Exclusive: Prime Minster refuses to confirm whether he colluded in horsepay.

This is what happens when decent journalists are too scared to pay Old Bill for top notch stories – we end up with a media pawing at the ground and following each other round the track with a non-story of an ex-NOTW personage who saved the tax payer money by fostering Dobbin for two years – and the Prime Minster refuses to confirm or deny whether he had any part in easing the burden on the taxpayer.
Quite right too, we can’t be exposed to evidence that evil Tories had any knowledge that this practice of saving the money of hard working Glaswegians was going on throughout the horsey set, and had been for years. Quite disgraceful. The rich should buy their own horses. They have no entitlement to feed and house old nags that are rightfully the financial responsibility of hard pressed families.
The pursuit of Murdoch has reached its nadir, or is that neigh-dir?
Last night we had a tearful Welsh slapper, gulping and snivelling as she explained to a sympathetic BBC announcer how devastated she was to have become a ‘household name’ merely so Murdoch could make a ‘profit’. (Sorry to mention that word on a family site, but there was no alternative). There she was, hiding away in obscurity on ITVs ‘Big, big talent show’, happily cursing, swearing and getting blind drunk in Cardiff, with no intention of anybody ever noticing her, until the evil Murdoch, ‘just for profit’, started mentioning the £12 million pound profit she had made courting obscurity, the ocean going yacht, and the insults to the Queen, the fact that all the booze was making her look – in her words – ‘a bit of a heifer’ – and the resulting ‘press intrusion ruined her life’.
Listening to the reports of the Leveson Inquiry, one would be forgiven for believing that pound notes fly out of nowhere and stick to Murdoch’s wallet merely for mentioning that Welsh slappers are cursing, swearing, and falling down dead drunk. Every BBC or Sky report that I have seen fails to mention that ‘we are all in this together’. They never ever say who’s pound notes they are.
They are of course, the pound notes of an army of Welsh slappers, and Glaswegian pugilists, who reward Murdoch for bringing them news of the success or failure of their icons by purchasing his papers. If they didn’t like the content of his papers they wouldn’t buy them, and then the evil Murdoch wouldn’t be making a ‘profit’. Sorry to mention that word again. See, News International isn’t like the BBC, you don’t have to pay a fat fee for merely having the ability to listen to their news, you can take it or leave it on a daily basis.
News International is considered ‘too powerful’ – that is why they want it taken out and shot – leaving the BBC as the only powerful one – bringing you news of nail bars, cuddly pandas, horses that grew to look like their owners, the stars of ‘Neigh-bars’ and EastEnders that got beaten up by a hack that got to look like their fostered nag, and a Prime Minister that refuses to confirm whether he ever sat on a Police horse, or hacked with a hacker on an old hack….
Hackety-hack, hackety-hack, mind you shut that stable door behind you.
Update: thanks to commenter ‘Brian’ I am now advised that horses on retirement from the Met are NOT to be ridden, so where is the evidence that Rebekah rode the horse – or Cameron for that matter?
Horse retirement
At the end of the Police Horses working life the animal is re-homed at one of many identified establishments who have previously contacted the Mounted Branch with a view to offering a home.
The Mounted Branch is looking for suitable homes for retired horses, that is homes where the horse will not be ridden.
Anyone in the southeast of England offering such a home will be considered first.
February 29, 2012 at 09:22 -
Regarding the alleged Welsh Slapper, I think you’ll find the recent court case wasn’t about her, but her family. I think she had accepted her life was in the media spotlight, but when the hackety-hacks started prying into her mother’s private affairs it was a step too far.
February 29, 2012 at 09:51 -
This whole affair is getting out of proportion. I heard the odious Tom Watson MP banging on about this matter on the rdaion yesterday. You would have thought that Ms Brooks had been found in the control room of MI5, naked apart from being wrapped in a Soviet flag (oh I wish…) sniffing cocaine whilst on a secure line to Putin’s office.
Get a life! It was a horse. It retired. Such horses are desireable because they are still powerful but also very well trained and docile. She gets a horse, the horse gets to live in Oxfordshire and meet IDave.
Maybe a favour was done. OH THE HORROR! I have never ever heard of “The Establishment” doing a favour before…..really….
No, real horror is the idea of an ermine clad Prescott, munching his pies in the Upper Chamber. Now that is what I call a favour.
Or the leach like qualities of the Kinnock Family, wedded to EU funding.
Of cours the pre Raphaelite charms and big doe eyes of the enigmatic Ms Brooks have nothing to do with my views at all. I remain completely impartial and objective.
Meanwhile I understand RebekahsHorse is now tweeting merrily away….
February 29, 2012 at 10:10 -
February 29, 2012 at 10:17 -
I just wish I could spell….
February 29, 2012 at 14:25 -
@Gildas: Think of the oafish Mr. Prescott as a Police Commissioner!! That really gives me the terrors!
Ditto the Kinnocks… parasites.
Ms. Brooks may have a certain ‘something’ about her but that may be something I ate…
February 29, 2012 at 10:14 -
She fostered a 22 year old retired police horse at her own (as opposed to the taxpayers) expense – it remained the property of the met so technically it was only on loan. How in God’s name is that remotely scandalous?
Of course if you just describe it as “being lent a horse by the met” it sounds far worse, but that would be misleading – the BBC wouldn’t do that would they? Oh wait…
March 1, 2012 at 02:23 -
I don’t suppose the alternative for the nag to be converted into dog food and glue might be considered to be worse?
Winston Smith
February 29, 2012 at 10:38 -
Imagine living in an appalling tyranny where you were forced to subscribe to a state-owned newspaper before you were allowed to buy any other. That’s exactly the situation with the BBC and television.
February 29, 2012 at 11:30 -
Why not move to France where there’s no TV Licence? The contribution à l’audiovisuel public is added to your annual property tax.
March 1, 2012 at 02:31 -
“The contribution à l’audiovisuel public is added to your annual property tax.”
Isn’t that a TV/radio licence which you can’t refuse to pay?
I prefer the option myself …
Winston Smith
February 29, 2012 at 10:52 -
I just got rid of my cable box and cancelled my BBC licence.
I refuse to fund that bunch of big state parasites any longer..
February 29, 2012 at 11:10 -
Watch or listen to any BBC or Free to Air UK channels on free services like TV Catchup or Iplayer. Simply connect your HDMi cable to your TV. Connect a wireless keyboard and mouse to your laptop. change power settings to stay on with lid closed get the benefits of a fully integrated PC/TV
I rarely watch TV in the traditional manner anymore. Instead I cherry pick what I want to watch stream it over the internet.
Thus you can stick two fingers up at the BBC while still being able to receive all the non BBC channels without being extorted of a license fee to keep the lefty muppets in work.
March 1, 2012 at 04:58 -
That you own a tv is enough for you to need a licence. You need to do it all through your laptop.
The licence is for any equipment (even a vcr) able to receive a live television signal.
March 1, 2012 at 12:26 -
Unfortunately, if you view live TV – even Auntie Beeb’s News Channel – over the inter webs, you still need a licence. As the Beeb’s website informs you time & time again.
Resistance is futile! You * will be assimilated!
*or your wallet will…
February 29, 2012 at 11:15 -
It would very interesting to get some information on how many BBC types have beeen involved in “Lending retired horses” from the MET.
February 29, 2012 at 11:26 -
Surely a more interesting story would be about who is loaning horses to the Met? (Scroll down). If celebrity X was saving £thousands annually in livery, vet fees and shoeing by having one of their string temporarily fostered at public expense
February 29, 2012 at 13:59 -
Thanks for the hat tip Anna. Horses are herd animals and get lonely if kept singly. Therefore a retired horse can be good company for a riding horse and the fostering benefits all parties. I’ve heard of sheep being used as companions.
As for horses being loaned, that’s to ensure its continued welfare. Horses Trust and World Horse Welfare retain ownership of their rehomed horses.
Given that a horse costs at least £3,500 annually to look after, Mrs Brookes did the right thing, for once.
February 29, 2012 at 12:19 -
This whole saga is becoming surreal.
Presumably it’s only News International’s journalists that have ‘hacked phones’, ‘made the lives of celebrities miserable’, ‘hounded members of the public’ and such? Anybody who believes that….
I am gradually veering to the point of actively supporting Murdoch, especially if his papers start to ‘report’ on the odious Tom Watson.
February 29, 2012 at 13:10 -
They should indeed beware the backlash. The mob is fickle, and can turn on its instigators…
February 29, 2012 at 14:58 -
ok – I own up to snorting with laughter at some of the funnier tweets on this. I am a sucker for a terrible pun. But even funnier was the po-faced interviews conducted by 5 live with Mark Lewis and some Labour MP whose name escapes me (from the Tom Watson school of pomposity).
An amusing interlude – hardly crime of the century. Altho am now worried about Glidas’ fondness for the flame haired Mrs Brooks. Could be worse I suppose – could have been John Prescott.
February 29, 2012 at 15:00 -
oooo I say – James Murdoch’s just resigned. Wonder what is coming down the track?
February 29, 2012 at 22:13 -
We should extend this fostering idea.
We have a huge stable full mostly of ex-politicians who are past their riding days. They could be homed-out as companions for elderly grannies etc, providing foster-carers have a spare room and can pay the food and vets bills. This would save a great deal of public money.
Not every lord is suitable for fostering – some of them spray too much – but those who can fit in to a family will enjoy the attention and will be a real talking point when the neeeeighbours come round.
February 29, 2012 at 22:40 -
Some of them are well used to getting their oats, as well…
February 29, 2012 at 22:37 -
All this talk will make you hoarse.
Somebody had to say it. -
March 1, 2012 at 00:37 -
Labour’s former First Minister in Scotland , Baron Jack O’ Malawi McConnel, 3 feet coal bunker fighter O’ Stirling. used to take that old filly Kirsty ‘Krusty Wank’ Wark on holiday with him to Majorca or somewhere like that. Krusty was a leading runner in Scottish politics at the BBC at the time but it didn’t seem to bother anyone ( except people with a functioning cortex) . Couldn’t possibly make Krusty biased against the SNP after stabling with Jack O’ Malawi for weeks on end. Oh no.
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