A boost for the economy

I will pick an example at random, but I can assure you that this nonsense happens in every news source, from the Guardian (hardly surprising, I admit) to Private Eye. This happened to be in the Daily Express:
BRITAIN is in line for a £5.5billion tax boom and thousands of new jobs as investors flock to tap new oil fields in the North Sea.
This revival in drilling for oil in British waters will bring billions of pounds into the beleaguered economy as operators will have to pay tax to the Treasury.
So my first question is: at which point did the Treasury become the economy? What this article should actually say is that the the government is getting an unexpected £5.5 billion to throw away at our expense! Wouldn’t it be better if that £5.5 billion found its way into our pockets, rather than those of profligate wastrels bent on wars, corporate cronies and vanity projects?
And my second question is: why are journalists so appallingly bad at the most rudimentary aspects of economics? Why do they think that paying more tax is a benefit to the taxpayer?
I saw an article in Private Eye in which they proudly proclaimed that they’d managed to close down a tax loophole whereby if CDs and DVDs were shipped through Jersey, they didn’t attract VAT. That’s how Play.com managed to drive down the price of CDs and DVDs to consumers. But thanks to Private Eye, that loophole has now been closed and we’re all paying more for our CDs.
Thanks very much, you idiots.
But the best part was their smug pride that they’d made taxpayers better off to the tune of £100 million a year. No, you bloody idiots, you’ve made us worse off by £100 million.
Why do these morons think that giving money to the government is a boon? Are they all stupid?
January 16, 2012 at 11:25
Ah, that’s why Anna went to Jersey, to stock up on tax free CD’s and
January 16, 2012 at 10:47
Are they all stupid?
January 16, 2012 at 09:48
How about a Royal Yacht? Another winner from Gove….
January 16, 2012 at 01:58
My understanding is that the Treasury decided a while back to try and bleed
the UK offshore oil business white – and quite a few majors voted with their
feet… the rest turned around and essentially said – f*ck you – we are shelving
development plans until you gits learn to count past your fingers and learn
addition and subtraction.
I think this is pure spin in the real sense of the term. The Treasury tried
to ratchet up contributions from operators past the point where it was
economically sane to continue and were told as much and the operators sat on
their hands. The grasping idiots in Whitehall relented and adjusted their
demands and now are crowing about a victory.
It wasn’t just Labour chimps and bankers that messed up the economy – they
were ably abetted by the fools at HM Treasury. I wish somebody had managed a
“before and after” of HM Treasury’s website for the 2008 crash. I don’t
remember a more revolting and extensive volte-face = worthless self regarding
incompetent gits.
January 15, 2012 at 22:53
I see your point. Situation a) same amount of oil, b) £6bn extra oil.
Situation b is a much better situation. Realistically it’s probably fairer to
say that around £500m of fuel has been found that will not need to be bought
from the Russians or Middle East. Saving “Britain” £500m and boosting the
local engineering economy by extracting it here.
January 15, 2012 at 19:07
Pack your bags Thaddeus, its re-education camp for you.
How dare you insinuate that taxation is not the entirety of the economy,
have you not been paying attention to your paystub?, or thinking that
productive jobs can be achieved without government?
I hope you noticed, how oil at $100/barrel was a very good thing and will
somehow magically decrease domestic fuel costs in the future, presumably
$200/barrel oil will be the answer to Osborne’s prayer. All bought to you by
her majesty’s disloyal government.
Now go visit the debt clock at Tom Paines place and see how these heroic
efforts to produce GBP5,500,000,000 taxes is but a piss in the ocean.
Here are your papers, report to Re-education camp (East Angular),
University of East Angular, Climate Research Unit, Norwich.
January 15, 2012 at 13:22
Anna – OT I know – but could you (someone) please point out to whoever is
operating that irritating [Fantastic-not a joke] advert that their ‘counter’
has been stuck on one million for several days
January 15, 2012 at 13:55
January 15, 2012 at 13:22
“Are they all stupid?”
Gildas, it was a trick question. Follow the link to the internet home of
January 15, 2012 at 13:54
January 15, 2012 at 12:34
He who issues the press release calls the tune. My bet is that the treasury
put one out and our ‘churnalists’ just did a quick copy and paste exercise, no
thought required.
January 15, 2012 at 12:08
But consider the Global-Warming savings.
Shipping CDs & DVDs all the way to Jersey and then back again in
individual jiffy bags to avoid VAT is respecting the environment, surely??
January 15, 2012 at 13:29
@Joe Public – How do these discs get TO Jersey (Possibly in bulk from
somewhere in the Far East?)
If instead they were sent by the makers direct to UK, individually
packaged using the same materials, and distributed to customers in UK and
elsewhere – would that ‘save the Planet’?
January 15, 2012 at 11:10
January 16, 2012 at 19:02
Concur. ΠΞ