blair Boys” who
have a 2, 2, in sociology and have never done an honest day’s proper
coppering in their lives?
March 28, 2012 at 14:07
On a side issue we should provide free university fee’s for careers that
benefit society. Engineering, Maths, IT, Science etc. but the rest of the self
indulgent shit should be on a nay as you go basis.
I agree fully with
that and would go further and say that taking, and passing each year, those
disciplines entitles the student to claim certified living expenses as
March 28, 2012 at 12:32
He seems the type of person Labour recruit. Middle Class, Full of Shit,
Academic Parents who think they fighting on behalf of others.
If the cops did not strike him. I suggest more training in order to make
sure they do next time some little prick jumps around in a balaclava because
he has to pay back some of the cost of his education in “Philosophy Studies”
before going on to work in academia or the Labour party.
On a side issue we should provide free university fee’s for careers that
benefit society. Engineering, Maths, IT, Science etc. but the rest of the self
indulgent shit should be on a nay as you go basis.
March 28,
2012 at 10:30
“The left are still pushing their version that Alfie was the innocent
victim of police brutality … “
Just as Mark Duggan was a nice unarmed young boy from a good family, and
Trayvon Martin was ‘a child’.
March 28, 2012 at 22:21
An ‘inconvenient truth’ for Messrs. Meadows and McIntyre it seems…
Excellent post Anna!